Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
I have received a few complaints recently about financial transactions taking place with members of the phpVMS forum board. This has been posted before but I am posting it as a reminder. Please be aware that we in no way endorse or recommend any members that offer paid services. We cannot and will not provide any action of recourse for members involved with paid services.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
If you are looking to be hire, or hire someone to do work for you, general rules that should be followed: Have a written contract - this is a good starting point. This is very important. You must specify the exact scope for the work, and the expectations. The contract can be signed digitally. Pay half up front, and make sure you're paid half up front. Clarify what licenses are required and paid for If there are addons in use, has the author given permission? Have the licenses been paid? COPIES OF THE LICENSES ARE REQUIRED TO BE HANDED OFF The rest should be paid upon delivery Don't be a dick
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Can someone design a point system. Administrators would be able to add points to a pilots account, these points may be then redeemable for certain things within the virtual airline. Thanks My budget is 20-30 dollars on this one
Last reply by Melli, -
- 47 replies
Last reply by tonyblue31, -
- 43 replies
Hello my name is Puzant Yacoubian and I am the owner of , A company that was formed by me in November 2011. I have a hosting company that offers hosting for phpvms and for other services. When creating I had one thing in mind, and that thing was to provide hosting for affordable prices. If you are looking to purchase an unlimited hosting with free domain , I will provide you with a %15 discount , make sure you use the coupon code phpvms , Note: the copoun code is only valid on our Advanced package. Visit for more info
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 43 replies
Hello everyone. I am starting to provide paid phpVMS development services. This includes development of phpVMS skins, modules, code changes, adding new features to my existing modules or 3rd party modules, or anything that pops to your mind. If I know how to do it, I'll get you a quote. Info about me: My Portfolio: My Services: Info: You will find that I am easy to work with, provide fast and efficient code, and all of that for cheap prices. Everything I do as a paid project is exclusive to that VA and I won't publish any modules, skins or pieces …
Last reply by Sava, -
- 37 replies
Hi everyone! Me and a friend are starting Teamspeak 3 server sales. We currently are trying to be as cheap as possible and offer 15 User Slots for $2.50. We also sell 4.50 for 30 slots. Now, I understand that most VA's get 10 person TS3 servers, we do those too The prices above are just standard, for any other slot numbers please e-mail We will respond in 24 hours or less and get you a special price. 25% discounts for all VA', final price comes to $1.88 for 15 slots per month. And for 30 slots, price comes down to $3.38. Real cheap, affordable prices! Thanks Ada Erzurumlu
Last reply by joeri, -
- 31 replies
I'm starting to do mobile application development(Android, Iphone, Ipad) and was wondering if there would be any interest in customized VA chart apps, customized VA route apps, and maybe some customized VA mobile IRC-type chats. The apps would have the VA colors and logo on it, a customized icon, and pretty much anything else you wanted. The apps would probably sell for about 15$ for a single airline, all including Android, iPhone, and iPad versions. Let me know what you guys think Cody
Last reply by Tom, -
- 30 replies
Hello People! I have been working on a skin from past two months. It comes with Pre-Loader, Integrated Mail System by Simpilot Group, Booking Center, Dispatch Area (In Development), sleek awesome Dashboard and many more things. Feedbacks are Welcomed Login Page: Registration Page: Pre-Loader: Dashboard: Bottom Dashboard: Its a payware HTML template from Themeforest which I converted for phpVMS. Specially designed for IndiGo Virtual Airline. Aaryan Kapoor Managing Director | IndiGo Virtual
Last reply by DarylThorne, -
- 27 replies
- 11.9k views has now expanded our reaches to the PHPVMS Community. We offer state of the art ACARS that is customized with each and every VA. No more cookie cutter layouts. It will always look the way you want it. We pride ourselves in being the ONLY company which works with our customer every step. The process takes up to 2 days. We will get the customer, ask for some logos, design ideas and what kind of features you were looking to implement. Base ACARS starts at 60 dollars. This will include the following: .Custom ACARS Design .Flight input/Output .Search/Book flights .View current bids .Flight Progress Bar .LIGHTNING fast Chat Any other feature you can t…
Last reply by simpilot, -
Hi, I'm giving a service where I put in your flight routes for a very cheap price. For example, lets say you own a British Airways VA I will put in the routes for that for very cheap price. This is for CEO's who don't have time please don't hesitate to PM me for any more info.
