The forum for the kACARS application
347 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi i have installed phpvms not on a free host but in a vps server with centos 5 x86_64bit i have php 5.3 installed but kacars is not connecting it shows connection error i have installed php-xml , php-xmlrpc and some other modules but its not working can someone help me?
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 1 reply
Hi Im trying to connect will Kacars and i get this error messgae at the bottom saying "CONNECTION ERROR".My URL is correct. Im using free host 000webhost www.interlinkvirtual.comlu.com
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 1 reply
When I try to connect to the airline using Kacar, I get the error that appears in the picture All pilots are having the same problem Can anyone help me with this problem?
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
My problem is that i get this error when i launch kACARS of a desktop shortcut. I deleted the kACARS folder in core/modules and re installed the module from the kacars website. Then I got Notify System Admin of the switch error Data not recived Switch = verify Please help. Chris
Last reply by Fly Star Alliance, -
- 8 replies
I downloaded the latest version to use in a brand new installation of phpVMS. I uploaded the module to the site. On the client side I checked that the URL, username and password for the VA profile are good too. However I have noticed few problems with the PC application. When I click on the save button after selecting the proper VA profile, the main screen does NOT update the PilotID field and probablythe password either. Even when I manually fill the PilotID and the password and click Login, I get a connection error saying itreceived nothing. I can login on the site using those credentials. I checked the SEND.XML and it Is sending good credentials but it is not…
Last reply by avp, -
- 0 replies
I am member of USA Flight Club they are using kACARS Custom Version upon start up i get this error message, Description: Stopped working Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: kacars - usa flight club.exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 5155b986 Problem Signature 04: System.Windows.Forms Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 50c29e85 Problem Signature 07: 199a Problem Signature 08: 11 Problem Signature 09: PSZQOADHX1U5ZAHBHOHGHLDGIY4QIXHX OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Read our privacy statement online: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?…
Last reply by UFC509, -
- 0 replies
Dear All ! I having a trouble which my Kacars is working fine (able to login, detect flight information and etc...), But my phpvms did not preview the flight status and the live map unable to saw any flight .... Anyone can answer the kind of problem to help me resolve this problem? Many thanks!!
Last reply by lawrencespk, -
- 5 replies
hi wit kcars i get error Check Flight Level 1k to 50k even though it says I am logged into my website and connected to flight sim help?
Last reply by poole3003, -
- 9 replies
Hi,, one of my pilots have a problem: the problem is that on every pirep landing rate 0 is, (only 1 person has this problem) does anyone know how this can be solved? Greets, michael
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi all, New issue for me with kACARS. I have a guy doing his first flight for our new airline and he has just said kACARs won't let him file the Pirep both using the button or manually. He said he gets an error message saying schedule does not exist. I have looked at the logs and the only thing coming up at all is this: ===== Time: 05.22.14 07:51:45 ===== Time: 05.22.14 07:51:45 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::get_results > PIREPData::findPIREPS > PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount > PIREPS->RecentFrontPage > call_user_func_array > MainController::Run > include > TemplateSet->getTemplate > TemplateSet->showTemplate Query: SELEC…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 3 replies
As do a few airlines, we use alphanumeric callsigns on our flights. This is an extra column in the schedules. What I need to do is let kACARS incorporate this. I can already get phpVMS to output the callsign to kACARS so that it is displayed in the flight number box but it does not show on the ACARS map, or in PIREPs. Doing it in my head gets quite complicated as all I'm trying to do is replace the flight number with the callsign throughout the code, but still using the flight number variable. Has anyone else done this or know how?
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 4 replies
We are using Custom kAcars, but I have a general situation about charters. I haven't had much luck with replies on the general support forum. The problem we are having is that all charter flights have zero gross/revenue! I checked the pireps table in the database and it shows the flighttype as 'P' which means passenger flights, not charter ('H'?) My question, are charter flights supposed to have flight type 'H' in database or is 'P' normal? 1) Can someone please check their VA pirep table and see if the charter flights are having their flighttype set to "H" and not "P"? 2) and In general, does PHPVMS handle charter flights "out of the box" in terms of calculating the…
Last reply by Ephendi, -
- 2 replies
Good evening and sorry for my english .. a user uses the kacars and has this problem, what could it be? thanks for any response. Yours sincerely
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 2 replies
Recently, users have been contacting me about issues downloading the kacars program from my site. Not everyone has this issue though. The issue is caused that when they download from the site it converts the file to a .man file. I checked the backside and it has the item downloaded onto the server as a .msi....any idea why when they download the program it is switching the extension to a .man? Is there a way to fix this?
