Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Press Statement: "Hey Everyone! I would like to introduce myself here that I have been selected to be PVA's newest Chief Executive Officer and I'm looking forward to bring PVA to it's one best VA out there! Recently, Mr. Keith Buckner has stepped down from the Chief Executive Officer due to real world issues and he wasn't able to continue his duties to the VA. As for the time being, Keith will be in the Founder status and stay as a pilot. Aswell, Mr. Isac McCumsey, stepped down as well and will be in Founder status and stay as a pilot too. They have put in hard work towards to the VA and without them, PVA would not be possible! Now, on to me. I would like to introduce…
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Vair Virtual is a funny virtual airline that simulates the real world operations of Vair, a LCC airline operating in the Taiwan. Welcome Flight-Sim Pilots from all over the world join us.Happy Toggether committed to creating and delivering every-time Vivid air flight and a happy flight experience with a touch of Flight Sim World. Mordern smartcars system will gave you happy flight experience. Freedom Charter Filght. Takeoff Now!
Last reply by tommy0204, -
- 1 reply
Dear Mr or Misses To whom it may concern: New EuropeSky Logo and coporate Identity: Since July the second the Europesky virtual Airlines develops their own coporate Identity (CI) - the first and of course biggest step doing this is creating a new Logo representing and fullfilling the needs of the virtual Airline. The choose of the Administrators and the Pilots is now available on our Website - Within the next few Days we will continouisly work on our CI and our Website Design in order to reach our goal, a professional and good looking coporate Identity. EuropeSky Airlines becomes international Since the first of July the EuropeSky Website Department is working on a …
Last reply by Jeff, -
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hello, we are currently looking for anyone who could help us with phpvms v5.5.2 and also other fun stuffed plan. There is two of us who have knowledge but also very little experience with the css of php. email or pm me if youre interested
Last reply by swaluver480, -
- 3 replies
Hello, there is a problem on our management AventureClub Airlines, we were 85 emes in position and we return at the end and then the number of drivers over the rest are no longer displayed thank you to see the problem. cordially. Denis
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
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Games Networks VA is recruiting new Pilots: We offer: A unique custom coded ACARS which is still updated frequently. Over 14000 different Routes mainly in North America, Europe and Australia. Regularly occurring Events. An active and friendly Staff. Our own TS³. A Flight School to learn your newest purchased Don followed by the real FCOM. Credit of 50% of your VATSIM and IVAO hours. Credit of 25% of your hours at a previous VA We guarantee: PIREP processing within 12h. Application processing within 24h. Your profile: You are an active virtual pilot. You own a legit copy of either FSX, P3D or X-Plane 10/11 You are willing to fly at …
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
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Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, Adult , professional, and educating experience. We are not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Are you bored with your present Virtual Airline ? Are you doing the same old thing week after week ? Are you tired of the of your Va trying to copy the other fella ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to make a change! Here at Virtual American Airlines we offer a profe…
Last reply by VAA100, -
- 1 follower
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Alex Berezovsky and Matthew Shield founded Aerosvit Virtual Airline on July 6th 2006. In September 2009 the Virtual Airline was taken over by the V-Bird VA Group to try to give it a second life. The V-Bird VA Group is operated by a bunch of flight simulator enthusiasts with a lot of passion for the hobby. Our Pilot Education Center offers excellent learning opportunities, for not only new pilots, but also for those whom would like to expand their knowledge. Our online events have proved to be a great success with our members. The workshops we have available allow our members to sharpen their skills. We continually create new tours for our members to explore the world. O…
Last reply by Cor, -
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Hello All, Unfortunately due to circumstances outside of my control, I must step down as CEO at Fly Monarch Virtual, if you are interested in this position please reply to here or email Kindest Regards, Rory Mulcahy, CEO Fly Monarch Virtual, The Virtual Monarch Group.
