326 topics in this forum
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The weather is being decoding correctly, except for the visibility is shown in km, with all Admin settings as US standard. Any way to fix the visibility to show in miles?
Last reply by sgraypgh, -
- 10 replies
As our web guru seems to be taking something of a hiatus at the moment, I'm just checking what files I *need* to update to bring our version up to the current release. I'm assuming (maybe wrongly) that I don't need to do anything to the resources/views/default folder and it's just all the background stuff that needs over-writing?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
hi, i receive error 500 on reset password page after setting up email on env.php using aws ses, this is the env file : MAIL_MAILER=postmark AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='mykey' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='mykey' AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1 in the log file i find this : [2022-12-30 13:09:30] production.ERROR: Class "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Bridge\Postmark\Transport\PostmarkTransportFactory" not found {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Class \"Symfony\\Component\\Mailer\\Bridge\\Postmark\\Transport\\PostmarkTransportFactory\" not found at /home/lg2975luca/phpvms/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Mail/MailManager.php:299) [stacktrac…
Last reply by lg2975luca, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Since I have the mail going, I am seeing 4-6 people try to signup at the va. Probably some zombies or so. I know from 5.2, that there was something called capcha. Is that available too for PHPvms 7? CQ where can I find a description on how to install it. aaRBee
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
In which files can I change the colors for the - weather WX, - icons (dashboard) - buttons dashboard - error massages I use the Disposable Theme and Disposable Basic. Thank you very much for your help And thats to this wonderful system. Greez Ben
Last reply by bb2901, -
- 17 replies
Hello, I did install PHPVMS 7 for a friend, which succeeded so far, yet the e-mail is not sending emails. I guess that I did something wrong. And I wonder if I got the right file to change. Which file do I need to change, so that PHPVMS can send mails to people etc. And how can I enter the smtp if there is a portnumber including SSL? I did look through the forums here, but I was not able to find my answer. Thanks anyway. aaRBee
Last reply by aarbee, -
- 3 replies
hi, when i try to send my fpl to ivao using the link file atc-> Ivao , open this link with nxginx 405 not alowed error using Disposable basic and Disposable Special Add on
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
good morning, I'm trying to install the dev version of phpvms, but I can't open the phpvms setup. sorry for my English. kindly, is there anyone who can help me?
Last reply by kekko89sr, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Has anyone had this problem and know the solutions
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm an ACARS user and I fly with MSFS 2020. Whenever I try to use the ACARS it prompts me that UserCfg.opt is read only and doesn't allow me to start the flight. I need to keep it read only to prevent MSFS from activating film grain (a known issue), is there a workaround?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 6 replies
Members 1 Posted 12 hours ago Hello, I am at a loss here - I installed the script with no issues - everything is what it's suppose to be except it is not sending registration emails - also when I try to "forget password" - throws this error I only seem to be having problems with the mail / messaging Thanks in advance!
Last reply by MrJohn6774, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/homepages/46/d848018555/htdocs/clients/phpvms7/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php7.2') in /homepages/46/d848018555/htdocs/clients/phpvms7/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 17 Getting this error whilst trying to get onto the installer ? Am running on php 7.2. Line 17 is - require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; Thanks On my other server I just get a blank screen nothing else
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 8 replies
Hello: Sorry my English is terrible, that's why I'll use google trans... 1.- Download this version from discord... — 08/30/2022 Version 7.0.0-dev+220830.f30a3b is available, download: zip | tar 2.- Carry out the installation according to the manual... Option 2: Copying the public directory /home/youruser phpvms < Create this folder and upload phpvms into it public_ftp public_html < Upload the files from phpvms/public into I did this like this since my cpanel only allows me to create subdirectories in Public_html. 3.- In my cpanel I told my domain to work with php 8.0+, when …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
I'm having this issue when installing phpvms 7, could someone please help me, thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hi! I'm fiddling around with a test installation of phpVMS 7 and already really like it. There is one thing I didn't find information about, no idea if this even is possible to achieve in a simple way. It would be nice to have all active pilots from phpVMS in a group/role on our discord server. The reason: I'd like to restrict access to the ACARS reporting messages to active pilots only without having to edit that group/role all the time. Did I miss something really obvious (which I absolutely consider being possible)? Thanks in advance and thank you for sharing your phantastic work! Cheers Yoshi
