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93 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Lance Designs just released a free phpVMS template called "Flight" Well here it is, Lance Design's first FREE PHPvms template! This template comes with a fully customized front page, live stats board, recent flights board, and live acars map. Take advantage of having this brand new (2015) template for use in your virtual airline. Included is the frontpage_main.tpl, layout.tpl, and even a free about/staff page named about.tpl Live Preview: Download: Thank you and I hope you all enjoy! -Chris Gartrell
Last reply by EvanM07, -
- 71 replies
Here it is! The vAirline PHPVMS Template! To change the background, simply open up the CSS file, and in the body tag, you can change the background to an image, color, or both! Click here to download Click here to see a live preview Click here to visit vAirline Notice: You must retain the PHPVMS credit, and the vAirline credit. Edit: To those who think that you can remove the credit and not get caught... You will. Downloads are tracked via my software. Everyone so far who I have caught has also removed the credit to Nabeel.. not cool!
Last reply by biggles2206, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I figured since I gained so much from this community that I give something back. Here is a HTML convert of a skin to PHPVMS... by no means is this a complete skin. Please leave the following in the footer: Design: TEMPLATED Images: Unsplash (CC0) Converted to PHPVMS: WorthySole Thank you for looking!
Last reply by mattsmith, -
- 20 replies
FreshWorks is a phpVMS template built with the Twitter Bootstrap framework to produce quality results across multiple platforms and devices Whats Included? Full Navigation Menu Frontpage Slider Pilot Center Easy to expand and customize bootstrap elements and add code DOWNLOAD HERE!!! Screenshots!!!
Last reply by Industrialshadow, -
- 0 replies
Hello everybody i have created a Skin for my Airline. I will share it with you. The Skin is not converted to the standars of phpvms. You must convert it before using this Template. I hope anyone can change this files to the standards of phpvms German Version Hallo. Ich habe dieses Theme für meine Airline erstellt. Es ist nicht konvertiert für phpvms. Wenn jemand Ahnung hat und dies konvertieren könnte wäre es super. Davon habe ich leider keine Ahnung. lausitz
Last reply by Industrialshadow, -
- 13 replies
Lance Designs just released a free phpVMS template called "Flight" Well here it is, Lance Design's first FREE PHPvms template! This template comes with a fully customized front page, live stats board, recent flights board, and live acars map. Take advantage of having this brand new (2015) template for use in your virtual airline. Included is the frontpage_main.tpl, layout.tpl, and even a free about/staff page named about.tpl Live Preview: Download: Thank you and I hope you all enjoy! -Chris Gartrell
Last reply by nickkmm, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Anyone know if you how to use the program to webacapella template for phpvms ? Thankss!!!
Last reply by vicente, -
- 3 replies
has anyone got a admin center skin there willing to let me change and edit doesnt have to be the best but the orginal isnt the best to start modifying
Last reply by poole3003, -
Here is my latest skin Obsess Blue. If you have any issues or requests let me know. Demo Here user: tva0007 password: testvms Download here
Last reply by Andres19981, -
- 8 replies
Im back with something to contribute to the community .. Thought I would share a templete with everyone here. Sky template Do not remove By MyVADesigns in footer To change the header image replace the header.jpg in the images folder You must change the nav-bar to your as i left them all "#" so you can put them in your self or put the default phpvms nav code . For the pilot login on the right side go to the code and change the register and forgot links to your URL . Sample picture of what the Sky skin looks like : Live Demo of Skin : Here Download Sky : Here If you need help just ask . Enjoy! -Taylor
Last reply by YianniM, -
BlueLight MyVADesigns first free phpVMS Template available to the phpVMS Community. Check out MyVADesignsFully made custom skin with full drop down menu. MAKE SURE you go into the layout.tpl and frontpage_main.tpl to change the urls from to your va's domain. Download Link YOU MUST keep the Made by MyVADesigns in the footer you may choose though the image or text. You must also keep the phpVMS link.
