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623 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
I'm currently starting a virtual airline and is looking for a webdesigner for my upcoming fictionally based virtual airline which will be released in June of 2014. We have already decided the name which will be Golden wings airways. Now we are currently looking for a web designer who is good with css and phpvms. This webdesigner will be paid at a reasonable price. If you're up for the job just email me at or just leave a comment below and I'll get back to you.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 6 replies
To whom it may concern, Virtual ValuJet Airlines has returned with a new look! At this time, the website is the final component to re-launching. 70% of the website has been designed and integrated with PHPVMS. Requesting that a qualified developer complete the website and be available during operations in order to make necessary changes/updates. Required Knowledge: - Prior web development experience - HTML - CSS - Javascript - Flash The website can be found at Thank You, The Virtual ValuJet Team
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 6 replies
Hello Everyone, If anyone wants 35% discount on their purchase on GODaddy use this coupon at checkout: WOWZISHAN9 Have a great day!
Last reply by Zishan, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I am more than happy to announce that we have launched two new major services. We have launched a DIY Flightaware Schedule data puller, and a DIY phpVMS deployment system. Both services are new to the community and not offered by any other groups. Below you can read about each service individually. DIY Flightaware Schedule data puller – This service has been in planning for a while and truly revolutionizes the way the community can retrieve schedules. Previously this service was offered through a manual solution and often was delayed and data could be rather old. Now you purchase as many unlock keys as you desire and pull the data yourself; when your feeling up…
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, My name is Collin Shea and I am offering free skinning services. Skype me at plane57 or email me at for more information.
Last reply by benboy123, -
- 6 replies
I want an ACARS system. Any ideas? thanks.
Last reply by Junior, -
- 6 replies
Hi, Currently I am trying to find a designer to design a PHPVMS skin for Star Alliance Virtual. If you know anyone who might want to design this website or if you want to design it please let me know! Thank you very much, John Finberg
Last reply by levicosta201, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, everybody. I am Dexter Recently I set up a website. Preliminary work has been completed.Now I need a perfect ACARS system. And It's module on the phpvms. If you can do the job, please email me ( Then we can talk about this. :-)
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am looking to see if anyone has or has the ability to integrate FSEconomy into phpvms in regards to aircraft/financials from an FSeconomy group.
Last reply by NordicSimGaming, -
- 6 replies
Hello. Does anyone know a person that can create a promotional video for virtual airlines? Kindly regards Rick
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 6 replies
Good day all, I wish to create an automatic point system for my new company including see below: (using smartCARS) ------------------------------------------------ Briefing 30min 1pt / -1pt Engine 2 is on 1pt / -5pts Flaps set before take off 1pt / -5pts MTOW respected 1pt / flight rejected Departure on time +/- 10min 2pts Overspeed -5pts Flight time 1pt/30min Excced g/force -5pts Landing with 1000kg fuel -5pts Flaps set position 0 engine off 1pt Flying online day 2pts (Friday 02:00 pm to 23:00 pm) the values are not definitive but I wish to modify them later -------------------------------------…
Last reply by Salem, -
- 6 replies
Dear all, our virtual Airline is using phpVMS (with some additional modules) on PHP 5.6 right now. We now would like to switch to PHP 7.x and are looking for someone who would like to take over that project. For more information please send me a message and we can further discuss (including costs, etc.). Looking forward to your message, best regards Florian
Last reply by elfrost, -
You know what guys you are right in some respects, I thought that paid service was a forum just for that, not to jump on the band wagon to the defence of Nabeel. I have now taken it down due to the apparent "lack of respect" shown. Apologies to Nabeel and to anyone else this may of offended, however I am sure I have seen other companies offering something nearer the same within this forum. Anyway their you go, it was a meer alternative that's all. Point to note I didn't get asked to take it down off admin.
