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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. No, I mean you do not need to assign them one by one from the admin panel ... If you open the csv with excel or something like it, it makes changes to the columns. You should either use another software for it, or use load data from text option in excel (instead of double clicking the csv file) What you need is to separate the subfleets with semicolon like below ,route,notes,active,subfleets,fares,fields ,VAKUM UT54 KFK UR32 HALIL UW77 BAG UW71 TEMEL,,1,B738W-PGT;A320-PGT;A320N-PGT;A321N-PGT,YG, Notice that subfleet sections starts with a comma (,) then i have 4 subfleets and they are separated with semicolons (;) and then subfleets section ends with a comma (,) 1,B738W-PGT;A320-PGT;A320N-PGT;A321N-PGT,Y But when you double click a csv file with excel, it simply changes all commas to semicolons, thus breaking our import logic.
  2. LoL , your question is like the quality calls dealers are making ... How would you rate your satisfaction from 1 to 10, 10 means totally satisfied I never reply to them, and will not reply to you either 'cause my satisfaction criterias may not meet yours. Therefore when someone is totally satisfied, another one may not, this really depends from person to person. In general, i am a licenced aviation professional, i do use simulators for more than 20 years, i am not after eye candy or ear candy stuff. I am not a gamer nor a hardcore va fanboy / wannabe pilot of some sort. I do fly by the book, report my flights by the book. In this respect, i am satisfied enough from what vmsAcars offers at the moment. (i used many other acars softwares in the past and still have some of them installed for some other va's) Can it be improved ? Of course yes but this probably will not change my current satisfaction level Safe flights
  3. Great ... Then welcome to the happy family of v7 users By any experience you mean any problems while using it or my overall view/satisfaction about ? I am using vmsAcars, as my main operational software at my live site. I think this will be enough to express my satisfaction It is currently at beta stage, have some problems of course but nothing that big and show stopper. And being improved day by day by our genious developer @Nabeel. We (as users) believe that it will be a much better software soon. If has nice features (some offered as paid options in other softwares) , lightweight and supports main simulators without problems. Though MsFs is being the biggest problem due to constant changes but it is mainly stable. The only downside i see is, currently it has no MacOS support, but someday I think it will be there. If you have any questions about vmsAcars and/or phpVms v7, you can join the fun at Discord too Safe flights,
  4. If you are looking for an acars alternative for phpvms v7, there is none at the moment. So do not waste your time But if you are looking for an airline management software to use with SmartCARS, you may find some for sure (but finding one being supported and compatible with new tech may be hard though) Safe flights
  5. I am using simBrief Downloader and it is pretty useful. You can export your SimBrief ofp route directly to your vmsAcars folder with it (if you need to), so it already supports vmsAcars When you load a flight from vmsAcars with Flight Searh or Bid functions and if there is a SimBrief OFP attached to that flight/bid, it gets loaded by vmsAcars automatically. Safe flights
  6. Hello @Vahid, No, not at the moment and it will not be possible until TFDi Design updates SmartCARS. It will not be a phpVMS update, SmartCARS needs to be updated and we do not know their future plans. As far as i know (from their previous replies to other users at their support forums etc); SmartCARS v2 will not be updated but future versions of SmartCARS v3 (or later) "may" support phpvms v7. Safe flights
  7. That is something we need to ask @Nabeel Safe flights and thanks for sharing your work with us.
  8. Understood, technically IATA codes should not be mandatory 'cause some airports in real world does not have them And regulations wise, only ICAO codes are mandatory (issued by state aviation authorities)
  9. Hi, Just a question; Why did you used X for all IATA codes ? If an airport does not have an IATA code assigned, it should be left empty and if it has one it should be in the file... With this file, you are making all French aerodromes use the same IATA code. LFPG,CDG, Charles de Gaulle International Airport,,France,Europe/Paris,, 49.0128, 2.55,250,0.21,0.21,0.21 or LFPG,, Charles de Gaulle International Airport,,France,Europe/Paris,, 49.0128, 2.55,250,0.21,0.21,0.21 but not LFPG,X, Charles de Gaulle International Airport,,France,Europe/Paris,, 49.0128, 2.55,250,0.21,0.21,0.21 Safe flights
