Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
(6/6) – Dallas, TX It brings me great pride and joy to finally publicly announce our secret project to the Virtual Community today! I have been working hard with COO Brandon Reeves to bring a new, fresh, and fast VA to this community to fill one of the major gaps. I am proud to announce vWN Airlines to you, and give you some of the details about what will set us apart from other virtual representations of SWA on the web today. The idea of vWN Airlines was hatched mid-April of 2013 as both myself and COO Brandon Reeves were searching for a new VA home in the name of Southwest Airlines. The search rendered a few major VAs, who all had some really strong points of o…
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 12 replies
Malaysia Virtual Airlines would like to announce the launch of its brand new web site. It has taken 3 weeks to complete. It also comes not long after the promo video was launched. We at MVA believe that with this new look we will only get better and better. We are also starting weekly group flights. These will take place every Saturday at 13:00GMT. 20:00 in Malaysia. To view the new site please visit'> This is all due to it being nearly 3 years since the start of MVA. We will also be reaching 10,000 flights this month, which is a huge milestone in the history of MVA. In August we …
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
G'day all, In the last few weeks, Reach Airways has transitioned to a new, custom created website which adds not only a new look but new features such as a full events system, two-click flight bidding, multi-layered and enhanced feature crew centre and much more besides. Information on the site itself is now more readily available with airline monthly statistics, detailed fleet stats, etc also available for viewing. Our forums have also been reskinned to better match our new website and whilst forum accounts as yet are not linked to website accounts, we are working towards linking the two together to provide a seamless transition for pilots. Reach Airways Virtual is …
Last reply by hollinst, -
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[Resuming 787 Service 787 Service Restarts, 787 Service Expansion Japan Airlines Virtual is please restart Boeing 787 Service on June 1st, 2013. JALV has successfully restarted flights to San Diego, and Boston. We are very excited to have the Boeing 787 re-join our fleet, the 787 enables us to reach new destinations, efficiently, and in a new style of comfort. As well each Boeing 787 we fly has a bit of Japan on it, inside and out. In addition to current destinations served by the 787, we are proud to announce, Boeing 787 service expansion at JALV. New Destinations include: Helsinki (EFHK), and existing destinations that will be upgraded to Boeing 787 are Singapore, B…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
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USA Flight Club is looking for new staff, we have been around almost 3 years......Most staff have left and went there own ways........I hate to close a great community but without help I cant do it......I am working 80+ hrs a week and my time has been taken with this....With this being said any help would greatly be appreciated...... To help out please contact Allan Benjamin at
- 26 replies
Hi, I'm selling Emirates VA which is with a complete website also I'll be giving the buyer a 2 month free hosting. The hosting client is Hosting24. If you would like more information please contact me via PM and our link is
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi there! Im helping in a va airline, to webpage, and other techical cuestions, with the help of phpvms forums people too. Recently we move to pay hosting, and some pilots have issues with send log database error, others not. Then, what is the advantages and disadvantages of: Fsacars: Old, send in live flight status data, detailed report, Kacars: Customizable, pay or free version, favorite of phpvms comunity, send in live flight status data Smartacars: Customizable, pay version, "features like the playing of the safety demonstration at pushback, global and airline chat, plus a more in depth flight log." Xacars: Xplane compatible, FSFK: FspassengerX: creates atmos…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, Silverjet-VA is in need of a livery designer to join our VA,
Last reply by flightsimcreator, -
- 8 replies
Hi all, We are looking for people to fill our staff vacancies, our website is almost complete, set for our Official launch of May the 11th, we would love feed back on our site, not designed a site before so feedback on our job would be very much appreciated. We are looking for the following: HUB managers (3), Events Organiser, Schedule Managers (3), Web services Director and Forum Manager. We are also looking for pilot's, and if you know of anyone that hasnt got a VA but would like to join one, please spread the word. We have a TeamSpeak server available too And liveries for the 737,747,767,A320 & CONCORDE are all at testing stage an…
Last reply by ltslack, -
- 0 replies
Hello Everyone, I am the CEO of US Airways Virtual, and upcoming vAmerican Airlines. Some time this year around the opening of vAmerican Airlines, US Airways Virtual will close and become American Airlines Virtual. I know what all of you all are thinking and trust me if I were you I would be saying the same thing, but this AA virtual will be different than the others. I cant tell you how it will be different due to the fact that we are still in the developmental stage, It has been a dream of mine to have my own virtual airline since I stumbled onto this flight simulation stuff about 4 years ago, and I am not going to let it be ruined because of this merger. I just wanted…
Last reply by Atcarrillo, -
- 2 replies
Dear All, We would like to inform you that today Greece Airways Virtual celebrates its three years of operations. We would like to thank all our members for their support. We wish to continue supporting all our pilots via this way in the future. Below you can watch a video about what we have made during the last three years. Thank you, on behalf of the Staff of Greece Airways Virtual
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
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Hi everyone, I would like to share the last spot of my virtual airline.
