Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hi all! I will begin to make skins for $10 as for I am a "newbie" anyway $10 is quite a steal on here I will try to meet all of your expectations just simply email me for more information! or Skype me at plane57
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 8 replies
Need someone to make some repaints on FSX Freeware. I want the painter to paint the aircraft and send me the files with the full plane so I can put them in auto-installers for the pilots. PM me a price per aircraft and as a package for all. Aircraft List: MD-90 CRJ-900 Lear 45 B737-800 B747 B788 A380 A320 A319 C208 B717 C185 (Carenado) B757-200 -300 Here's the paint:
Last reply by flightsimcreator, -
- 8 replies
Hello phpVMS, I would like to take a minute to inform everyone on phpVMS about the great deals we have set up for them! Starting now 11/21/2011 until 12/22/2011, all products and services will be at discounted prices! Some great deals coming up are: • 5 planes for $34.99 • 2 custom logos for $24.99 • Airline Consulting for $24.99 More great deals available, email me at or visit to find out more today!
Last reply by bobsta63, -
- 7 replies
- 3.3k views 0843 2893 108 phpVMS Members, "Speedytech is an online support group offering various types of support to both company and personal projects that are based online" Speedytech provides technical support and general support to all types of companies/projects large or small HOW WE DO IT We have a dedicated staff team who all have experience in running and maintaining projects/companies and are ready to lend a hand to those who need it We have solutions to the most common queries and issues relating to the making of companies/projects and their websites For information on more services we provide visit our websi…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 10 replies
Hello All, I am going to try and go on a civil rant here. I was going to hold my tongue and bite the bullet here, but this is really starting to bother me. I have read the Pinned area of this Forum area called RULES. I think a handful of people should really read them and understand them and see what is actually supposed to be posted here in the "Paid Services". As the services they are actually posting really don't pertain to phpVMS Per se and they are also "STEPPING on someone's toes" here that brought phpVMS to the Flight Sim Community "FREE OF CHARGE" for us Flight Sim CEO's and Officers to use for an efficient Flight Sim Virtual Airline. This topic is geared t…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 6 replies
Hi, Currently I am trying to find a designer to design a PHPVMS skin for Star Alliance Virtual. If you know anyone who might want to design this website or if you want to design it please let me know! Thank you very much, John Finberg
Last reply by levicosta201, -
- 11 replies
Last reply by sparky, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am looking for someone who knows PHP to create a script for me. My VA uses an online server, away from PHPVMS, which is FSD based. I need an online map creating in PHP that reads the flat text file created by the server, and plots the aircraft posiitions etc on a map. Anyone?
Last reply by josh90, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I am offering an iOS app development opportunity for your VA. iOS development is a very complex process and I am still in the process of learning everything, so meanwhile please consider the following information below: Whats currently possible: A static app with some limited dynamic interaction Everything that can be coded in HTML5, javascript, CSS Whats currently not possible: Dynamic interaction with phpVMS (i.e. pilots filing pireps, accessing pilot profiles etc.) Live flight tracking from vatsim Complex interaction with MySQL databases (I will add to this list). I am offering a service whereby you can place an app coded in HTML5, CSS …
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 6 replies
To anyone interested. I am currently looking for a website for my airline, of course using phpvms is part of it, but to anyone experienced in webdesign, if you could lend a hand that would be appreciated! The link below is the site template, but i've hit a dead end and need help completing it. Thank You, Jeremy B CEO Cirrus Air
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am looking to see if anyone has or has the ability to integrate FSEconomy into phpvms in regards to aircraft/financials from an FSeconomy group.
Last reply by NordicSimGaming, -
Need Custom ACARS
by Guest- 7 replies
Hey, Ryan Here... I am interested in a Custom ACARS application, sort of like USACARS From im willing to pay a bit of money for this and was just curious if it was possible. Thanks PM Me if you interested..
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 12 replies
Hi, We are in the process to renew and re-upload our Fleet and we need some help. We are talking about several aircrafts, anywhere from 12 to 25 at least and we are willing to contract a fixed price per repaint. Please contact me if interested at to further discuss timeframe and details. Thanks William M.
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I am more than happy to announce that we have launched two new major services. We have launched a DIY Flightaware Schedule data puller, and a DIY phpVMS deployment system. Both services are new to the community and not offered by any other groups. Below you can read about each service individually. DIY Flightaware Schedule data puller – This service has been in planning for a while and truly revolutionizes the way the community can retrieve schedules. Previously this service was offered through a manual solution and often was delayed and data could be rather old. Now you purchase as many unlock keys as you desire and pull the data yourself; when your feeling up…
- 8 replies
Looking for someone to make a Pilot Centre a very good one and give me a price on it please our VA website is here look forward to answer
Last reply by Sava, -
- 4 replies
Im looking for someone who will design for us a custom pilot center . More info via priv. We need that to be done in maximum 4 weeks !!!
