Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hello, I created a menu in javascript in the "studio DHTML menu, enter the code in layout.tpl, but did not appear in the homepage. Anyone know how to fix this? I tried using the code {literal} {/ literal} but no effect. I am grateful for everyone's help. Att: Luiz Cortinhas
Last reply by RIco Linhas Virtuais, -
- 1 reply
Hi there everyone new to the forums so sorry if i posted in the wrong area, i have created my own skin and put all the bits of code that phpvms needs to use the template everything seems to work fine other than the Parallax twitter scroll and slider and logo, i believe this is a javascript issue but not to sure, ill go through what ive done so far, so i have added one bit of java file at a time to see if there was conflict everything seemed fine so put them back together, made sure the code was correct and file locations and they all are, so im at a bit of a dead end not to sure where to go now, the lower parallax image is there but not the one near the top of the page, a…
Last reply by JamieFoster, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys this time i have been stuck with jgrid table sorter i have only question about using it on main pages if we want to display our schedules and different details in jgrid tablesorter which Nabeel used in admin panel side how we can do that if anyone guide me please. For example to see pilot list this code was used <h3>Pilots List</h3> <table id="grid"></table> <div id="pager"></div> <br /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/jqgrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css');?>" /> <script src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js');?>" type="text…
Last reply by jamyboy, -
- 20 replies
First off, Happy Thanksgiving to anyone on the boards that is celebrating today. Hope you have a safe and happy holiday. Now on to the question. I bought the jNewsBar script for $3. it is a nifty little script. Issue is I can't make it work for my new bootstrap skin I am working on. Has anyone here used it and if so were you able to get it working? And if so, how? I worked on it last night for 2 hours before I gave up. the author of said script says it is a phpVMS thing not a script thing. When i activate it, it is on the page and showing up, but no css and no animation or form. it is just a non styled list on top of my website. Any help would be great. take care guys.…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Hello I want use jQuery dialog box in my VA skin : <button id="dialog" class="jqModal" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/action.php/event/sch_log?id=<?php echo $schedule->id;?>">More</button> But dialog dose not work .
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all, I am trying to implement a new admin skin and so far, I have the skin kind of looking ok with help from Vangelis and Web541. However, the more I get into it, the more I encounter errors and conflicts with what seems to be the version of jQuery that the default phpvms uses and the latest jQuery that is available, and used by the skin I have. What seems to break is the use of buttons that I am assuming process ajax to retrieve info from the database and then return it into the page. When I switch skins, it breaks the buttons to do everything from accept a pirep to accepting/rejecting pilots. I am only assuming this is a jQuery/Ajax issue as that seems to be the mo…
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 9 replies
I'm developing a skin and am having trouble displaying all the content that relies on jQuery correctly. I have everything working perfectly in a static file, but when I break it up to go into templates is where it goes wrong. Essentially, what I've narrowed it down to is if I don't call jQuery in both the layout.tpl and core_htmlhead.tpl the elements replying on jQuery fail gracefully as designed. But obviously I shouldn't have to be calling jQuery has anyone encountered this before?
I want a new skin for Kesuk, I have an idea what I want but really don't have the time with all the other stuff going on as registration has really taken off. Anyone want to help?? I can pay.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, Well i finally figured out how to allign my columns to the top of the cell, instead of having them in the middle because one is bigger than the other. so i put the code in and both are perfectly alligned to the top but now there is a large amount of unwanted white space between the intro and the video and the ads and the tabs... any ideas?? Home page: HTML code that i didnt paste here as it would take up too much space Thanks, Daryl
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Can someone pass me the code map of the last flights of the VA and the Pilot please? I find no place in not one, thank you. Equal to that at low!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
- 0 replies
How do I get that map of the last flight? could someone please pass me the HTML?
