Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hi everyone I would just like to invite you to join my va we are looking for new pilots and staff!
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 12 replies
Greetings all, As many of you know VATSIM is a huge network filled with lots of great controllers and Pilots who love the hobby of Flight Sim. Well most of you don't know is there is an equivalent type of server like VATSIM called Boston Virtual ATC (link so check it out it is really great during off peak hours and peak hours. During BVA events we could see roughly the same amount of traffic as VATSIM. So take a look at the link If you decided to join in the comment or remarks section please say that CEO -Skylar Richardson from Boston Express VA told me about BVA(just will make our new va a little better). So just to get that out of the …
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 3 replies
We are under BETA Stages still. Looking for Pilots and staff. Visit us and tell us what you think so far
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 15 replies
I have noticed that there are several times on this forums, where certain people are accuse of copyright infringements, they are given notices to stop and remove such material but they keep on breaking the rules. It is people like these that is causing much hardship for the Va's that are trying to have fun and enjoy our hobby. There are Va's out there that have been shut down by their real world counterpart for just having their website(s) full of copyrighted material. If these people don't get stopped then the rest of us had better find a different hobby. Before you know it, our hobby will be no more. I feel that if any Virtual Airline is caught and proven of copyright …
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
- 2 replies
Now that I have received an email from Mr.Welka accusing me of making statements about his VA (that I never did) and is emailing me this email yesterday, : {You really think I stole that banner? First look at fonts they are different. Second I made it. Attached is photoshop with my logo i created as you can see ALL THE LAYERS. You dont have facts sir. So until you have FACTS dont point fingers. Hope to see you in the skies, Taylor Welka CEO American Airlines Virtual} Well Mr. Welka, now that you have made me angry with your emails, yes you stole this image from here :…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, Adult , professional, and educating experience. We are not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Are you bored with your present Virtual Airline ? Are you doing the same old thing week after week ? Do you feel like you are part of the team or just a number ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to make a change! Here at Virtual American Airlines we offer a professio…
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
- 0 replies
Good morning fellow CEOs and pilots, I'm just writing this little update as a lot ofyou have asked me if everything was ok. As you may have seen before we were called Palmair Virtual, and it was going superbly well as I had been in regular contact with the real world Palmair and they agreed that I could use their name for a virtual airline. But only if I officially start operations in 6 months time (since palmair were still getting rid of employess and closing the company down it was a tought time). So 6 months passed and I contacted them again, but my regular contact had unfortunately moved companies and the response I got was that I still couldn't use the name becaus…
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 9 replies
SkyBlue is lookin for staff and Pilots please visit Skyblue @ Thanks
Last reply by nextgen, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys! I have setup a new VA! AVA has many staff positions open for anyone to apply for! Just look for the news. We also have our own, 24-hour Teamspeak 3 Server for our pilots to get on and chat with other pilots! Please visit us here! Have Fun!
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
- 0 replies
I registered to Va Central. I havn't recieved any code from them to place on my server. Does anyone know who to contact so I can follow up with them. Im sure they did but It's probably lost in all the emails I get in a day. :0)
Last reply by bakers1, -
- 4 replies
Alaska Virtual airlines is taking pilot applications. If interested please visit
Last reply by twelka3, -
- 1 reply
Volga-Dnepr virtual cargo is operating around the world using aircrafts AN124, IL76, IL96, Yak 40. Virtual airline Virtual-Dnepr address: . Scheduled flights and free flights with tons of gross around the world (airports from our database) using ACARS, kACARS, Xacars systems. Flying on VATSIM and IVAO networks. Flights livery for FS2004 and X-plane. (AN124, IL76) Welcome to Volga-Dnepr virtual cargo service.
Last reply by Kyle Watkins, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, My VA has been open for a good 5 to 6 months now we are still recruiting for staff. Please visit . I am currently seeking a routes manager who could help me in order to get all the XL UK's old routes if anyone would be interested then please email me thanks. Kind Regards, Graeme Davis XL Virtual CEO
Last reply by Graeme Davis, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL (AIV) ANNOUNCES RELAUNCH OF AIRLINE ICAO:AIV Callsign:AtlanticJet Chicago, IL, 11/14/2011 Atlantic International Virtual Airlines today announces to re-launch operations back to the Flight Simulations Community. “We have been quietly restructuring our technology plans, features/benefits and services, over the past few years. "Today we are excited to announce our relaunch plans and intentions to the flight simulations communityâ€, said Andrew Horn, Vice President of Corporate Operations. Atlantic International Virtual Airlines has begun Phase I out of III, which phase I is mainly focus on its web development. AIV currently ar…
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 13 replies
Look out people our Skin has been stolen by The CEO is known for using other va's skins Plus can anyone help us get them to remove it?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Im really festive, well perhaps too festive! Just release my Christmas skin. Completely changed the colour scheme, although maybe its over the top a bit? Opinions etc please!