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 5 replies
Hi there, I am looking at creating my own Virtual airline, but have no experience atall when it comes to creating a website and installing VMS etc.. I have Adobe Dreamweaver yet dont know how to use it, and dont have a clue what to do with skins and codes. Sorry to be such a pain! any help with this matter, or even a web designer willing to create me a website (I will pay if required), would be greatly appreciated, many thanks, Jetstream Virtual.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 5 replies
Customized flight boards are available from now. Live Demo HERE
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 5 replies
Hey Everyone Am looking for a fleet painter for FSX And a fs9 fleet it will be 5 aircraft in FSX and 7 In FS9 if you guys can help would be great i need this as my old fleet painter started it about 3 months ago said he was going to send them to me and never heard from him again and i cant wait any longer 3 months is to long! Thanks Nathan
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 5 replies
Today marks the opening day of afrdesigns. We provide services mainly for phpVMS including skinning and single page customisation.Prices are affordable and can be negotiated for exclusive discounts including those who are active members on the phpVMS forums. If any of these services appeal to you, please use the contact page to request a quote. Pricing All of our designs are individually quoted depending on the complexity. phpVMS skins start from a price of GB £10. Each of our customised pages start from a price of GB £5 Payment We only accept payments via paypal. A deposit of 50% is required before the project is started and the product will be installed on your we…
Last reply by FlyFloridaVA, -
- 5 replies
I have looked through the listings here in the paid services for someone to build the visual design portion of a phpvms site for me and they all seem to be no longer online or offering services of this kind or fighting amongst themselves. The one that I found that still seems to be accepting work has it posted on their site to expect at least 48 hours for a response which does not appeal to me. Does anyone have any suggestions for designers that are familair with the phpvms system?
Last reply by jeffking, -
- 5 replies
Looking for someone to make some banners etc. for the site. if available contact me via email
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 5 replies
I will paint airplanes for your virtual airline for a very low price. $3.00 USD per plane at most. PM me if you would like more info.
Last reply by Ghiby, -
- 5 replies
Giving away free Channels in this Public Teamspeak Server. Everyone may / can use this teamspeak server for free. If you want your own channel, please send an email to I need the following information for making your channel: Username: Channel Name: Channel Password: Teamspeak Server Informaiton:
Last reply by MichaelD, -
- 5 replies
Hi. Sorry for my bad english! I want a module like a realschedule, the pilots must fly from their last destination and they can only jumpseat after X flights. I also want lock the airplanes in the last position aswell, so if a pilot want to take a 722 he must fly to where the airplane is atm. I also have some other ideas for the future, if we make a deal and your work is good we can keep making deals. PS: I can only send payments through paypal; Im using kACARS free for now, I already sent the e-mail to jeffrey abou the purchase; e-mail / - thanks
Last reply by Junior, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I am offering an iOS app development opportunity for your VA. iOS development is a very complex process and I am still in the process of learning everything, so meanwhile please consider the following information below: Whats currently possible: A static app with some limited dynamic interaction Everything that can be coded in HTML5, javascript, CSS Whats currently not possible: Dynamic interaction with phpVMS (i.e. pilots filing pireps, accessing pilot profiles etc.) Live flight tracking from vatsim Complex interaction with MySQL databases (I will add to this list). I am offering a service whereby you can place an app coded in HTML5, CSS …
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 5 replies
Hello All i am looking for a custom download module or a custome page is there annybody who is offering this or has it already?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 5 replies
Hey Gents, Its been a while since I have posted here. I've run in to a lot of free time recently so I am able to start designing and creating VA website again. If interested feel free to message me here. Past websites - Cheers!
Last reply by Soundman9, -
- 5 replies
Dear Team; I'm Looking for a web developer to complete my virtual airline ASAP. I am currently having problem with my current developers and I need my website back up as soon as possible. Contact me at Regards Chris Ashby CEO Caribbean Airlines Virtual.
Last reply by sparky, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I have a design in Photshop and I want encoder to converting the design from the photoshop to the website. Please, Send me a private message..
Last reply by Sava, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I looking for promotional video maker. Thank you very much,
Last reply by yorgosGK, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello Guys & Girls. I am in need of some one to help me with a VA Skin. I Had one done for us when we started but want to take it to the next Level. I have tried to update our previous skin to get it ready for Christmas recently but I don't feel I have enough knowledge to complete it. Just need a main skin, all the other information I can deal with, and maybe future advise as my previous web-master is no longer able to help due to work commitments and a new born baby. If anyone is interested please let me know ASAP. Check us out at I have changed the skin slightly and left it running, let me know what you think. Thank you all for readi…
Last reply by Parkho, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I am looking for someone to do some skinning on my VA website, basically just to make it look a bit better. Contact me if interested, and please include an estimated price. Kim.
Last reply by Hammerhead,