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Hi all, When i load a bid and then start the connection to Simulator i see the following Error-Message: "error prefilling retrying No query results for Model [App\Models\Pirep] prefile" Can anyone help? Thanks
Last reply by EdsonFelix, -
- 16 replies
Hi gents, Since using vmsACARS for phpvms7, all first 20 flights have been doing very good except for the last two. My last two have flights would not load the vmsACARS do to "not found in scenery database". Second to last flight from KONT to KAFW, KAFW would not be found. On the last flight KAFW to KSHV, both would not be found. Both are in my Airports & Flights in admin. Synced updated airports in vmsACARS but still had the issue. My Last flight: 11-06 10:26:29|INFO; MessageBox, message=Please correct the errors: ICAO "KAFW" not found in scenery database ICAO "KSHV" not found in scenery database 11-06 10:27:02|INFO; Flight selecte…
Last reply by FDC1601, -
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Dear all, Please assist me in making a decision: Please tell me your experience and feedback of using one of the ACARS (smartACARS or vmsACARS ) who used these two tools? What are the disadvantages and advantages? Have you ever any problem with FS2020? Regards, Vahid NZ
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Just did another flight in the JARDesign A330 and the altitude between the app and the web site was accurate this time, but, when I finished the flight, the Flight Summary page is plank and I can't submit the flight now. Here is the link for the acars log.txt file. Here is a picture of what my side shows.
Last reply by asandor, -
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I can't load the reserved path on the phpvms7 system into the vmsACARS. This option does not exist, or is it that I am doing something wrong? One thing that I see that I would need vmsACARS, is that the routes can be selected and reserved from the vmsACARS
Last reply by polirom, -
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- 14 replies
Hello. Suddenly, two days ago, I got this error when sending the pirep. The pirep arrives anyway but the button stays in File Flight
Last reply by jftejeiro, -
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can vmsACARS be used with Fs2020?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I feel kind of stupid, but I can't get the acars.exe program to run. I have followed the client install, installed and run makerunways, and I already have the paid version of FSUIPC. I unzipped the ACARS.zip file to a folder of my choice, and when I try to run it I get a pop up box withe the PHPVMS logo for about 3 or 4 seconds, then it closes and nothing more happens. I never get the entry screen where you put in your API and url, and select a simulator. I attempted to follow the docs exactly, as well as the README.txt file in the ACARS.zip file. Running Win10, with ver 4.8 of .NET framework. I know I must be doing something wrong, but I sure can't figure out what …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Greetings, So far everything has been made useful on PHPVMS7 except for a couple of vmsAcars errors. vmsAcars url ID is freightdogcargo.org and the API key is the same as the website API on the acars.exe. The vmsAcars API from the email is on the vmsAcars/admin. The manual pireps work just fine. I've looked at the docs several times and can't figure out the cause on these two these two issues. If even loaded FSX.pln flight plans on acars.exe are the same issues happening. Most all my flight planes are FSX.rte (for qualitywings 757) and FSX.pln are on my ... /document/flight simulator x files. I reinstalled FSIUPD and installed MakeRwys. MakeRwys works sin…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I got this one month ago and i'm not able to solve it. i checked in the forum, on the website, but nothing. i had reinstalled MSFS2020, ACARS but nothing. please help. thank you.
