This organization houses any published phpVMS Addons
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This id a little module you could use to calculate fuel for your trip base on distance you're flying. Try it out and let me know if there is any problems. Install: 1- Download the zip file 2- Unzip and place the files in the order. (You need to make the folders in the specified roots exactly the same name or it won't work) 3- Create link to the module like this <!--?php echo url('FuelCalculator) ;?--> 4- Enjoy Pix: Download at Github: >>>>>>>>>>MODIFIED<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 1 reply
Im looking to do this but I am a noob and no coding knowledge........We operate FBO's which has 3 airports for each region, So what I am looking to do is insert 3 airports for each stat ,I am willing to pay for some one to do this.... West Coast Region Central Region East Coast Region thanks in advance Regards, Allan
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 7 replies
Hey, i have a doubt, there are some way to limite the vacancies with the PHPVMS ??
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 1 follower
- 81 replies
Hub Transfer Request v1.0 about: phpVMS Module for pilots to submit a Hub Transfer request that is stored in a database and an option for staff to view all the requests through the admin panel and decide to reject/approve the request. When the requests are submitted, both the users and the admin will get an email. Once the request is handled, a secon email is sent to the user. You can change the pilot's hub from inside the addon. Developed by: Sava Markovic Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934 stable php 5.3.1 mysql 5.0.5 apache 2.2.14 License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Installation…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 142 replies
I have created another module, but this time for displaying the hubs you have in your VA. It uses Tom Sterritt's HubStats addon which will need to be downloaded and installed if you do not already have it.You can get it here. This module is currently at Version 1.0. To view what it does, click here. If you are wondering why the roster for the hub looks shorter then the amount of pilots in the hub, that is because there is code to hide all pilots with 0 flight hours. Once they filed a pirep and it is accepted they will show. I have now since added a gcmap to show the location of the hub. You can download this module here Enjoy it.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 133 replies
To display various stats per hub: Readme + File available on GitHub: I think that pretty much covers everything? Enjoy
Last reply by jrodosu, -
- 5 replies
INSTALLATION 1 - Modify the values of the file "profile_main.tpl" located in "coretemplates" or in your template directory "libskins**your skim **" 2 - Save and send to the server. 3 - Do not forget to make a backup of the original file if you want to have the file back. 4 - Be Happy ... ~ <strong>My Awards</strong> </p> <p> <?php if(is_array($allawards)) { ?> </p> <ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 5px;"> <?php foreach($allawards as $award){ ?> <img src="<?php echo ($award->image);?>" alt="<?php echo ($award->descrip);?>" /> <?php…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
All. I am trying to install VMS3 *phpVMS-3-master" winhost-php 5.6. I copied the files; when I go to my URL I get the welcome page When I click this link I get a 404 error - page not found? What should I be doing? any help Thanks, Bill
Last reply by fleanbilly, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hello, I am trying to install SimBrief module from Baggelis mod. On install instruction: 5. Add this line before </head> tag in layout.tpl <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/simbrief.apiv1.js');?>"></script> The problem is that I don't find the "layout.tpl" file in PhpVms neither in SimBrief file. I've search in all folders without any result. Could someone be kind to tell me where is this file?? Thanks a lot for your help. Alex
Last reply by Alexair, -
- 8 replies
Download IVAO Flight Plan the IVAP EN ADD This serves to save a flight plan to be opened by IVAP he will fill in the fields of its plan to Ivao. If you can customize with your data from your VA. BR Este ADD Serve para salvar um plano de voo para ser aberto pelo Ivap ele vai preencher os campos do seu plano de para a Ivao. Se você pode personalizar com seus dado de sua VA. core/templates/schedule_briefing.tpl <!-- Flight ID --> <tr style="background-color: #333; color: #FFF;"> <td>Numero do Voo</td> <td>Download IVAO Flight Plan</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" > <?php echo $schedule->code.$sch…
Last reply by Industrialshadow, -
- 138 replies
Leave of Absence v1.0 (Updated April 13th 2013) Note: Update v0.9 - > v1.0 (view changelog: ) about: phpVMS addon for pilots to submit a LoA request that is stored in a database and an option for staff to view, delete and edit all the LoA requests through the admin panel. The addon checks if the requested leave lenght is longer than the specified number of days. It uses the date of submission as a start date. When the LoA requests are submitted, both the users and the admin will get an email. Developed by: Sava Markovic Developed on: phpVMS v2.1.934 stable php 5.3.1 mysql …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 38 replies
A module to view the on line traffic on IVAO/VATSIM networks. One at a time you can't see both at one table. Currently data access only from IVAO, in case you use it for VATSIM without approval you should explain them why you did it and face the consequences. Developed and tested on: phpVMS v2.1.934-153-g822a0b9 Please read readme.txt for instructions. See post #17 for updated version. Thanks!