  10. Why did you used X for IATA codes ?
  11. What is the error you are getting ? Without exact error text it is impossible to help... This is just not enough.
  12. Ok, this is the second part of my guides. I got a lot of questions about them, how to define, how to make them compatible with SimBrief, how do the real companies handle different types or configs etc. etc. And unfortunately I see some PhpVms friends having struggle with defining them. So what is it ? All airlines do have aircrafts, we call them fleets. But most of the airlines do have different types of aircrafts under their fleets, imagine like having both Airbus A320 and Boeing B737-800 at the same time flying for the same airline. Then you need some "Subfleets" to separate them during operations. And things got really messy when those aircrafts have different seat configurations, imagine a Boeing B737-800 with full economy seats and another one with 150 Economy seats + 16 Business seats. They are still B737-800 but their capacities and weights do change To overcome that changes we do divide them to more "Groups" or "Subfleets". While in real ops, we do have some extra definitions for them and this changes from airline to airline, but here in phpvms v7 we only have "Subfleets" and it is pretty enough to manage our fleets. Lets start to define our Subfleets for Boeing B737-800 fleet; When in admin section, click Fleet from the sidebar , this will open up the Subfleets page (yes there is a confusion there but it is ok). Then click Add New Subfleet from top navbar. Select your airline Select the base/hub of this subfleet (optional but nice to have) Define the short code (type) you wish to use for this subfleet. For this I would kindly suggest having short but descriptive names like B738W-Y189 or just B738W-Y Leave the SimBrief Type empty (for now, will explain it later) Give a nice name to your subfleet. Do not force the limits, a short but nice name would do the trick like Boeing B737-800 WL Full Economy Leave Cost Per Hour empty (for now, will explain it later) Leave Cost Delay Per Minute empty (for now, will explain it later) Select JET A as your fuel type Leave Ground Handling Multiplier empty (for now, will explain it later) and click Save. Now we have our first Subfleet, which will hold/contain our 189 seated Boeing 738's. (This is important, we created this new subfleet for only Boeing B738's with full economy seats. Not for all of our Boeing B738's !) So move a little bit down and you will see new items/sections there Ranks ( will explain this later, but leave it empty for now and please do disable/unclick Restrict Aircrafts To Ranks setting in Admin/Settings during your initial setup and test phase) Fares ( I tried to explain the fare logic in another topic, will not do a copy paste here or repeat myself ... Simply add your Economy fare here and set the capacity as 189. Leave price and cost untouched. ) Expenses ( will explain this later in detail ) Files ( No need to explain this i think, these are the files you upload or link to this subfleet. It may be document or a repaint, anything you want to share is possible) Click Save again. Now we will repeat the same process from beginning but now for our different seat configurated B738's ... This time going a little bit fast, click add new subfleet and apply the differences below; Define the short code (type) you wish to use for this subfleet. For this I would kindly suggest having short but descriptive names like B738W-Y150J16 or just B738W-YJ Give a nice name to your subfleet. Do not force the limits, a short but nice name would do the trick like Boeing B737-800 WL Mixed click Save and then quickly add two fares to this subfleet. This time we will need two fares 'cause this subfleet will hold our 2 class seat configurated B738's. So we need both Economy and Business fares (which we created earlier). Set the capacity of Economy fare to 150 and Business to 16 and click Save again to finish the basic setup. Technically that's all you need to do to define and separate different types of aircraft in your fleet. Go ahead and add some aircrafts under these newly created Subfleets. First two aircrafts to the Boeing B737-800 WL Full Economy subfleet While adding aircrafts to subfleets, try using standard codes for IATA and ICAO fields. IATA code is not used anywhere but ICAO code is important for flight planning with SimBrief integration. As an example I will add two aircrafts to each subfleet, to do this click on the Subfleet Name (Boeing B737-800 WL Full Economy) and then click on New Aircraft . Enter details as below; Status : Active Location : As you wish Name : Clipper Disposable ( This is nothing more than a sticker on the plane, anything you like to have is ok. It may be your name, your child's name or even a place name. It has no legality in real life ops) IATA : 738 ICAO : B738 ( This field is used for SimBrief flight planning, until you define some special code for the whole subfleet. Which will be explained later) Registration : TC-SKR ( This is important and must be unique, this is the licence plate of an aircraft - along with its MSN : Manufacturer Serial Number, think like the VIN of your car ) MTOW : Empty ZFW : Empty Click Save . skip Expenses and Files for now. Click Save again to return back to Subfleet list. Click New Aircraft again and apply the differences as below; Name : Fake Queen ( This is nothing more than a sticker on the plane, anything you like to have is ok. It may be your name, your child's name or even a place name. It has no legality in real life ops) Registration : TC-SKS ( This is important and must be unique, this is the licence plate of an aircraft - along with its MSN : Manufacturer Serial Number, think like