Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Hello all, Let me introduce myself. I am Braedyn Dea and I am the newly appointed COO for Fly American Virtual Airlines. I have been working for FAVA for about a year and a half now starting as the CIO moving to the CTO and now COO. Now on to about the Airline. So, what is FAVA? Fly American Virtual is your one-stop-shop for American and One World partner routes. We allow our pilots to fly ANY ROUTE in our schedules, ANY AIRCRAFT in our fleet, at any time! We don’t require a test or hours to fly those aircraft. Fly American Virtual is the only American VA that allows pilots to fly all aircraft types with no hour restrictions. You can even create your …
Last reply by RedCoder4, -
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We are a virtual Airline with no reference to an existing company. Any matches are purely random. Our goal is to simulate as realistic as possible the operation and process of an airline. We use a pilot software (Kacars )that sends all relevant data live to our flight dispatch center. We Are currently Recruiting Pilots and Staff Members if you would like to become part of the staff team you can click here >> With modern aircrafts of the type Airbus A318 -> A380, a wide Range of Boeing Aircraft from the 737-300 to the 787 Dreamliner and Concorde. we start from our main hubs Belfast EGAA, Ma…
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
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Seairtransport VA is owned and operated by Heritage VA & Co. We are looking for Staff, and Pilots. Our restrictions are actually very very little, Just Fly, and fly to and from where ever you want. We've been around for a very long time, and realize people have whats called live's. Well, so do I actually. lol. Come visit us, we offer seaplane routes, major hub routes, long hauls, short hauls and the ability to make your own routes through our vast Charter ops , or our Cargo - Executive Ops. Our only 2 limitations are simple, 2 flights a month, and landing rates under -460, we'd prefer around -300 or lower of course. But we give. Thanks to all here in the forums…
Last reply by Heritage1, -
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Fellow pilots: We need your help! Our site is yet finishing development but we are more pleased to see you on board (than typing those frustrating codes) Discord link will be available after the registration so you can fly with many of us together! The better thing is you can fly for all of the current WestJet flights, and all the fleets are there for you to choose (with restrictions for new pilots): from Dash8-Q400 to B737NG, B767-300ER, and most importantly, you can fly for our oncoming 787 with the most stunning livery ever! Group flights, beautiful screenshots sharing, lovely CEO and friendly staff are always here to welcome you onboard. Join us today at cr…
Last reply by jcb787, -
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hello all Luxury Airways Virtual is currently hiring pilots and staff. We are a friendly group of aviation enthusiasts in the UK and we invite and encourage all types of people from all corners of the world to join our family of pilots & staff here at Luxury Airways Virtual. Our mission is to deliver the best experience a virtual airline can deliver to the growing community of aviation enthusiasts we also have ATC sessions going on every sunday night with our partnered ATC Community over at FSINN is required along with Teamspeak3. We aim to be one of the most realistic virtual airlines in the world while simultaneously delivering a fun virtual airline …
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
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Good Afternoon, I have been working hard on getting my VA up and running, however I was wondering if people could give it a look over and check it for bugs etc... I've been through it and it seems pretty solid and I know there are a few issues I need to sort out like the front page and also the download area is not there but I am currently doing that. If you have any ideas or tips that would be great. My URL is: Thanks in advance Scott
Last reply by drury211, -
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- 1.5k views Soon Link: va.PT Come and Fly With US! TAP PORTUGAL ♥
Last reply by lNash1998, -
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Hello. I am planning and designing a new VA based on helicopters and smaller aircraft. Are there people here interested in helping and maybe have some good ideas for operations? At this moment I am planning on serving the oil platforms in the north sea. But I need some experience in Alaska and Canada. Kind regards. Rick
Last reply by ncd200, -
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I am setting up a new Virtual Group and need some dedicated flight simmers to help me! TUI Virtual Group will give pilots the choice between 7 different airlines in 1 group, each with it's own pilot centre and management. ✈️ Initially, I need two members to join the team so that we can scope out a full plan and get working on the VG. ✈️ If you're interested and want to apply, you can do so here! LINK: ✈️ If you want more info, feel free to message me Best Regards Abe Allen - TUI Virtual Group CEO
Last reply by abeallen16, -
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Hello There, we the FMVG are looking for new airlines to join our group, we already offer a regional airline Yorktown Airways, our main company Fly Monarch Virtual and our long haul service Ocon Airlines. We are a friendly group of flight simmers, who hope to group with you and your VA's soon. If you are interested please come check us out today at or reach out to us here via private message. See you in the skies Rory Mulcahy President, Fly Monarch Virtual Group.