Last reply by Imanol, -
AmEuro offers vPilots the option of flying as close to real pilot operations as they please, or not at all. We offer virtual pilots the flexibility to use any aircraft they like on the routes. Piloting vintage jetliners or propliners are not possible anymore within the standard VA operations. At AmEuro there are none of those restrictions. We provide the pilot with a route and a recommended aircraft, but any aircraft can be flown so long as it is properly suited for the route. Not only that, we offer routes all over the world for airliners, propliners, and bizjets. 266 airports in 49 countries are currently served with more being added monthly. A…
Last reply by Qantas94Heavy, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, have just set up a new VA - silverjet - virtual, Looking for pilots and management, you can register with the Va and/or email me at:
Last reply by ltslack, -
- 5 replies
Dear pilots, friends and visitors, It is our pleasure to inform you that Air Serbia Virtual is now more than 2 years old! We have celebrated our second year of existence on the 23rd of April 2013. In the times when virtual airlines come and go each day, we take great pride in this achievement and think it really shows the level of commitment and dedication we put into running Air Serbia Virtual. The past two years have passed quickly, and it seems like it was just yesterday we were going through the initial planning stages and development of the VA. Now, 3724 hours of flight time, 2677 flights and 350000 passengers later, Air Serbia Virtual is a leading virtual airlin…
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 51 replies
Who here would be interested in putting their flight simulator and aviation love to the test and become a pilot for the growing virtual airline: American AirlinesV We offer dynamic employee site, phpVMS, sleek design, pilot center, generated schedules, flexible PIREPS, pilot handbook and more! Come see for yourself @ American Airlines Virtual We've been up and running operations for almost 2 months, and it's my goal to go strong all day long and keep this VA alive and long lasting for the ages The idea was conceived in October, the website, planning, and hiring went from December to February in which we finally began operations. Nice comments are appreciated! I look …
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
- 4 replies
Hello Dears Members, Airarabia Maroc Request Webmaster experience in PhpVms thanks y good loock for more informations:: Skype:wadie.habbour3
Last reply by sherming, -
- 5 replies
We are group of Venezuelan aviation enthusiasts, whose purpose is to simulate aerial operations of Aeropostal - Alas de Venezuela, which is an airline bases at Simon Bolivar Int'l (SVMI / CCS), and flies to the main cities of Venezuela. Our fleet is composed by McDonnel Douglas DC9-50 and McDonnell Douglas MD-82. So we invite you to join our great airline ICAO: ALV IATA: VH Website: Regards AlV1007
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 3 replies
Texas Airways Virtual is coming soon. Texas Airways Virtual will have 2 Hubs, 5 Focus Cities, and 2 Maintance Bases. HUBS Austin International Airport Dallas Ft Worth International FOCUS CITIES Atlanta Hartsfield International Branson Airport Aspen Pitkin Airport Las Vegas Airport Ft Lauderdale International MAINTANCE BASES Alliance Airport-Ft Worth,Tx Tyler Pounds Regional- Tyler,Texas
Last reply by orpheas1, -
- 9 replies
Just what the thread title says...
Last reply by SeekanDStroy, -
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XL Airways Virtual is a brand new virtual airline which recreates the real life operations of the now defunct XL Airways. The XL Airways fleet consisted of both modern aircraft such as the Boeing 737-800 and the 737-900 as well as the older but still adored 767-200. The use of XL Airways classic fleet is still also available such as the 737-400, 757-200 and of course the 747-300 on behalf of Travel City Direct. So if you are interested in a career as a virtual commercial pilot, with hundreds of destinations to choose from, excellent aircraft and staff with the upmost dedication then visit today to sign up! ~ Louis Hacking, COO, coo[at]
Last reply by lgrhacking, -
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UALV is now merging with VJGAW to save money.
Last reply by mischka, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Promo video for MVA.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 24 replies
Corporate Virtual is one of the most modern and advanced Virtual Airlines in Europe and the Americas to date. Corporate Virtual recreates the real world operations of Oneworld, Skyteam and Star Alliance as close as possible using Flight Simulator, thus adding to the realism we aim to provide to our pilots. Flights can be flown on the VATSIM & IVAO network or offline if you so wish. We have a simple and easy to use kACARS which is very user friendly, which pilots will use to log their flights. Why not sign up and see what one of the fastest growing and most exciting virtual airlines on the web can offer you! Regards. Daniel Cormack Website : http://www.corporateva…
Last reply by VirtualBMI, -
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I thought because i if theres alot of VA's coming here and this is one of the places that has the different acars things maybe i dont have to post at a lot of forums over an over. Early this morning i just finshed a flight with SWA virtual. I went to hit file pirep on XACARS and it gave me a protocol issue, i thought alot of issues might be the reason that i got that, but in fact i took a few moments to go through the program and low and behold there was a space between the start of the text box and the text that i had entered/copied. this applies to literally all acars for flightsim, it wont let you file a pirep untill you leave no space in between what i just said... …
Last reply by darrenvox, -
- 7 replies
AiRGO (IATA:A2 ICAO:AGO Radio Callsign:"Freebird") is a new Airline Bringing Full service from the US to the world With the Corporate Headquarters in Long Beach,Ca the Airline hopes to operate a mid to large sized fleet. AiRGo operates as an FAA part 121 scheduled air carrier serving leisure and business destinations out of our San Diego International Airport (ICAO: KSAN) hub along with on-demand charter services throughout the US. AiRGo currently operates a fleet of 16 aircraft consisting of Boeing737-800 and Embraer E175s. AiRGO is a FSX exclusive Airline and only operates a payware fleet . Visit Our site at
Last reply by Beach20, -
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Aviation is our passion, it's our love. We strive for the best. We are Atlas International Virtual. We serve the top destinations around the globe. When you join us it is love a first flight, with an amazing system and center for pilots. With our extensively updated fleet, new destinations added monthly, and TeamSpeak you'll never get bored. So what are you waiting for? Your virtual airline career starts here, join the virtual airline for the ages - join Atlas. Our Site: Facebook Page: https://www.facebook...lVirtualAirways Promo: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http:…
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
- 22 replies
I haven't advertised my VA on here as i know its more for VA owners. I was just wondering what you guys think of my site, layout etc? Thanks
Last reply by Mike, -
- 10 replies
Just wondering if other CEO's let there pilots submit manual pireps or do your pilots have to use Xacars etc.
Last reply by mattsmith, -
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Looking for a Virtual Airline ??? Star One Alliance Va has live chat now ... you can speak to the CEO when he online to ask any question about The VA ...
Last reply by brianatc30,