Last reply by Kyle, -
ACARS Development (Now Available)
by Guest N402KC- 25 replies
This is vaporware. Be weary of doing any business or deals with this guy. He's been banned for ripping off users - Nabeel Hi Guys, After doing alot of thinking, I am going to offer both a paid and free version of my acars. There will be a major difference between the free and paid ones. Listed below are some features; ----FREE ACARS---- - Standard Acars - FS9/FSX Support - Branded - Bug Free - Fast and FPS Friendly - FREE - phpVMS Compatible ----PAID ACARS---- - Custom Looks and Feel - All Flight Simulator Support - None Branded - Bug Free (With 24/7 Support) - Extremely Fast (FPS Friendly) - Ability To Customize your own features - 2 Week turnover time …
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 25 replies
I just learned ow to make skins! Thats why I am offering a skin service to anyone that needs it . I can fully customize it and everything for you guys!! Just PM me, or respond here Ada
Last reply by Tom, -
- 24 replies
Hello all, I've been coming up with airline logos and liveries for a long time as a hobby and decided it would be about time to see if there is any interest from others in doing these for a low price. I started out initially doing just profile drawings (examples available upon request) however I have for the last year been doing textures for FSX aircraft. Aircraft that I have done liveries for in the past. Aircraft marked with an * are preferred aircraft for texturing; - PMDG NGX 700/800 * - PMDG JS4100 - Aerosoft Airbus X/Extended * - Wilco Airbus Series Volume 1 - Just Flight 737-200 - Qualitywings 757 - Qualitywings Avro RJ - Wilco Embraer E Jets series (145,…
Last reply by reachva, -
- 24 replies
-> Buy! <- Over a module developed by the programming team LBXweb. This module aims to dynamically display the badge of the pilot, it displays the following information: Pilot Name Pilot Lastname Pilot Country Pilot Money Pilot Rank Pilot Status (Online or No?) Current status Flight The module displays a picture stating that the URL is null, casso not receive nor a parameter, see an example here. Also, the module generates a different status for each of the pilot image, ie, if the pilot is online generates an image, whether it is offline generates another image, examples below: PILOT ONLINE: PILOT OFFLINE: ​ 
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 24 replies
Hey guys, I am back after maybe about a year is it now? Anyways I still offer my schedule pull services. I am uploading an example. Basically, my system pulls flight data from a specified airline from flightaware, and puts it in a csv file for import into phpVMS. Pricing is negotiable, but my minimum fee is $5 per pull to cover my costs. Drop me a PM or email me at and I will get you going. Cheers Example Download (This is only a demo and DOES NOT contain a full set of schedules):
Last reply by William, -
- 22 replies
Greetings! I just finished a professional, custom VMS Website and thought I would stop in on the forums to say hello. I am not sure if the owner is ready to announce the website so I will not spoil it for him but will hopefully release the url to the new site in the coming days. If any of you are looking for a VMS professionally designed, please feel free to contact me. Pricing would be about $500 - $750 depending on what is involved. "If you can dream it, we can build it." Happy flying! Respectfully, Chris Gordon Fujiwhara, Inc. Website Design and Development
Last reply by joeri, -
- 22 replies
Hi Guys, Well I am updating this post to inform you that I will be offering alot of services. I understand that virtual airlines are non registered non profit organizations, therefore there is no income. In the hard economy, Alot of people could use the extra dollar for dinner or such. Essentially what I am bringing to phpVMS is Free web hosting for virtual airlines, budget FS Repaints, and budget friendly website's and software addons. Web Hosting: 100% Free Hosting Package, 1GB Disk Space, 10GB Bandwidth, Unlimited Emails & Databases, 5FTP Accounts, 3 Addon/Parked Domains. Latest Edition of cPanel Website Builder, Scrip Installer, and Cloudflare FREE! All Hos…
Last reply by OA01, -
- 22 replies
Folks, TFDi has launched its brand new custom ACARS system! It currently supports phpVMS systems, with plans for custom system support in the near future. More information, screenshots and the product video are available at Benefits For Pilots Fluid, dynamic user interface High speed connectivity Straight forward and informative flight information Detailed flight log Multi-bid support In-app route search and bid management GPWS callout system (with two different callout types) Flight attendent announcements Chat with the whole smartCARS community, or just your airline Automatic login Extensive options …
Last reply by hurkulez, -
- 22 replies
Hi, I would like to create a virtual airline : aireuropa virtual with domain I need developers so they can help create this airline with ultimate technology for virtual airlines . 1. What hosting do you reccomend? Hostagator,godaddy,ipage,,etc.... 2. Custom emails? where and fee? Now this where developers come where you PM your prices and your portofolio to see your work. Well we want a website like the actual one but at the same time creative and elegant. We want pilots to ensure realism so why bother on taking a little entrance exam that is customizable or random for each pilot. An limition of fleet if you don't have …
Last reply by tonyblue31, -
- 21 replies
