Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
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Any ideas?
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 4 replies
I am back at it and trying to figure this div stuff out once again. If anyone can point me in the right direction to using div tags that would be great. I always did and still can do some awesome tables, but as we all know, there is much better and cleaner ways to do things now. Since I am stuck back in the old school, this new school stuff is killing me. I have created a little website for school. I used this template I created once as a starter template for my VA but scrapped it real quick when I found out I don't know Sh*t about div. My issue is now, I can get my left , main, and right content for a 3 colum layout just fine. When I go to put in other content on the …
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Hello i was wondering if someone would like to help me make a skin for my virtual airline, we already have a basic one & would like someone to make us a more complex one. If you feel you have the necessery skills to follow out the task then please please please contact me on: I know i have posted a few requests for skins although they have been for my friends, this is actually for my VA, Zoom Virtual Greatest Possible Regards, Connor Sullivan CEO of Zoom Virtual Airlines
Last reply by Ben, -
- 6 replies
I am having some problems with images showing up in my skin. All of the images that phpvms uses/displays all show up fine. But, images related to the skin, such as the header image and html link images I have been trying to put in, do not. In Firefox they simply don't show up. Where the html image links should be, all that shows up is a little box. In IE it shows the little box in the upper left corner with the red x. Here is a link to the site if you want to look:
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
I am not sure what has happened to the bottom footer but it doesn't seem to be always on the bottom of the page, and some users have a problem with the footer appearing across important messages and links. My website is -> and if anyone can help me fix this problem, that would be great! Midnight
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
Hello. So i'm working on a custom pilot center using Action.php to avoid the java scripts and junk from my current theme. Anyway, im setting up the pages, for example, my flight bids. Theres the following code in there: <td><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep/'.$bid->bidid);?>">File PIREP</a><br /> When i have http://localhost/site/action.php/schedules/bids open and you click on "File PIREP" it takes me back to Index.php. It needs to go to action.php. How would i change the above code to go to action.php rather than "URL" which goes to Index?
Last reply by BewareOfButtlice, -
- 2 replies
I think on my site, style.css doesnt have inputs for main, mainbox, conetnt area, how do i call it. When i go to my pilots or other page, it displays something rude...ok for instance in pilot info, so my pilot center...I have something regular, then i go to style.css...i cant find which area is dedicated for style of that letters in tha mainboard srea, i think im speaking right...So i entered pilot_something.tpl and i found tables there, i can do change in fonts there but i will need whole eternety entewring everything with every single i found on net tbody and i done something including that...and i managed to change one table bu couldnt change font size, evey…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
Hi every one I just inistal PHPVMS for my VA but i dont like its templet some one can help me how to design my own templet or is there any templet for me to download?
Last reply by mehdi289, -
- 3 replies
how do I skin the sidebar of my website ? I'm goin for a grey backround, with each module in its own little box with a blue header image..
Last reply by md82, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, I am in need of some assistance with a good skin. Here was one skin I was testing with:, but the template was very annoying to skin. I like the frontpage layout, though and would love to find a skin similar. I would try to create my own, but I am not that experienced to do so. Any good suggestions of an appropriate template for this? Or could somebody help work on one for me? I can skin, so a template is enough, not the completed .tpl files for the site. Any questions or clarifying of something I said you may post below. It's getting late, so I may not make much sense. :-[ Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
i been trying to put a new skin in my website but when i load the skin up is shows up as HTML!?
Last reply by pilotconnor, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know how I can make the site bigger? When I say site I mean like the invisible box where the things on your site go.
Last reply by Affix, -
- 4 replies
I've created my own skin for phpVMS. Tell me what you think!
Last reply by padsquad43, -
- 0 replies
I have the basic phpVMS on m website! I need to make it more attractive and cannot figure out how to add background for appearance. Can someone help me?
Last reply by scottcash, -
- 2 replies
Good day sometimes when i try to enter a code or link of a javascript calling bellow this line <?php /*Any custom Javascript should be placed below this line, after the above call */ ?> work great but when i go to try to Book a flight message appear after click above Add to Bid no route passe ??? any solutions ?