the VIN of your car ) Click Save again and then click Fleet from the sidebar. Now add two new aircrafts to your Boeing B737-800 WL Mixed subfleet, just make up two new names and two unique registrations. And you are done. When you look at your Fleet page, you will be seeing something like below; Boeing B737-800 WL Full Economy | Disposable Virtual | B738W-Y | 2 | Edit and Delete Icons Boeing B737-800 WL Mixed | Disposable Virtual | B738W-YJ | 2 | Edit and Delete Icons Actually the most important part is over, what you will see below is kind of nerdish details We have two different types, they are different so they will have different weights or specs, and they must have different flight plans ! Well, this may dissapoint you but most of the details will be same but of course there will be some, slight changes between them. And we already handled the most important difference (seat configuration) just minutes ago, so what now ? The weights will be different, which weights ! I know we left MTOW and ZFW empty while defining our subfleets 'cause they have no effect and not being used at all (for now, maybe we can improve phpvms v7 a little bit more to effectively use that fields too). When seat configuration changes, mainly BEW (Basic Empty Weight) and DOW (Dry Operating Weight or Operating Empty Weight) changes. MZFW (Maximum Zero Fuel Weight), MRW (Maximum Ramp Weight), MTOW (Maximum TakeOff Weight) and MLW (Maximum Landing Weight) remains the same. And as you saw, none of these weights are available in PhpVms v7 (at least not now), so we need to use SimBrief to define these differences. (please open a new tab, do not close the phpvms admin tab now) At SimBrief website, click on Saved Airframes (under Dispatch) menu. Then click on New Airframe. Select B737-800 from the dropdown and click proceed. In this tiny but valuable screen we have everything needed and we have the ability to use these settings for our subfleets in PhpVms v7. Just make WEIGHT CHANGES and adjust the MAX PASSENGERS here as you wish (according to your preferred addon aircraft's weights of course), give your new airframes nice names and registrations (don't worry only you will see them, they will not be used on your API generated flight plans). Rest of the info is not necessary for us 'cause we are sending almost all them to SimBrief via our integration system and what we are sending have priority over the airframe we are saving here. So for example, you can define the registration here as TC-DSP , but when generating a new flight plan via our integration we will send the registration as TC-SKS. SimBrief is clever enough to use the submitted one (many thanks to Derek) and your generated ofp will use TC-SKS as the registration. So keeping things short, assuming you just finished editing your new airframe's weights which will be used for your Boeing B737-800 WL Full Economy subfleet and ready to save it ... Just copy the Internal ID code from there and click Save Aircraft. Go back to your PhpVms v7 admin section (we left it at Subfleet list and did not closed the tab as far as remember) and click edit icon of your Boeing B737-800 WL Full Economy subfleet. And paste the Internal ID you just coppied there to Simbrief Type field (which we left empty before). It will look like something like this 2458_1615250668421 Now go back to SimBrief tab, create a new airframe and edit its details for your Boeing B737-800 WL Mixed subfleet. Repeat the same process and use your new Internal ID for that subfleet. You may not believe this, but you are done Really this was all, not joking. From now on, when you want to generate a new Operational Flight Plan (OFP) with PhpVms v7 using the SimBrief integration for the members of these subfleets, SimBrief will use the weights and other changes (which we do not overwrite via API) according to the airframes details you saved there. Our SimBrief integration is capable of passing almost every detail you need for a proper flight plan, I know we miss some little details but they are not affecting the reliability of the flight plan at all. What you need is already in your hands and with the addition of proper/addon matching weights all your flight plans will be much realistic. Key Factors for defining SubFleets Do not mix up different aircraft types under a subfleet ( like B738/A320 or A321/A321 NEO ) Do not mix up different seat configurated aircrafts under a subfleet ( like 189 Economy Seats/150 Economy + 16 Business Seats ) Do not mix up different purpose aircrafts under a subfleet ( like Freighter/ Passenger ) Try to keep up your subfleets organized and simple as much as possible There is one possible downside of using SimBrief Airframe ID's for SubFleets. And it is a little bit complicated, imagine some of your pilots are using X-Plane / Zibo B737-800X as their aircraft. So you will try to match your SimBrief airframe details close to Zibo B738 as much as possible, and there is nothing wrong with this. But then a new pilots registers and uses Prepar3D / PMDG B738 NGXu ! What the hell, technically they are the same aircraft but their weights and fuel specs may not be the same. This problem applies to real world operations too so you are not alone. At this situation you need to either create a new subfleet for the PMDG NGXu or find a middle point where the two (PMDG NGXu and Zibo B738X) can share the same airframe id without damaging the realism too much. [ I prefer finding the middle point ] This possible scenario may be extended to Airbus fleets, may include MsFs aircraft and possible future addons ... Our lovely addon developers mostly try to match real specs but weights do differ in real life too. Unfortunately having simbrief airframe id's for every aircraft in your