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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Workin for me too... any errors on the bottom left corner?
  2. Schedules are blocked off by bids, not by aircraft. The aircraft specified in the schedule is just reference, what the pilot can fly for it is dependent on your VA policy
  3. Under documentation above, there's a video tutorial for fspax
  4. Check the Firefox error log on that page, if there's a problem it'll let you know
  5. Can you post the output from /install/checkinstall.php and /install/checkdb.php? Thanks Also, who's your host?
  6. Haha that's pretty cool... fixed, thanks
  7. It has to be set in local.config.php - the values in there overwrite the ones in app.config. The reason being, local.config is not updated, so your changes are not overwritten
  8. common/countriesdata.class.php I believe
  9. Is the form/page modified in anyway? There haven't been any changes to that since the last release
  10. You don't need any of that to use FSACARS. Goto Documentation on top, then ACARS guides, then FSACARS: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=21 Though FSACARS is discontinued (by the creators and by me), so I'd use KACARS.
  11. Once you change the ID to a higher one, it starts from there... there's a warning about it
  12. Your database is toast. Get a real host!
  13. Hey, Do a search, it's come up many times, but basically there's some javascript error on the page. Check the Firefox Error Console
  14. Thanks, I'm currently traveling so I'll try to get to it ASAP
  15. Not sure, try out different amounts, maybe 70-80 max I'd presume
  16. Ah that would do it, glad you got it
  17. What's on the registration page? That's usually a host setting
  18. Hey Nout, Daniel is correct - it limits the number of routes shown initially so it doesn't crash someones browser. You can change the number it shows in the local.config.php file
  19. The encoding on the front-end is probably wrong then. Get it working right in the DB, then in Firefox, goto View -> Character encoding, and cycle through and see which ones work, then use that encoding in the layout template
  20. When you FTP in, what folders do you click on to get to the /lib/fsfk folder? So do you click on public_html, then what do you click on next?
  21. Strange, only on a month view or yearly view? Can you run the /install/checkinstall.php and paste the output here?
  22. Are you sure it's not cached on your local computer and it's not just showing that one? It wouldn't be grabbing anything from a remote server, only locally
  23. Hey, Docs are here: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?app=ccs
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