Last reply by RoryMul, -
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This month, we are going to change things up a bit. We are giving you a departure airport and you get to pick your destination. Sounds easy enough right, so what’s the challenge? The Challenge is to fly as far away from the departure airport as possible and land within VFR fuel reserve of 15 minutes. Starting at The Pitt Meadows airport (CYPK) and you are required to load the Canadian Xpress® DeHavilland Dash 6-Q300 (DHC6) with a copilot, yourself, and 50% fuel and head north east in to the BC interior. The DeHavilland Dash 6-Q300 is not a pressurized aircraft. Portable oxygen is available; however you can only stay on portable oxygen for a maximum of 15 minutes for …
Last reply by CXA001, -
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English: Hello, I came Here Advertise My Virtual Airline For All That I made the Brazilians and people across the world who want to participate NOTE: The site is in Portuguese Portugues: Ola, Vim Aqui Anunciar Minha Empresa Aérea Virtual Que Criei Para Todos os Brasileiros e Pessoas De Todo Mundo Que Queiram Participar Observação: O Site Está Em Portugues
Last reply by Serrador, -
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Hello guys, We are in need of someone for the role of Director of Operations at Flex Virtual. Applicants must... *Not be a staff member at any other virtual airlines. *Have past experience in an operational role within a virtual airline. *Be based in the US. *Be able to come on our Discord server for a small amount of time often. If you are interested in the position, please contact: or Additional role de…
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
- 3 replies
I own Etihad virtual airways which is still up and coming i am wanted tyo make a virtual star alliance with some other owners of VA if interested PM me
Last reply by B77W, -
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hola, primero que todo gracias por responder, soy rafael marquez cadete de la armada de venezuela y estudio para ploto privado y tengo una aerlinea ( Avior Airlines Virtual ) y quiero hacerle una pagina profesional no como la tengo ayudame por favorrrrr
Last reply by skymx, -
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Hello all I am stating that open registration for a new virtual airline and would like help from you all Thanks for the release! to register to access the area DOV Ai is the link: webdesign, voemercosul,
Last reply by levicosta201, -
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Hi everyone! It’s a great pleasure to announce that Level Virtual airlines is currently seeking pilots to join the New Airline. The airline is recently created, the recruitment of new pilots and corporate staff members is open. If you want to be part of my team, contact me: or visit our website: -Schedules from real world airline, updated, added and removed in line with schedule changes. With integrated simbrief for easily generate the flight plan. -Custom tracking system that facilitates the report of the flights in real time. With realistic voices and sounds for every aircraft in the v…
Last reply by VIELMA16, -
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Dear Pilots, I am thrilled to announce that we have reached our 1000th flight. Congrats to Stephan Kö*** on being the lucky pilot to reach our milestone. We have been in operation since October of 2013 and we have reached 1000 flights with 6700 total hours. We have over 240 pilots that have dedicated their time to become part of a rapidly growing community. Thank you all that have supported us from and hope to see you in the skies!
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
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Last reply by thunder175, -
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First things first: I want to thank everyone on this board who have helped me over the past couple of weeks: without your aid EVA would have not been finished that quickly! European Virtual Airlines is a brand-new European-based virtual airline, open for all simulators and networks: we are one of the few VA's that actively support MSFS, X-plane and Flightgear, both on IVAO, VATSIM and mpserver. From our hubs Gatwick (EGKK) and Munich (EDDM) we serve over 60 destinations in Europe and beyond, with a fleet of 9 different aircraft. Our aim is to add a new dimension to simulated flying that is both social, entertaining and educating. We continuously balance on a …
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, Adult , professional, and educating experience. We are not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Are you bored with your present Virtual Airline ? Are you doing the same old thing week after week ? Do you feel like you are part of the team or just a number ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to make a change! Here at Virtual American Airlines we offer a professio…
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
