Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Working on a custom Pilot Center Public Profile Page and I am wondering if there is any way to show the pilots status. For example, Active, or Retired/Inactive. I am sure there is, I just am overlooking the proper code. I have tried until I was blue in the face today and so far no good.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Hi, we are using the brilliance template, and we want to get rid of the latest news bit on the side. we only want it off a few pages if someone could help us out that would be nice. its on the right Our Website to view
Last reply by MAT, -
Skin Changes
by Kyle- 2 replies
K, since the 2.1 is coming out in a few weeks and i want to get my skin ready for it but there is one change that the layout was made, but i don't want to do the rest of the work. Will the header and footer work in 2.1?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone... The " acars_map_bubble " is editable? and where can I find the css to edit it?... Thanks
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 1 reply
hey my phpvms site needs a little more coding done on it, in the nav bar you can only see the links when your mouse is over it i need that fixed so the links are always showing, anyone help?
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I made a template for my VA. and when i go to the 'Pilots Center' (profile) it looks like blank page without the template.Although it should work. (test user : pw: 123456) What should i do ? (SOLVED) Probelm 2 : the registration page is down and not near the blocks like this : ( (SOLVED THIS TOO) Problem 3: My drop-down menu isn't centered.How can I center it ? Regards, Itamar
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 reply
Were finally up and running after 4-5months of hard work! Accepting new Pilots, NOW!!! Also a big thankyou to the following... Dave, (Simpilot) Tom, Nabeel. (phpVMS Owner) Also to all of the people who helped me when i needed it ! Thanks again, Thomas.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 0 replies
hey guys is there anyway, when creating a flight that the next flight number in order appears in the box without looking it up ? Thanks guys Wazza
Last reply by Boogace, -
- 0 replies
Good evening , I would like to have more informations about skinning. How can i create my Skin with DreamWeaver because i'm a very big noob in php html css and others. When i try to follow this tutorial : nothing apears. I'm trying to search a webmaster to help me and no body can help me without a salary... What are the tools required to create one skin and what's format using ? php ? html ? tpl ?? Other ? Please help me !!
Last reply by Ismaelpec, -
- 2 replies
While I have some idea how to incorporate CSS with HTNL, I've never dealth with th CSS/PHP combination. What would really be helpful is to see an example of CSS that can be applied to tables and how it is incorporated into a PHP page. More simply stated, I want to make the tables in my site consistant with each other. TIA
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 1 reply
Hi I am using the Obsess Blue Roster and I am having some css/template issues. On my pilot roster it makes a new "look at me and other content" box for each hub. How can this be fixed. Link to site:
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
Hello! I have a virtual airline called Iberia Virtual airline! I wounder if someone can help me to create a nice skin for the site! Here is the address?
Last reply by joakim00, -
- 2 replies
i downloaded that ObssesBlue skin and installed it thing is its not working when i try and select the skin from the admin its not there only crystal is there and ive been tryin for the past 8 hrs and its now 6:00am here can you please help there is no light at the end of my tunnel atm thanks michael Eurojet VA
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Hi First off I would like to introduce myself.... I'm Vincent and i am the COO/Webmaster for the newly launched VA, JavelinAir. I have never used phpVMS before nor am I good with css.. So far I have managed to setup a teamspeak and forum for our VA and install the phpVMS on our website (, do the necessary adjustments such as adjusting the callsigns, writing a welcome message, and etc.... Now my biggest problem is creating a skin for it, adding 2 modules (teamspeak and forums). I have watched the tutorial videos and still find it so hard to do this. I would appreciate it if someone out there would be able to give me a hand to get our site up and runni…
Last reply by Jordan Delaney, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, I was messing with this skin from FSPaintshop and it is old. Like early 2009 old. I was simply enough trying to update it to work with our new version we are on now being the latest beta 864. I have most of the small issues worked out, however, now I ran into a error and am not sure what it amounts to. When trying to upload a avatar, I get the following Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/test/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 361 Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/test/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 362 Warning: Division by…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I need a skin designer to help me out with my website. I have a skin but i need help making in cross browser compatible and i also need help with the layout and frontpage. Email me at if your interested.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 0 replies
Hello I use the theme BrillianceV1, but I have a display problem. When I do a search in "View Flight Schedules" of the Pilot Center, the answer appears correctly, but I no theme around. Here's an example: How can I set the theme to this page?
