Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello all! I currently have a playlist on Youtube which has PHPVMS Tutorials (coding, walkthroughs etc.) i have been working on. All (nearly all) of them are in HD Link: Tell me what you think, Mitch (If you want a request send me a PM)
Last reply by AFVA | Mitchell, -
- 4 replies
Merry Xmas to everyone ! PHPVMS has been a great software and thanks to Nabeel dedication to the project, I must admit that the future of PHPVMS is very bright ! So thanks to you Nabeel ! Again, merry Xmas to everyone !
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
Is there anyone out there does aircraft paint jobs?
Last reply by joeri, -
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Does any one else find importing schedules very very time consuming? Just a thought but if we all shared a csv export it would be a lot easier to browse through the file and make custom changes then import what we wanted on our local system. We could have a complete database of flights to choose from with out having to input every line. What are your thoughts?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
I was wondering, where do you find the best place to recruit pilots from? Back in the day we used MSN Zone. For every 20 pilots that registered, 1 would fly regularly. Now days since the demise of eSkyWorld and MSN Zone, it seems the only good place left it the big VAT. I am to the point now of getting ready to start to recruit and was just curious. I have 7 of us now, but all we have been doing is mainly testing. Any and all pointers are appreciated. Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hello again all! Hope everyone is having a great night/flight. I have been using FSFK since phpVMS was letting us use it. I cant help but notice that you MUST put in passengers load or cargo load.... or so I think. I did one flight and did not enter passengers OR cargo. When I submitted the flight, it said the flight was a loss due to all fuel cost and no income at all. Hmmmmmm So then I loaded up a flight and then entered the max allowable passengers for that flight and tah dah! it worked. Now on to the issue at hand. When filing a pirep manually, phpVMS will auto fill cargo or passengers depending on the flight type. that is not so with FSFK. I just did a flight and…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Im looking for a good program to make .exe's/installers for our fleet... anyone have any Ideas? I want to be able to package panels, sounds, ect. and have in installed via one .exe Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by pouzo, -
Hey guys... recently I have been asked to make about 4 non FS related websites... Rather than start from scratch I plan on just using a CMS and skinning it. What is your favorite CMS? Pros/Cons Personally I like WordPress, but I am interested in trying new stuff. Anyone use eZ Publish?
Last reply by TennShadow, -
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I've looked here before and I always thought of phpVMS as a CMS, but I am beginning to realize that I needed something that has the ability to scale with the airline as it expands. I also hope to help out around her a bit more, since I am paid to work with MVC on PHP on a daily basis Simulated Continental is moving to phpVMS soon so this should be fun.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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HEy guys, i'm was wondering what was phpvms 1.0 like. IF you still have the file for 1.0, i want to see it. Please
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Hi Nabeel. I am REALLY out of date. I am still on Version 2.0.874 Has there been a new stable since then I need to update to then upgrade from there? Or am I good to go as far as upgrading my current install to latest beta? As we all know I have ran into some major medical issues the last month or two and I have not been on a bunch or able to do any web work. I am so far behind if I start reading posts now, I might be caught back up to speed by tomorrow afternoon.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Nabeel, Thank You for the great app you have dedicated so much time to here, not to mention the great support, 5000 posts, I think it's time for a cold one!
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Any free software for live streaming a view from your monitor on website ? Maciej.
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I am no longer doing phpvms skins for other va's, there are just too many things to be doing right now, but do not want people hitting my site to not have any options. If you are skinning sites for phpvms and would like a link to your site from let me know. I also have a skin switching demo site similar to the one at phpbb if you would like to include any skins of your own, let me know. I can include them with credit/links to your site. skin switching site -
Last reply by simpilot, -
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I noticed something today, and thought I'd come to the forum here and see if anyone else had brought it up and maybe shared a few good laughs with everyone else, but I couldn't find anything. I like the randomly generated Airplane! quotes in the Admin footer. Very clever easter egg I wouldn't have noticed if my Internet connection wouldn't have hit a snag and stuck with the footer in my face.
