Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
Dafsim Setup
by Jeff- 7 replies
If anyone is using Dafsim on their website, Could you please PM me on how to get it all set-up? Their website and forums don't explain very much.
Last reply by BBuchanan, -
- 2 replies
When upon transferring the mySQL database info to another server, I was wanting to delete the schedules in the file, but would that wreck it in any way. I attached it to this post for further looking.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 11 replies
Could someone help me get my date picker working? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Dave, 0once again thanks!! I would be delighted for your mentorship with the project. When completed i am sure=A0we might be able to share consumers, given the fact that you are in the jet age and i am using WWII tech. So i am sure we can link to each other as well as promote each other.=A0If you will give me a few weeks i will be happy when the schedule is done to send the list you have requested. BTW do you and or your wife like any of the New Or leans products that are hard to find on the eastern sea board? Things like Community Coffee, king cakes Mardi Gras stuff, gumbo mix, crab boil or cajun spices? The list goes on and on and any and all of it yours for…
Last reply by simpilot, -
so does anybody play dayZ im lucking for someone i can trust to roll with
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 7 replies
Hey guy, I'm looking for a backup script I can run as a cron job that will backup, compress, and the email me my databases nightly. I had a script several years ago that did just that but I don't have it anymore and my googling magic is not strong on this one. My host backups my site daily but I want the added protection of my databases being backed up off site from the host. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 19 replies
Currently I'm on shared hosting and so far it is working fine but I know as my airline grows I may need to move over to a dedicated server. I'm asking any who have dedicated hosting plans what they would recommend. Thanks!
- 0 replies
Hi, Ive give up on squalk box some of the aircraft are invisible anyway ive uninstalled it but there are no default AI aircraft, can somebody help? Thanks in advance Jacob
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 3 replies
The default Boeing 737-800 in FSX doesn't use the correct amount of fuel. I believe it is using twice as much fuel as it is supposed to be. Which setting do I change in the aircraft.cfg file so I can fix this problem?
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 0 replies
Web Tip #1: Use PHP to display the copyright year on your webpage, don't use plain html you will forget to update it. Replace © 2014 Redwood Virtual With © <?php echo date ('Y'); ?> Redwood Virtual Remember, if this is on an static .html page, you must rename the extension to .php. .tpl in phpVMS is fine because you are displaying content within a module created with a .php extension.
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, So this is a question for you all/virtual airlines: Discord vs Teamspeak, which one do you prefer using for your virtual airlines, and if you're a member of a VA which does the VA use? Secondly, do you know the pros and cons of each? which do you prefer? And finally, if I was to use teamspeak, how many slots is advised for a small start-up virtual airline? I look forward to hearing from you all.
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, Working on my virtual airline. I will like to know some stuff. ¿Why do we admins have to creat a shedule, if when we are flying with FSacars, the route is not show when we get online at FSacars? Do we first have to shedule the flight somewhere, so we can have to complete information in the FSacars? Do pilots have access to the Sheduling from the VA ? Where can they access to it. Thanks,
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Hello everyone. I have heard of such a system as the dispatch, but absolutely no idea how it works in the php-code, no idea about his work with this system. Can anyone tell how he, for instance, arranged works, where do the data to calculate, as computed data for any aircraft. I hope the issue is clear. Thank you.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
Nabeel, Im trying to display the pilot group ie active inactive on the pilots list, i have read through the api but just seem to be going round in circles, Can you point me in the right direction?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
I just imported some routes, and it would appear that the calculated distances are a bit excessive. For example the distance from PHNL to RJAA is 3886 miles, but the system is calculating 17944. It looks like the problem occurs as one crosses the international date line. OMG103 PHNL (07:00 UTC) RKPK (16:30 UTC) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17318.1 0 P (0/1000) OMG102 PHNL (07:00 UTC) RJGG (15:00>UTC) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17825.3 0 P (0/800) OMG101 PHNL (07:00 EST) RJOO (15:30 EST) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 17750.4 0 P (0/900) OMG100 PHNL (07:00 EST) MMMX (14:30 EST) M T W R F S B767-300ER (OMG763) 3812.58 0 P (0/900) OMG9…
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Tom, -
- 12 replies
Ok, when i am on FS2004 and when i am at CYYZ and i was taxiing or landing and taxiing or while i am at CYYZ, then what happened is my Video Card stopped working and it recovered, but it still stops working again while i'm at CYYZ. But it does not do that to me at any other airports. My FS2004 version is 9.1 And my video card is a ATI 2040HD XT I do not have anything downloaded or add-on secnerys in my FS2004. Any solutions for this?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 6 replies
I am having the following modules and i want to sell them: If you are interested in any of them, do not hesitate to contact me via pm.
Last reply by servetas, -
Dont Text and Drive
by Guest N402KC- 6 replies
Wanted to share a friendly reminder not to text and drive. 3 1/2 hours ago, I was driving home and a 43 year old mom ran a stopsign and hit my car, causing my head to go threw my drivers window. 4 Stitches on Side of Head, Broken Nose, 7 Stitches on my nose, Severe bruising. Dont text and drive. Its just not cool.
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 6 replies
Can someone send me a Dreamweaver template? I know they have some markup in it, with the content tags, etc. I'd like to either somehow have phpVMS parse it directly, or instructions on how to translate from that to phpVMS (which should be real simple with the layout.tpl format)
Last reply by skymx, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know of any good free HTML Encoders?
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 6 replies
How can I edit my Title on a post I made? Can I? Specifically I want to add the word TUTORIAL to my Customize a v7 template to a v7 Theme! Thanks!
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 2 replies
I noticed that there is an embedded METAR in the pilot brief page, and would like to be able to do this on another website (i.e. not phpVMS), but I can't find the code to do it. How is it embedded, and does it use PHP or JavaScript?
Last reply by chrisbontnewydd, -
- 5 replies
Any developers here using the Envato Market? Never used it in the past until now, awaiting my first upload review. Was familiar with ThemeForest and CodeCanyon but had never actually used them. I've seen a few people using products from the likes of CodeCanyon for CSS dashboards etc.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
- 3.4k views This is easier:
Last reply by Tom, -
- 5 replies
I started advertising for positions with my VA last week, and I've had a steady trickle of applications for those positions so far. One thing I've noticed from most of these applicants is that they seem to be more after the staff jobs, purely because of the status of staff jobs, and aren't really interested in helping running a VA. Some even seem to be not interested in taking advantage of the flights and everything else that the VA offers. It's a shame really, because the positions available offer up the chance for those who take them to have a real say in how the VA develops. I would have jumped at that chance when I started getting into VA flying. I've now stated that …
Last reply by Capt. Ho747, -
- 0 replies
share your view regarding your exam
Last reply by ruchi, -
- 3 replies
What's with the high volume of notifications lately? Has anyone else been getting these? I imagine that this forum license has expired meaning the spam blocker is also expired. All these usernames have zero post and most of them joined yesterday. It's annoying!
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, i was just wondering what expenses you guys use for your company? Maybe we can sum stuff up here so others can have an example... me in particular ;-) thanks! Lucas
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 4 replies
I was wondering if anyone knew how to get some FAA flight info to show up for a certain Airport and whatnot, if you know please post and let me know i would like to get some on my site. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel,