Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Hey there It´s an old question, you got your Airline, your Page and everything but how do you get new Pilots. There are some Airlines with 100 or 300 Pilots flying and of course you also want that much, so how do you get them? We did some texture work, and of course optimized our google metakeywords and everything, maybe even some googleadwords adds. So what worked for your airline?
Last reply by skymx, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone This VA is with my own custom name "BIRD VIRTUAL". We use XACARS,KACARS,FSACARS,FS Passengers & FS Flight Keeper to record your flights. We prefer all our New Pilots to use KACARS. Hubs OMDB CYYZ EGNX OMAA WMKK OPKC OPLA OTBD And new hubs are being added. Our Fleet ATR42 B737 B747 A380 B777 A321 Staff We highly need a FSAIRCRAFT repainter. Positions available Repaint M.D Members Manager Schedules Manager Fleet Manager PIREP Moderator Website: Regards CEO Bird Virtual
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
New VA Silverjet - We are looking for a recruitment officer to help bring pilots to our VA. Also we are Looking for a Paint to Paint the Airbus X (a321) Please visit the site and email if interested Alternative Email -
Last reply by ltslack, -
- 1 reply
VAA is up and running Pilots can apply @ Currently have short and long haul flights with lots of charters. Even though I think that mostly VA admin or VA owners visit this site Chris CEO Virtual Atlas Air
Last reply by AndrewOne77, -
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Last reply by Connor1994, -
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Hello Everyone, Well, It has been a very, very, very, very (did I mention very?) long time since I have made a video for FSX. I decided that it was time to crate a better promo for Legend Air, and with a nights work, I came up with this! I hope you enjoy (Make sure to click 1080p)!
Last reply by hollinst, -
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Official Promotional video of the GlobalOne Alliance
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 2 replies
Hey all , Yorktown Airways VA was set up on a premise to aspire to offer it’s clients a VA experience like they never have before, Which started operations on March 25th 2017, Under joint leadership of Director Rory Mulcahy, and Vice President Robert Juckett, our primary aim is to create a professional and fun enviroment for those who share our passion for aviation, since commencing operations Yorktown Airways has opened hubs in Malaga, Philadelphia and Sydney, but is proud to call Gatwick home, It has also incorperated highly professional networks such as VATSIM, IVAO and PilotEdge. It is also ranked quite highly on vaCentral to date achieving #9 in the global VA ma…
Last reply by Rory, -
- 0 replies
Dear pilots, We have opened a new German airline and seek you out as pilots to fly in Europe We want to build with you the airline. Visit us at:
Last reply by fsxairline, -
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<p>Good evening, Hawaiian Virtual Airlines is currently hiring flight crew and management! Do you love the beautiful state of Hawaii? Do you like flying? Well, I think I just found the right virtual airline for you! Join here: http://hawaiianvirtu...ndex.php/newapp We're also looking for qualified applicants to help us fill a few management positions! <span style="color: #800080">
Last reply by AjaxKnights29, -
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We are a virtual Airline with no reference to an existing company. Any matches are purely random. Our goal is to simulate as realistic as possible the operation and process of an airline. We use a pilot software (Kacars )that sends all relevant data live to our flight dispatch center. We Are currently Recruiting Pilots and Staff Members if you would like to become part of the staff team you can click here >> With modern aircrafts of the type Airbus A318 -> A380, a wide Range of Boeing Aircraft from the 737-300 to the 787 Dreamliner and Concorde. we start from our main hubs Belfast EGAA, Ma…
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 5 replies
Dear pilots, friends and visitors, It is our pleasure to inform you that Air Serbia Virtual is now more than 2 years old! We have celebrated our second year of existence on the 23rd of April 2013. In the times when virtual airlines come and go each day, we take great pride in this achievement and think it really shows the level of commitment and dedication we put into running Air Serbia Virtual. The past two years have passed quickly, and it seems like it was just yesterday we were going through the initial planning stages and development of the VA. Now, 3724 hours of flight time, 2677 flights and 350000 passengers later, Air Serbia Virtual is a leading virtual airlin…
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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Deletion of thread
Last reply by InsitusGroupVice, -
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Hey!! My name is James Diossy. I am the CEO of SAS Virtual. We were established in 2010. Unfortunately recently we have been hacked and all of our pilots got deleted. We are looking to employ staff and create a bigger pilot base. Our website is here: The staff positions we are looking for are.... Vice CEO - (Previous experience is a bonus!!) Human Resources - (Good with people!) Events Manager - (Photoshop competency required) If you just wanna fly come and join us and lets make this airline as fabulous as it was in its former glory!!! Best Wishes James Diossy
Last reply by Ariel, -
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Hi I found this web page with the history of flight simulators. Take a look Sorry should have been in the Off topic forum
Last reply by dale0404, -
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DULLES, VA (KIAD) — February 19, 2012--Atlantic International Virtual Airlines (AIV) Senior Management team announces the official re-launch date. AIV will re-launch on Monday, March 12, 2012 after many months of re-developing their operations. AIV will start accepting applications for their Washington Dulles International Virtual Domicile (KIAD) on March 1, 2012. Due to Atlantic International Virtual Airlines Technology “Go Forward Planâ€, AIV has enhanced their technology capabilities and along with a new URL. The new URL will be and is now active on the World Wide Web. We are asking everyone to make note of our new domain and to update your…
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 4 replies
Hello Guys, As I've said before, I need a webmaster BADLY. My VA needs a WHOLE NEW PHPVMS site, and I have no idea how to do it. Plus, my internet is rather bad, and I can't do any of the FTP related stuff, so I need someone that can. So I'm offering a deal. I own an Alliance, and I have 1 extra TeamSpeak 3 Server that no one is using. The deal is, if you Design, Upload and Maintain my website, I will give you (100% FREE!) or your airline, a 100% free TeamSpeak 3 Server for a whole YEAR for no cost! If you are our webmaster for more than a year, you can have the server for however long you are our webmaster. SECONDARY ​DEAL: I am Staff at PaintingPete, so I have …
Last reply by B77W, -
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Jay from Pontchartrain VA here, we are the one that will only fly the DC-3 for the first year or so. I t has been a while but I have my route schedule and equipment schedule done. I am starting with crew rotations now. It took over nine months to do but it will be worth it in the long run. I ended up routing 943 daily sorties, which created 569 flights. Total aircraft to pull this off 155. I do not if you remember me but I am the guy who is creating a VA to teach High school kids Free Enterprise. I am also going to have a duplicate site for my own use that will work on the web like anyone else. That said here is what I am looking for, on the educational site, the…
Last reply by big red 1, -
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I need some advice. I have a flash banner script for my va, but it doesn't scrool or loop. etc. Any thoughts.