fleet will not solve this problem 'cause one of your X-Plane pilots may take an MsFs configured aircraft and fly with it (by disregarding or accepting the litte changes), so my advice here is written above. Keep your subfleets organized and simple as much as you can, let your pilots do little corrections according to their simulator and aircraft choices. There is another possible solution for this but it needs more improvements in phpvms v7 or a completely independent module. I am working on one but how it will proceed I am not sure yet. Imagine having separate definitions for each addon your pilots have, for example 3 Boeing B737-800 definitions (Zibo B738X, PMDG NGXu for PMDG and PMDG NGxS for MsFs2020) , or 3 Airbus A321 Neo's (ToLiss, Asobo and Aerosoft) and you will be able to select your addon during flight planning, where its proper values will be passed to SimBrief. Honestly this is the only possible solution I thought to overcome this mess. Anyway, thats all for now. Will try to give some more details about expenses next time. Safe flights to all
  13. vmsAcars is/was capable of reading the weights and the fuel, it was a phpvms v7 issue (or a design feature) ... With the latest dev build, it is possible to change the logic for fuel expense from "fuel used" to "fuel uplifted". If you are using the latest dev, just check your settings and enable "Advanced Fuel Calculations". This option will enable what you are asking. And just a note; We are not using the fuel actually loaded in the aircraft (which can be changed by the pilot before running acars), instead we are using the remaining fuel from the previous flight of the same aircraft, which is more realistic and safer to build on.
  14. I do not understand why people still link or reference PhpVms v5 modules to v7 posts ... They will not work unless you re-write them from ground up, which is technically much harder than building your own module. There is no publicly shared module for fleet management or so called "real booking" logic. And there are reasons for it, the main reason is that phpvms v7 is still under development, though most of the main code is stable and working, this does not mean that it will not be changed and/or logics will stay the same from today to tomorrow. So any module developed today with the latest dev may not work one week later, or work in a non expected way. This little details is keeping developer a little bit away from working on phpvms v7, some of us on the other hand using this development process to build our own modules/widgets etc and improve them as phpvms v7 becomes more stable and capable day by day. For the main question, Maco already builded his own aircraft/fleet location display module and already shared it with people willing to use. I do have shared my module with some selected kind people and virtual airlines who/which are using v7 as their main operational software. And for the aircraft selection logic, there are some options in phpvms v7 which may change how the aircrafts become available to pilots and how they are blocked, so a simple logic (check if there are any aircrafts at that airport and list them) would not work as thought, you need to check multiple options and go through multiple layers of services to get a proper list of aircraft. I am not trying to say that it is impossible, of course it is possible but not easy as most people are thinking. Anyway, in my personal opinion, when v7 reaches a state of RC (release candidate) or gets released as v7.0 some modules will start to be public, maybe free of charge maybe payware but there will be some modules trying to enhance the core. Please just do not share or reference old version modules for v7, which may broke somebodies working installation and/or unwanted/incompatible files may cause trouble later on. Safe flights to all
  15. Hi, this question is the most asked one and with the SimBrief improvements we have in v7 this matter become critical ... Here you can find the basics about the logic and how to setup your fares/subfleets/flights properly. 1. Main Fares You can define your fares in admin/fares. These will be your main fare types, which will then be used in your subfleets or flights. The main idea here is to define only the basics, so you can change them later when needed. Think fares like the seats in your plane (or cargo space), which can be sold as tickets. They are not in flight services or extended service types like WiFi, Hot Meals, Extra Snacks, Economy Premium or Economy Basic, they are just Economy seats you have. So lets start; Economy (Y) Business (J) First Class (F) Cargo (CGO) These are the main fare groups commonly found in airliners, so start with Economy. When you are at admin/fares click Add New, and enter the info as described below Code : Y Name : Economy Type : Passenger ( for Cargo Fares type must be Cargo as expected ) Price : 100 Cost : 25 Capacity : EMPTY / NULL ( Leave it empty, do NOT try writing EMPTY to that field ) Notes : Fill as you wish Active : Checked and click save ... In simple terms we will gain 75 Usd/Eur/Pound (currency comes from your settings) from each passenger 'cause there is an operating cost of a seat. Repeat the steps for rest if you wish. Why we left Capacity empty ? I will explain it later but for now we are just defining our base fares, so no need to have capacities here. 2. SubFleet Fares Assuming you already have at least one subfleet, which is mandatory in v7. We can explain their logic later if necessary. Head up to admin/fleets and click edit one of your subfleets, or just create one and save (so you will be able to see the details). Scroll down a little bit and you will see Fares section there and it is probably empty. This is the area