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7147 topics in this forum
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This is the only page I am having issues with right now. When going to the downloads page through the Pilot Center or a even creating a separate link, the page displays just fine in the template (vairline). Once i click on any download, the file downloads but the issues is it is trying to display another page with the wording, "Your download will start in a few seconds, or click here to manually start." That is the download_item.tpl page. When it displays the page, my template background disappears. So you would think, put a </div> in. But where? I've tried every combination and it doesn't work. download_item.tpl <div align="center"> Tried </div&g…
Last reply by RocketRod, -
- 1 reply
Hi Ya'll! (Excuse the heavy Texan accent ) Me and my staff have been working hard to get EXR up and running needless to say I was an idiot a couple months ago ! Chase helped me port over my template and it is working like a charm! However we have encountered a few problems... In the admin panel it does not respond when I hit accept on pilot registrations (Staff only applications NOT being accepted) it seems as if the java is having some sort of error. And the downloads page gives this error, . Input is GREATLY appreciated! Have a good day!!! -Collin Shea Express Regional CEO Avoid the profile pic it was taken about 5 years ago
Last reply by CollinShea, -
- 14 replies
Anyone know how to get my pilot list in order? Ever since the pilot ID went over 1,000 they went out of order. How do I fix this?
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
I want to get different images for divisions on the ACARS Map bubble, how can I tell it to change an image based on either flight type (although I believe that always stays as Passenger for some reason in the PIREP?) or based on flight number? For example, if the flight number is between FEU3000 and FEU3999, display this image. Tried an if statement but it wouldn't work, it just shows the one main image. I'd appreciate some help.
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
- 3 replies
Our VA will do quite a lot of "contract" type flights were we allow pilots to fly pretty much where ever they want on top of the normal routes. Stock PIREP form isn't letting me submit a flight with out a route. Anyway around this? I would prefer to have the pilots enter start and end points instead of selecting routes. Did a quick search and couldn't find the answer, sorry if it's been asked before!
Last reply by ChrisP, -
- 10 replies
Hello, Also i have some problems with my admin panel. My pilot list and flight schedule list are complete empty in the admin panel and not on the website itself. I can insert timetables and they will be visible on the site but when i want to view my schedules in the Admin Panel there are no flights. The same for the pilots. I have tried the options mentioned on the forum allready with no luck. Tonight i shall try to get a debug log file. The strange thing is that when i click export, it is exporting with an error and not to a file but to a html page as shown on the image. Any idea's? Kindly regards, Rick Winkelman
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 2 replies
Hopefully this is in the right category....if not my apologies.... I recently have started a project to update our VA and received a request to add a proficiency test and checkflight system. I am not quite sure where to start with this type of add-on. The module should allow pilots to fly the routes within the rank they have, provided they have received the appropriate type rating. In order to get the type rating, they must pass a written exam (currently using ExamCenter) and complete a set of flights dispatched to them with that aircraft(Enter the dispatch system...). Then, when the Exam is completed and the flights are completed and approved, they receive the type rati…
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 9 replies
Hi, I dont have option to change server time. Support server answer: How i can change the phpvms time? may be in local.config.php? My time hour is (UTC+01:00) Bruselas, Copenhague, Madrid, ParÃs Regards!
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 8 replies
OK, you can stop laughing now! I've searched these forums on bids, bids process, bids not working, and read the documentation section. That gives me 117 or so possibilities but no answers. In real life a pilot bids a flight he wants to fly. If accepted he then fly's it and gets paid. Or at least that is my understanding of it. In phpVMS you can either enable that bided route to be available to only the bidder, or to all. I have some questions. 1. Specifically, what is the benefit of using bids? 2. How does it tie into the schedule system to enhance it? 3. How have you implemented it? Thanks! Rodney
Last reply by RocketRod, -
- 1 reply
I know how to do that. But the question is rather, Is it possible for only admins to do this? I would think that it is but there are issues. The registration form checks to see if you are not logged in. Well you are, your the admin. The registration form has captcha and won't submit without it. Admins don't need that. I don't care to capture a users IP during registration (or in my case when admins add a user). I have read post after post about registration and no one has even hinted toward an answer. Thanks!
Last reply by RocketRod, -
Hello and sorry for my English. I have a problem in the map display, (vFleetTrack) despite having entered the strings in the file bootstrap.css * / # acarsmap img { max-width: none; } # briefmap img { max-width: none; } # myflights img { max-width: none; } Thanks for any response. Sincerely
Hey guys, I was wondering if one of you could lend a hand with an issue we are having: I have recently taken over the position of Web Developer and Network Engineer within a community which has two Virtual Airlines. One (Which was professionally done) doesn't ever have a problem when stops working/goes down however the other which was also professionally done does. I've recently rebuilt the one which was having issues. I started off by actually copying the majority of the files from the one that works perfectly with the exception of the template and installed it with those files however weirdly enough the site still has issues. I tried copying the config f…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys. I'm having a problem with my VA. when pilots try to do click on: Add to Bid, the process does not run correctly, and appears a message saying: No route passed How can I fix this problem so that the option to work properly?
Last reply by El Macara, -
- 0 replies
I currently have my schedule results to show flights from the pilots last location. The issue is when a new pilot joins they do not have a last location so are unable to see any flights on the schedule. I just make a fake PIREP to have a last location and they are able to see the schedule. Is there a better way to do this? Thank you for your help.