Last reply by Strider, -
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Hi All, I'd like to invite you all to join a Brand New Virtual Airline 'JetGo' The JetGo Vision JetGo has a dream like all Virtual Airlines - 'To Become the best'. How will we deliver the best experience to our pilots though Firstly, we are committed to serving you flights in at least 10 countries per continent. We already Fly to Europe, North America, Caribbean islands, Africa (South) and of course the United Kingdom! There are many more countries that we would like to offer you infact, from now until June, 30 new routes will be made PER WEEK! Currently, JetGo has 3 hubs; EGKK (London Gatwick), EGSS (London Stansted) and TVSV (E.T Joshua Airport). We Have plans…
Last reply by abeallen16, -
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Japan Airlines Virtual is celebrating its 10th anniversary of operations from April 1st 2017 onwards. We would like to share this milestone achievement of our virtual airline with our pilots and the wider flight simulation community. Feel Free to join JAL VIRTUAL events. Voice communication will be conducted via our discord server: Throughout the course of the next few months we will be having 10 different events under the banner “10 YEARS EVENT #X”. We are open and interested in having a wide variety of events, if you are interested in in collaborating with us in an event, or want to invite JAL VIRTUAL to your event, please send us an e…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
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G'day all, Been a while since I've posted here last. I'm still working through the backlog of texture commissions so I'll be on and off here but they will be done. Anyway, I made this short 1min TV-commercial style vid to complement "Shine" which came out before Reach was launched last year. Since then many things have changed and I decided that the launch of a new fleet type would work well to mention some of these changes. These include a custom ACARS system, custom website, a dedicated staff team and also highlight some of our key goals. Keep in mind that although Reach has been flying only since last September, it has been a long term project and I continue to …
Last reply by benboy123, -
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Today marks the 1st anniversary of Air Malaysia Virtual, where our first commercial flight took off exactly a year ago. Now we reached a significant milestone with 110 pilots, 1235.34 hours and approaching almost 500 flights. I know the figures might not be a lot, but for me it is a huge achievement. We wouldn't be what we are today without our pilots and the phpvms community that gave us a helping hand, so I would like to say thank you. We repainted one of our Airbus A330-300 into a gold livery, as in the image. We also now acquired our own custom ACARS system, along with state-of-the art modules that drastically improves pilot experience. Along side of that, we also lau…
Last reply by joeri, -
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For a while I've been interested in starting my own va. so i was thinking about starting a charter Virtual Airline stationed in St. Martin and have services to the small islands around St. Martin where the big airliners can get to. And the primary fleet would be the Cessna 206 to get on the short runways and the Beechcraft King air 200/350. In the future I would like to expand to the whole Caribbean, and incorporate a few jets like citations. If anyone would like to help me out on this project please right back or email me at. Stephen Panzl
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, some of our pilots and myself would love to have an event but unfortnuately in my opinion we are just not enough active pilots. I think the more pilots join an event the more fun it is. Therefore I want to ask if anyone of you guys is interested in organizing an event (fly-in, fly-by-route,....or whatever) for our VA`s together. Maybe a fly by route between our major hub Athens (LGAV) and the Hub of your VA. I think it would be lots of fun to meet new people and for sure it would be a much nicer event when there is some traffic on the route and not only we few guys from hellenic. My VA is hellenic airways: If anyone is interested …
Last reply by CXA001, -
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Hi, I'm creating this little post to present a French initiative to you! We have created a small virtual aviation school to teach people to fly or control on an online network and / or in an airline! We have also created thanks to PHPVMS a virtual airline system to offer the small French company free support and hosting. I attach you the links to discover our project open since September. For the moment we are limited to France but who knows, we may come elsewhere;) I also leave you some pictures Regards. -- WebSite : VirtualAirlineSystem : http://va-…
Last reply by Quitz, -
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Last reply by StartVM, -
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I know what you all are going to say; I want to say that we are going to try Alaska Airlines Virtual because we were becoming corrupted at Hawaiian. This will be the final VA i will create and i have a very dedicated staff here that love to fly. Alaska is just about the closest thing you will find to Southwest but still wih great service. What are the benefits of joining you guys? - We accept all tranfer hours. - We are in the progress of creating ASACARS - We are an active VATSIM controlling and flying community. - Our staff and pilots are all very nice and friendly, and we will do anyhing from helping fix an aircraft to help with homework! - We have an extremel…
Last reply by AlaskaAirVA, -
Impulse V2
by OA01- 4 replies
joeri, why have you locked the topic Impulse V2? And at the owners request? I'm afraid the truth hurts and all the tread said was the truth. Nothing nasty or beyond the pale. Please stop protecting the stupid from the truth. IMHO
Last reply by simpilot, -
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hello, how do I create a schedules with sid and star to give it a try again?
Last reply by teufelchen,