Hey, I'm posting back again! Remember me back from a few months ago, I have great teamspeak service and many happy airline owners. 24/7 Teamspeaks are available now! I have 6 to give out, if your paying for one, and want a free one for same quality just let me know. Rules: 1. No messing with the max. slots. If you need more just let me know. 2. Must be somewhat active. 3. Must have skype! 4. Must be active on skype, if I ever need to contact you. MY SKYPE:thebeastt9(most active on there) it every night or so) Or just comment on here, reply might not be as fast... Hope you are intrested! -Jimmy
Last reply by Beastt, -
- 21 replies
Hi all, I know Simpilot made a points module but as he is no longer involved with PHPVMS I was wondering if anyone would be up for making a new points module. If anyone is familiar with VAMSYS they have a points system that I quite like which I see when I fly for VRYR. Basically it pulls the info from smartCARS. You start with 100 points and then points are added as follows; Preflight Prep between 15 and 30 minutes =+30 points Engine 2 started before engine 1 = +10 points Flight Duration Points Less than 1 hour 0 Points Between 1 and 2 hours +10 Points Between 2 and 3 hours …
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 20 replies
Hello, As I need some money I decided to open little WebDesign service, I offer full skill creation(including logo etc), phpvms installing(also installing scripts), creating simple modules, helping out, graphic design, advices on VA etc. Please visit for more info! Regards, Maciej. UPDATE: The dispatch package was re written and is now managed from phpVMS admin panel, database is installed from an website level! Its really worth this price gents! £15
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 19 replies
Flightguy123 repaints have now opened! We currently are offing a $2.99 deal for all PHPvms forum users. All you need to do is send in your user name, and VA to get this promotion! We have a variety of planes that we can paint for you! On our website on the left we have a complete list of aircraft. We currently are working on other VA's, but the expected time of you receiving your fleet is approx 1.5 weeks! Hurry in, our staff are ready to help you with all your needs! Our website is
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
FS-Products Announcement - New Site
by Guest lorathon- 1 follower
- 19 replies
New Site The FS-Products site has been published and is now the main avenue to view all of my products. Please come and take a look around. Let me know if you see any errors or any way to improve the site. New VA Partners Program Become a partner with FS-Products. Send in your logo and your URL and we will put your logo in the banner rotation. All we ask is that you link back to us. You can find the FS-Products logo on the home page of our site. If you have purchased a custom system and wish to have a section set up specifically for your VA let us know. We want to help you with your PR needs. General Info I have been programming various languages for over 20…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 19 replies
Vdelta is looking to pay $10.00 a image and need three of them. We are looking for HD Delta aircraft around 3 different city's "has to be from any flight sim you choose. We will be semi choosy So please don't be upset if we say no. Thanks email me or pm me thanks Plz send a copy of your image and plz run transparent "copy" thru it thanks to add to it need to add award images mainly vatsim p1-p9 and more
Last reply by jusromaine, -
- 18 replies
Hello all, A few weeks ago the first version of the Integrated Pirep System was released. This PHP-based flight logging system logs your flights flown on IVAO and/or VATSIM, based on a booking system or automatic detection. Your pilots won't need a flight logging client (like FSAcars or FSPAX) anymore! And because phpVMS is so immensely popular I created a special phpVMS version of the IPS. Interested? Checkout! For only €20 you have this system running on your phpVMS website Check for more information about the IPS. Greetings, Jasper Bussemaker
Last reply by 4961301, -
- 18 replies
Hi there, I'd like to offer the phpVMS community my humble web development services and fleet painting. I decided to do this, to raise some cash into the hosting and possible development of my own airline. I can offer the community mainly skinning services, from A to Z with some basic PHP and MySQL developments. Therefore, my prices are relatively cheap. Process PM me or Skype (through PM haha) with the order details (what you'd like to see on the site, any examples). The pricing is discussed individually, depending on what you're requirements are. I do not stop with the web development of the website until you are entirely satisfied with it. Once you order a website w…
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 17 replies
Hello Everyone...! I am delighted to announce my new website for repaints help and requests for virtual airlines. About us Irfan Design, aims to host all Pakistani flight simulation related materials in one place we offer aircraft repainting services only for Virtual Airlines if you are a re painter and wanted to submit your work with people around the world its the right place for you. Contributors We are extremely thankful to Almighty Allah for his help and guidance in enabling us to reach this far. We feel its necessary to mention the names of our friends who helped us in this journey: Umair Ayaz Edward Cox Hiroshi Igami Enigma Simulations Aziz Palas…
Last reply by joeri,