Last reply by Rius, -
- 2 replies
Ok so I am the first to admit, I am ok at integrating a bunch of things most of the time, but skinning is NOT up my alley at all. I watched the skinning tutorials and the guy said he found a simple template to use. Am I correct in saying this guy found a forum template? Or are they plain jane html website templates that he is modifying? I am having real issues figuring this out. I am looking for some place to find free templates from so I can get a layout that I like that I can alter to my liking. Any suggestions? Thanks Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
I have a simple table on my front page that shows recent flights (flight number, dep, and arr). I like the simplicity of it underneath the smaller map, however I want to get the flight number to show as a link that will take you to the flight details / pirep page. For example, I submitted a test PIREP, VX67. In my profile, I can click on my recent flight, and get this page. I want to be able to have each flight number clickable, and connecting to it's respectful page. Am I makin' sense? Thanks =) /edit - Map credits will be displayed before VA, in case you noticed they aren't underneath the map. I'm no stealer =)
Last reply by Michael, -
- 1 reply
We need help here in Croatia Cargo with some coding and pages layout, anyone interested in this Pls...I can make work on some livery instead if needed...favour for favour...Thank you very much... Best wishes Mr.Shiljo
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys i just got a custom template but the individual who made the template for me hasn't given any support to the template even though he has promised...So i am asking if you guys can tell me how to change the Dividing Bars.. When i create the news there is a divider line through the middle!! Any ideas?
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Hi y'all! Maybe this could be a silly question but I want to know how can I resize the Flight keeper images generated, because it's on the outside of my wrapper, and If not how can I take out the sidebar to earn some space. FYI I'm using the varline template. Sincerely, Jefferson
Last reply by jefry352, -
- 1 reply
I'm using a modified version of Aer, and somehow I messed up the underlining of links. I know it's in the styles.css file, but I don't know what I messed up. I think to get things looking better, I need that back. Any ideas?
Last reply by giorgi, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, i have a problem with translating the phpVMS. I have the bluelight skin and the .tpl it's correct, but the default tpl (default tpl in the phpvms), the special letters are missing... Sorry for my bad english I'm portuguese...
Last reply by Dragazo, -
- 2 replies
Ok, So I think I'm getting somewhere with 2 big books on sql and php, utill ive spent the entire night trying to place the IVAO and VATSIM callsigns into the private profile page of the website. THe code I'm using is the one laid out within the public profile tables, so i know there is a logical way to display it. The code I'm using is: <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO Callsign') However, It doesnt work in the profile_main.tpl files and maybe this is a reason it wasnt there to start with? Please could someone steer me in the correct direction? Not to worry I fixed it by changing $pilot to $userinfo... Must be tired lol!
Last reply by savagegrave, -
- 1 reply
I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to make the phpVMS menu system with various levels. Currently when I enable a page in the admin section, phpVMS automatically adds a link under the pages section at Taking the about us page as an example (, is there a way to have phpVMS generate links for Executive Staff, Our Fleet and the Route Map by having the about us as a level 1 page and the other three pages as level 2.Sorry if my description is a bit confusing.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Ok, after much work, and a very steep learning curve, and LOTS of help from y'all I have finally got a skin that I think i can work with. All thats left ot figure out is the CSS code that effects the headers when it comes to padding....and a couple of other things... BUT I wanted to thank everyone for all the help.. the airline isn't running yet, but if y'all want to see what all your help has created, there it is. Keep in mind that it is still a work in progress....
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Does anyone have the Surreal Template v1 With Dropdown Menus, I really need it. Thanks DongDong
Last reply by ddlidd, -
- 0 replies
Hi , I have a problem I changed the template of my site because the former was beginning to date and I perceive a white background with black letters running around visible on my site in question: How's being done and how to fix the problems! Regards Roman
Last reply by airbus2005, -
- 0 replies
Hi, i uploaded and did every stuffs in phpvms, but now i want to edit the template.. do any one help me pls?... i want immediate help.. i had saved all the Flights Schedules and many things.. pls help me in creating the template,, looking forward, afsalzain
Last reply by SkilledPilotA320,