Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
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hi there got my new virtual airline up; based in the channel islands inbetween UK & France. i need these aircrafts repainted in our livery: livery is similar to Jet2. Aircraft: Text on livery: Colours: Cessna Grand Carvan FlyJersey Commuter with a big J on tail Red/white bold British Norman Trislander FlyJersey Commuter Red Tail big white J Red/white Bold Twin otter Dh6 FlyJersey Commuter Red Tail big white J Red/white Bold Dash 8 q-400 Fly Jersey red tail big white J …
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Hi Guys, I have built a flightplan parser that does all sorts of things including reading airways and breaking them up into their constituent waypoints. To do this it directly references the X-Plane waypoint databases. Must easier than sending tons of queries to MySQL. Now I have it all working in parser.php but want to include it into a template file so that it neatly fits into my VA site. The database file's don't seem to be found even when i reference them with i.e. '' Basically how do I integrate the stuff I have into the Codon interface? Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nout - Zon Executive, -
- 2 replies
I own a virtual airline (Historic Airline Group). I want to bring FSACARS to our airline, as well as bringing some sort of flight selector for pilots to use and an improved way to submit pireps. Right now we do it the old fashioned way: I get an email and post it by hand to the web site. Time to move into the 21st century! Problem is, I have no idea what I'm doing. I downloaded all the phpVMS & FSACARS material. I then opened up "phpvms For Dummies" and tried getting started. Took about two hours to realize I am in way over my head. I need someone to help me set this up, someone who knows what they're doing. We'd even throw in some compensation. Anyone up for the c…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Hello there, We have a system where pilots can submit schedules that they wish to add to our databases. They are then validated and added by one of the admins. Given that I know the pilot's ID is there a built in function/class that will allow me to send the pilot an email with i.e. "Hi there, your schedule request was accepted and added" Of course, there is the long way of sending an email with PHP, but phpvms has so many built in features, I am wondering if a mailing feature is also present. Nout
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Hi all. I read a while back that someone has on their site a live ACARS stats on their home page much like the newest pilot banner on top of the home page. I have searched and searched and can not find it. I think with old age setting in on me my search skills are starting to slip on me. To be exact, what this code did was give a list of everyone who is actively doing an ACARS flight on the VA website. Not Vatsim or IVAO or anything, it was just who is connected to your site via an acars device. Thanks for helping me in the right direction. And feel free to give me a virtual slap for slacking on the search skills.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I'm new to the web site business, having previously hosted a web site at iPage, the web hosting site for dummies. Now that I'm moving our web site to FiveDev/PHPvms, I'd like to learn more about hosting the site. For example, what is an SQL? How do I access my database? My question here is, what would be a good reference book for learning basics like these? David Reed Historic Airline Group
Last reply by reed0427, -
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Hey guys, as we are a business va we don't need a scheduling system in which you have to fill in a detailed departure and arrival time. Our pilots should be free in their choice of day and time. Is there any module which solves the problem that you have to fill in the date and time? All we need is a date on which the flight should at the latest be done. Hope you know what I mean! And is it possible that our pilots can create a schedule on their own, so that the pilots can book exactly the flights they wanna fly? Thanks!
Last reply by Sascha (DCS299), -
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Ok, This morning, I logged into my VA and I got the error when I go into my VMS Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'njva' And then, WTF! I log into my phpMyAdmin and I don't have any access to my njva databases or others. I had like 12 databases but now I don't have any access databases. Now I went into the privileges tab, and then I got the error No Privileges Now seriously, I can't lose those databases. Can anyone help me please. Thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
On our home page I switched to FS Pilot Shop Advertising. Problem is that the ads are bigger than the square they're supposed to fit in. I changed the size in the url: <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="300 x 250 Rotation 1"></a> I changed the 300 x 250 to 150 x 125, but the banner size didn't change. Any ideas?
Last reply by reed0427, -
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How do you Fire or delete a pilot from the system. I have a few that I need to delete and I can figure out how, Thank You
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hi, I was just wondering, does anybody know or have a link of the paint kit for the wilco 175 emb, I couldnt find it on there website and i was wondering if anyone has it ...
Last reply by joeri, -
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Hi all, Does anyone know of anywhere I can host a TS3 server for free I have tried X5 hosting but they did not activate my account. I know why they have not activated the account it is because it is run by 2 people who I have encountered on these very forums and I hosted there TS3 for there VA which all ended and left a very bitter taste in my mouth. Any way all that being said, does anyone know anywhere else I may be able to get hosting? Scott
Last reply by Angel Air, -
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For Kacars charts, the charts need to be in png format. I was hoping that someone may know if there is a collection of uk/eu/us charts in png format readily available? Thank you.
Last reply by tutmeister, -
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hi all I had another account before this, but now I can no longer do I log-in has been eliminated. Why? watch the last post of this topic: this was my Profile:
Last reply by mattia, -
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Is it a good idea to use Cloud Flare? If so, does it update after every so long? Is there a way to change it in the settings? Thanks, Edmund K
Last reply by edmundk, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello, i was just curious if anyone knew what operating system uses?(because i dont think its PHPVMS) I am curious becuase it looks really nice and cool. Also, the only other operating system i know of is VABASE. But i can not figure out VABASE, i own it...i just cant figure it out. Thanks- Ryan
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Hey. This time, i am really gonna give away 10 30 slot teamspeaks. It is run off of a vps server, You can test the speed with this IP: To get a preiview of one of the teamspeaks, connect to: Port: 9988 ( There is no server password. Just reply in this forum if you want one. I will set one up, give you the post and privledge key. Thanks!
