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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. There's a few things to change... In the local.config.php, change the encoding for the page (PAGE_ENCODING) There's also a DB_CHARSET I believe it is, it might be in app.config.php so copy that into local.config.php and edit that as well. That should do it . There are comments in that file explaining in more detail
  2. Won't let you? What happens?
  3. Thanks Jeff! Under Site & Settings, there's vaCentral Settings, then try clicking "Send PIREPs". Also, can you paste the output from /install/checkinstall.php
  4. It was a stupid error on my part, it's fixed in beta. It wasn't run the cron because I had flipped a bool value.. woops. Probably will push a full release at the end of this week. Thanks!!
  5. Ah I see - do you have some more details? It's strange since it does the lookup based on the pilot ID
  6. Could be that your server is dying while processing all of it
  7. Updated Tickets: [VMS-328] - Admin 'Inactive Schedules' shows all [VMS-329] - no expence anny more for the va and also autoretire isn't working annymore Changed Files: m core/common/FinanceData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml VMS-328 VMS-329 #closed fixed View complete changes Download from here
  8. Updated Tickets: [VMS-328] - Admin 'Inactive Schedules' shows all [VMS-329] - no expence anny more for the va and also autoretire isn't working annymore Changed Files: m admin/modules/Finance/Finance.php m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m admin/templates/ops_schedules.tpl m admin/templates/pireps_list.tpl m admin/templates/sidebar_schedules.tpl m core/app.config.php m core/bootstrap.inc.php m core/common/CronData.class.php m core/common/FinanceData.class.php m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml m unittest/add_pirep.php VMS-328 VMS-329 #closed fixed Notes: Bunch of fixes and enhancements. Fixed bugs with financials (stupid error on my part...). Removed 'Inactive Schedules' and added it to the filters for the table. Happy 4th! View complete changes Download from here
  9. Updated Tickets: [VMS-328] - Admin 'Inactive Schedules' shows all [VMS-329] - no expence anny more for the va and also autoretire isn't working annymore Changed Files: m admin/modules/Finance/Finance.php m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m admin/templates/ops_schedules.tpl m admin/templates/pireps_list.tpl m admin/templates/sidebar_schedules.tpl m core/app.config.php m core/bootstrap.inc.php m core/common/CronData.class.php m core/common/FinanceData.class.php m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml m unittest/add_pirep.php VMS-328 VMS-329 #closed fixed View complete changes Download from here
  10. In the phpvms_updates table, what's the last run date for POPULATE_EXPENSES ?
  11. Run install/checkinstall.php sounds like a corrupted file
  12. Nabeel

    Header Pic

    There's no way to really fix this without a fluid layout and sizing the header itself to fit. Maybe add an overflow property
  13. The cookies is domain specific, I'll have to check the cookie name, I think I just had set it to something generic. Now that I think about it, it might depend on the server setup
  14. I'll move this topic to the kACARS forum then. Do you have more information about what version, etc?
  15. Are they on different folders, or subdomains?
  16. Under Site & Settings -> Maintenance -> Reset ACARS Maps
  17. I did that because people were manually changing it, then coming for support when things were broken. This at least does the change properly. Use it if you have to, I mean, I wouldn't go changing every pilot ID. The latest pilots list picks out the latest 10, I believe, I'll check that to make sure.
  18. Nabeel

    Manual PIREP

    Just remove the select, and use: <input type = 'hidden' name='code' value='airline code' /> Replace 'airline code' with your airline code you want to be the default
  19. I'm not sure how that would be happening unless you have two separate installs and databases, that's why I'm asking about your setup
  20. That's strange... who's your host?
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