Code Snippets
Pieces of code you can use around your site
314 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
The Europe Weather Maps have been down for a few months now, but here's the fix! Replace your old code with the following: <div align="center"> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="…
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
In pirep_viewreports.tpl, it tells you the actual flight time, I want to display the expected flight time as set in schedules>flighttime. I came up with: <li><strong>Expected Time: </strong><?php echo $schedule->flighttime; ?></li> But I'm thinking that this doesn't work because it doesn't know what flight to look at? Any help gratefully received
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 4 replies
Anyone know of a script for falling fall leaves or pumpkins? or something for the Fall season? Like the snow effect for xmas?
Last reply by Taran, -
- 7 replies
There's an excellent post on this forum for calculating percentage complete. After scratching my head figuring out why this wouldn't work for me, I realized that xacars, and subsequently kacars as well, does not calculate distance remaining. Which explains why this data never shows up on my map. I modifed ACARS.PHP to manually calculate the distance remaining no matter what client you're using. I've only tested this with xacars client. I'll also post the percentage complete code here as well as I've modified that slightly. ASCARS.PHP located in core/modules/ACARS <?php /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Nabeel Shahzad *…
Last reply by CarlosGarcia, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know how do I add like to a fleet page how many planes we have on order something that can change automatically
Last reply by Dominican Airways, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, wondering if there is any tweaks out there to change fleet page. Is it posssible to seperate all fleet by airline?
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 1 reply
Surely this has been asked before, but I'd really like to implement a FR24 style flight tracker that when you click on the aircraft, instead of just showing a straight line from Dep to Arr, it shows a clear line where the aircraft has been, and a dotted line where it has got to go to. Cheers in advance
Last reply by Mickey, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I have been searching the forums but I cannot find anything similar to what I am looking for. I was wondering if there may be a bit of code to check if flight bids are currently being flown. Im trying to display a flight status under the bids that are in progress such as "Departed", or "Scheduled Departure" Thanks!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
Flight Board
by sev- 0 replies
Hi im looking for the code to apply a acars map and flight board on a landing page before going into crew centre...Thanks Karl Alden
Last reply by sev, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, This is my code for a live flight board on my frontpage. Can anyone suggest an addition to the code which would mean that when a pilot bids on a flight, it will appear on the flight board as 'In Flight'. Thanks! <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <div class="box"> <table width="100%" border="0" bordercolor="#FFFFFF"> <h3><center>Latest Flights</h3> </div> <?php $count = 5; $pireps = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount($count); ?> <style type="text/css"> table th { text-align: center; color:black; font-weight:bold;} table td { text-align: center; } </style> <thead> <tr> …
Last reply by TB1, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, Does anyone have a snippet that will display a pilot his past flights on a google map? I am planning on putting it under the pilot center. Thanks!
Last reply by atulumello, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I posted this question in a older skinning thread, but the thread appears to be closed or at least does not show up on the "new posts list and no one may have seen my post. There is a great code snippet for adding the GC Maps to the site. thread: The above thread lists code that will plot the last 10 flights on the main page and ALSO the last 10 flights by a pilot on the pilot's profile page. I would like to modify so that the last 10 flights by a particular airline are shown. My code snippet question: how to make only the flights from one airline appear? I assume you can use some form…
Last reply by Marmus, -
- 55 replies
EDITED ON 20/03/14 - FORGOT ABOUT 3RD FILE AMEND AND ADDED SOME OPTIONAL TWEAKS. If like me, you want to have the route for each live flight shown on the ACARS map, you can make the amendments to three files in order to do so. I've tested this on a custom KACARS install. This will work for scheduled and charter flights as long as a route is entered either in the schedule, or entered into the ACARS program. If a route doesn't exist in the schedule, or one isn't entered in the ACARS program, a straight point to point line will be shown. Files to edit: ​​Make backups of these two files before you proceed!! /core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php /common/NavData.class.php …
Last reply by Lebitek, -
- 1 reply
I've got an arrivals board with latest flights but I want it to display whether it's early, on time or delayed. Here's my code: $actualtime = $pirep->flighttime; $schedtime = $schedule->flighttime; if($actualtime < $schedtime){ echo '<td>Early</td>'; } elseif($actualtime > $schedtime){ echo '<td>Delayed</td>'; } else { echo '<td>On Time</td>'; } It only shows it as delayed at the moment though. Anyone help?
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 0 replies
friends, I wonder if you can, make a simple flight. example: A pilot with an initial rating, can operate for 6 airports to complete your scale flight. The pilot rating and an average amount of time is released routes to 12 airports to complete your scale flight. When you get to the last rating will be released all domestic and international flights, is it possible? the idea is good? tks.