Last reply by buraktiftikci, -
- 6 replies
Hello friends, log on the FS Flight Keeper was perfect, now we have created an FTP account and a directory /images/ the site of the company, and the images are sent correctly to the server ... I do provide the aqruivos for you to edit the VA of you .. The archive should be linked on the "Profile_main.tpl" session of the links FSFK .... and create an FTP to your site to a directory on your site ..... Preview Please edit the to your Virtual Airlines... ---> Web.txt , LiveAcars.txt , VA-templates.txt
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Last reply by gian1992, -
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- 4 replies
I am now getting this error on the launch of cACARS. When I click ok send me to change settings When I press save settings it wont launch. I have tried re installing
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 5 replies
Well I managed to do mine first php addon to phpvms. Its really helpful tool for over Atlantic Flights. Its showing Current NAT's using RSS Feed server. How to add ? Simply put line in schedule_briefing.tpl : <?php include('nats.tpl'); ?> How it looks ? Where to get ? Well Simply Click Here ! The NAT's are showing only if route is +3000nm Well i am proud of myself because its my first contact with php in that way, i will bring next version about tuesday ! Happy Pond Crossing !! Maciej
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 2 replies
This one is a module for your pilots to directly search for North Atlantic Tracks (NATs) from your website rather than going to the actual website.Don't worry I checked that website and it's free to use.Install: 1. Unzip the folder anywhere you want. 2. Upload in the order of folders. 3. make a link to the module like this . 4. Enjoy.
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 151 replies
Cleaned up the code in fsbuildparse.php so it works better This is an updated version of Nabeel's code for navdata update which is avaliable by search in forums -All intersections uploaded with a lat/lng -All VOR / NDB correctly labeled -Intersections all go in instead of hanging up Works with fsbuild airac Used 1310 myself Loading airways segments...91220 airway segments loaded... Loading VORs...965 VORs added, 2834 updated Loading NDBs...2202 NDBs added, 1800 updated Loading INTs...93944 INTs added, 54743 bypassed already in DB Completed! -Would recommend backing up navdata table in database before running -Program deletes all previous data in phpvms_navdat…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
Hello Guys, i´ve registered my own VA. I have my own website, but I need help with the template. Maybe someone thinks its really easy, I think it too, but it would help me a lot when I would speak with someone who knows how to do it. I want just to edit the design a little bit, maybe if there are free templates it would be another choice. So if you know some free, good free templates, please post it down here. If you know how to edit, custom things on the website, you can PM me and I give you my contact. We can speak via Team speak or Skype. Its youre choice. I hope, I will get some good guys and edit my website. Thank you Thomas Owner/Founder Europe Connect Airlin…
Last reply by Grassi, -
- 11 replies
Hello guys, since cACARS was discontinued a long time has passed and i still got lot of requests for it. As i found the coding of cACARS was not up to todays standards i have decided to code a new client from scratch and after several weeks of work and testing CCFTracker Free has now been released. At the moment there is only the Free version available. It is fully functional and has all the free features included and working. A payware version with more features and customization to appears in VA colors and logo, own client name and icon will be available soon and announced seperately in the paid services forum. I will support the free client only in our forum at h…
Last reply by AidasP, -
- 2 replies
Dear All I'm to proudly announce that I have completed a new form of flight booking system for the great PHPvms software. I actually combined 3 Addons (simpilot realschedulelite, frontschedule and lorathon random itineray builder) to create this new method of flight booking. Attached, you can see how it looks and if interested let me know so I can tell you what to do. Thanks Parkho
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 1 follower
- 138 replies