Last reply by RVF147, -
- 3 replies
When I used Kacars Free, I could see the route on Google Maps, after using the Custom Kacars, I can't. Could anyone help me solve this problem? Using the default route_map.tpl Using the kAcars Custom route_map.tpl I wanna the red track in custom map. Thanks so much if you can help me! Code of both route_map.tpl is here: http://www.newpilots.com.br/downloads/Kacars.rar
Last reply by Felipe, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Good evening to all, that problem could be? thanks for any answer ... best regards
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 4 replies
Good evening and sorry for my english, problem with duplicate data records kacars free and without the name of the pilot view photo,or it is the fault of the user who opens kacars several times? Thanks for any response
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 2 replies
I am using the paid version of kAcars for my va. I am using this for over a year. I am having a rather odd issue. Whenever I am running kAcars on the same pc as I run FSX, I see a rather big drop in FPS. It drops from about 30fps to 20fps. I have tried to solve the issue by running the program on an extra pc. There I see about the same drop. 8-9 fps, as soon as I attach kAcars to FSX. As Rex is eating another 10fps, you guess that I am flying around 12 fps at fast. Is this a common problem, that kAcars eat so many fps? It is to me not doing any graphical stuff. Yes it is collecting data, but so much?
Last reply by aarbee, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
i have custom k acars (payware). and when i install the auto pirep reject/accept and after i delete this Moudle . i have this problem: when i send the pirep . please help me i don't now what to do .. Sorry for bad english. Thanks .
Last reply by Omerr01, -
- 2 replies
Hello I'm the new IT administrator at fsxfleet, we have on previous occasion purchased Kacar is veldtig adapted to us, I we have this week phpvms installed on a new server. I came across a strange problem where announced free version of Kacar function but not pay the version of Kacar. there are some out there who have experienced the same. This is the error when we are using the payware version of kacars: Website Warning Encountered: Notify system Administrator of the Switch error. Data Not Received switch=verify Just wondering if i missing a module to kacars. i can get the free version but but the payware version of kacars. Best regard Tom Kristiansen - it tech fs…
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I have found 2 erros in my error log: [29-Jan-2014 21:00:29 Europe/London] PHP Warning: Division by zero in /home/flyairli/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 85 [29-Jan-2014 21:00:29 Europe/London] PHP Warning: Division by zero in /home/flyairli/public_html/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php on line 94 This is line 85: $percomplete = ABS(number_format(((($totaldistance - $flight->distremain) / $totaldistance) * 100 ), 2)); and This is line 94: $percomplete = ABS(number_format(((($totaldistance - $flight->distremain) / $totaldistance) * 100), 2)); i hope there is a fix for that, i get this error every 5 seconds in the error_log
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Hello, we have problem with login to kAcarsFree. Our ailirnes code start with number (8F). When pilot use correct pilotID (for example 8F232) kAcars can't log. When use incorrect pilotID prefix (for example F232) kAcars log. Can you help me to solve this problem? Thanks! Peter
Last reply by Ephendi, -
- 1 reply
For some reason kAcars stopped to work, all worked fine until 22.12.13. but now, i didnt work nothin on site regarding some changes, and still it doesnt work, hmm...was working fne all year...someone? thank you www.croatiacargo.com
- 7 replies
Hello, My virtual airline's kacars is not working. It is giving me the error "switch = verify error I am using the host neq3.com Our website is www.britishbluevirtual.co.uk Cheers, Myles
Last reply by MC1028, -
- 31 replies
Okay, so I have just recently started my VA and when I logged in to kACARS it did not work so I downloaded 0.8 version and it worked fine then I got an error about not being able to log in! So i downloaded the current version that log in problem doesnt happen anymore but now I get a connection error, i also get this error
Last reply by OA01, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi, Anybody experiencing this problem ? "maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in "......\core\classes\codonwebservice.class.php" on line 236" Thx, Regards,
Last reply by NadRush, -
- 1 reply
I've searched and searched with now success. How can I enter a LAT/LON as a way point on the flight schedule of the .CSV? Wingnut
- 7 replies
Hello Guys, I have a problem, since yesterday when I connect with KACARS in LiveMap appears no flight, no pilot, I tried to reload the modules acarsmal.tpl and updated form of KACARS FREE ... IDEAS?
Last reply by dtcalleja, -
- 2 replies
Hello I have problems with Kacars, does not register the fuel on board, how can I solve the problem, because of FSUIPC? thanks for any response...
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello Suddenly I am unable to fly flights with KACARS none of our members can fly anylonger. People are able to login successfully however when they press "GET FLIGHT BID INFO" they get in result "No Flight Found" depsite they have flights in bid. Please assist asap. Thanks & Regards