Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
hello am looking for someone who can upgrade my phpvms to latest stable version, i need also custom pilot center + design for the website and some more requests . my email
Last reply by LukeW, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, after a few months after starting i have not found the time to tend to my VA, as a result i no longer need my hosting. unfortunately (because i got a discount) i signed up for three years of hosting. Would like to sell it...the hosting is through ipage and i have never had any problems with them, great support and customer service. Shoot me a price!! Thanks, Theo
Last reply by VirtualIntegraAir, -
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Last reply by smokey68, -
- 1 reply
Hello sir, My name is Simone Catalano I have purchase the module Award System, but i have BIG problem with installation. Please Help Me: In Skype I am avaible , my name is : simone25112 Thank You for help Best Regards
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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Hello, With the recent closing of, I am now in the process of creating a VA based on the One World Alliance. I am looking for an experienced template/skin developer. My original plan was to go through SimPilotGroup, but, after two weeks of no response, I am going to spend my money else were. Serious inquiries only. Please email me at if anyone is interested. I pay well; for quality work.....
Last reply by awilks01, -
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Hello, Am looking for a volunteer repainter however I do not mind spending a bit of money. I am CEO of SkyJet Virtual Airlines an airline that has been in operation for 1 month. I need repaints done for the PMDG 737 -700 -800 and -900 as well as the 777-200LR. As for aerosoft,the a320. Blackbox A330 and aerosoft crj 700 and quality wings 757-200. I can split the job between a few people if nescessary. I already have a design,and if you are interested contact Thank you. Anthony Edwards CEO, SkyJet Virtual Airlines
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
- 0 replies
I've designed a brand new vCrew Center for Vistara Virtual . Here are some screenshots!. I'm selling it for 50$ / 38,00 € (This skin will contain some exciting modules like Group Flight/VistaOps/VistaChallenges with inbuilt preloader of your VA's name or Crew Center name)
Last reply by Yash, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I have a problem with the simbrief module and I pay if anyone can fix the problem. The problem is Hey Vangelis, I've tried many many times in my website even in clear phpvms but when Im clicking on the "Generate Simbrief" nothing happens can you please help me solve this problem? and they answer me: check jquery versions you cannont have 3 diferent versions If you think you can help me please pm me.
Last reply by Omerr01, -
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A Virgin America style IFE is for sale it includes all features such as music, radio, chat, reading and shopping. Small changed can be made if necessary, The cost of the system is £15 and can only be bought through Paypal, If you are interested please PM me Kind Regards Jacob
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 1 reply
Looking for someone to reprint a Virtual Airline Fleet- paid Sent out emails to three reprainters and never received a response. This only entails reprinting the default FSX 208 and a freeware Beechcraft 1900C. A good job will guarantee repeat business. If possible also looking for someone to repaint Carenado A/C All services will be paid for. If anyone here has experience building or modifying FSX aircraft I would also pay for a VC improvement for the 1900C. Send an email to if you can help me out!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
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Last reply by avdesigns, -
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Hi All We have a staff position available on our airline after one of our developers has become busy with other personal projects. Our airline has been transformed in recent months with our new v2 implementation which has tripled our pilot count and increased our airline ranking significantly. We are looking for someone to join our staff team with a passion for coding, aviation and a drive to implement improvements to help excel the airline. We pay an agreed price for large projects but we are looking for someone who, along with the large projects, would be willing to volunteer themselves for day to day improvements for the airline and become a permanent staff member…
Last reply by Soundman9, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I am looking for a professional, paid service that is not overly expensive but affordable. I need a responsive theme that uses lots of bootstrap elements. The theme needs to be original work and look very attractive. For colours: Orange - Elements such as buttons, panels and progress bars #FF9900 Dark Grey - Text on most pages #333333 White - Background #FFFFFF I will not go far into detail as this needs to be discussed one on one over our teamspeak 3 server. If anyone is interested and has a portfolio that they can show me to prove that you are up for the job and not a scam. Please reply to the thread with an expression of interest with an estim…
Last reply by dmks1234, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm searching for an talented guy who will be able to create a full editable skin for our future website in PhpVMS. Also, we have some modules from to implement and integrate into the skin. As far as possible, we want to have the full control of the content in backend like a joomla or wordpress template. We already created some PSD Mockup of what we expect on the design for the public page and the crew center. If you have better idea you can also propose us yours. Then we have already PHPVMS deployed and ready to use with all modules installed on our server. Like any good job deserves salary i let you propose me…
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 3 replies
Hello All, Looking for paid service to get me set up with phpvms7, hosting, and DisposableHero's Theme and Mods. I'd also be interested if anyone can do work with Creative Tim's Webfront ends and UI Skins. To get started I at least need the above. Thanks!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hi, I am looking for a fleet repainter for re-launch VA. Please contact me if you are interested ( Thanks
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 2 replies
Hi my VA the direct flight map is not working , need to add some menu and delete onother. give me a estimate . facebook ercio furquim , email Thank you
Last reply by ercio, -
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The holiday season is coming around and I feel like contributing to the FS community. At this time I am willing to work with a VA or two who would like a custom skin or some repaints to be done. As far as web design goes I don't know much php so don't ask for custom modules etc, I am offering design services only. Feel free to PM me if interested.