Last reply by KG1000, -
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VMS Acars 08/22 Build - Version 1.0.1908221708 phpVMS install updated to latest build from 8/22 (7.0.0+190822.6018a6) P3D v4.3 This build appears to have corrected the "Error sending PIREP update, retrying, Too Many Attempts", as none were encountered. 👌👍 See attached zip for pics.... KIAH-KDAL B738 FL180 Log.jpg Start Taxi - Landing lights on below 10k - landing lights were off - speed was below 20 kts Started Takeoff - Strobes on while in flight - still taxiing below 20 kts and on ground - Thrust reverse enabled below 60kts - I was testing to see if it flagged it - works Crossing above 10,000 feet - Landing lights off …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Why do my flights appear on the vmsACARS map as a straight line? In the Presentation Image of vmsACARS, you see the route points. In vmsACARS I put the points of the route, but they are not seen on the map. IMAGE ROUTE WITHOUT POINTS ROUTE IMAGE WITH POINTS
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I put this message in the ACARS Testing forum since not sure if you want others knowing some people are testing it, so you won't get a big flood of people asking to test it. So a few days ago I messed with the mail parameters in the phpvms config.php file. I did something wrong and got an error while trying to file a pirep. I took out everything to what I though was correct. I have it set to what the example in at docs.phpvms.net has set. Not sure what I screwed up but now I get get the error while filing. This happens in the ACARS app. When I go to the web side, I see that it has added the pirep to my flights, but after I edit and then hit submit, it error…
Last reply by asandor, -
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Seeing some inconsistencies between the altitude in the aircraft and the altitude reported on the live map on the website. Flying at FL320 but live map is showing 28649. As I started my decent, the altitudes were matching more, that started at about FL250. Also distance showing on the live map is 719 / 479.61. The flight was a pretty straight flight from departure to arrival. On this version of VMAcars I am still getting the issue with landing/strobe lights are on once I start to taxi even though they are both off. Using the Zibo mod B737-800 for X-Plane 11.35 Here are links to the laravel log and the acars log.txt files.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi @Nabeel and all v7 testers, Found a strange behavior within vmsAcars. Will explain my setup and result, hope it help you to imagine the situation (or re-create in a test setup) 1. Created my subfleet (ex. A321-OHY) 2. Inserted some aircrafts to the database and assigned them to that subfleet 3. Created my fares as Economy - Domestic (YD) and Economy - International (YI) , assigned prices and costs to them 4. Returned back to subfleet settings , assigned both Economy - Domestic (YD) and Economy - International (YI) fares to the subfleet with defining max seat capacity (219) 5. Created two short haul domestic flights (SAW-AYT-S…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Hello, we have vmsAcars and when push start flight appear the error for "offblock and onblock time". I really don't known what is the problem,because in this flight i assigned his subfleets and fares and time. I try to fly at the time was scheduled and no way to start flight. Also i have a question: is it possible to fly "from" "to" without scheduling flight? We have a VA that in this moment every pilot can choose where to fly and if is want can choose another location. Thx for reply.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I can load my flight bid but when I select start flight the ACARS quits responding. Some of my pilots have gotten it to work with P3D and FSX. This seems to be an X-Plane 11 issue I think. Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Found another airport like KORD in ACARS that puts the airport off the coast of Africa. Its KPAE. The one I have is part of the Drzewiecki Design Seattle Airports pack for X-Plane. There is about 4 or 5 airports in the apt.dat file, but here is the first few lines for that airport. 1 561 1 0 KPAE Snohomish Co 1302 flatten 1 100 22.00 1 0 0.25 0 2 0 16L 47.90642022 -122.27171532 0 0 1 0 0 2 34R 47.89819024 -122.27162263 0 0 1 0 0 2 100 45.00 1 1 0.25 1 3 0 16R 47.92242187 -122.28587751 123 72 3 0 1 0 34L 47.89663330 -122.28531247 0 122 3 0 0 0