Last reply by Worthysole, -
- 0 replies
Hello to all, My host requires me to upgrade to a higher version of php 5.2.17 If I select the 5.3.28 I can not log-in to the site. Can anyone help me? My code: <h3>Autenticazione</h3> <?php /* Quick example of how to see if they're logged in or not Only show this login form if they're logged in */ if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { ?> <form name="loginform" action="<?php echo url('/login'); ?>" method="post"> <p> <input type="text" onclick="this.value='';" onblur="this.value=!this.value?'Email':this.value;" name="email" value="Email/Callsign VARXXX" id="email" size="24" /> </p> <p>…
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 1 reply
First, it is not a problem. It is what I cant find any suitable codes. Situation, In our website, when people register, they recieved sms. I put custom fields called "Mobile Number" in admin panel. It takes pilot's mobile number and thanks to sms api system it automatically sends sms. How I do? as you know after registration process fields are sended to core/RegistrationData.class.php In 135. line the customfields data is starting as //Get customs fields $fields = self::getCustomFields(); if(count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = Vars::POST($field->fieldname); $value = DB::escape($value); if ($value !…
Last reply by kkoseoglu, -
- 13 replies
Hi, since yesterday my acars map not work, not is showing data over map or data about flight in course below of map. Any idea about this problem? how i fix it?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 3 replies
Hello, so we have again a problem now there are no maps shown, no live map, no map of the flight in the detailed schedule page or the map of my own flights. It is just white (the background is also white so I don't know if it is somehow shown or not). I did not changed anything (or I was not aware of changing anything) that is connected with the map. Has someone else this problem and is there a solution? Regards Julius
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 3 replies
Is there a way to enter a one-time (i.e., non-recurring, not calculated as a percent or fixed amount per flight) expense? At this point, it looks like the only way is to put it in as a fixed dollar amount monthly expense, then delete it out before the next month starts. Is that the only option? Any modules that allow more "granular" or detailed accounting?
Last reply by Caporrella, -
- 12 replies
Hi, Can i Get A PHp Code For The Current Live FLights
Last reply by Kapitan, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
I am looking to establish another airline from a subdomain with a different design, but using the same backend, without setting up a second installation of phpVMS. Is this possible? If yes, how can I achieve this?
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
- 8 replies
Hello there, I am facing a slightly irritating issue. I have started designing a CSS for my airline, however the registration page shows the below error. It is only displayed on the registration page and nowhere else, I've checked the TemplateSet.class.php file and there seems to be no mistake on line 96, and any other lines at all. I also found that it is displayed not only on my theme, but also on the default one (crystal) and I found that a user can actually register. On the confirmation page, the error disappears. Any ideas? I would appreciate any help/tips as I'm utterly confused. Here's the code Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: File name is longer th…
Last reply by jpsiom, -
- 11 replies
Hey Guys, I'm working on a new site, and one annoyance I'm having is that the session doesn't stay alive i.e. i don't stay logged on. On my main site all works fine and I never have to log in, but here I think after half an hour or so it kicks me out again. Specially annoying if I do some admin-work and when I submit it doesn't actually submit Anyone can shed some light on this?
Last reply by servetas, -
- 6 replies
AWARE all VA airlines !!! someone from ip - has done today sql injection to my DB. We reported the case and its look like thats some students from Leicester UK.Injection was made to one of our exam modules few seconds someone done over 170 egzams , lucky we spot it on time
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I want to make in the navigation bar tab called registration, login, pilotcenter and logout. Registration and Login should be shown, when I am not logged in, pilotcenter and logout should be shown when I am logged in. So how can I do this? Greetings Julius
Last reply by alpsJet, -
- 4 replies
Hello All, I have updated to version 936 and the files for the Activity Feed are there but nothing is writing to the table in the database. I assume the feed works for version 936 ? otherwise what version do I need ? Any assistance would be most appreciated. Thanks. AJ
Last reply by AUZ, -
- 0 replies
I'm creating a cron-job that calls the script maintenance.php, but there is a problem with the functions resetpiretcount() and resethours(). These functions are not executed because the script doesn't get the maintenance permissions to do so. Is there a solution for this? Any idea to do it in a different way? Thank you very much for your help.
Last reply by Jose Conde, -
- 1 reply
Hi.. i currently run an active VA on the VAFS platform on a fully working website with a bought domain name and paid hosting. However, I want to change to phpvms. What is the best way to install phpvms while keeping my website and the design of it? Thanks, Jamie
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this I have been playing around with this for some time before posting on the forum but I cannot seem to find what or why this is being caused, please see screenshot below:
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi there, 1- I want modify pireps_list.tpl to show pilot rank & aircraft rank. Its because that i want verify if the pilot used the right aircraft to their pilot rank. The pilot rank work, but not the aircraft rank. 2- By other side i think that i see a id number (corresponding with aircraft rank) i can show this rank in words and not in id number? How??? <tr> <td><strong>Rango de piloto: </strong><?php echo $pirep->pilots. " ($pirep->rank)";?></td> <td><strong>Rango de aeronave: </strong><?php echo $aircraft->minrank. " ($aircraft->minrank)";?></td> </tr> *rango de piloto= pi…
Last reply by ARV187,