Simpilot Group Addons
Addons and Modules
168 topics in this forum
Top pilots
by Tameem- 1 follower
- 28 replies
<p>Hi.<br /> I want to know how to display top pilots hour in the front page.<br /> i ued this code <br /> <?php echo TopPilotData::top_pilot_hours($month, $year, 5) ; ?><br /> but it displays nothing. please help.</p>
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 3 replies
Hey there - Just looking for a quick clarification; I've pulled the latest version of phpVms from which seems to still use the tpls. I started looking into the Simpilot Group addons, and the Addon manager, etc all seem to be using php templates. So after a quick check of the Simpilot repos i see which seems to be using php templates. So - Which phpvms should i be checking out for 'new' install? Which is 'official'? I am a bit confused. I am starting to assume i should be using the DavidJClark fork in order to use the Simpilot plugins, but will that cause other compatibility issues? Thanks!
Last reply by hurkulez, -
- 6 replies
I have tried to Install a couple of your addons including the Plugin manager and the Event booking system but every time i get a error like: Notice: The template file "/home/skywestv/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/skywestv/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/skywestv/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/uploaded.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/skywestv/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.phpon line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/skywestv/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/footer.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/skywestv/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php o…
Last reply by bward624, -
- 1 reply
Hi SimPilot, I would like a custom module creating. Could you please send me an email to . Thanks, Shaun
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 3 replies
Someone cal help me with this problem, i bought this module yesterday and i have some problem to install this feature, if someone can help me i will be helpfull. Sorry for my english !!
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
I have setup twitter app for my VA's twitter account, and put everything in the right place, I am using phpvms version 5.5 from simpilot, so it had that there already, I have set the permissions of the app to read and write, is there something I am missing?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 7 replies
So I am working on a new site for a guy and I went to register a user on the site and the recaptcha is working and the form submits no problem. My issue is when I submit I get this: Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/jonvanme/public_html/airline/core/lib/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php on line 93 Warning: file_get_contents(…
Last reply by Tato123, -
Hi sir, i have install your version of phpvms, but i have a problem with Captcha. In a registration form, when click on register, i see this error: Fatal error: Class 'ReCaptcha' not found in /home/hfrjgrdn/sites/dfyvanet/phpvms/core/modules/Registration/Registration.php on line 178 Can you help me please?
Last reply by kenny, -
- 2 replies
I upgraded to phpvms 5, and I have several problems, if I change in the hosting of PHP5.3 native to php5.5 I have a 500 error. In php 5.3 native if I go to sites configuration I can not select the skin, only I have the options Profile fields and About phpvms
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 3 replies
How can I show the status of the Pilot in the Pilot Center even when the Pilot's status is - "On Leave". What factors determine if a pilot is on leave or not ? and how does a pilot become active again after being on leave ? I did found this code in the forum but it was for the default phpvms, therefore im starting this topic.
Last reply by MikeTGV, -
VAForum Beta 1.0 1 2 3
by simpilot- 71 replies
VAForum Beta 1.0 developed and tested using: php 5.3.0 phpVMS ver 819 ie8 *This addon will not work with the 700 version or beta's less than version 785 A simple forum board system that is contained within your phpVMS install. To Install: 1 - download attached package and unzip 2 - place the folders/files in your phpVMS install as they are structured in the package 3 - use the forum.sql file to create the new db tables using phpmyadmin or the like 4 - you are done! The system makes the pilot with id #1 in the db the main forum admin and can not be changed unless you do it through the db. There are four levels of user for the board: 1 - User - has rights to po…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 5 replies
[Content Removed]
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
How does the vStaff plugin work i have uploaded it and it wont let me create new staff positions
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 3 replies
i get this error on admin side any one know how to fix ? Warning: opendir(modules/Plugins/uploads/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/###########/public_html/admin/modules/plugins/plugins.php on line 43 Warning: readdir() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/###########/public_html/admin/modules/plugins/plugins.php on line 46 Warning: closedir() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/###########/public_html/admin/modules/plugins/plugins.php on line 73
Last reply by Tom, -
- 0 replies
Dear Simpilot whenever i am saving any pilot profile as a inactive status it gives me below error on top of the admin panel pilot profile page what will be the reason for this error. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2 Thanks
Last reply by jamyboy, -
- 6 replies
Dear simpilot i just upgraded to your phpvms 5.5x version all working fine except schedule search function i tried to locate the functions but not able to understand weather java script not working properly can you please able to assist. Thanks James
Last reply by jamyboy, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi I just upgraded to Simpilots version of phpvms, and am getting an error when I accept or reject a pirep. [b]Warning[/b]: imagecreatefromstring() [[url=""]function.imagecreatefromstring[/url]]: Data is not in a recognized format in [b]/****/********/***********/************/core/common/PilotData.class.php[/b] on line [b]1016[/b] How do I fix that. Also what is supposed to show.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
I upgraded my website to simpilots phpvms and the following issues came up.