Last reply by RoryMul, -
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Good Evening, I am looking for someone who would be willing to help us out in building our site. We are a new group, and are trying to build up our presence in the community. If you are willing to help us, please let me know in Private Message! Looking forward to hearing the responses! Regards.
Last reply by FlyJetBlueVirtual, -
- 2 replies
Hello, We are currently working on building our site and we are looking for a team that will be able to constantly update our site and experiment with new features etc for our Virtual Airline. If interested please contact me!
Last reply by envoyairvirtual, -
- 1 reply
vEnergy Air , often known as Energy Air, is a British low cost carrier based at Edinburgh Airport and London Standsted, England. vEnergy Air is a growing airline and also a new airline to the UK networks of Vatsim. Its main base and headquarters is at Edinburgh Airport, with further bases at Manchester, Glasgow, London Luton, Leeds Bradford, Newcastle. The CEO of the Airline Michael Poole has gained the airline the right to hold UK CAA Type A Operating Licence to carry passengers, cargo on aircraft with 20 or more seats. vEnergy Air also offers a Cargo Only Service through its vEnergy Cargo brand. We are an exciting new airline to bring low cost holidays to …
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Good Day, Thanks to our devoted staff team, WeGo Airways has had some massive improvements, and we'd like to show what we can now offer as a virtual airline: 174 real world airlines from all around the world. Over 132,000 schedules. Charter system where you can fly one of 109 different aircraft wherever you desire. Unique and professional Dispatch Centre designed and tested by real pilots. A plethora of tours where you can earn more points which allow you to level up. So if you're looking for a professional yet relaxed virtual airline, do feel free to pop by here: If not, then we wish you a great day.…
Last reply by DanielGill, -
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Hello All, I'm needing a few repaints done for my VA, If anyone can help please contact me this will include PMDG Aerosoft and FSlabs.
Last reply by RoryMul, -
- 3 replies
Hello All, Due to the announcement of an upcoming new arrival, myself and my partner have decided that I am to step down as CEO of my Airline. While I am looking for a new CEO, I'm not opposed to a new Owner also. I look forward to meeting the new candidate web address: If Interested in this offer please pm me here or email at
Last reply by ArielSuchowski, -
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Hi, I would like to help any new / current va's that need a painter for their fleet. I am not a pro and will help for free when time permits. Always enjoy seeing the finished project on the sim and i'm sure you will too! PM me if you are interested
Last reply by HeartOneVirtual, -
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Hello guys, If you feel inclined, please take this short questionnaire. I am curious to know the demand for a GA flying club or virtual airline. Thank you. Link: General Aviation Airline Questionnaire
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
- 4 replies
I will be selling my Crew Center and Website to anyone who wants it. Sale price will be $90 which includes Migration Support. Skin is currently customized for Asiana Airlines and is optimized for Infinite Flight, but modules may be redesigned for support of smartCars. If interested or have any questions, please PM me.
Last reply by blue3294, -
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vPrime Air from distribution to your door through the world of travel and the skies Software maintained and designed by the FSvas staff there new design of blizzard is the for front of our up-to-date software .
