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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Trust me, my cat is less thrilled than you
  2. Hi all, I'm aware of the site's sluggishneses lately - vaCentral has been blowing up! It's a great thing. With that, I'm in the middle of rewriting vaCentral, based on nodejs instead of PHP, along with optimizing a ton of things, and a new design. It's tough finding time in between my 70+ hour work weeks, but it's in progress, and I haven't abandoned y'all
  3. You don't have to worry about the schedule send, it doesn't do anything anyway
  4. You can use it as a CMS in other places, no problem. But if you want to use the core framework (Codon), I'd actually advise against it - I won't be updating it for PHP 5.4+, and there are a lot deprecated things in use. If you're looking for a framework to hack on, I'd use either CakePHP or CodeIgniter. If I were to start phpVMS today, I'd probably go with Cake. But if that's not a concern either, go for it It's released under the MIT license
  5. Try again, guys. I switched email providers
  6. Can you PM me the email address that you're trying? Thanks
  7. I'm trying to sort out the email issue. I am not sure as to why Forgot Password emails are being sporadically lost. If you have requested a password reset and have not gotten the email, wait for some time (hours, day) and try again, and see if you get it.
  8. I'm into the guitar thing as well. 6 and counting...
  9. What version of PHP and MySQL? There are issues on 5.4, but setting error reporting to: error_reporting(E_ALL ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED); Or whatever error_reporting you have, if you add: & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED That should get you through until the next phpVMS release... aaand before someone asks when ( ) I have not had even a single minute to comb through any errors or work on anything... I'm probably pushing 65/70hrs a week at work ... Someone had a few pull requests with some fixes, but that's on the master branch. To be honest, I'm not even sure of the state of that. But I'll gladly accept help There shouldn't be anything that was deprecated being used, I was pretty careful to check against that, but it's quite possible I've missed something.
  10. Don't put your API key in public... it says that in the panel as well. That would seem to be a problem with your host, if it can't be contacted. Have you tried pinging vacentral.net from your server?
  11. Hi all, Would someone, with a mid to large sized VA, be willing to share their database with me? Needs to be "stock" with no changes, I just need a ton of data to test/optimize the next version. Nabeel
  12. There is no list, just the one created for login
  13. Haha, why eww? It's a natural extension to Unix. I'd prefer a Linux based machine, but they messed up Ubuntu real bad :/ Though, I'm about to put w8 on my other laptop
  14. Your install didn't complete properly
  15. Looks great... video tutorials would be great. I started doing a few, but it was years ago.. and I can't remember if I ever finished them, or uploaded them or anything...
  16. I've decided to get a Mac instead for my next laptop; not too impressed with Windows 8, and with most of my work being Unix based, and MS's latest decisions regarding UI, I think I'm going to the Apple side. I'm not a fanboy of either by any means, but gotta use the right tools for the job. I've used W8 for a bit now and it just doesn't sit too well with me... I feel like there's too much bloat in the UI, but I'm increasingly using ubuntu and osx, with ubuntu also making some really stupid UI decisions... leaving OSX to be somewhat sane I really wanted the ability to mount remote filesystems (FUSE w/SSFS, etc), as that's a kernel feature; ultimately that would have kept me on Windows, but I guess that's not going to be coming for a while, if at all. I like change, though Also, no Windows laptops with great, light hardware... I have a 13" MBP Retina on the way, whose specs kill the equivalent Thinkpad X1 Carbon for about the same price. But I'm seeing a lot of people now taking the plunge to OSX after seeing/using W8. I'm still going to put w8 on my desktop, which is my media/gaming machine.
  17. Hi all, With Hurricane Sandy on her way, there is a possibility of phpVMS and vaCentral being down, with the datacenter being located in New Jersey. If this happens, ensure that your site has the VACENTRAL_ENABLE set to 'false' in the local.config.php, until the site is back up. Let's hope it's just the weatherman being wrong! Nabeel
  18. Have your flight frequencies changed? It's all automated - so if you had a ton of flights a few months ago, and lesser now, then your rank will go down. It basically ranks against trends
  19. Hey Ray, been a while. Just download the beta zips in the downloads sectoin
  20. Everything being moved to a new server; sorry for sporatic downtime Update 12/04/12 - All problems seemed to have been solved
  21. Well, I've had to do what I needed to do anyway - the way git works, is that it does tags on a master branch - but I was using master as "3.0" - so the 2.1.935 got tagged to the latest beta, and my build scripts find the last tag, check that out and do a build. I didn't know tag's only went to the master branch, not the current branch (I had a branch called 'release' with the 2.1.x) - though I might be wrong on this. My head hurts. But anyway, this is the proper way to do it So I've already swapped branches - master is reset to 2.1.935 (github has the latest copy now), and there's a new branch for beta called dev. I'm fixing my build-scripts so the fixed zips/tars should be up really soon.
  22. Changed Files: m admin/action.php m core/version m install/hashlist security fix, updated to 2.1.935 View complete changes Download from here
  23. Wait, sorry - I was supposed to get email updates on this thread, and just noticed they all went to spam :\ Checking the zip, it looks like that is wrong... crap. Sorry guys. I'm fixing this right now - I tagged it wrong. I really apologize for this - I should have checked it more thoroughly. These last two weeks have been rather insane with work and stuff... my bad. I'm fixing it right now
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