General Discussions
167 topics in this forum
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This is one of the major 'headaches' if you want to use the financials of PHPVMS as there are so many factors in the real world that affect ticket prices . In the Virtual airline world I think we try to keep things as simple as possible unless you really want to copy a real world airline 100%. So how do you work out your fares for the flights in your schedule to be a 'reasonable amount'. Actually it is standard in IATA to have a price built based on sets of tables which if you got the money you could subscribe to IATA and do it the professional way. However research done crunching hundreds and thousands of prices for flights came to an average calculation that (this is…
Last reply by LesJar, -
- 1 reply
some virtual airlines join several real airlines together. Therefore it would be a nice feature to be able to manage more than one airline inside the system. This is only the possibility to add more than one airline in the system and add some planes to the different airlines (group the planes to different airlines). Not very difficult. airline a plane a plane b plane c airline b plane d plane e
Last reply by t_bergman, -
- 5 replies
Hello, If anyone may be able to help with this issue then that would be greatly appreciated. So as for the issue we have Recaptcha working but some bots/spam users keep registering with the same email types from russia. Emails that keep signing up: Ive also attached an image showing that our recaptcha is indeed working, but all the green passes in the image are the spambots. So these bots are either able to get through the tests or they are not actually bots and its people just spamming the site. Is there any way to block specific emails from signing up to mitigate the problem. Also added in an image of some of the accou…
Last reply by Vetrro, -
- 0 replies
A real booking system as Fsairlines has, where you can bid by aircraft type in a same schedule (for example In flight SKU103 I can bid with an A320 and a B767 and each other, including all registration of these aircraft if the aircraft Was in the same position that I'm... If the aircraft wasn't in the same Location as me I can't bid a flight with that aircraft). And the pilot can use the jumpseat ticket. And the last one a option to translate an aircraft to other location (Admin) and the translate could duration as a real flight.
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 8 replies
I have noticed that if you restrict pilots to aircraft by rank and by type rating, aircraft subfleet without a type rating assigned won't show up. So can you only use one of these options unless you assign type rates to every aircraft? Then you would have to assign every pilot type ratings for every aircraft. Type ratings in the US are only necessary for aircraft over 12500 if I remember correctly. Thanks for any advice.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 0 replies
I know that Nabeel is busy and does most of the work for phpvms7 on github, so I leave this as a suggestion from my VA. If someone else wants to put their suggestions it can be a good post. How are suggestions can be included or not, and may be soon or not. 1. fleet->new aircraft-> (complete all data)-> save (there is no button to go back and add other aircraft) P.S: Doing clicking twice in save return to aircraft menu. 2. Add a option to edit pilot ID ex: 3. Option (checkbox) to make a return/reverse flight when you create a flight. So you can create a flight and their reverse route without complete all fields again.
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 11 replies
Hi! I am thinking to get phpVMS + Domain + Hosting + SSL for my new VA. Would anyone be interested in helping me set it all up and designing the website template?
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys Have setup my subfleet, fares, flights and added a B738, on the Fleet page it says Aircraft 0, and if I enter a manual pirep, it wont allow me to enter the aircraft. I assume although I have the aircraft in the fleet, I haven't actually bought one?
Last reply by LesJar, -
- 0 replies
I know there there is an option in phpVMS 5.5 to make pilots Active, Inactive, Retired, or Banned. Is there a way to Hide Pilots? I know a lot of admins have rules where pilots have to fly their first flight in 7, 14, 30, etc... first flight, and they hate having those 0 flights on the Pilot Roster. And have 30, 60, and 90 for inactive. But since you already went through the process of approving them, maybe they could not make the 7 day rule and they return not too far in the distant future ready to fly often. Or maybe you have someone fly 30 flights in a month and not come back for 6 month's, you want their data, but not them on the Pilot Roster, unless they are flying e…
Last reply by in2tech, -
Without seeing how the new version might work, can we have an 'all days' check box for route availability?