Last reply by MCSchwartz, -
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Hello Guys, I need help with my painting. We're currently going to run our new virtual airline and have problem with create our new painting for PMDG 737 NGX. I have a image draft what we need but it's too sophisticated for anybody of us, to do it on our own. Can you help? PS: We need something like this: Of course I can pay for it if needed. Please, contact me by PM or email:
Last reply by ombos, -
- 1 reply
I am offering to build VA fleet tables for them for as little as £10 thats all correct information on the type of aircraft and for the correct type of routing as well with all real life registrations too PM me for details i can also do routing as well
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hello guys, am looking for someone to build my new VA website if interested please PM for more details. Thanks
Last reply by blue3294, -
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Hi there, I'm planning to start-up a virtual airline with a couple of friends of mine that's compatible from FSX to X-Plane, however, we had several failures on making a livery and a website design (as well helping up set up the ACARs and such). We are planning to be out in the world before June. In terms of payment will be discussed via email, if you are interested in helping out email me or! If you know someone, please let them know my request, Thanks!
Last reply by hamshack, -
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I need sb. who helps me to programm a mobile website for the vAirline style.Will pay for this !!
Last reply by Luke2000, -
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Hello all, I see when people are struggling getting their Virtual AIrlines online, They will either complain that it will cost a lot of money to keep it going. Now i started this post to tell you you can get your website up and running for just £5.00 a month! Included in our company's personal plan to help you be the best Virtual Airline out there. Depending on how many sites you want or how many email accounts you want and the certain amount of space, the prices may varies. Web Hosting: All plans are provisioned on a fully managed dedicated server with SSDs & 1Gbps connection to the internet. All accounts come with control panel access as standard. -Personal Pla…
Last reply by Drummond74, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I would like someone to design a website for my Flybe Virtual Airline. Roughly between £10 and £40 (at the most) Need someone to be trustworthy and able to keep me updated on the progress. I have had issues with people starting my work and not finishing it. Please PM me. Thanks
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Last reply by avdesigns, -
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Hi folks, i am looking for a portal with phpvms and below functionality: simbrief integration Entry exam Smart ACARS report auto accept or reject pireps pireps comment and email feature Pilot briefing Hub's information weather integration feature at departure and arrival airport fleet detailed page, etc Please get in touch!
Last reply by RafaelLeite, -
- 1 reply
I am looking for someone who can convert a Template I already have to a PHPVMS skin. I am really not on a high budget here so please post your prices.
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 0 replies
Hello, everyone if you are struggling with calculating flight time for routes? If so then this is FOR YOU!!! This program estimates flight time based on multiple variables, including the following Number of passengers Type of Aircraft Cruising Speed of Aircraft AND MORE Attached are two screenshots from the program. I can fully customize the program for your specific aircraft and needs. Email me at for more information.
Last reply by treygeboy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello all, So I've been running a website for the past few months and it has gone great. If you want to check it out here: I'm looking to upgrade it now. I want to make a better download section where it is easier to find the repaints I make and put up for the public to have. What I'm really looking for is someone who knows how to set it up kind of like the Avsim download section. Where you need to register to download. Currently I want to make it so only I can upload files for download. Does anyone know how to do something like that here? Thanks, Michael
Last reply by flightsimcreator,