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Hi everyone, I hope I have posted this in the right place. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice about call signs and aircraft registrations. My friend and I are currently in the process of setting up a virtual airline for which we have come up with a name and are currently in the process of building a website. However there was one small detail we have missed which is the call signs and also the aircraft reg to be displayed on the aircraft. So what I am asking is, What is the general accepted format for both call signs and aircraft registrations? Thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by TheBulk, -
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Hello all, GlobeAero virtual is now live. The website is And please note that the skin is temporary there will be a new one on shortly. GlobeAero simulates an ACMI and charter type airline, with realistic operations and fleet. We have pilot bases in Bristol (EGGD) and Dubai (OMDB) but obviously the kind of flying we do takes us all over the world. There are some scheduled flights but pilots are free to fly any charter they want, basically. As of right now our fleet includes, 1 A321, 1 B738, 1 B732 (Africa contract) , 1 Metroliner (Africa contract also) and a recently leased MD11F for a cargo contract out of Bahrain. Vatsim is recommended- IVAO ca…
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
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The other day I got given as a prize the Captain Sim 757 and really love it. One of the liveries included is the UK airline (or what was) Astraeus. I forgot how much of a unique charter airline it was and well really want to fly the 757 now on charter routes but I'm starting to wonder what happened to Astraeus VA? I remember that had a brilliant website really professional and like the real thing. Here's their video: I can't for the life of me remember what happened to it and am intrigued now. Does anyone know what happened? Who the owner was perhaps? Would be quite interested in contacting him …
Last reply by freshJet, -
Looking for someone to make me a skin, preferably cheap.
Last reply by vicente, -
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My name is Michael Poole I am CEO of Star Systems, I ah e created a virtual Airline based off British Airline West Atlantic. My business idea is to be able to create as close to life like simulation for pilots from being able to use a fully updated CMS system that allows only 1 pilot to fly a certain flight once that flights has been flown the aircraft and pilot will have to do the return leg otherwise they would be stranded like in real life. The administration side of things is where it will be close to real as possible, so CEO or Operations will be able to purchase, lease or sell aircraft to gain money for there airline to be able to maintain full fiancial …
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Welcome to Island Virtual. Island Virtual is currently seeking pilots to join at The following staff positions are now open for applications: KJFK Hub Manager EGKK Hub Manager TNCM Hub Manager KDFW Hub Manager KSEA Hub Manager Requirements for Applicants: Previous VA Staff Experience Preferred. Previous VA Experience Required. At least 16 years of Age. TeamSpeak & a Legal Copy of Xplane,P3D, FS9 or FSX. Be able to operate KACARS etc.. All applicants please send and email to with your details. Thank you, Dikembe Williams CEO | Island Virtual
Last reply by fsxpilot123, -
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Opening Day is the day on which professional baseball leagues begin their regular season. For Major League Baseball and most of the minor leagues, this day falls during the first week of April. For baseball fans, Opening Day serves as a symbol of rebirth; writer Thomas Boswell once penned a book titled, Why Time Begins on Opening Day. Many feel that the occasion represents newness or a chance to forget last season in that the 30 major league clubs and their millions of fans begin with 0-0 records. Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, April 14th, 2012 at 20h00edt (24h00z) for our April 2012 Fly-In where we will visit some famous cities r…
Last reply by CXA001, -
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BritishBlueVirtual is now recruiting staff, and pilots! So why dont you join the fun at All staff applicants, sign up, then on the start your careers page, you will find the staff application form (must be logged in)! We have the following open: 1. Managing Director 2. UK operations manager 3. Marketing Manager! 4. Web Master Regards, Myles Carey
Last reply by MC1028, -
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MasalaJet Airlines We fly all over India, and Middle East. Growing routes daily and new technology. We have Events, a Gallery, Flight Board, and more. **PROMOTION** If you join before April 1st, 2013 you will get 50 free transfer hours, if you fly on IVAO or VATSIM, get another 25 free transfer hours for a total of 75 free hours! Join Today! We have a TeamSpeak, Forum, and an ACARS system. Join Now at
Last reply by varuoos, -
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Herzlich Willkommen bei WingsJet, unsere Airline hat das Motto ; ,, We fly , you love ! Bei uns steht an erster Stelle Kundenzufriendenheit! Wir fliegen Hauptsächich auf IVAO , aber auch offline Flüge sind gestattet!
Last reply by mattsmith,