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 2 replies
Im getting this code in my admin center above every thing Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/deltaair/public_html/core/common/RewardsData.class.php on line 395
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 0 replies
Hi, after some search about Plugins_Manager, know there are 2 versions which is php and tpl. I download the and uploaded to Plugins_Manager. it shows, Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /home/dragaorg/public_html/admin/modules/Plugins/Plugins.php on line 566 and I search in the plugins/upload directory and it does contain the zip file. please advice, sorry for my bad english.
Last reply by Digi, -
- 10 replies
Credits 1.0 phpVMS module to create a credits and partners page for your phpVMS based virtual airline. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Developed by: simpilot - David Clark Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934-158 php 5.3.4 mysql 5.0.7 apache 2.2.17 Install Using Simpilotgroup Plugin Manager -Download the package -Upload the package to your site using the plugin manager -Use the auto-install from the plugin manager Install Manually: -Download the package. -Unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -U…
Last reply by jusromaine, -
- 3 replies
Hi folks, I have been trying to use simpilots SSO for Vanilla but it doesn't seem to be working 100%, I have done everything that the tutorial says and on the vanilla sign in page on the VA site and click login and get the following error {"error":"invalid_request","message":"The client_id parameter is missing."} So it seems that the client ID is missing? Well i put it in the module file and it matches vanillas JS connect client id. Is this something to do with JS conect is on a different version since it shows a sign out URL and a cryptic hash. Please help Chris
Last reply by ChrisTaylor, -
I was trying to submit a ticket about the tour module, but got a 404 error. What is the link I need to use, because gave me the error. Or can I just ask my question here?! It is for the payware version.
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 1 reply
Here are the errors I am getting on the Front Schedules, I imagine just like the events problem, this has to do with php version 5.5. Strict Standards: Non-static method FrontSchedulesData::findaircrafttypes() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/steve14958/public_html/core/modules/FrontSchedules/FrontSchedules.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method FrontSchedulesData::findcountries() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/steve14958/public_html/core/modules/FrontSchedules/FrontSchedules.php on line 27 And the one for the Hub Transfer request form, also a static issue:…
Last reply by Steve Bartlett, -
- 0 replies
I am getting what I call echo's of reply airmail, several copies of the replies, instead of just the one reply. Also, doesn't it quote the original airmail message, as I can see the reply but not the original message they replied too, or am I missing something! Thanks!
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 0 replies
Hello ... sorry for my English ... I have a problem with the module airmail (ver.3), let me explain: it says that there are incoming email, I open the associated page is empty ... but this happens even when you delete the e-mail. thanks for any answer ...
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 5 replies
Where does Airmail get the date from? I noticed my inbound email times are fine, but all my sent messages show a date of: 12/31/1969 07:00pm
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone ... sending the email to all the drivers I get this error due to a possible answer Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's message inbox on 10/06/2014', '23', '1402440427')' at line 2' in /customers/f/9/1/***************.net/httpd.www/it/core/common/MailData.class.php:92 Stack trace: #0 /customers/f/9/1/***************.net/httpd.www/it/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php(138): MailData::send_new_mail('29', '6', 'Mondiali Brasil...', 'Hai ricevuto un...', 23, 1402440427) #1 /customers/f/9/1/************.net/httpd.…
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 2 replies
I have a couple errors with the Events Module: This is showing up on the Events page from the Main website and the from the Admin page Notice: The template file "/home/steve14958/public_html/phpvms//admin/templates/events/events_index.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/phpvms/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Any suggestions?
Last reply by Steve Bartlett, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I had created a bunch of one-off charters during the process of ferrying a JS32 from Europe to North America (phpVMS is a great addition to FSEconomy!). Now that I'm done with them I'd like to delete them out of the system. Before I do that, though, I was wondering what the impact of that action might be. Will I lose any data (PIREPS, financials, etc) from my phpVMS install? Will my VACentral stats be impacted? Anything else I should be aware of? Thanks in advance for any insights/answers.
Last reply by simpilot,