Last reply by Rafael, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, I am currently designing a new skin for my virtual airline. I was just wondering if you could help me out. I am creating a "Latest Arrivals" Section and a "New Pilots" Section for my VA's homepage. I want the Latest Arrivals to include the following: 5 Latest Flights Flight No. Pilot Departure Arrival Duration Aircraft I would also like the "New Pilots" list to have the following: Country Flag ID - Firstname lastname HUB I am in need of help ASAP, thanks.
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 reply
Hi, we are using the brilliance template, and we want to get rid of the latest news bit on the side. we only want it off a few pages if someone could help us out that would be nice. its on the right Our Website to view
Last reply by MAT, -
latest skin 1 2 3
by RogerB- 82 replies
I have another skin in the works, wanted to show everyone. Let me know what you think and what features you would like to see with this one.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 9 replies
Coming along just fine now thanks to all your help guys! Where would i add the code to move the recent reports/pilots sections up to the right handside and also pad the news away from the right edge. As allways the code i need would be very appreciated Dave
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
Hello, I am in search of a nice layout for the pilot's centre. Tom and to me are absent at the moment the ideas. I would be grateful for a few suggestions (Screenshots) to you.
Last reply by stuartpb, -
by chris2- 7 replies
Hi How do we make one? Or do i need one? thanks chris
Last reply by chris2, -
- 3 replies
Hello Guys! Is there anybody here would be able to make a AWESOME site for my VA? Or well, a skin and maybe modify some .tpl files. - Emil
Last reply by EENielsen, -
- 2 replies
Hello. So i'm working on a custom pilot center using Action.php to avoid the java scripts and junk from my current theme. Anyway, im setting up the pages, for example, my flight bids. Theres the following code in there: <td><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep/'.$bid->bidid);?>">File PIREP</a><br /> When i have http://localhost/site/action.php/schedules/bids open and you click on "File PIREP" it takes me back to Index.php. It needs to go to action.php. How would i change the above code to go to action.php rather than "URL" which goes to Index?
Last reply by BewareOfButtlice, -
- 5 replies
I am trying to make a link click able that will take a pilot to their Public Profile from their dashboard, Every attempt has failed. Any ideas. This is what I thought would work. <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>">View My Public Profile</a>
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
How do we include the stats of the airline on the frontpage? Like how many flights, hours, etc.?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Lisbon Sky needs a new skin please contact me for my email: best regards Pedro Nogueira
Last reply by pedroportugal, -
- 2 replies
Anyone know were I can find the live flight airplane pic for that I can change it?
Last reply by Dominican Airways, -
- 5 replies
Hello eveyone, My name is Carl and i just opened up (Southwest Virtual). I used a new template and worked with the html and css to get it where I wanted it. Although it's not finished, it has come very far. The live map will not display!!! Could somebody please check out the code and tell me why? I'm not amazing with code, so any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks again, Carl Klinker CEO of SouthwestVirtual Airlines & ATC
Last reply by G-NEWC, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have a small problem, on the live map, sometimes i can see not a line, see the picture: How can i fix that?
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 0 replies
I put on the homepage of my site LIVE MAP. Do not know how to do that I have to put code and where I have to put
Last reply by polirom, -
- 0 replies
I know, this is kind of vague, but anyone know what my be causing this problem on our live map with the white backgrounds on the images on the live map (see picture below)....something about how it is shifted over because of the Latest Flights feed is what's causing the problem, but anyone know what my be cuasing it in the code? Also, here is the header.tpl code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title><?php echo $title; ?></title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; chars…
Last reply by coryb12, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Hello, I would like to know how you do to integrate a button that opens page with Full LiveMap. Is it possible to put a different InAir for each airline on LiveMap? Thank you!
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys, I want to know if it is possible to change the login form to a different template. And if this is possible how to make this work? Thanks, Jesper
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 6 replies
Anyone willing to take a swing at designing a logo I can include in the modules I release? Art is not my strong point and I am getting frustrated with designing a logo.
Last reply by simpilot,