Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Hi, My name is Charlie. I have just started a new Virtual Airline on Vafs called Thomas Cook VA. I am looking for a vice CEO and a Route Adder. I also need staff Please reply if interested P.S. I will cover all costs
Last reply by matthew250695, -
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Dear All, We would like to inform you that today Greece Airways Virtual celebrates its three years of operations. We would like to thank all our members for their support. We wish to continue supporting all our pilots via this way in the future. Below you can watch a video about what we have made during the last three years. Thank you, on behalf of the Staff of Greece Airways Virtual
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
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G'day all, In the last few weeks, Reach Airways has transitioned to a new, custom created website which adds not only a new look but new features such as a full events system, two-click flight bidding, multi-layered and enhanced feature crew centre and much more besides. Information on the site itself is now more readily available with airline monthly statistics, detailed fleet stats, etc also available for viewing. Our forums have also been reskinned to better match our new website and whilst forum accounts as yet are not linked to website accounts, we are working towards linking the two together to provide a seamless transition for pilots. Reach Airways Virtual is …
Last reply by hollinst, -
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USA Flight Club is looking for new staff, we have been around almost 3 years......Most staff have left and went there own ways........I hate to close a great community but without help I cant do it......I am working 80+ hrs a week and my time has been taken with this....With this being said any help would greatly be appreciated...... To help out please contact Allan Benjamin at
- 1 follower
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Virtualiroma, one of the first VA in Italy goes to PHPVMS. The site is still under construction, we accept comments and criticism ... The link is
Last reply by Tato123, -
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Hello, I'm Joel, CEO of Aeronaves TSM VA About us: Aeronaves TSM VA is a starting out airline and we have the most friendly staff and pilots around. We are one of the most free airlines, and the regulations we do have are easy to follow. We have our own liveries and fleet, which consists of DC9-33F, MD82SF. HUD: (MMIO) Plan de Guadalupe International Airport, (MMQT) Querétaro Intercontinental Airport. Our website is: Our facebook is: http://www.facebook....navestsmvirtual
Last reply by Joel, -
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Does any one know where i can get a list of Britannia Airways routes before they closed down?
Last reply by GBAirlines, -
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Hi guys!, if you like fly with the Boeing 737., I'm glad to say you that wj-virtual is for you. Our goal is to simulate Westjet flight operations as realistically as possible and are proud to offer a fun and relaxed environment for our members to enjoy the excitement of flight. Many developments and new modules will be in place in the future to get the VA active. Will also have many "Tour" and Event". FYI: We are also recruiting staff members. See our forum more details. Enjoy
Last reply by elfrost, -
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ItAli Airlines Virtual is a reborn virtual airline! Our hub is LIBP Aeroporto d'Abruzzo in Pescara (Italy) Join us to fly around Italy and nearest contry. We fly with 5 MD82, one B738w and a Sukhoi Superjet 100, but in accordance with next incoming sim€ we will exapand our fleet with some new Boeing aircrafts, new destinations and hubs. Staff Recruitment: ItAli Virtual is currently looking for new staff to join our team. You can apply by sending an e-mail to daniele.caporrella[at] Open Staff positions: -FAR - Aircraft repainter -SAC - Administrative ad commercial managers -HMN - Hub manager: LIBP -PRD - Public Relations director. Visit: Here --------…
Last reply by simonecatalano, -
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Hello All, My Virtual Airline, BlueHawk Virtual Airways has been running for almost a year. We want to use phpVMS instead of VAFS, as of now. My webmaster's PC crashed, and my site is still not working. Anyway, I need a dedicated webmaster for the site. Requirements: I simply want someone that knows phpVMS, how to use it, install it, and make a nice website with it. I would like it if you show me examples of site you made. I'm not requiring a site like Fly Delta Airlines, or American Airlines, but something nice. Perks: You get to be on the Staff page of the site, Admin in our TS server, (as a pilot) the ability to add your own routes, etc., your own webmaster@blue…
Last reply by tobyrice01, -
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Hawaiian Virtual Airlines is always trying to improve and provide the best pilot experiance possible. Let us know how to improve by participating is this brief 2 question survey.