where we "assign" and "adjust" our main fares which will be used for this subfleet. Click on Select Fare, you will see your defined main fares there. Select Economy and click Add. Now the fare is assigned to this subfleet and you will see it above values like below; Name : Economy Code : Y Type : Passenger Capacity : inherited () Price : inherited (100) Cost : inherited (25) This is where v7 magic begins ... I will use an Airbus A320 with only economy class seats as my basic aircraft type. Click on the inherited text under capacity column and enter 180 there. Right now, when you use any member of this subfleet, you will have 180 seats ready for being sold with a price tag of 100 currency and it will cost you 25 currency to operate that seat. If you want to change the price of your tickets or adjust the operating costs of your seats for this subfleet you can follow the same steps for price and cost. If you do so, your ticket prices and/or costs will be changed ONLY for this subfleet. While adjusting prices you can just use pure values like 150 or percentages like 125%. It is up to you how you change the value. Just do not use percentages on capacities, it really does not make any sense Ok, passenger capacity and price/cost was easy ... How about having some cargo space/fare for a passenger plane. They are not designed to carry bigger loads like freighters but they do have some space under their belly, which is mainly used for carrying out passenger baggages, why not use the remaining space to earn some more money ? Normally passenger planes are mostly limited by the cargo hold's (the name of the cargo area) volume but since we do not have any volume checking capability in simulator and phpvms, we will stick only on the weights here. Just add your pre-defined cargo fare to your subfleet like you added the passenger fares. So, the logic is simple; Your Cargo fare should be big enough to hold all your passenger baggages. Then calculation is simple too 180 (our pax capacity) * 35 lbs (our non-charter baggage weight : check admin/setting simbrief for default values) = 6300 lbs should be your minimum Cargo Fare capacity. If you want to carry some paid cargo, then you need to increase this amount up to a point where it does not passes your aircrafts Maximum Zero Fuel Weight when you have full pax on board. I know this may sound a little bit strange but this is how real thing works too If you know your aircraft specification, then you can calculate your possible max cargo capacity by below formula; Maximum Cargo Fare Capacity = MZFW - DOW - ( max pax seat capacity * pax weight ) DOW is Dry Operating Weight (Operating Empty Weight), it is the weight of your aircraft without fuel, passengers and cargo but with crew, catering and airline stuff loaded already. Anyway, if you do not know your DOW and MZFW then just add some space more to the above calculated value, make it like 8000 lbs. So you will have 1700 lbs free space to carry some cargo after taking all the passenger baggages for a fully loaded flight. Please note; If your PhpVms weight settings are KG, just convert the amount you found to kilograms before adjusting the cargo fare capacity. Just another note for SimBrief Form; The cargo fares of passenger planes will show you the Maximum Available capacity, though we named it max in short terms but this may lead confusions. So when you have passengers and their baggage, your cargo fare capacity will be reduced by the weight of the total passenger baggage weight. Therefore it is not the capacity you defined anymore, it is just what is left behind for you to load additional cargo. If you see negative values there, this is a clear indication that your cargo fare capacity is not enough to hold the passenger baggages . And please keep in mind that SimBrief form uses your aircraft, meaning it reads your subfleet fares. It is a flight plan, do not expect it to read the fares of a flight, it is directly related to the aircrafy you want to generate a flight plan. 3. Flight Fares Technically you really do not need to add fares to flights, but the logic is same as adding fares to subfleets. If you want to change the ticket price/cost of a fare for a specific flight you can do it here. Imagine having a special flight with doubled ticket prices, then just add the fare you want to adjust, click on the price or cost columns inherited text and enter 200%. Now you will have doubled price/cost for this flight only I higly suggest you to not to define capacities at main fares and not adjust capacities at flight fares. This really makes life easier, in real world operations we do not define the capacity in fares and for flights (unless there is a special need). Capacity always comes from the aircraft (here in phpvms it comes from the subfleet) and when we (as OCC or Dispatchers) do change the aircraft of a flight or decide to do it with another aircraft other than planned by commercial planning or schedule planning departments of the airline, ticket sale systems just get the new aircraft info and use its capacity to stop the ticket sales automatically if it reaches the max seats. Things do NOT work like the real world here, so if you have a 180 seat aircraft but define a main fare with 219 seat capacity or edit a flight's fare and set capacity to 239 there, results will not be nice And always remember, fare logic follows below order; Flight (has highest priority, when you change thigns here, they will be used) Subfleet / Aircraft (medium priority over fare) Fare (lowest priority and gets overwritten by the ones above) I think this is enough for basic setup and understanding the logic how fares work in PhpVms v7. Safe flights for now, will post some more info about different topics later.