Last reply by dale0404, -
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I just wanted to wish my fellow PHPVMS users a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your day is filled with blessings. Keith
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Anyone know i good place to get good rank images? Im a too busy to make them in photoshop right now thanks
Last reply by James142, -
Is anyone else using IPBoard, like the one here. I am having trouble with the latest post on my main site. Their SSI is really bad. The other option is to use their IP Content module. I don't want to spend another $50, for IP COntent. Doeas someone have a script to show the latest post from my board to display on my main page?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 4 replies
Hello, After 2 years of running a virtual airline, the staff and I have decided to close it. However, we wish to start a new project which will offer services to virtual airlines. Something like websites such as, We are trying to think of a new unique service to offer to the virtual airline community. One idea was a Virtual Airline Magazine, would anyone here be interested? Or do you have any other ideas of what you would liked to be offered? I'm Looking forward to your suggestions and replies. Kindest Regards, Daniel
Last reply by Daniel Gallagher, -
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Let's get a group together! I'm on Death Wind Corridor... spicymcwookie!
Last reply by Edwin, -
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This just goes why i think if SWA pilots would slow down and take their time this wouldn't happen. LOL
Last reply by twelka3, -
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Does anyone know of any good free HTML Encoders?
Last reply by tutmeister, -
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So I was thinking, seeing as phpVMS is hosted on github, we could get around the whole downloading a zip, uploading, etc etc etc. How easy would it be to set up a "stable" branch of phpVMS on github, which the updater can pull a zip of and install itself? (Also if it's not that easy, having a "stable" branch alone would be super handy as the master is not always error-free, and there aren't any historic downloads in the downloads tab on github )
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 4 replies
Hi, i wondered if anyone knows of any good dash 8 q400 add ons for fs9. Can be payware or freeware but preferably has a virtual cockpit. Thanks
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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Hi All, My last dedicated FSX computer died, and I've been using FSX on the family laptop, but I've decided to get one of my own, for FSX. My Budget can only strech to getting a used PC(Around $600AUD), so I've been doing some digging, and found these. (Sorry for basic info, sellers weren't helpful) -4ghz amd quad core proccesor -2gb AMD Radeon HD video -8gb 2133mhz ddr3 ram -2Tb hard drive -Dvd burner Or CPU: Intel CORE 2 quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz Motherboard: ASUS PSG4IT-M LX3 RAM: 8GB (4GB x 2 kit) DDR3 Graphics card: Gigabyte GV-NX845512 HD Hard Drive: WD 1TB. SATA 2x 19" LCD Moniters Ideas?
Last reply by CustomCoders, -
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I logged into cPanel the other day and noticed there was the option to change theme that wasn't there before. So, naturally curious, I tried it, only for it to result in this: Invalid license Main IP Address: CPanel Version: RVskin Version: Note: Server administrator can run perl /root/rvadmin/ to switch users to other skin such as X skin while waiting for the resolution. - This happens every time I try to access it now.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, i'm currently creating a new community site for virtual airline staff and pilots. Of course it will also be open to any Flightsim enthusiast who likes to join. The main purpose is that virtual airlines find any possible information centered on one site plus give pilots who look for a VA a place where they can easily browse through VAs from all over the world. Secondly it also gives people who offer services for VAs the chance to advertise on one place thus making it easier for VA CEOs to find these services. I plan to expand that community in the future by listening to the whishes of the community members. since this forum here is mainly for phpvms Support i …
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Can someone help me with the IPS flight board, and it's not the phpVMS version but the stand alone I guess it is called. I am trying to code the LiveBoard.txt file and have no idea how to begin. I am trying to get it to work with phpVMS, and I know it's IPS and that's why I posted in the Off-Topic area. And help would be appreciated!
Last reply by Heritage1, -
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Ok all you sql gurus, I have an issue I need a hand with. First off, I must confess how much I SUCK at sql statements and trying to debug errors. This one is throwing errors. You probably see it but I don't. Have any clues? if so I should am all ears and willing to listen/read. I been banging my head on this part of the night. $sql = "SELECT username, user_id, user_posts, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_allowavatar FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " WHERE user_id <> " . ANONYMOUS . " ORDER BY user_posts DESC LIMIT " . $portal_config['md_total_poster']; if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not query users', '', __LINE__, __FIL…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 4 replies
Like the updated look! I'd guess it includes an update of the forum software too - and better security. Thanks to David and the rest of the team for all you do! I about had a heart attack the other day when the forums were down. I'm in the middle of an upgrade to 5.5.2 from 2.x and will probably be in need of assistance shortly. One issue I had with the old forum which continues into this one - on my Android tablet the forum redirects to: . IIRC, someone else has reported this issue also. All works fine in Win7 with IE11 and Chrome. Also no issues with iPhone access. The issue seems related only to Android. Are others on Android experi…
Last reply by ProAvia,