Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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Dear Freinds i am having Problem in installing Skin i domt know exatcly where the problem is i tried many things but not succeeded if any of you can help me i will appreciate it. i have installed obessblue skin on my new virtual Airblue site URL is My link and problem is after installing it its not showing header menu transition effect like mouseover effect and drop down menu effects as it is showing every thing on authors site My site Authors Site with full navigation panel I hope you all will understand my problem. Irfan khan
Last reply by mynameiskhan, -
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i am trying to port over a skin that i downloaded and it appears that my css is not working(at least thats what i think) here is my site: can any one help me? edit: i just changed something and now i get images and stuff but don't know where to go from here
Last reply by TheBulk, -
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how do I skin the sidebar of my website ? I'm goin for a grey backround, with each module in its own little box with a blue header image..
Last reply by md82, -
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Hi all, I have searched this forum but have found nothing. I would like to disable the airline selection on the registration form so that pilots can;t select which airline to apply for, and have it default to one. I know I will need to mod the registration_mainform.tpl and registration.php, but I am not sure hat to change. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks, Cory
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hello All, I am new to skinning and really have no idea on what i am doing. I would like to add a banner that changes every 5 secs. how would i do that? Also I would like to add pages so i can add aircraft downloads and what not. I don't know coding or anything so any help would be good. Thank You PS: my site is here: Northeast Airlines
Last reply by Jeff, -
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Hello, I was wondering if there is any possibility of knowing on which page the user navigates without having to check the url. Thanks for any help ! Marius
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
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looks like i've another visual problem can you give me a code and where to put it pleas
Last reply by Vaff, -
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Hi, I try to skinning phpVMS and copy templates in: core/lib/skins and / or lib/skins But don't work in any way. I receive the next message: No customized templates found in this skin's folder Can you show me how can I do to solve this? Sorry about my english. Thanks.
Last reply by Strider, -
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hi. I am new in this of phpvms, many ask me for codes to add some options to my airline. is that because these codes many of them always makes me someone who says I should create a table around the information. can someone please be so kind and patient to explain in detail how to create a table around a code for me to work on my airline? For example: I want to put the statistics of all flights with different airlines on my page. and provided me with these codes, as I can make it work and how I can make the table please. these are the codes: StatsData: AircraftUsage () StatsData: TopRoutes ('airline_code') please help to create a table, and run this please .. than…
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Hi, the images of the flags and inactive / active dont appear to be in line as you can see. Can anyone shed any light? Regards
Last reply by mark1million, -
i hv the Obsess blue template. the little black bar with the marquee is a little wonky as you can prob see. any ideas how to fix it which folder etc. ok second if you have a look at the finances etc. link below can u help me with that as well thanks Finances (table)'> Pirep Report (table)'> Wonky bar (black one at the top)
Last reply by RogerB, -
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I want to put obsess blue on my website what are the steps to do this correctly? Do you just put the folder with all the data from obsess blue into lib/skins or something else? Thank You Very Much!
Last reply by Tom, -
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Hi, im in the process of redoing the pilot center and i am looking for a good source of icons, there are lots on the web coming up on searches just wondered if anyone has any recommendations?
Last reply by mark1million, -
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In My Schedule_Briefing.tpl file, I am wondering if it is possible to get rid of the two charts that appear, and make them links only? I mean I obviously see the links to go to Airnav. I want to get rid of the charts due to the skinny template I am using. The 2 charts side by side REALLY bust up my template bad. If I can not make links that say "Click here to view charts" I am sure one chart under the other would be fine.
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Here is my second attempt at skinning the Pilot Centre. A thanks must go out to Dresdenair for the link to the icons. +1 to him
Last reply by Angel Air, -
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- 2.1k views If you hover over About Us or Operations, you'll see that everything is fine. But then, if you hover over one of the sub-items, it appears white over the text area instead of stretch across the width of the menu (if that makes sense). I've messed it up and am not touching it until I know what to edit. Here's the CSS: .menu{ border:none; border:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px; font: 67.5% Tahoma; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; } .menu ul{ background:#05A2EA; height:40px; list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } .menu li{ float:left; padding:0px; } .menu li a{ background:#05A2EA; color:#FFFFFF; display:block; font-weight:normal; l…
Last reply by freshJet, -
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I am new to the phpVMS realm. I am very much interested in designing my own generic skin for FedEx Virtual. I really don't have a lot of money as I am waiting to hear from Social Security Disability on my claim. If someone can put me in the right direction to help me I would be very thankful.
Last reply by Boomie, -
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Hi Is there any way to get all pages to look the same without changing all og the templates? thanks chris
Last reply by Strider, -
Hi guys have a look at this for me and tell me if they are in the right area .... .................................................................................... <?php /** * * STOP!!!!!!!! * * Are you editing the crystal skin directly? * DON'T * * Copy and rename the crystal folder. Otherwise it'll get * overwritten in an update. * * Also, READ THE DOCS * * * */ ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head>…
Last reply by angle, -
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I just Installed PHPVMS and added some stuff now the Pilots Page is Empty. Please Help! Thanks Kyle
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hello everybody! I'm having some doubts in phpvms, I have a V.A The in VAFS, but now i go operate with PHPVMS. I would like to know how a pilot center separate from the site, like another site, i already have the template here with everything, i dontk know how separate the two templates. Some can give me a help please? Best Regards Ruan Loos
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I have been adding pages for my site and of course as I add them, they are added to the menu. I was under the assumption that the code for the menu was being added to the core_navigation.tpl, but it has not changed at all. Where are these links being coded in. Not all of the pages I build do I want to appear in the menu, so I need to be able to take them out.
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hey, Anyone know a code to get news to cross the top of screen from one side to another ? like in the obsess blue?
Last reply by freshJet, -
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hey am just wondering how to and a recent flight map on the main page or the code for it Thanks Nathan
Last reply by RoylesVA, -
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Can anyone please give me the code for nice dropdowns in the Brialliance template..I have been trying for days now and can't seem to get it. Thanks
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Hi, Does anyone by any chance has the coding to create drop down menus in the obsessblue skin? I tried a lot but somehow not working and currently doing my head in to get it working Edwin
Last reply by Edwin, -
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I put this forum post in the General Support forum on accident, didn't realize there was a skinning forum. I have downloaded the skin created by Nick Tyson, link and when i go to edit the weblogo and the banner it doesn't update it just stays the same. Here is what i am doing i am going to the in the FTP under lib/skins/vairline/img i am getting the banner.png and editing it then replacing it back into the folder img, same with the weblogo, and it is still showing the default images to the skin. How come it doesn't up date? Thanks, Skylar
Last reply by miniarma, -
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Hi if anybody wouldnt mind i really need the fastjet livery from my website ( for a captain sim 757 Thanks in advance Jacob Axford
Last reply by mseiwald, -
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Hello Gents...I have been hacking away at this PHP stuff for about 3 days with absolutely no website experience whatsoever, but I have finally started to figure it out. I have used a template and created a website for my air service. But...I have one problem. My navigation on the left side of the website does not work! I have spent hours trying to figure it out and I know it is simple. The only tab that works is the admin center tab and it only works once I log on. When I log on, no other navigation tabs work. Can somebody be kind enough to take a look at my site and tell me what I have missed or done wrong? Thank you all very much!
Last reply by VictoryAirPilot, -
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When I go into pilots it tells me "The module "LISTING" doesn't exist!" how do I fix that
Last reply by Jeff,