Last reply by AirTahiti340, -
- 2 replies
Skins for phpVMS can be found by following the link in my signature to . I am working on some new skin's right now and will upload them to my site when they are finished! In the meantime you can get the ones that are available on my site.
Last reply by tkfeeny, -
- 8 replies
Notice: In order to minimize mass use of the skin, and maximize variety in VAs, the skin reached its maximum ammount of downloads. It is no longer available. Hello folks, I recently created a simple skin with a reworked layout.tpl and style.css. The skin is free of charge, You are also free to remove the "Template by zumeweb" in the footer, if you wish. Here is a link for the demo: [Removed] Download Link: [Removed] I hope you enjoy! Ryan Rinaldi
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 1 follower
- 52 replies
Hello guys, I am very happy to announce the release of my first free skin for the phpVMS community. You can find it in downloads section of my website named as pureHTML5 template. Features: CSS3 Drop-Down Menu OpenSans Google Font Sleek & Modern Design Custom Table Styling Upgrade to Premium option in the future! Tom's Simple News integration (Module required unless you will delete it callback function from frontpage_main.tpl) Terms & Conditions: You have to leave 'Designed by MaciejO' along with the link to my site in the footer at the bottom of each page. Rest of the conditions come under the http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-sa/3.0/ license. In…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 6 replies
Hello I have not done a release for a while so here is a skin which uses bootstrap! You will need: Popupnews screenshot center simply drag into your skins folder after editing the layout and style.css file to ensure your airline url is entered. You MUST leave the line which says Skin by Jacob Axford. Download - Thanks Jacob
Last reply by VirtualFlybeVA, -
FlyAero Skin! 1 2
by avdesigns- 40 replies
Hello As I can not see the my virtual 'flyaero' doing as well as I hoped so I though it would be a nice gesture to make the skin open source for people to use. The Skin is not perfect where coding is concerned however with a little editing of the code it would be great! Heres what it looks like - Whats included - Frontpage Layout Profile --- Download - --- Copyright - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA Enjoy! Jacob
Last reply by benboy123, -
- 2 replies
While trying to learn more about making skins and converting templates for phpVMS I was working on about 6-8 new skins and broke one of my rules about testing everything after every change I make. I got so excited to figure out such a simple thing to get the java script or query thing working on my skins that I forgot test the schedules and other things as I was working on them. Only to find out about the "no routes passed" error, after I was finishing up my 6th-8th skin. Now all of them have the "no routes passed" error which won't let a pilot bid on a flight or remove bids made. Below is the code and path I have to use to get the code working but than breaks the schedul…
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 14 replies
Dears! I'm posting the update for the first version of my template GOL2012, version now with the correction of errors and links ... Inclusive realized the template version "English". Demo Version: Link to download Version 2013
Last reply by Marmus, -
- 20 replies
First of all thank you to all the talented posters on phpVMS forum. I have learned a lotfrom you guys about php, MySql, skinning and much more. Keep up the good trend:) This file contains inair images for use with phpVMS acars map. The images are made with the use of free image editor GIMP. It took me a hell of a time.... Installation 1. Take a backup of your root / lib / images / inair folder 2. Extract the file a temp or a desired folder. 3. Copy or move all the images you just unzipped into the root / lib / images / inair folder. Screenshot (4shared) Scandi7
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 10 replies
Hi there, I have adapted a skin for a friend, and gladly share it with you guys. View the website live here: http://www.worldwide...x.php/Frontpage DOWNLOAD INSTALLATION Extract the file to your main phpVMS directory (There where your index.php, action.php files are, as well as the core and lib folders) It will ask to overwite some templates. Choose yes, it only adjust the width of some tables to fit in ( I have included a original backup should you want to revert) NOTE: Some html knowledge is required to adjust the wording on the frontpage, add buttons, etc. Credits: This Airline template is a free template from Templatemonster. Visit http://ww…
Last reply by pedroportugal, -
- 9 replies