Last reply by Connor1994, -
- 2 replies
I have been tring to make a Promo for my va for a long time now. I have failed because i cant record FSX without lagging.. So i would love if someone is willing to make us a promo? Thanks!!! Edmund K
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, i`ve updated our website to a cleaner look. Please let me know what you think kind regards Manuel
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 2 replies
Star One Alliance Virtual Airline is hiring staff postion Love to fly FS9,FSX or X-Plane. You came to the right place. We have all your favorite aircrafts and Airlines route you love. Some of airlines we have is SWA, DAL, AAL, HAL, AWE, NKS, and much more. Star Alliance Virtual Airlines is not affiliated with any of these airlines. This is strickly a Virtual airline base company. Star One Alliance Website youtube channel If you like to apply for staff position please summit Application to the CEO at JOB OPENING Route manager_______ Event Coordinator______ VP______ Re-painter_______
Last reply by joeri, -
What is best for recording with fraps? FSX or Fs2004... With Pmdg 737 To get a nice smooth flight.
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 6 replies
We are currently setting up a new virtual airline called Anglian Virtual Airlines. Although the ceo and vceo are able to do most of the work we have decided to recruit new staff members so we can prepare and build the va ready for launch. We not only fly schedule flights but also have the facillity for tours and also ga flights this is a real oppertunity to shine. Both the ceo and vceo have extensive experience in the va world so please only apply if you are serious about joining and are able to commit to the airline. All applicants will be considered but experienced will be recruited first but please dont let that put you off. the following vaccancies are as follows Web…
Last reply by FlyFloridaVA, -
- 2 replies
Hello All PIAS Virtual is proud to announce its first repaint for Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator 2004. PIA ATR42-500 in latest livery ; Thanks to AZI Repaints. Comments welcomed. This download is currently available to download for our Members.
Last reply by P.I.A.S Virtual, -
- 8 replies
Different VAs have different numbers of hours before promotion. Airlines in the real world will obviously have a much higher number required. Many VAs claim to have a realistic system similar to real-world airlines, where they fly for about 50 hours just as a Trainee! I think that's a little much. I just wanted to know everyone's opinions on the topic, and what you have yours set to at the moment. Here's mine: freshJet Ranks
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 0 replies
Hello all First of all a bit introduction about PIAS Virtual , About Us PIAS (Pakistan International Airlines Simulation Virtual) is Pakistan's third virtual airline. We simulate Pakistan International Airlines, the flag carrier of Pakistan.PIAS (Pakistan International Airlines Simulation Virtual) was relaunched on 14th October 2011 by Ahad Imran. We at PIAS Virtual replicate the real world PIA flight operations with pure accuracy. We at PIAS Virtual also want our members to enjoy the flight simulation experiance for that we have special events for which there are at times certain restrictions as well. The member who wins the event is provided with a special award fro…
Last reply by P.I.A.S Virtual, -
- 0 replies
Dear All, With the airline expanding we are now requiting new staff. We are looking for people who have grate ideas, dedicated to the running of the virtual airline and like minded people. The jobs which are available are: ï‘ Public relations manager ï‘ Event manager ï‘ Fleet painter If you think that you are up to the job, then please send your application to Your application should contain a brief summary of why you think you should get the job, what you could bring to the airline, your name, age and email. We will send you an email confirming that we have received your email. Thank you Air UK Virtual management team…
Last reply by chris2, -
- 4 replies
Hello We at pias virtual need a bit help. Can someone here make us free repaint of PIA ATR42 for fsx and fs2004? Any help will be appreciated Thanks and Regards Ahad Imran PIAS VIRTUAL GROUP
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, Air Centrafrique Virtuel is pleased to present our virtual airline (V.A) operating on the network VOPC and using the Management System of Flights Reports. Our VA is based in Bangui, Central African Republic (C.A.R). It represents all the airlines of the country that have existed and we use Microsoft Flight Simulator software to make our flights. Our fleet composed of Airbus A320-200 (short and medium-flights), an Airbus A330-200 (medium and long-flights), a Boeing 737-800 (short, medium-flights and charter flights ) and four Mooney Bravo (flight group). Now, we do IFR (commercial and / or charters) solo or dual and VFR group. We serve every major airport airl…
Last reply by QR001, -
Escape Airways
by Guest- 10 replies
10/30/2011 - Austin, TX Escape Airways is starting operations out of Austin, TX (KAUS) flying to vacation hot spots around North America. We have just leased our first Airbus 320 and are ready to fly! Just getting started and looking for help in the follow areas: Operations Manager Scheduling Coordinator This list will update as positions are filled or needed. And of course PILOTS are always welcomed!! Visit us at Escape Airways today!!
Last reply by lehbird, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys i tried to make a promo vid using Sony Vegas, but failed... How do i make the lighting so realistic... I am a beginner so in detail please! Also what are the settings to get good frame rates? What Graphics card should i buy? Thanks Edmund kap
Last reply by FlyFloridaVA,