Hello New Version is up Curent Version of APVacars is and module version is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to present you APVacars. APVacars is an opensource Log/Acars System for PHPvms. APVA is created in Visual Basic 2010 and uses FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET By Paul Henty for the comunication between APVA and Flight Simulator software. Also APVA uses a modified module created by for the comunication with PHPvms . Below i have some screenshots Main Form Flight Information Weather Briefing If you are an admin at your V.A and something h…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 0 replies
Hello to all, I would like to ask you for help to structure a system of independent ranks. Let me explain what I want to create. My virtual company uses a rank refers to kacars but I would also rank reported at an online fly on VATSIM and IVAO. I have created in the data base "pilots" a field called online hours. I wish I had the opportunity, when manually increment this field, it is assigned a rank or award. I tried to duplicate the pilot current rank, but I still see only the rank of totalhours. when I delete the cache of my site from administration panel, I see the new rank, but I no longer see the original. I could also solve going to give an award that increa…
Last reply by Tato123, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone, I am new to programming vmsPHP so please bear with me. I am looking for some help. I have created a Xplane acars. there seems that there are not many of them that work with Xplane. My work uses DATAREFs and not XPUIC. Is there a standard way of interfacing with vmsPHP ? or do you need a custom php page to accept input from an acars app? I have played with spoofing other module's webrequests and that seems to work fine. My VA's site gets all my input, position reports and PIREPS but I dont want to "come through" someone else's pages (work) I am looking to do my posts from my app. I don't know PHP well and I am hoping there is a standar…
Last reply by fleanbilly, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, This is just a query of mine, and wondering if people would want it. I have been thinking of creating a desktop NOTAMS system, where staff can send NOTAMS out to fellow pilot's of their virtual airline, and then the NOTAMS will be displayed in a windows application. I just wondered as to whom would be interested in this, if anyone. To send a NOTAM out to the software, there would be the functionality within the phpvms admin panel to do so (with an additional module) which would come as part of the software. Anyway, let me know if you like the idea or not. Cheers, Jord.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 14 replies
People do not understand. Module removed.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
phpVMS REST API A basic REST API module for access to phpVMS data and functionality, for example in third party clients & other sites. Note: This is very much still in development. It isn't very thoroughly tested or remotely complete in functionality, however it is a start and I'm putting it up to allow others to contribute and speed up development. Use with caution. Current Features: Username/password user auth for all requests via Basic Auth Only available to confirmed registered users Removes sensitive information from responses (encrypted password, salt, emails, IP addresses) All PUT/POST data is expected to be JSON Get paginated news list (requires Simple…
Last reply by Nascoli, -
- 0 replies
Hello virtual pilots, i post this message here to share my range of phpVMS products. Indeed, I started recently to develop various addons and skins compatible with phpVMS 5.5. Below are screenshots of my last two creations: VACMS which is an advanced and fully functional modern crewcenter system, and Flaym forum which is a module allowing you to add a modern and complete forum to your website. Because they are previous versions used in my private VA, i share it here and sell it because i don't use it anymore. In order to make my work profitable, i do not give any of these two works but i sell it ! If you are interested in buying one of these two products do not hesit…
Last reply by FlavienA, -
- 1 reply
phpvms-7.0.0-master_(1).tar.gz View File phpvms-7.0.0-master_(1).tar.gz Submitter DeltaAlphaLima Submitted 01/27/18 Category Official Downloads
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
- 35 replies
[move]phpVMSBooking[/move] ----------------------------------- FEATURES: Flight Search Easy-To-Customize Add To Bid Feature INSTALLATION: 1. Download attached .ZIP 2. Upload booking_results.tpl, booking_form.tpl and booking_confirm.tpl to your core/templates or lib/skins/[sKIN NAME]/ 3. Upload 'Booking' to core/modules 4. Go to www.[yoursitename].[com or whatever]/index.php/booking COMING SOON: Confirmation Page Small Form you can put on home page Enjoy! Mitch
Last reply by jusromaine,