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7147 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all, I have been searching these forums and trying different things all day to sort this problem but I think it has beaten me so any help would be much appreciated. I moved my site to a new host and I think my main problem is that the SQL is a different version. I am not clued up on databases at all really. My old host was SQL 5.5 and my new one is 5.6 The first problem I cam accross was that once I tried to log in was I got the dreaded You need to be logged in to view this page. This happened on my skin and default skin. After clearing my CAche and PHPVMS_sessions it made no difference. Next I tried a fresh install and upgraded to Simpilot…
Last reply by VAEA, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
When we make login in our website, the page isn't showed, the site is: user: ONE009 password: testing EDIT1: I have found the error, is that code: <?php $contabids = SchedulesData::GetBids(Auth::$pilot->pilotid); if ($contabids > 0) { $bidscontados = $contabids(count); } else { $bidsconstados = "0"; } if($contabids >0){ ?> What i can change here for correct this error?
Last reply by LukeW, -
- 6 replies
Hello Guys in the standart report page(admin/templates/reports_main) the last topic should be the Top 10 of the most Flown Route. Unfortunately on our Site this is not displayed. All other reports works fine but for this even the Headline is missing... Here a snipout of our reports_main file. As written above nothing is displayed: Thanks in advance for your help. BRGDS Thomas
Last reply by Thomasha, -
- 3 replies
First of all, I'm using Simpilot phpVMS 5.5 and Web541 CrewCenter and my language is Portuguese. Error in: Dropdown On some pages, or almost all, the photo of the pilot is not showing up. Appearing only on the panel. When I go to the panel, the image appears correctly, but when I go to another page, the default phpVMS appears. Here is the image: In the dashboard: || In the downloads: App_top code: <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <!-- User image --> <li class="user-header"> …
Last reply by servetas, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I've changed the public and private key to my own in core/local.config.php, but it gives me the error: Fatal error: Class 'DB' not found in /home/u107961649/public_html/core/common/SettingsData.class.php on line 31. I made sure to double check each attempt. I also tried using the default keys by copying it directly from core/app.config.php, but I still get the same error. I've done a complete reinstall of phpVMS, but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 12 replies
How would I align the columns on our pilot roster? We have six hubs (3 shown on image) and the columns for pilots in each hub are mis-aligned.
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi, I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. With a stable ACARS system available I'd like to disable the option for pilots to be able to file a manual PIREP, is that possible? Thanks, Kaspars
Last reply by ProAvia, -
Admin Notes
by STARs- 4 replies
Is there any module from which the admin can put notes in the admin panel for the other staff to view ?
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Id like to have the newest pilots list section show the flag of the pilots country. I assume that Im supposed to edit a file in the core/templates, but Im not quite sure. Id also like to add a youtube video in the font page, but am not sure where to begin. Im very young, and not very experienced with this kind of stuff so any help would be appreciated, thanks! Heres the website.
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 2 replies
Hello Guys, we got some problems with the map. It's not updating. A/C "xy" is already at EDDF and also written in the list in EDDF but on the Map still displayed at CYYZ. This is our sql Query in vFleetTrackData.class: ************************************************************************************************************************* public static function getAllLastLocation() { return DB::get_results("SELECT flight.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(flight.submitdate) as submitdate, as depname, AS deplat, dep.lng AS deplng, as arrname, AS arrlat, arr.lng…
Last reply by Thomasha, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hello, I have succesfully setup the simbrief module from Baggelis on my site. It is just great. But one question though, When opening the OFP it is allways in the default LIDO format. Is it possible to change that to one of the other layouts availible on the simbrief website? Kindly regards, Rick Winkelman
Last reply by CarlosEduardo2409, -
- 5 replies
This text appears at top of registration page after pressing the "Register" button on registration page. Indont think that people should be seeing my reCaptcha keys. The completed registration form goes into que for processing just fine can it be fixed?
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 0 replies
Hello, everyone. I am trying to add a drop down box for phpvms. Under a about page. I have added the proper code and added it on the phpvms admin page. My template is different from other peoples template I have all of my sites under core_navigation.php. I attached the code for the drop down box below. Thank in advanced . I will attach the screenshot in a reply. // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url(''); ?>" class="link-kumya"><span data-letters="About Us">About Us</span></a></li> <ul> <…
Last reply by treygeboy, -
- 9 replies
If I were to add another field in the .csv to import to my site, what are the steps to have it recognize the new field when I try to import it? The field I want to add is Services which will include the type of services offered for the particular flight (meals, refreshments, snacks, etc.).
Last reply by AlexEtz, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am wondering how you can add another email to pilot manager. I have added the template of the email I want to add into the proper templates folder. I have also added the correct code for the pilot manager .php. That way it will get the template from the templates folder. The only thing I cant figure out is how to let it show up in the dropdown box on the admin page. I cannot find where it is. Any help with that will be awesome!! Thank you in advanced, Trey
Last reply by VAEA, -
- 5 replies
So in the early stages of testing the virtual airline. For the most part working on the template which does not effect the database or anything like that. In trying to learn the CSV import and export functions, I noticed that there is an option in the Import for Schedules that states : "Delete all previous routes - NOTE: this could potentially mess up any PIREPS from ACARS flights which are currently in progress, whose routes have changed. " , which like I said we are in the testing phase. So If we say have 1,000 schedules as an example and we edit the spreadsheet to have 500 and tick the DELETE, it will delete the 1,000 first right and than upload the new 500 on the spre…
Last reply by theohall, -
- 4 replies
I had to put the latitude and longitude in manually but double checked the info and it is right. But the filed PIREP's are showing flight's in Russia What's up! The Main acar's map is fine! Main Map: PIREP's Map's is in Russian!