Last reply by vcal, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm Honoresia from France, then excuse me for my wrong english. I'm a old CEO from a VA closed in 2014. For now, we would like to make a V2 of our project. Let me introduce some features that we used : - airclub flight : Pilots are paid after commercial flight (regular or not). They can progress with their account and their rank. Some pilots want to make only commercial lines, but others want to rent an aircraft after many commercial lines, to go in virtual hollidays, you see. They have money to spend in an airclub activity, and this features make more and more pilots... - live popularity : Each scheduled line have a popularity,…
Last reply by Honoresia, -
- 0 replies
Hi There, At this time you can set the rank a pilot has to be to fly an aircraft type. I would like to see his also added to the flight (Route). Some flights say YSSY Sydney Australia to KLAX LA could then be limited to a min rank. This could all so be used for dangerous airport routes. Thank you David Oz Flyer
Last reply by OzFlyer, -
- 1 follower
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Hi all, I have added a skin to our phpVMS v7 site and it works. But is there a simple way to change colours and images to fit our airline. DO you use an application ?? I can see colour codes in the files but where do they come from. I am completely new at this last time I made a website you could use MS Publisher to make pages, LOL regards Doug
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hello. I have been slowly poking away at trying to setup a website for a new VA utilizing phpVMS and after having made a dent I'm concerned I've taken the wrong approach. I have rudimentary knowledge of web development. I've poked around at some basic HTML/CSS udemys and things of that nature. I have some friends who are software engineers and web developers who understand all of this stuff, and one of them has helped me with an initial setup, but I don't want to be presumptuous and take advantage of them by pressing them to hold my hand. Thus far, my plan has been to have a public facing Wordpress site, as that is manageable for me, with phpVMS serving as my me…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am getting ready to take my phpVMS website live to replace my older VAM powered one. Question is, is there a way for me to enter my pilots transferred hours so they show as flight time and not transferred hours? Like manually editing the total in the database? Or possibly filing a manual PIREP with all the transferred hours? I'm just looking for a way for them to show up in a pilots hours, and not have it be listed under transferred hours. Thanks in advance, john croft
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone. I was wondering if there could be a way to ad a "time factor" to the financial system. For example: If you leave the airplane on an airport that isn't your hub instead of flying back. The longer the airplane will stay at this airport, the more parking fees you'll have to pay for it. Does anyone know how we could set up this?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 6 replies
G'day gents, I'm trying to join the server but am getting this message. Suspected it could be due to a recent incident with spam (although I quickly regained control of the account and put 2FA on it). Can someone help please? Thank you.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
is there any way to translate to Portuguese from Brazil, or any help to do it? thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 6 replies
Long time no chit chat gents. Hope all is well! My first post back here in quite some time. Life has threw me a curve ball and I am ready to jump back in finally. Just curious, is Paid ACARS (not nagging at all about that Nabeel deserves all he gets for his work) the only option thus far besides manual PIREPS? I hate to start a new Startup and pour cash into it to possibly fizzle out. I suppose that is where manual pireps come in handy but I have polled MANY virtual pilots over the years and most will not join a VA that accepts manual pireps. I am just tryin g to examine all possibilities and and what ifs and come up with a solid game plan before I just start …
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone. As far as I know we have the ability to set the fares by flight or by a specific subfleet. I´m still using VAM until we can switch to phpvms7 and there I´ve implemented a formula like "(PAX) x (Distance) x (specific variable)" for those flights that aren´t schedule flights. That means, that a pilot that would like to do a charter flight to a destination that isn´t a regular one can do it and the comoany still will have benefit from that flight aplying that formula. Could something like that possible to do here as well? Or maybe to implement the FsAirlines system. They set a specific price until a specific distance and from a specific weight (scr…
Last reply by AirNubeiro, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have tried to up load the csv file with 235 flights and only the first 7 flights will upload? Am I missing something? Thanks Jerry
Last reply by Karajr1, -
- 1 reply
Hello I am moving our VA from VAM to PHPVMS should I use the older v5 of PHPVMS or beta 7? We have been test v7 but it is limited? Jerry
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 1 follower
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I make a flight, reported the PIREP but the flight does not appear, the flight hours. In view of having "3" flights, I have "O" flights. Total hours "0" No flight Pilots
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
The title of this question at first glance might seem a little odd, but let me explain In PHPVMS V7 there is a large scale and very useful integration with SIMBRIEF and as such the Route for a flight is often passed for example to the Acars from the simbrief OFP. Likewise when you look at the briefing for your flight level for FMC MCDU input it is there in the detail of each flight leg. So to set the question is to what value in PHPVMS V7 is having anything in the route field of a flight have with the rest of the system . Yes it gets sent to Simbrief and is used to generate the OPF but Simbrief will give you a flight plan route if there is nothing to …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 8 replies
Some time ago I created my own program to bulk generate flight information (for VABase) - and have been thinking about doing the same for phpVMS - to work out for a given aircraft on a given direct route, how long it would take - which can then be used to auto-populate scheduled flights in one go (e.g. with 5 airlines, 10 fleet groups,100 aircraft, and 50 airports around the world, generate the thousands of sensible looking flights taking off and landing within sensible hours, with fairly accurate time calculations based on aircraft performance. I just wondered if anybody else has done this - to save re-inventing the wheel.
Last reply by jonbeckett, -
- 3 replies
Hello, See ProSim offers the possibility to feed the CDU importing PEF data from SimBrief: FOB, CI, Reserves, Payload, ecc. The correctness of imported data depends on the use of the correct airframe (identified by its custom airframe's ID) . At this moment the possibility to save a "custom airframe's ID" is not available... ans this data is not sent to SimBrief API. The result is SimBrief will use default aircraft characteristics that do not suit the custom one: the data imported in the CDU are inaccurate. …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Is the page still up? I can't access it anymore from any of the 3 computers I have or even my phone...... I would think this is more than a firewall or virus protection issue as I believe (in my lack of computer knowledge) that the site has an exception or whatever. From the home page when clicking purchase now it just tries to load for awhile then gives the cannot connect screen.....weird......any ideas? Thanks!
Last reply by zackw357, -
- 1 reply
Is there a way I can have a map like the live map on a page showing all flights that I've done with a red line?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 5 replies
When importing a flight will the flight distance be calculated during the import? I tried both a 0 in the field and also leaving it blank in the import file, but the distance was not calculated when viewing the flight on the admin page after the import. Thanks, Bryan
Last reply by nobleord, -
- 1 reply
People join my line and get no email information. What do I need to set up for it to work?
Last reply by DisposableHero,