Last reply by FlyingMachine, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys so I was working on my site when I was trying to make I guess you can say my site's width bigger. I have some of examples of what I am talking about. I would like to be able to add a different color image behind where all the words on my site are. Very confusing I know the example picture point at what I am trying to get to Example One: Example Two:
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
- 4 replies
can anyone help me with skinning phpVMS. I am looking for almost an iframe look. ultimate goal is to get the above right under the menu at Thanks, Tom
Last reply by Thomas, -
- 1 reply
Hello, so i am editing my webpage and i have some problems. First, as you see in the image, an image is at first of newest pilots i have tried to add it but right now i have it like this . The other problem is this my news doesnt appear on the module, i already dl it, but it didnt work. Thanks!
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys/girls, Just completed my skin: Features: -Fully customized default crystal template -Banner rotation system (For the header) -Customized CSS Comments/Criticism welcome.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, I am currently designing a new skin for my virtual airline. I was just wondering if you could help me out. I am creating a "Latest Arrivals" Section and a "New Pilots" Section for my VA's homepage. I want the Latest Arrivals to include the following: 5 Latest Flights Flight No. Pilot Departure Arrival Duration Aircraft I would also like the "New Pilots" list to have the following: Country Flag ID - Firstname lastname HUB I am in need of help ASAP, thanks.
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 2 replies
Is there a way to display header image on main index? I don't want it to show on every page.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Hello all fantastic members, I'm in some need of guidance and/or a basic tutorial (in layman's terms) on how to integrate simply just a sub-menu (dropdown) into a previous menu. Right now I'm working with the default core_navigation.tpl, I've gone through a multitude of tutorials with no avail. Usually the outcome is a messed up navigation bar with some unknown characters. Right now I have no CSS for my navigation, if someone could point me or guide me through going from the default to in a way adding the dropdown that would be great. I tried the menu makers, Google, and other web design tutorials with all returning design and style problems. Any and all help is appre…
Last reply by filipmkd, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I'm here again to ask for help. Sorry if what I write is already in the forum but I searched and found nothing. Would you like to send an email to the pilot automatically after 15 days of entry if it is a total flight equal to zero. It would be just an email to warn that he is already reaching the deadline to make the first flight. I would also like to know if can delete the bids, as many pilots reserve flights and take too long to do it. After 5 days, if the pilot does not fly, the flight booked would be deleted. Sorry for the English, I used google translate. Very Thanks.
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
Similar template
by Guest- 2 replies
Anyone know where I think a template like this?
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 2 replies
Hii i created a admin panel skin now some of the Buttons are not working like approve a pilot or delete a news and more i can give you every file you want but i dont know what to add so please tell me and i will add it.
Last reply by Yuval, -
- 2 replies
I got this error. When I deleted the Registration bit it deleted it?? Help!!! Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/a9737764/public_html//lib/skins/ObsessBlue/<h3>Registration</h3> <p>Welcome to the registration form for Fly Tropic Virtual. After you register, you will be notified by a staff member about your membership.</p> <form method="post" action=""> <dl> <dt>First Name: *</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="firstname" value="" /> </dd> <dt>Last Name: *</dt> <dd><input type="t…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, First off I have to issue a disclaimer that I'm not very good with coding or CSS but I'm trying to learn. I'm trying to style tables ( for the first time ever) and they are showing up correctly in Chrome and FireFox but not in IE9. I'd like to have it work in IE9 as well because not everyone has seen the light. lol Here is what is in my style sheet for my tables. table { width: 100%; background: #E8E8E8; } table.sample { font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", Sans-Serif; font-size: 12px; background: #fff; margin: 45px; width: 800px; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; table.sample th { font-size: 14px; font-weig…
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone have a banner solution for this skin? I did get one from bannersnack to work, but it restarts every time you go to a new page. Wowslider does not stay the size I create it to be, always larger. Anyone else have a good one? Free preferably.
Last reply by RocketRod, -
- 2 replies
Hi, my members cannot register to the website, it keeps staying on the same page. Can someone help us out? try for your self.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
Someone please help me! I want to make a template like this, but do not understand much,So I'm here asking for help
Last reply by BaRBeR,