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hello. I need help about this. on my Side i don't get Any Notifications on Discord. how i get the API Key ?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Good morning everyone I tried to load a timetable I created in csv of 1200 routes, but after a few seconds the "500 server error" screen comes out and I only load 40 routes. can you help me? Thank you NB: to generate the file I tried with Excel and OpenOffice but no results
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
im trying to add files to my subfleet by .zip but everytime i do this im getting a 503 error code, what am i doing wrong? i fill out everything including url and select the zip file from my computer and click save and about 2 mins it goes to the 503 error. any help would help out greatly
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone I installed php7.0 dev, but I would like to know if it has the function for JUMPSEAT pilots? If yes, how should I activate it? Thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 8 replies
First of all, I want to apologize because English is not my native language, so it is possible that I did not understand some of the solutions that already exists. We have been using the phpvms classic for a long time and we want to upgrade to the newer phpvms 7. My knowledge of php and hosting setup is as basic. I downloaded the dev version of the site from github, created a database with all the privileges, set the php version in cpanel to version 7, later I tried other newer versions php but I can't manage to start the installation. I tried to adjust VHost and still without success, I know I'm definitely missing something but I don't know what. We have li…
Last reply by IvanSt, -
- 4 replies
So, I'm not a complete noob at website building, but this has been a little difficult (3 days in the works) I've finally made it to the phpVMS is not installed page, but after clicking "Head on to the installer" I get a 404 error. it seems to be attempting to point to (I'm currently setting this up in a VM which is why its pointing to said IP address) Am I missing something? currently using PHP v8.1 on a NGINX webserver inside Ubuntu 20.08
Last reply by lumpi86, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, I would like to ask a technical question to implement the current flights on the live board of our website. I don't know if this is possible with phpvms or via acars. Pour pouvoir peut-être me donner une indication sur ce que je veux dire je vous ajoute le lien vers notre VA . Merci pour vos réponses par avance .
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 6 replies
I did build a new site based on PHPVMS 7.0 And I cannot login to the admin account after the first install. I constantly says that the password is wrong. Yet I cannot reset the Password either as I was not able to confige the mail settings. Seems like a catch 22. Some help would be appreciated. RobB
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
hello guys we had a small error with our phpvms7 site though i dont know if it been pointed out or not yet but when one of my pilots went to book his return flight EGAA -> EGCC the schedules where gone ( don't know how ) we fixed the error by reuploading the flights.csv file overwriting the current flights we think this is a bug of some kind though we arnt completely sure what caused it just thought id post it on here to let you guys know about it anyways regards Michael
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hi. I installed phpvms in my hosting server. Installed in a dedicated folder and copied the public files to the public_html folder because I'm planning to use a seperate landing page on top of php. But nothing shows up. I edited the index.php and pointed the correct path. I'm always getting a syntax error at line 18. No matter what I'm doing it always returns an error. Am I doing something wrong. Can someone help me??
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
hello all ive just tried to install phpvms 7 on our site buit it has come up saying that the INTEL PHP Exntention has Failed Does this mean that the Host am with hasnt got it enabled/Installed please help Regards Michael
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 2 replies
Hi to all I tried to change the colors of the Style.css file from blue to red but nothing changes. Which file should I change to change the color to the navigation bar? Thank you
Last reply by tecni97, -
- 3 replies
G'day gents, I'm running 7.0.0-dev+220225.9d368e and Disposable. Disclaimer that they both need to and will be updated urgently so if this issue can only be solved as such then kindly advise and disregard this thread. Basically as the screenshots show, I have a slight (SIA/SQ) that is showing up incorrectly as SVAG. Because our VA runs multiple subsidiaries (eg. SIA/TGW), we place all pilots under the shell airline "SVAG" but there are no actual flights listed under this. However, one particular flight has caught my attention multiple times recently showing the latter prefix. Is there any way to correct this? It's very minor and on…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
Hi, To recreate the cost of crew salary We are adding up their hourly wages and putting them in this box "Cost Per Hour" as there is no other box in the system to do an hourly calculation. When the pirep is sent instead of hourly cost it says "block time cost" so it was a bit difficult to relate that both were the same. You could change the word in the resulting pirep. Or better yet, do this: Adding the possibility of create a expense for time. Any solution? Thanks!!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
The page on my site changed its format from one day to the next, would anyone know the motovo for this to occur? And how to fix it? It was like this: It was like this:
Last reply by DisposableHero,