Had this around for a while so I thought I would post it. Just a simple port that you can build upon. The original license with the requirements for use is included in the folder. The only change that is not included in the skin folder is to change the map dimensions in local.config.php # Google Map Options Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '600px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '400px'); Set up using phpVMS ver 934 Original template is here ->
Last reply by Rafi378, -
- 30 replies
Skin Blue 4° SKIN to phpVMS to the Community phpVMS. Fully made custom skin with full drop down menu. YOU MUST keep the by Desingn Luiz Fernando in the footer you may choose though the image or text. Add my business partners and send me the link to advertise your company on my website My Airlines is SKIN DEMO: Installation: 1° Extract the zip file. 2° Send for your server model into the PASTE ( / lib / skins) 3° Open PHPVMS ADM / Site & Senttings / General Senttings / Current Skin 4° Select SKIN blue Okay, now adjusting the colors and images According to Their needs -Link Removed- *Recommend no…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 32 replies
Fresh Skin by MiniArma Version - 1.2 Availible for PHPVMS ! This package includes: Fully customized Pilot Center Fully customized tables Drop Down Menu (Read Documentation) Documentation for the skin Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Download Link Please report any bugs below with screenshots if possible. Known Issues: None at this moment in time Patch Notes: Fixed the Pilot Center Name Issue (10/01/2012) Logo added into Images Folder (10/01/2012) Pilot Center Patched (12/01/2012) Menu Fix: As some have noticed, The menu may hang over the layout to fix this please locate the style.css. Open it up with wordpad or notepad (or any web development p…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 2 replies
I have been working on a new virtual airline and in the progress i have working on modding the skyline theme. I have added a larger banner instead of an image and text mix, I have added more right hand side feeds including hubs and teamspeak, I have added rollover images in the front display and a vacentral addon. please visit: to see it in action
Last reply by Taran, -
- 10 replies
Template Name: Surreal Template Current Version: 1.1 Download URL: (255 KB) Neat Features to Note: Scrolling Marquee with Latest News Template Notes: In order to have a list, instead of paragraphs (without changing the core), a little 'hack' is used for the recent pireps and recruits at the bottom by using the native MainController for RecentFrontpage by using: <?php str_replace("<p>","<li>",str_replace("</p>","</li>",MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5))); ?> Instead of: <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> …
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 19 replies
Hello friends, Recently I received a PM, one forum member asking me a skin for your website. This skin is for the Cuban company, accepted the challenge and am finishing a skin, was a very fun and cool to do, Would the opnion of the members on the skin, insert some missing links of the company, The site is hosted on my server. http://skinsphpvms.p...pvms/index.php/ Lack enter the site links, I'm just waiting for the member pass me details to finish the site. If you want a skin for your website, just tell me. Hugs to all and hope you enjoy the project Original Template html
Last reply by Fernando, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Recently we have been let down by certain web designers. We are looking for a skin (for free). It can have your name written over it for advertising as well. This would be the greatest help to us and we would not forget it! Cheers! Myles
Last reply by MC1028, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have install a new skin (vAirline) but I cannot see the pages on the admin panel? How I can resolve this? Lorenzo
Last reply by Dalvin121, -
- 7 replies
Detachable 2.1 - Version one bugs fixed No routes passed has been fixed Download this template: View Live Demo To adjust the size of the live map, please replace the default local.config.php to this code: # Google Map Options Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '600px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '400px'); This is the first version of this template. If you have any problems with it, please leave a comment below, or contact me: **You must be logged in to download this template. Please login/register to have unlimited downloads, Its FREE!
Last reply by selim99, -
- 1 reply
hi friends .. With You Muhammad Noreldeen I hope to make Virtual Airlines and i use phpvms but i need to beautiful skin and i need to designer for design me the beautiful skin and i paying by paypal .. who can do it for me , place his email here and i will contact him for my request .. Thank You
Last reply by Jon,