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Hi all, do any of you know on how I could insert a screen short centre into phpvms, where users can upload their screenshots etc. Thanks. I've created the page etc, just don't know on how to get some upload thing so that people can upload their screenshots. Thanks.
Last reply by GBAirlines, -
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Last reply by Strider, -
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Laker Airways Virtual, based on the pioneering Sir Freddie Laker's airline of 70's, is now open for new pilots. Our routes are a mixture of real Laker Airways routes, in Europe and Central America and the pioneering SKYTRAIN services from the UK to the USA, along with some fictional routes that we are sure Sir Freddie would have flown. To fly with us you must become a registered pilot with us. The application form to join can be found on the Home Page which we ask you to read carefully. You need to download our flight tracking and reporting software CAVacars which is more than just an automated PIREP (pilot report) system. It features: Automated Flight Tracking …
Last reply by CFVA, -
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PaintingPete is a business owned Peter Hürzy. PaintingPete Virtual Airline Graphic Soloutions Offers high quality, freeware REPAINTS, BANNERS and LOGOS for Virtual Airlines. All Services are 100% free, no strings attached! Peter (PaintingPete) enjoys helping out VAs by making fantastic HD creations for the VA to use and enjoy with no cost. All Peter asks is to spread the word about PaintingPete, Leave feedback for the website, and enjoy the repaints/banners/logos that you now have! Banner Examples Repaint Examples Logo Examples …
Last reply by tobyrice01, -
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BritishBlueVirtual is now recruiting staff, and pilots! So why dont you join the fun at All staff applicants, sign up, then on the start your careers page, you will find the staff application form (must be logged in)! We have the following open: 1. Managing Director 2. UK operations manager 3. Marketing Manager! 4. Web Master Regards, Myles Carey
Last reply by MC1028, -
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So I have a new world map for my wall. I like to start new maps with a new VA. I mark all the cities I fly to on the map. I'm looking for an airline that flies both domestic USA and international. I'd also like a VA that has a large chance of earning a staff position as I really enjoy helping out a great community. Think not of what your VA can do for you, but what you can do for your VA. I want an airline that has custom skins and downloadable fleet, also TeamSpeak3 and custom ACARS is a must! Please Post here your advertisement(s). I will make my decision when I find the "Perfect" VA. Thank You, Taran
Last reply by tdohrer, -
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How hard do you work your virtual fleet of aircraft? Do you keep turnaround times to a minimum? Do you keep aircraft flying until the airport closes? Do you schedule time for regular maintenance? Thank you.
Last reply by OA01, -
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We are pleased to announce that Wiltshire Airlines Virtual relaunches today after a month of planning for our new phpVMS website. Formerly on Weebly since June 2013 and based in London Heathrow International Airport, Wiltshire Airlines aims to advance into the future and better technology by switching to a new website. We operate a fleet of all-Boeing aircraft, including the 777-200LR, the 737-700, the 767-300ER, and the 787-9. We also plan to purchase the 747-8 and the A350-900R for higher ranked pilots when we have sufficient funds. Visit our website at and feel free to join us or have a look around! (In case the skin is not to your liking…
Last reply by WiltshireAirlines, -
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Hello, I thought I'd take some time to introduce our small virtual airline here in the forums. Since November 2012 we operate a fleet of Boeing 737-800, Boeing 737-700 and later on when we were ready steadily increased our variety of aircraft types to meanwhile Airbus Boeing 737-800, Boeing 737-700, A320-200, Airbus A330-300, Dash 8Q-400 and Boeing 777-200LR. We mainly operate holiday and business schedules throughout Europe but recently expanded our network to operate flights to American, Asian and other parts of the world. With our subsidiary sky GO! flying with a fleet of B737s we are home to a low-cost carrier fleet as well providing a perfect mix while still follow…
Last reply by maddog93, -
