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7149 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
G'day Guys, Has anyone customised the icons displayed on this page to replace the current red google markers, im presuming this can be altered through acarsmap.js but im struggling to find a solution. If anyone has any idea on how to alter these it'd be great to hear from you
Last reply by warpennys, -
- 9 replies
I found out something this week about FSAcars and the way it works (or doesn't) with PHPVMS v.2. If your registration number is too long, FSAcars will truncate it, and when you go to send the pirep, the registration won't match with the one in the database. As a result, it will enter a 0 as the aircraft id into the phpvms_pirep table. Since there are no aircraft with a 0 for an id, the system will nut up and that pirep will need to be edited to show the proper aircraft before it can be approved. Just something to keep in mind if you get that error. kACARS seems to work fine.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 5 replies
phpVMS version : Simpilot 5.5.2 PHP version: php5.6 MySQL or Maria DB version: MariaDB 10.4.17 Skin used: Crystal Hi, using kACARS or CCFTracker i see this error: Error: (1406) - Data too long for column 'lat' at row 1 In phpmyadmin i have a table phpvms_acarsdata and in column lat and lng VARCHAR(15). I change to VARCHAR(7) but error remain. In log.txt for see error i find coordinates like this one; '39.8207508932871','-8.88761192976597' How to fix this, anyone know's? Thanks guys. Regards. Miguel
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 13 replies
Hi guys, i can´t add more than 30 planes in Admin, its normal? I try add more and see this error message: There was an error adding the aircraft But in list i can add 30 planes without problems. I use this version: phpvms_5.5.x Any idea? Thanks for help. Regards, Miguel
Last reply by mt007, -
- 7 replies
Running version simpilot 5.5.2 I changed the ranks by deleting all the old ranks and adding in the new ones as a result of implementing some VA updates, however following, when I went into the manage fleet section to change the ranks (as well as many other values) an error message saying "There was error editing the aircraft". Not only that but adding onto that, I am unable to delete users who are no longer with the VA, and unable to add new aircrafts into the fleet. Any causes to the error and any remedies to the situation? Help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
Hi All When I file a PIREP for the VA we started, we get a PIREP filing error (but the system does still file the PIREP). The log file shows: [12:30:37 PM] Windows 10, Build 19041, Suite Mask: 0x100, 64bit Architecture [12:30:37 PM] Browser emulation mode set to 11001 [12:30:38 PM] Logged in to airline 368 as pilot 2 with dbid 2 [12:30:42 PM] set_color 4 [12:30:42 PM] set_color 7 [01:25:00 PM] The sim monitor thread returned [01:25:02 PM] [ERROR] An exception occured during PIREP filing. It was : System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at smartCARS.mainform…
Last reply by Dyl1103, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I open this thread to ask two questions: 1.- How can I see the amount of memory PHPVms is using? to monitor resources. 2.- I have doubts in the phpvms_sessions table, it seems that the sessions of that table are not eliminated and I have more than 4000 records. Many of these registers put Pilotid = 0, which also makes me wonder who is the pilotid = 0 ... (Could it be SmartCARS?). I would need to have your opinion to optimize this section of sessions and that they do not accumulate so much, because I think I do not have it well optimized. in the App.config I have this set: # Cookie information Config :: Set ('SESSION_LOGIN_TIME', (60 * 60 * 24 * 3…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys i wonder if anyone can help me out. I have bought domain and hosting through TFDI design for a new virtual airline. I have input the basic fleet, airports and schedules. Now I’m totally stuck, I don’t know where to go from here ie adding a new skin, ACARS set up etc and to basically create the site. It would be great if someone could assist/ help out. I have limited knowledge of HTML so any help would be greatly appreciated. Willing to look at quotes for paid work. Many thanks Jordan
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 9 replies
Long time no talk all. Hope everyone is well! I've been fighting the navdata point display on the maps and have finally gotten it to point where I am happy, however I discovered an issue I can't quite figure out. When you run the parseRoute to generate the waypoints on the live map; it goes through airways and finds the entry/exit and everything in between. This works fine when the entry to exit is position (going forward) but when it's backwards it doesn't pull anything. I have this particular airway where I'm entering at sequence 36 - KULIS and exiting at sequence 20 - SIDAK. It will not pull the values for sequence 35 to 21. …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
I am currently having a time zone issue with smartCARS 2.0. It reports the wrong time and date to phpVMS, and it leads to the wrong pilot's location. I am just curious that does anyone else have this issue as well? Also, is there any other options that I can choose to replace the smartCARS?
Last reply by xrb936, -
- 7 replies
Hello i am doing some change in VA by design and program a new admin skin i have problem which is i can't add/see pireps comment or do any action like reject / accept / delete the flight as well as i can't accept or reject any pending pilot . it was work fine without problem i am not sure this is because or .js file or jquery when i click for example Log or comment it should open in box but i got this result as shown even accept or reject button dose not work >>
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys i need your help , i am trying to display pirep and pilot pending in other page then those 2 page admin/index.php/pirepadmin/viewpending admin/index.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots for example in other page like Dashboard i think i have to make some change in PilotAdmin/pilotAdmin.php but unfortunately all the time i got error in dashboard. kind regards
Last reply by alyousufi, -
- 11 replies
Hi guys, I was trying to add Fltbook V2 to my Phpvms and import fltbook.sql file to database. However, I realized that after I install it, I cannot add aircraft via admin panel anymore. To be more specific, it is caused by /core/comman/PIREPData.class.php. Looks like this mod changed this file and add one line: FltbookData::updateAircraftLocation($pirep_details->aircraftid, $pirep_details->arricao); If I removed it, everything is OK then. Can anyone please help me out? Thanks a lot.
Last reply by web541, -
- 2 replies
PHPVMS + Stisla skin. PHP 7.2.24 MySQL 5.7.XX Installed mods: Weather Map (Code Snippets by MrDalle) Fltbook v2 (by web541) TouchdownStats (by simpilot) Event Booking (by simpilot) Pilot Career (by servetas) TopPilots (by simpilot) Extended Fleet (by magicflyer Airports (by stuartpb) Simbrief for phpVMS (by Vangelis) Airmail 3 (by simpilot) LiveMap (by Carlos Eduardo) Weather (by Carlos Eduardo) Book Flight by Map (by Carlos Eduardo) Cannot see any real-time flight on Live Map; cannot bid schedule via smartCARS; PIREP can be filled without error, but cannot be seen…
Last reply by webrandustry, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I have a few questions regarding converting; asking them here, I 'googled' what I needed, but they're specific to my install. I have a skin that I made on 2.1.935 and I'd like for the skin to run on that, as I'm more familiar with the syntax/templates. How hard is it to convert certain things? Here's the issues I have: On localhost:8080, there's various errors. Airports won't fetch data automatically (how can this be updated), and fleet cannot be added with a red bootstrap notice 'There was an error while adding fleet'. Google maps also do not work, will this suffice on DavidJClark/phpvms repository…
Last reply by web541, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone, I've purchased a module from CC and am having issues with it. I have tried to reach them via emailing them directly and using their contact us page on their website....anyone else have any ideas? I don't want to ask for support from here, since I know it's a payware item...but figured I'd ask if they happen to check these forums.. Thanks!
Last reply by Dyl1103, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, So while checking errors, I got following: ===== Time: 10.05.20 19:18:06 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::get_row > OperationsData::getAircraftInfo > FinanceData::getLoadCount > PIREPData::populatePIREPFinance > PIREPData::fileReport > ACARSData::FilePIREP > smartCARS::filepirep Query: SELECT * FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE `id`=A330-243 Error: (1054) - Unknown column 'A330' in 'where clause' ===== I searched in codes and found this bug (PIREPData.class.php), line 950: $pirep->load = FinanceData::getLoadCount($pirep->aircraft, $sched->flighttype); Now $pirep->aircraft should be corrected to $pirep->a…
Last reply by Rabso, -
- 5 replies
Hello! Been out of the php_VMS game for a long time. Recently got back into it. The Live Map on our home page ( is just showing a the white screen, and the Live Flights page itself doesn't load anything ( (did not work on crystal skin, either). Will not load after refresh. I've went through this forum 3 or 4 times over, and went through the thread below, and followed all suggestions. Even checked the console ( Running phpVMS version 5.5x (simpilot). The Google map in the admin center is working (when clicking "view route" on PIREPs) but not on the front page. …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Bonjour je n'arrive pas a installer phpvms et selectionner une database spécifique sur mon site web j'utilise joomla et phpmyadmin version 5.6 je suis hébergé chez TFDi Design. quelqu'un qui possède une virtual airline pourrait-il m'aider pour une installation point par point? merci beaucoup Buenos dias No puedo instalar phpvms y seleccionar una base de datos específica en mi sitio web Estoy usando joomla y phpmyadmin versión 5.6 Estoy alojado por TFDi Design. ¿Alguien que sea propietario de una aerolínea virtual podría ayudarme con una instalación paso a paso? muchas gracias
Last reply by modesto, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi, Our VA was online for some good years but past 2 weeks I started suffering a lot of problems and slow. System is running with PHP7.2 and MySQL 5.5, we have IPS integrated too . phpVMS Version 5.5.2 what issue am suffering now is sometimes database connection will not establish for while even I got several time max connection reach while checking my tables in phpmyadmin. am not sure really what is casing problem. We have cron for IPS every minute and will download data from IVAO every 3 minutes but I can see that from time to time it will skip the 3 min and don't update up to 20 minutes sometimes. while this happening everything seems …
Last reply by Rabso, -
Cant figure out whats wrong with this or how to fix it: Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server (1130)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /home/a8823547/public_html/phpvms/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99 If anyone could help that would be great! Thanks!
Last reply by Qantas23, -
- 3 replies
Someone know how I can do so that on the Leaflet map, where the flights that are live appear to me, when I click on one of them, the map zooms, I would like it not to zoom when I click on one of the flights of the Map. Someone know how to I can do? Skin: StislaSkin phpVMS simpilot/php7.2
Last reply by AlexOlPed, -
ok now have the site up and running now getting issues with FSPAx not doing what it should as in sending reports is there someelese i need to do or should the config tool do it all for me thanks Simon
Last reply by Strider, -
- 5 replies
Can someone please help me set up phpVMS on my own hosting I am struggling
Last reply by Strider, -
- 3 replies
In the acarsmap.php file a text appears as we can use a series of variables to put in the HTML, ok. But I would like from acarsmap.php to call a function that I have in php but passing one of those variables to it, I don't see the way to do it. Can anybody help me? I thought that maybe I could do it if I manage to convert <%=flight.pilotid%> it to a php $ variable, then I pass that variable in the function and that's it, but I don't know how to convert it. Variable: <%=flight.pilotid%> I'm usign simpilot/php7.2
Last reply by AlexOlPed, -
- 2 replies
Good evening folks. I am very slowly progressing with my site. Firstly, thanks to all who have offered advice - highly appreciated. I have a slight issue with my acars not connecting to my site. It keeps giving me timeout. I am using CCFtracker - the free version. I have also viewed their forum and there are many views to the subject but no answers. I have also googled and cannot find any solutions. I am running the latest phpvms install so my PHP is 7 etc. I also have downloaded from their site ( Admin, please remove link if not allowed. I have followed all the instructions but I just keep getting the timeout. I have …
Last reply by MacawVirtual, -
Hello, I have a big Problem, i would like to Send a PIREP manualy, follow Error Message will be gernatet: Error There was an error adding your PIREP : Schedule does not exist. Please update this manually. On my Local XAMPP this all works. I habe tried 3 "Webserver" and same Problem! Do you have a Soultion?
Last reply by elfrost, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I started getting errors when there were no errors. ball pilot module not working. the same flights are sent several times. as a database error, how to correct it.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 7 replies
I am using the "Transfer Hours" part of the admin menu and also wanted to add the number of flights(Total Flights) from the OLD data. My question is.....will that screw anything up at all?? I know this area would match up with new logged flights. I guess I just want to be sure that adding flights to the "Total Flights" for a pilot and adding the "Transfer Hours" won't confuse the program or database in any way. Otherwise I will only add the "Transfer Hours". Do you understand what I am getting at or am I just rambling.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 reply
Hello! would there be ACARS Map inair repayments? If so are they available for download? Thank you, FSV1142 Kenny.
Last reply by Strider,