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623 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Greetings virtual airlines/virtual airline owners this is an advertisement to virtual airlines who realistically operate based on the operations of a real world counterpart. I'm thinking of doing a premium scheduling service to airlines who wish to operate real world schedules, registration, fleet, etc. that the real world airline uses. But before I can do that I need a virtual airline to test on. If you'd like to BETA test these schedules, feel free to inboX me or message me at No significant website data or admin access will be needed however your va must run via Phpvms.
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello: After months of development I´m delighted to show you(a bit) of the project I´m working on right now, it is called VACars, and it is a revolutionary ACARS software. What is special about it, is that it is developed with the latest technologies and under the latest UI Standars, not only that, but it will be the very first ACARS Software on the world that will be Windows, OS X, Android, iOS, Windows Phone capable since V1.0. I have been working on this for a long time(started on late December 2015). And I decided it is now the moment to show a bit of it. Since I´m developing for 5 platforms at the same time, it takes long time to develop... Today I´m just going…
Last reply by DilutedSalt, -
- 3 replies
Im looking for an phpvms expert that can help me out, i really dont know what to do anymore so im reaching out for paid services. I need following made on my site : Custom profile index remove the my profil avatar inside the header. Make my google maps work Make this in use instead off the normal schedules. http://staralliancev....php/airlinemap Make latest bid be under latest flights an put in teamspeak under where latest bids is now. Make it possible to post youtube videos under content 3. Please send me a email if you can make this for me with a full price, an it has to be the final price, cause budget is small.. Email : Mic…
Last reply by FSX30HD, -
- 3 replies
Hey, I had this idea some months ago: A virtual Stock market for pilots of your VA. The pilots can spend their money and all pilots are in a competition, who is the best trader (of the month, of the year...). You can add virtual stocks and they are randomly generated or you are able to use an API like Yahoo Finance to get real values. As an option you can add your own VA into the stock market and it depends on the flights and revenue if the share rises or fall. We can code this script together, but my knowledge in php is not the best. I can make the conent and the layout or design.
Last reply by CedGauche, -
- 3 replies
Good evening, I will contact to ask for help to finally install the skin "Lance or ocean blue" for my VA contact me by MP for the price thank you Good evening, I will contact to ask for help to finally install the skin "spear" for my ... contact me by MP for the price thank you
Last reply by ethanou77, -
- 3 replies
Hey, Im currently looking for someone to make a new website for a va for around £40 if you are interested please PM Me. Thank You.
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 3 replies
Hello folks ! I was wondering if any of you fine gentlemen who have created custom acars in the past or are VA developers would be able to create a custom ACARS system for my virtual airline. More info given when needed. I look forward to recieving a reply soon Thanks Anthony Edwards Flex Virtual Airlines
Last reply by vicsimvp, -
- 3 replies
Hi Community We are looking for a partner who (2 Virtual Airlines) a Common Pilot Center created us plus a custom ACARS system. Details can be discussed via Skype or PM.
Last reply by LukeW, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys I'm the deputy president of Soon to be open finnair Virtual indeed someone who can quickly makes phpvms site free if your doing it please contact me via email :
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone! I'm suprised that no one has made a virtual airline from Bulgaria! My goal is to recreate Balkan Air (the former national airline) with some of the soviet planes and some new. Il-18, Tu-154B(, Tu-134, Boeing 737-8, Boeing 767-400 and Airbus A320-200. I worry more about the repaint because I know HTML and CSS(I don't know how to work with php), but I cannot paint in any kind of photo editing program. The old logo could be modernized and re used.( If you want more information just PM me. Thanks in advance! Boris
Last reply by LukeW, -
- 3 replies
Hello all, I offer a complete set of aircraft Liveries designs for a fix price. 3 aircraft £3 6 aircraft £6 12 aircraft £10
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
- 3 replies
Hello! I am the CEO of Qatar Airways Virtual and I was wondering if anyone is interested in making my VA a custom skin for phpVMS. The platform we are using is Infinite Flight. If you are interested message me, and I would gladly look over your proposal and idea for design! Budget: $30-60
Last reply by Michael2015, -
- 3 replies
I will be selling my Crew Center and Website to anyone who wants it. Sale price will be $90 which includes Migration Support. Skin is currently customized for Asiana Airlines and is optimized for Infinite Flight but modules may be redesigned for support of smartCars. If interested please PM me.
Last reply by Britishroyal, -
- 3 replies
Hi folks, i am lookiing for a portal with phpvms version 7 and below functionality: simbrief integration passport feature Entry exam point basis system based on Smart ACARS report auto accept or reject pireps pireps comment and email feature Pilot briefing weather integration feature at departure and arrival airport and .... please pm me if there is a portal like that .