Last reply by CN@ndo, -
- 4 replies
Hi, just a little question, wich is the code to insert into footer.tpl for show flight this month. Thanks and sorry for this kind of questions. Regards
Last reply by Rickisani, -
- 7 replies
Hello, Is there a way in PHPVMS to show the route that a pilot has flown so far on the ACARS page like this: Greets, Martijn
Last reply by Scandi7, -
- 1 reply
Hi, we have multiple Airline in our system but we require our pilots to start out at DLH . How can i make it to where that is the only DLH they can choose upon registration? Best Regards
Last reply by Steve Bartlett, -
- 5 replies
Hi, we have multiple HUBs but we require our pilots to start out at CYYC (our training HUB). How can i make it to where that is the only HUB they can choose upon registration?
Last reply by Taran, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I am wonder if some one would have the a code to allow me to issue pilots free jumpseats to work along side the fltbook V2 booking system.
Last reply by PikoSim, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, hope all is well with everyone. Anyways, I've been trying for few days on how to change the length size of the slider images on my new VA website, I have no clue! can someone please help me. Please visit the site at Thanks, Tac
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
GCMap - Great Circle Mapper 1 2
by Guest lorathon- 42 replies
This will display the last 10 flights in a GCMap Great Circle Mapper Visit this site to customize the display of the map. <?php $flights = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount(10); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <img src="<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=650x360&PM=pemr:diamond7:red%2b%22%25I%22:red&PC=%230000ff" /><br /> Maps generated by the <a href="">Great Circle Mapper</a> - copyright © <a href="">Karl …
Last reply by Marmus, -
- 0 replies
Something i have been working on with a friend lately is creating a flight path line from the flown route on v5.5.2 This is still the early stages but everything is already there thats needed. when i do the corrections and other fun stuff to the code i will put it out. check it out for yourself. This is without the addons that cost $$$ and made with everything already given to you (but with leaflet) leaflet will be required to run this as im not paying $$$ for a google maps API So lets Continue on First thing is first, we have to make a db from your mysql CREATE TABLE [name of your table] ( i…
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 15 replies
Hi All, Just thought this would come in handy basically the user enters the ICAO then the metar will display in an iframe, Preview: When no ICAO entered: When an ICAO code has been entered (EGKK) <form action="weather" method="post"> Get METAR For: <input type="text" name="icao" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> Latest METAR: <iframe src="<?php echo $_POST["icao"]; ?>" class="metar" width="200" height="75" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">></iframe> Kind Regards, Jon
Last reply by alyousafi, -
- 4 replies
Going back to this after a few months, still no avail: public function totalPax($pilotid){ $query = "SELECT SUM(load) AS totalpax FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid = '".$pilotid."'"; $result = DB::get_row($query); return $result->totalpax; } I am completely stumped. The only thing that comes to mind is that the field name is wrong, but I checked and right enough it is called 'load'.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 4 replies
The latest pilots to join thing on the index is nice and dandy if you keep consecutive Pilot IDs. If you change the Pilot IDs on registration (say, for hub purposes) there is an unfortunate problem where it only shows the highest Pilot ID, which may not necessarily be the newest pilot. I whipped up a work-around that should benefit airlines that do this. This simple change can be condensed even more, but I figured I would create a new Method just to keep things clean (and give me something to fall back on later). Open core/common/PilotData.class.php Add this snippet somewhere (perhaps after the getLatestPilots method, Line ~227) public static function getLatestPilot…
Last reply by Vidofnir, -
- 8 replies
I know this should be pretty simple but I can't get it to work! I've got this on my layout.tpl (it's part of the auth login code): $pilotname = PilotData::GetPilotData(Auth::$userinfo->$firstname); But it just shows blank - no errors or anything. Any ideas?
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 5 replies
Hey, I think,if have a way to get routes direct from other sites,because if you have a lot of a routes do add, is very tiring and time consuming to add with admin panel. Waiting. Thanx
Last reply by Gabriel Fernandez, -
- 3 replies
Hi, there is some error in getReportsByAcceptStatus function in PIREPData.class.php. It is in around line 438. Change /** * Get all of a pilot's reports by status * * @param int $pilotid The Pilot ID to find * @param integer $accept PIREP_PENDING, PIREP_ACCEPTED, PIREP_REJECTED, PIREP_INPROGRESS * @return */ public static function getReportsByAcceptStatus($pilotid, $accept = 0) { return self::findPIREPS(array( 'pilotid' => intval($pilotid), 'accepted' => intval($accept) ) ); } to /** * Get all of a pilot's reports by status * * @param int $pilotid The Pilot ID to find * @param integer $accept PIREP_PENDING, PIREP_ACCEPTED, PIREP_REJEC…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 28 replies
$last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports([PILOT_ID], 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); echo "This pilot's last location is: {$last_location->arricao}"; Of course, replacing the [PILOT ID] with the variable holding the pilot's ID
Last reply by Marmus,