Last reply by jordanm1977, -
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All Virtual Aviation is now seeking new pilots. No matter what your pilot skill sets are, we welcome pilots from all over the globe that want to fly what they want, where they want, when they want. Although we have ranks and awards, emphasis is placed on the quality of PIREPS. Traditional VA’s place heavy emphasis on flight hours and ranks, although we track this as well, it says very little about the quality of the flight. Our automatic PIREP system grades each flight to ensure our virtual passengers experience nothing less than excellent. So, sure you can jump on the flight deck of a 747 or 777, but what’s your quality score? Landing FPM? We have a saying here, fly qua…
Last reply by tomwest757, -
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Welcome to vEnergy Air, We are proud to announce the release of vEnergy Air the first British airline that will use renewable fuel and also bio fuel for the main bulk of its flights, we are here as a new airline mainstream and also low cost as well to all the favourite holiday destinations around the world. We have had all our command systems for pilots to use all finally completed and we have had a over haul of a system created by the owner of FSvas, they have built a customer CMS for all our pilots to use t o have there flights to be carried out with a short period of notice. We are proud to state we have our own customer fleet of 737 , 747 , 777…
Last reply by Michael2015, -
- 1 follower
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IPB has a feature called "clubs" - basically subcommunities - Right now, I have this feature disabled, but would this be something VAs would be interested in - being able to create a club within the phpVMS forum to post updates/use as a forum, without having to create your own? Similar to what avsim does, but there's a lot more customization. And maybe only for established VAs, so it doesn't get completely cluttered with one hit wonders. Thoughts?
Last reply by Cor, -
- 2 replies
Germania Virtual Flug - Staff Recruitment Initiative Do you fall under any of these requirements? Previous virtual airline experience with 100 hours or more flight time Experience as a staff member of a functional VA for 1 year or more Strong interest to not only fly but be one of the leading heads running a virtual airline Engaging and formative in a team work scenario Speak/Understand both English and German If you can confidently answer yes to one or more of these, than a staff position at Germania Virtual Flug would be the definite right choice for you! Help bring realism and excitement back into the German and Eur…
Last reply by Miggel, -
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Hello there; registered at ivao and vatsim Smart cars & SIM ACARS flight recorder pmdg livery I have a site but I want it to be more advanced: Looking for airline for sale Does anyone want to help in this matter? thank you
Last reply by mert, -
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My name is Michael Poole I am CEO of Star Systems, I ah e created a virtual Airline based off British Airline West Atlantic. My business idea is to be able to create as close to life like simulation for pilots from being able to use a fully updated CMS system that allows only 1 pilot to fly a certain flight once that flights has been flown the aircraft and pilot will have to do the return leg otherwise they would be stranded like in real life. The administration side of things is where it will be close to real as possible, so CEO or Operations will be able to purchase, lease or sell aircraft to gain money for there airline to be able to maintain full fiancial …
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Flex Virtual is now open for pilots. We have the following positions open, should one interested you please email us we look forward to hearing from you. The Chief Operations DirectorChief Flight Instructor, Experience essential PR, Social Media and Comms Director (Flight simulation knowledge an advantage)Schedule OfficerEvents Officer Training Officers Please send an email to if you are interested,
Last reply by Matthieu, -
- 3 replies
All info:
Last reply by atulumello, -
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Hello All, Unfortunately due to circumstances outside of my control, I must step down as CEO at Fly Monarch Virtual, if you are interested in this position please reply to here or email Kindest Regards, Rory Mulcahy, CEO Fly Monarch Virtual, The Virtual Monarch Group.
Last reply by RoryMul, -
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We're looking for new volunteers to join our small staff team to help develop the organisation. We are looking for web developers to build systems in PHP and SQL, we are currently working on open sourcing all of our services to make it easier to track changes to developments. We have a number of projects that we need to be completed, ranging from skinning phpVMS to creating a custom mentoring system. As part of our team you'll help to contribute to the rapid expansion of a new community and training academy within the flight simulation community. If you're interested in joining, please submit the application form at Multi…
Last reply by HCStrike,