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I am looking to introduce a new Virtual Airline compatible with XP11 & P3D, therefore I will need support to create all this. I am looking for individual or two that will support me on this project, also setting up the ACARS system and liveries for PMDG models, Captain sim, Flight factor, Zibo mod. Web developer (INC. ACARS) will receive monthly '' pocket payment '' if agree to supervise the sites forum etc we can discuss this privately as well as livery designer will be paid for testing the liveries also in different shades and conditions of weather. In addition set up of an TEAMSPEAK for VA would be a great idea. Beforehand make sure you have wor…
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, Short story long...UPSVAC needs a new Developer/Programmer to help maintain the site. I have had the site re-done in the last couple of years...still have some code issues that need to be addressed. I am looking to move the site to a different server as soon as possible...need some assistance with that. UPSVAC is coming up on 18 years old...We have 290 active pilots. Much more to discuss at a later time. Thanks Preston B. CEO
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 3 replies
Hello All, Looking for paid service to get me set up with phpvms7, hosting, and DisposableHero's Theme and Mods. I'd also be interested if anyone can do work with Creative Tim's Webfront ends and UI Skins. To get started I at least need the above. Thanks!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
Ok, I cant bear with this anymore. all of these codes give me headachs! LOL. Here is the deal. I want a Completely custom Website. Colors, all of that Stuff. Money is not an option, and I am willing to pay up to $200 for this to be done! But here is the catch!: I would like this site to look like its a Custom ACARS system, but its not. Like, I dont want it to look like our site is with phpVMS, besides the "Powered by phpVMS" at the bottom. Nothing Againts phpVMS, but I just want it to look the best it can be . Someone please PM me with their portfolio or something. Thanks
Last reply by joeri, -
ACARS customized Systems
by Guest lorathon- 2 replies
As some of you know I have an ACARS system that is available for free from my site. I also offer customizing services and these screenshots can also be seen at my site. If you are interested please visit my site for more information and also contact information. Thanks for your interest, Jeff FS-Products
- 2 replies
PIVA is looking for someone to assist with start up operation. This person will set up our server and install phpvms and assist on getting PIVA off the ground. If you are interested, please contact us at Thanks
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 2 replies
Im looking for someone with experience with phpVMS and also innstall system on website server..Im willing pay for this service ! Please contact me at for more information
Last reply by VAA CEO, -
Skin Needed
by Allan- 2 replies
Hey was wondering if anyone is interested in designing me a skin, if you would like to chat my email is im using joomla right not but a pain in the ass to use with phpvms considering you have to use to login names. someone please contact me ASAP! Kind Regards, Allan Benjamin USA Flight Club founder
Last reply by Jon, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I am looking for a aircraft painter to paint 2 type of aircrafts. Please email me at Thanks
Last reply by airmermaid, -
- 2 replies
Thomas Rozanov will do his best to provide you with the best service and features you can possibly get. He will do all the thinking it may be making a skin, or making a VA from A-Z. He gives 1 year technical support. Contact: (Please ignore the site i am not worried too much about it at the moment) Because i give 100% of my time to my clients! Thank You Very Much!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
- 2 replies
Good Morning, AZI Repein Website Down Damn your website is boken or shutdown? Why? I have requested a Repaint and yesterday i saw it scheduld? No where is my repaint? its the Service down? ANSWER PLEASE Thanks
Last reply by Industrialshadow, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Atlantic International Virtual Airlines are looking for someone to repaint our fleet. Here is list of aircraft that we will be using : E170 (E-Jet/Wilco) B737-800 (PMDG/ifly) B757-200 (Sim Capt/QWings) B767-300 (LevelD) And Course if we can get a freeware of the above aircraft's as well, may be Project Opensky for the Boeing a/c? If you are interested, please email me at Thanks Robert
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 2 replies
Looking for some one to work on a skin design for my site Dalta Airlines. Its not going to be easy lots of things, I need. Like we will be doing a skymiles card programe. Etc. I have been talking to some guys about a new pilot software. Thanks
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone! I am starting a VPS company that will offer budget and premium VPS. I was hoping to get some input from the phpVMS community about this. I've set up a poll for part of the information I'd like to gather. I'm planning to open servers for VPS hosting in the US and all around the world. Budget VPS 10GB Disk Space 256MB Memory 100GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address Starts from $4.99 Premium VPS 20GB Disk Space 256MB Memory 200GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address Starts from $14.99 These aren't the only VPS packages offered but they're the first package of each stage. Let me know what you think. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, Alright, first off, I know this is probably an impossible request but I figured I might give it a go. Second, I know nothing about coding in phpVMS or any other web coding type stuff, only bare basic HTML. So needless to say, I am in desprate need of somebody who knows how to work with phpVMS to help me with a few things. Now, I already have a template to use, so full website making is NOT needed. All I need is someone who can take said template and customize it to the needs of my airline. I have a logo and can make the majority of the graphics nessacary. Here is a basic rundown of what I need done: Change logo's and graphics/background to the graphics I p…
Last reply by AndrewOne77,