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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In build 715 - Scoring - the delay column may need to be widened a bit. The right side of the number is cut off... number 0 appears as the letter C for instance. This also shows up in the points column with numbers larger than 9. Maybe make all boxes the same width - Threshold, Points, Delay and Cooldown - to accommodate 5 visible digits.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hey friends! Having an error when trying to setup a flight - on the newest version of PHPVMS and PHP7.4, looks like the ACARS can't find the ID of the PIREP... any ideas? 08-27 00:15:54|INFO; Flight selected: F8120 08-27 00:15:54|INFO; Loading flight, ID=R4m1bOb54BoPEkeK 08-27 00:15:56|INFO; Handling action button, val=Start Flight 08-27 00:15:56|ERROR; You must select an aircraft 08-27 00:15:56|INFO; MessageBox, message=You must select an aircraft 08-27 00:15:59|INFO; Handling action button, val=Start Flight 08-27 00:15:59|INFO; Found loaded flight plan, adding to PIREP 08-27 00:15:59|INFO; Field Version= 08-27 00:16:00|ERROR; uri=http://…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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01-09 00:00:14|DEBUG; Searching for flights: Acars.ApiClient.Requests.FlightQuery 01-09 00:00:17|INFO; Flight selected: FLP1487 01-09 00:00:17|INFO; Loading flight, ID=A8DwmrdzRlZeNxVy 01-09 00:00:17|ERROR; There are no aircraft available for this flight 01-09 00:00:17|INFO; MessageBox, message=There are no aircraft available for this flight 01-09 00:01:14|INFO; Flight selected: FLP1487 01-09 00:01:14|INFO; Loading flight, ID=A8DwmrdzRlZeNxVy 01-09 00:01:14|ERROR; There are no aircraft available for this flight 01-09 00:01:14|INFO; MessageBox, message=There are no aircraft available for this flight Dear all, I try to load a flight from "my bids" section of …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hello All, I just recently moved my phpVMS 5 install to 7.0.0 -dev , just a question about setting up the env or config file.... What would be the correct way to set up the acars live time as we had in the earlier versions as below ? From our earlier local config: # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720);
Last reply by SupernovaSurfer, -
- 1 reply
hi ı bought phpVMS ACARS license but it asks for API key and phpVMS URL. in documentation it says go to your phpVMS profile but ı dont know how do ı acsees my phpVMS profile can someone help to me please? and the is the phpVMS url virtual Airline website? MODERATOR EDIT: moved to correct forum
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Hi gents, I just had an episode whereby my web host disconnected all my sites due to "excessive server requests". While this was resolved after much grief with their support staff, the core issue is not solved, and this is also not the first time such an event has happened. This time, the support agent kindly provided full logs for the 15 minutes leading up to the disconnection. https://pastebin.com/tLHyNS0j Naturally, I don't know what these mean at all but the server was indeed being hit with an alarming amount of consecutive requests. Examples: "POST /api/pireps/2Axjw96wnZOAVrlm/acars/positions HTTP/1.1" 200 41 "-" "Re…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 5 replies
Is there any possibility to make VMSacars download the flight plans on their custom routes? Put a tab where you can select the routes of the different programs that are generated with simbrief and not have to go looking for the folder where to save it. It would be very comfortable
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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G'day Nabeel, There was a recent update that allows acars UI to match the Windows dark mode setting - my night owl virtual pilots with secondary monitors are truly grateful for this implementation. However, there is a minor issue wherein we only have 1 logo setting which can only match either Windows' light or dark mode. Would it be possible to allow two versions to be uploaded, both of which correspond to phpvms' light/dark modes please?
Last reply by nicky9499, -
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Hi Guys Trying to change my hosting address on the Acars website. I'm no longer using xmapp (localhost) to host, when I download my new acars config from my site and put it in the phpvms folder, I get an error when I open acars ERROR Error connecting to phpVMS: An error occured while parsing EntityName. Line1, position 223 When I try and save the remote config page, I get error reading the config check url and api key for phpVMS URL I have: http://jet2.epizy.com/ (I've tried without the forward slash to) and my api key (which matcches the website)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I have noticed the when starting Acars it seems to be still connected to the last flight and sometimes can lead to the Aircraft still showing on the live map. This happens even when you complete the flight and send the pirep. It does not happen all the time and may be connected to the main site with a flight. If I get more examples and data I will post it. regards Doug
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 8 replies
Please excuse me for my lack of understanding however I've set my site up - tested it and purchased the Acars download. Following the install instructions I've hit a wall time sending back to do a clean install because the whole thing fails on me so I'm looking for clarification and a little more direct instruction. Step 1 (from Installation (Server) page) For the server-side installation, open the Web folder and copy the VMSAcars into your phpvms/modules folder: - done. Question: the file I download unzips as a folder calls ACARS. The instruction and graphic are VMSAcars. What should my server side folder be called (in the modules folder)? …
Last reply by XPBaz,