Last reply by joeri, -
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Hello, I hope I am posting in the correct forum, It has been a while since I came back to phpVMS Forums. I would like to offer a great hosting package that can get your virtual airline in the air in no time. I am Will, I am from, we are a small Yorkshire based company that hosts websites, firstly I would like to share something about my past experience of running a virtual airline, I used to run a virtual airline at, long name i know, and we had free webhosting from a well known webhost, it was a nice enough company, he offered to give us free webhosting because we gave him customers with our contacts to the flight…
Last reply by Tom, -
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Every time the last two days I tried to look at the va-list, it comes up for a few seconds and goes to a page to buy an ad on their site. Anybody else go there and experience this? There is no way I know of to let them know since you can't get on their site.
Last reply by tgycgijoes, -
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I just bought this app called Textastic for my iPad and heck! I gotta say it's freaking awesome app to code on the iPad on the go! Now I don't have to sit at my computer and code! I can code on my iPad anywhere now! It's well for the price! Only $9.99! You can code in many different languages, upload your files via FTP, Webdav, or see your HTML work locally on the iPad (I think but haven't tired). More info ->
Last reply by Kyle, -
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I am debating my-self whether to have a forum or not. I know that running a forum is a lot of work in a virtual airline point of view considering their is a lot more to manage. Would you have a forum in your Virtual Airline why or why not? Does it attract more pilots or is it just extra management for nothing? Plz share your ideas, i am really interested in what your opinions are!
Last reply by edmundk, -
by MrAmsterdam- 2 replies
Hey guys, A dumb question maybe but i would like to know what IPS adds to PHPVMS installations with offline pilots that use Custom acars and the amazing simpilot addons.... ? I read the website but i don't really know how it could use it and i don't know if it's worth the money. Maybe you guys can help me out with a small discussion.. Lucas
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 1 follower
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Hi all, I'm looking for a front-end developer, with heavy experience in Javascript (backbone, ember, sencha), and experience with Phonegap/Apptanium. Some PHP is good. Must be willing to learn and go the extra mile to figure things out. You need to be able to architect and code some fairly complicated UIs, with code-reuse and develop libraries for use across multiple interfaces. Preferably in the NY area and can commute to Stamford, CT once a week or so, but if you're particularly strong we can maybe do a work-from-remote. It's a really cool startup, and I'll be your boss Let me know if you're interested, or know someone who is.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hello everyone, does anyone have a module idea? Let us know your suggestions on what you would like to have and we'll see! Will be waiting...
Last reply by servetas, -
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As I'm not familiar with the inner workings of Invision Power Board, I have a few questions.... Is BBcode available here? If not, can the HTML equivalents be used? I do see the icons for Link, Quote and Code. What I'm wondering about is the use of 'spoiler' and a few other ones I use elsewhere from time to time. The 'spoiler' might make it easier to read some posts as anything behind 'spoiler' would be condensed until a user click the 'spoiler' wording. Or is there a way to easily add more formatting options via a WYSIWYG editor? Thanks for any insight!
Last reply by ProAvia, -
So taking a break from Dreamweaver and decided to give the VHHX scenery a run for its money while fogged in. i noticed though the fog layer is not what fog should look like, yes i know its a game and there is rex to make it look real but my computer is not the best in world but is somewhat decent but flytampa, JF-757-200 and REX just don't get along very well on my graphics card so with that said can anybody recommend me to a fog add on that would replace the fsx hase if so that would be great.
Last reply by nabpp, -
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Hello guys! I am now trying to paint the ifly for fsx but i just noticed that i will have to make the alpha channels on my own. Unfortunately, as a new repaints, i do not know to to make them... Does anyone have any ready aplha channels for the ifly 737 and 738? Today, i finished my first repaint for the ifly 737-800WL for FS2004 and i think that it is pretty good . Thanks in advance...
Last reply by servetas, -
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Hi all, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself around here, so off we go! My name is Stefan, and currently I'm doing an IT Management study, and next to that I'm doing my PPL course. I was looking for software that would allow me to manage a virtual airline convienently, but also be able to costumize it to my preferences. Well, I have to say that PhpVMS looks rather daunting at first, but fortunatly I've got the rest of this week still off so I've got plenty of time on my hands to bite into it. But I do like to ask if anyone around here has a couple tips for a newcomer like me. I do have experience with basic HTML, but none with PHP. So every tip, ever…
Last reply by TheFlyingDutchman, -
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Hello, When I receive a pirep from my pilots, the system don't do the good calculation for the fuel used. (See image) I have in my local config file the fuel in Kg. Look in image the flight details, 5.1€ unit, I suppose that this is for Kg. The fuel cost is more than the gross revenue... Can someone help me? Thanks, Alex
Last reply by Ariel, -
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Good Afternoon/Morning, For a period of time now, I have been thinking about a Virtual Airline Awards System. This is something that I was looking into creating, in a large scale. I am looking for your feedback, and if you think this is worth the time investing. Let me sum up my Idea: Basically, I want to have a third-party independent website that is coded in a way that every semester/quarter a group of virtual airlines are nominated by the public to receive various awards. These awards will vary from Best Fleet Design, to Most Active Staff. All of the awards require nominations, and final decision by judges(Therefore nothing that is recorded by phpvms in number, such …
Last reply by magicflyer,