Last reply by SMcLaurin, -
- 9 replies
I am currently looking for someone who can design nice looking logos at a nice price. Let me know if you are interested and I will send over the information on what I am looking for. Thanks Chad Donoghue
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Looking for some feedback: In the past, VA Solutions developed ACARS for clients on an individual basis, starting from scratch each time. In order to reduce cost, we've written our standard "in-house" ACARS, which we intend to offer customized versions of at monthly or one-time pricing plans. With so many "free" ACARS out there, I'd like to know if anyone would be interested in the release of a free version? It would be generic, branded, and non-customizable like most free ACARS. With so many choices existing already, I'd like to gauge the community interest in releasing this. The goal of our ACARS is lightweight. This keeps crashing to a minimal. No in flight radios, n…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 7 replies
FSPremier is happy to announce that after a week of renovations, hosting changes, and management changes, we now offer website hosting! FSPremier offers affordable hosting with plans starting at $5.00, $8.00, and $12.00 per month. Our plans are cheaper, and provide a lot more "bang for your buck" than comparable hosting plans online. Transfers are easy, and can be completed usually within 24 hours! Head on over to today to get started! We are also developing a whole new website and client panel where updates can be easily posted/viewed, and where items can be downloaded easily! While this site is being built, we are still taking orders via the contac…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, My name is Collin Shea and I am offering free skinning services. Skype me at plane57 or email me at for more information.
Last reply by benboy123, -
- 7 replies
Hello there Looking for experienced programmer with experience who would be able to code and integrate a fully functioning dispatch center into the American Virtual ( flow! In the dispatch center for the persons flight which they would be able to access fairly easily they would be able to plan and get the following information: Cost Index, Flight Time, Required Fuel, NOTAMS, NAT tracks if crossing the pond (updated daily), Gate Information, printable or viewable OFP (PDF format), up-to-date WX information. It would have tabs to switch between the various sections of information for example Flight Information | Flight Planning | OFP | Weather & NOTAMS …
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 4 replies
-> BUY HERE <- Hello everyone, LBXstore launches another module that has the following function: Detect the location of the user who accesses your site and redirects it to a specific page, for example, a User accesses the Brazil seite, then the module identifies and redirects you to a page in Portuguese (http://www. If a user accesses your site Japan, he will be redirected to the page in Japanese ( Buy here: Demo here: PS.:my site does not offer all countries, but the module will with all countries
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 7 replies
Hello, My name is Austin and i am going to give you my testimonial of my experience with Jeff Kobus (The KACARS guy!) I had initially went with another ACARS developer which name i will not mention, Then i had switched back to Jeff as i felt his products were tons more reliable and a bit more user friendly. Jeff had provided a great experience to not only the customer but with the pilots too. He provided all of us a great system, fast and speedy support and most importantly great updates of the product in its development stages! Jeff is one of the best ACARS developers out there, i highly suggest you go with him because of his user friendly product, great support, beara…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
Announcing Flight Unlimited VA Web Hosting Coming to a VA near you! Flight Unlimited.Net is now offering hosting services to virtual airlines. Services can be purchased on a monthly or longer basis. Included are Free Domain, unlimited emails, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage. Virtual Airline Web Hosting: $5.00 - Month $10.00 - 3 Months $20.00 - 6 Months $40.00 - Year Includes: **Free Sub Domain w/Hosting Unlimited Emails Unlimited Band Width Unlimited Storage MySql FTP (opitional) 37,000+ Airports 70,000+ Routes Visit site for more details: Contact: THX, CEO FLIGHT UNLIMITED.NET **A…
Last reply by hurkulez, -
- 10 replies
This is a payware service I am making for yours airline,I offer my servicies as FS Film video maker to you to make you promotional video to attract pilot to your Virtual Airline. The cost are from 10-25 USD depends how you want the video and the effects will be used. 10 USD no effects just your promotional video and my Flight Simulator Natural Colors 15 USD text effects and Flight Simulator Natural Colors 20 USD text,blur,and corners or video like a hollywood movie you know the rectangle and then up and down black. 25 USD you select your effects You can contact me to my email: or PM (reccomend email) You may ask show me an example video, well …
Last reply by InterVA, -
- 7 replies
Hi Guys, Thought Id post here about the company I've been using to do my livery's ( ) They Called Pixel Express ( ) They have been really good to me in doing my fleet paints and graphics for my web site. Regards
Last reply by FlyAfrica, -
- 12 replies
Good Morning all I have tried to make myself I have not managed Repaints, unfortunately, this. With pleasure I is to be paid ready a little bit for it. We use currently the C206Stationair of Carenado for we a Livery need Of course(Naturally) also for a Freeware machine. The Paints are needed for Fs9 and FSX Maybe somebody is also found for us makes and would like to have nothing.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 9 replies
Hello, I have been working on adding a new service to my "arsenal". This new one is pretty cool for VAs and other group organizations! It is a custom UI or "skin" for MSFSX. Attached are some screenshots of what I have been able to do for American Airlines Virtual. Each project is individually quoted, and spots are filling up quick as school is about to begin, and I am finishing up a repainting order for another VA. Please note that by ordering this product, you are paying for services and not buying any legal rights to the game or any copy of it. Users should backup their folders before installing the new skins. AAVirtual's UI was a basic test, and does not show any bu…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Does anyone do repaints here and are willing to do a couple for me? I am after the default 747's in fs9 /fsx and the PMDG 747 repainted for easyjet Let me know if we can do business, Cheers.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 8 replies
Hosting97 is offering fast, reliable, guaranteed 99.9% uptime web hosting for clients. What our plans include?! World-class data centers Best-of-Breed routers, firewalls and servers FREE email addresses 99.9% uptime guarantee One-click install of free applications Unlimited Monthly Bandwidth Flexible, easy to use control panel (cPanel or Plesk) 1 GB storage MySQL linux databases NO hidden fees 24/7 security monitoring and DDoS protection Economy Plan £6.99 per month - 12 Months - £5.16 per month (Save 26%) 1 Website 100 GB Space Unlimited Bandwidth 100 Email Accounts 10 MySQL Databases (1 GB ea.) Deluxe Plan £7.99 - 12 Mont…
Last reply by StartVM,