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 6 replies
Dear phpvms & users, I have just spoke with the TFDi team for multiple months on fixing a problem with my SmartCars for my Virtual Airline about pilots getting a "Pirep Filing Error" when Filing the pirep at the end of their flight i have sit for many hours trying to figure the problem out and have found a successful fix. Read below at what i have done to also maybe fix your "Pirep Filing Error" for your virtual airline. The below code is found within the codon.config.php the first box below will be default and the following box will be with the changes. session_start();[/b] [b]error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING); @ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); i ha…
Last reply by Blackst, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Does anyone have any ideea how a member finance stats can be reseted or modified? We have some major negative numbers on some of our members and we want to be reseted to zero at least. Example : AIRLINE OVERVIEW Total gross income Is: € 715,963,039.50 Total pilot pay rate is : € 610,185.00 / hr Total fuel expenses in is: € 83,037,188.83 Total flight revenue in is: € 386,819,204.96 Pilot ID Pilot Name Pilot Pay Revenue Status € 19,050.20 € 165,721.65 Profit € 92,894.70 € 715,368.36 Profit …
Last reply by treygeboy, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I installed my site in a new hosting server but I can get the schedules in the admin panel. You can see the issue in the attached file. Thanks.
Last reply by Imanol, -
- 16 replies
Hi all. I've just been advised that I need to migrate my hosting - I've purchased new hosting and I'm currently in the process of backing up our VA's website however I'm unsure of what the process to 'restore' the new site to the new hosting entails. Could anyone offer some insight in what's required, what needs to be set up on the new hosting and what's required to bring all the databases and files across in functioning order? We're running Sim Pilots phpVMS 5.5 and the hosts php version has been set to 5.5 but outside of this, I'm not aware of what else I need to change or set up. Any help is appreciated. Brendan.
Last reply by Brendan03, -
- 2 replies
Can't access the download page
Last reply by hecrowell, -
- 2 replies
I've already searched and can not find a phpvms version that works correctly, all of which I find contain errors anyone can help
Last reply by hecrowell, -
- 3 replies
Hello, We are creating a new virtual airline with phpVMS. The problem is that we have realized that when we create a route, it is mandatory to assign a plane (registration). We were wondering if there was an alternative scheduling system where possible to choose between different aircrafts available at the current location to perform that flight. Thanks in advance, Best regards
Last reply by fourier1991, -
- 0 replies
We at Flight Simulation New Brunswick and its Virtual Airline wish to convey our thanks to the phpvms forum and its members who have helped us. Over the past few days, I have posted pleas for help at the forum and without fail, all pleas were replied to and our system's issues resolved. We are very proud of our airline and to have issues within its VMS management that were not working as they were supposed to was unacceptable - especially to me as its CEO. Once again, thank you to the Forum and its membership Harold Crowell - CEO FSNB Virtual Airline
Last reply by hecrowell, -
- 1 reply
From Admin when I go to Maintenence and click the clear Cache option, I get this ... Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/core/cache): failed to open dir: No such file or directory' in /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php:236 Stack trace: #0 /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php(236): RecursiveDirectoryIterator->__construct('/home/fsnb4809/...') #1 [internal function]: Maintenance->clearcache() #2 /home/fsnb4809/public_html/Airline/core/classes/…
Last reply by hecrowell, -
- 1 reply
Logged on to my site as admin and go to the news > Add news link Receive this message and I cannot enter text in the editor. The link seems to be but I do not have a sitecms directory and the only thing under addnews is an image file which is in the lib. Any help appreciated Can’t reach this page Make sure the web address //ieframe.dll/dnserrordiagoff.htm# is correct Search for this site on Bing Refresh the page must have been a cache problem on my PC . News works fine on my iPad sorry for the false alarm.
Last reply by servetas, -
- 2 replies
A couple of days ago, Inwas going through the various pages of our site and discovered that there is an issue on our Registration page - a reCaptcha error advising "Invalid domain for site key" This of course means that no one can apply to be a pilot. Worse than that, I don't know how to fix it other than I need to get new keys (from google I think) and paste two keys - public and secret- somewhere. I am not very proficient in playing with these files, so I need a good explanation...anyone up for that? thanks
Last reply by hecrowell, -
- 4 replies
Hi I did a search but the result was not helpful... Is there a way to delete aircraft that were once active but now are not. I do not mean just enabling or unenabling the aircraft, I mean delete it altogether so it does not show up in the admin panel. thanks
Last reply by hecrowell, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
There was an aircraft in our fleet called "ANY" I made a bad choice of removing it from the DATAbase directly. When trying to load a flight in kACARS free by inputting the flight number then clicking the Get Flight Information button, we seem to be getting an unhandled exception error in kACARS. How can this be repaired? thnx
Last reply by hecrowell,