  16. What you can do is, enable the multiplier option of your expense for Airport Landing Fee or Parking Fee ... Then during the finance calculation process you can alter the multiplier value (of your aircraft's subfleet) by calculating the time spent between landing of previous pirep and following take off from that airport (current pirep). Also keep in mind that the finance calculations happen when the pirep is accepted. A little bit tricky but will give you what you want if coded/developed correctly.
  17. It is possible of course but you need to implement your own code for this to happen ... Not available in default phpvms v7 (or not designed yet)
  18. Yes it is possible but not with default phpvms v7 ... Or at least not now 'cause it is not designed to show details of other user's pireps and/or full pirep list of the va in a page. At the moment it is only possible from the admin panel and/or with a module developed for phpvms v7.
  19. Version v2.x


    *** DISCONTINUED OLD MODULES *** *** Download only you have to use them for some reason and need them *** *** Check their README.MD files for details ***
  20. For the home airport selection, you should define some hubs ... Which can be done at admin / airports, just click the hub box when adding or editing an airport. Also there is a setting for this, disabling it make all your airports selectable ( check settings / pilots ) For the finances you may be missing something, i highly suggest reading the docs about the finances, it may help to understand the logic behing it. If you can see the transactions being created in your database, then you should be able to see the results in admin/finances section too but we really need some more info to help. And when using manual pireps, finances do work and you should be able to add your load info when you select an aircraft (unless you are using Stisla v7 theme though, that option is not working on that theme unfortunately, it is somehow broken). I am testing all my finances and improvements with manual pireps in my local setup, so I am pretty sure they do work Hope you can sort the problems you are facing, safe flights
  21. First of all, you should urgently update your PhpVms version ... Beta4 is too old to be used, even for test purposes it would only cause headache both to you and people trying to help you. Use latest dev build, which is more stable and bug cleaned also offers more functionality. And you should check for new builds from time to time, or just follow PhpVms Discord's Releases channel Your first 2 questions require basic html / css styling knowledge, also you need to get used to laravel blade (view) system to edit things. PhpVms Docs and Laravel Docs are good starting locations to read (if you have the basic knowledge). 3rd one needs a little bit more knowledge 'cause you need to define a table for the flights and do a foreach loop for the rows of the table (instead of cards), which will use data from the flights collection. I did not tried to use a table for the flights, it would work of course but a table may broke the pagination logic and your results may look really strange when you reach the limit for automatic pagination. Anyway, not impossible of course but this would be a little bit harder compared to changing texts or headings. For the last question, I did it some time ago and today converted it to a widget for PhpVms v7. If you wish you can download it from my GitHub repository with other widgets I offer for vms v7. Check the readme file for more details. Technically if you get yourself familiar with laravel blade system and how to edit files, using a widget (adding it to your template) would be easy. Hope this helps
  22. Just a quick report ... Even with the default files ( create.blade.php , fares.blade.php , fields.blade.php , scripts.blade.php ) Stisla is not allowing showing the fares section upon aircraft select ... I checked the scripts, default and stisla blades, they are same (expect the styling), same div id's / names used and nothing changed to cause this problem. Also stisla theme is not showing the flash errors and/or the form field feedbacks, think that the problem is somewhere deeper in its core (which somehow blocks the script to run properly and blocks the flash messages) May return it later, simply I got bored while trying to fix something i did not broke in the first place
  23. Really laughed to be honest ...
  24. Will look into the Stisla problem, just need some time though
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