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Hello all, Does anyone know a partnership with companies that ponders simulators? Like Aerosoft That give certain discounts? Thanks so much for helping.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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Hi, recently i got the idea to start up the swedish airline Virtual Malmö Aviation and i started with it yesterday. Malmö Aviation have 12 aircrafts in there fleet, 2 RJ85 and 10 RJ100. They ordered some Bombardier CS plane and the first one will arrive next year. They are flying domestic in Sweden and also a few charter routes. I can't really complete this project alone and i need at least one person that is glad to help and know a lot about PHP and starting upp VA:s. I do already have a PHPVMS website for the airline but i still have to fix the acars and more stuff like that. Please answer this topic if you are interested in this and glad to help me starting it u…
Last reply by Adde01, -
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We are currently hiring a training manager vrts system Paying job until complete Contact me
Last reply by jusromaine, -
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I am currently have been working on multiple airline I have made a Etihad VA and also a British airways as well the website will come with free paid modules from crazy creatives the more modules the higher the price but all prices are cheap support 24/7 and payment complete in parts small payment to begin and final payment on completion of website I have a teamspeak server for support as well email me at for more serious talk After reading about Jordan barber my friend was ripped of by him I am my here to rip people off I am 100% real and will be fully commited
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Hi, I am looking for possible staff for a new VA please email: Joel Europe Virtual Co-Owner
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
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I am proud to announce that I have now launched Glaros! We are open on giving our pilots the freedom of flying wherever they want, we allow pilots to request Hubs/Locations, Aircraft & Schedules & we also let our pilots fly any aircraft in our fleet on any route at anytime. At the moment we do not have liveries or a Teamspeak server but we will be implementing those features before the end of the March 2016. Check us out at: I look forward to seeing you in flight, Obinna Onyemaobi - CEO
Last reply by InsitusGroupVice, -
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It is a great pleasure to announce that TexAir Virtual Airlines has returned to the virtual skies after a long hiatus. We have a great, fully-functional, new website (at our old location I might add) with lots of features and awards for pilots to pursue. We return with the same all-Boeing mainline fleet and that one-of-a-kind massive flight schedule similar to that of a legacy carrier, but with lots of routes no one flies thrown in. We've upgraded our terminals at all of our old hubs in Austin, Denver, Las Vegas, Portland, Minneapolis, Washington, and Tampa - once again making it obvious why everything is bigger about Texas. What has changed is our atti…
Last reply by TXA100, -
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Hey!! My name is James Diossy. I am the CEO of SAS Virtual. We were established in 2010. Unfortunately recently we have been hacked and all of our pilots got deleted. We are looking to employ staff and create a bigger pilot base. Our website is here: The staff positions we are looking for are.... Vice CEO - (Previous experience is a bonus!!) Human Resources - (Good with people!) Events Manager - (Photoshop competency required) If you just wanna fly come and join us and lets make this airline as fabulous as it was in its former glory!!! Best Wishes James Diossy
Last reply by Ariel, -
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Hi everyone, I am proud to announce the opening of our Virtual Airline - Scoot Virtual offers a professional and friendly environment for pilots of all levels of experience. We support FS9, FSX, FSX-SE, P3D, and X-Plane. Whilst Scoot Virtual is based primarily on the Scoot Airline, we wanted to offer more choice in regards to schedules and aircraft. That meant expanding Scoot Virtual operations further by implementing the Scoot Value Alliance partners. The Value Alliance was established by eight (8) airlines in the Asia-Pacific region on 16 May 2016. Members can now select flights from Scoot, NokScoot, Nok Air, Cebu Pacific, Cebgo, Jeju Air, Vanilla Air, Tigerair an…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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Im all confused about this and how to host it all and manage it to make it decent so im looking for someone who can help me manage and build my VA "Eagle Air". You will be a permanent staff member if you want to take it on. Dan,
Last reply by 13batesdm,