Simpilot Group Addons
Addons and Modules
168 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Is it possible to put the add to bid on the listings of the tours (on the tours page) ?
Last reply by Thomasha, -
- 3 replies
Having installed the Staff Admin module I'm not seeing the following error messages at different points of the module. I have converted the module from .tpl to .php by renaming all the .tpl files to .php and updating the references to the old .tpl files. When you click 'Staff Main' I get the following messages at the top of the page: Strict Standards: Non-static method StaffData::get_staff() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/admin/modules/StaffAdmin/StaffAdmin.php on line 42 Strict Standards: Non-static method StaffData::get_positions() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in…
Last reply by Inspire, -
- 3 replies
Anyone using the Events module and wants to have a events sidebar like used to be on the OcenBlue or OcenaBluev2 Here is the code that I had to use to fix it. The links were going back to a empty event table. Now with this code, it pulls the right info as it is supposed to. Not sure if it is right, please use at own risk. <?php // Events Module from // Front page event list by Cory Wienckowski $events = EventsData::get_upcoming_events(); if(!$events) { echo "<p>There are no upcoming events.</p>"; } else { $count = 0; foreach($events as $event) { if($count == 10) { break; } if($event->active == '2') { continue; } echo "" . date…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, I would like to expand my FlightBoard if possible with the flight status (Boarding, Taxi, TakeOff, Climb, Cruise, Descent, Approch, Landed) Can someone tell me how to write this. I do not know the programming language. Use smartCars to fly. FlightBoard
Last reply by LH154, -
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phpVMS Build Number: simpilot 5.5.2 Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.5.38.x ASP Tags [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Reports/Reports.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/PilotRanking/PilotRanking.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Import/Import.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Dashboard/Dashboard.php did not…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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We just found out that last December the Top Pilot mod was not adding all the flight. When we counted the pilots hours manually for the month, he was 10+ hours off. The Top pilot mod shorted him the hours. This happened to many pilots. I have already noticed it happening this month already. The pilot in the screenshot is short two flights. Any idea what may have caused this? Look at the flights for Charles Prowse - AKA1631. You will see Top Pilots shows with 6 flights so far this month. Now look at his PIREPS for this month. You can see that there is 8 showing.
Last reply by mark1million, -
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hi i have installed it but i get this error any idea to fix it thank you Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/gulfairv/ on line 21
Last reply by LionHo, -
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Hello all, Ive searched through this forum for some newbie type questions, but none of these questions answered my question... I added a lot of addons to my install, but I cannot see any of them when I visit my site. How do you get the addons live on the website? I am not that familiar with PHP, however I can figure it out if pointed in the right direction (i have done lots of edits on a PHP site through trial and error).
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Hi All I m having a problem with the screenshot mod. I have placed all the files correctly. I upload a screenshot which is accepted and then I go to validate, it then tells me there is "no screen shot to validate" Have I missed something? Look forward to any support on this.
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 2 replies
Greetings, I have been using Top Pilot and it is a fantastic module. The question I have is how do we configure the code so we can show seperate Top Pilot stats pages by Hub? Thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by beerguts, -
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Hi I am trying to get a row of 3 screen shots on my site. To do this I know the code needs placing in 3 times, <?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?> But is there a tag I need to place in to go across the site instead of down in a column. I'm a complete php noob so any help is appreciated. thanks Screenshot1 Screenshot2 Screenshot3
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 2 replies
Hi, my English is bad, sorry, I'm Spanish. I do not understand the flight system. At the airport in Madrid LEMD-I have 2 aircraft At the airport in Madrid LEMD-20 flights are created. When I'm in LEMD I have only two flights available, one for each plane. The destinations of each aircraft are placed automatically. As it does to fly from LEMD-MADRID, for the other 18 destinations created. Not available. Not appear in the list of flights to LEMD-MADRID Thanks, I hope you understand
Last reply by VincentButtstedt, -
Real Schedule Lite Help
by Guest- 2 replies
Hey Guys, Im sort of a noob with PHPVMS but slowly learning. Where exactly do I change the price for the jumpseat? It doesn't seem to work. and How do i erase the links to the old scheduling system and make it all work with the Real schedule? Thanks for your help! Zeke
- 1 follower
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Last reply by VAEA, -
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When i try to install Exam Center Admin for a friend it doesen't come out in his admin menu and he can't acess it via the direct link.
Last reply by edmundk, -
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Is it possible to add pagination to the tourmodule. As the are more tours putting into the system, the page is getting longer and people have to scroll a lot. With paging it will be more user friendly. Thanks in advange Regards, Cor
Last reply by Cor, -
- 2 replies
I want to use jquery to view screen shots, has anyone tried this with the module? I am working on a new site that already uses this function so all i need to do is implement it in the code.
Last reply by RogerB, -
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Users are getting this error: [b]Warning[/b]: move_uploaded_file(pics/1342931448_fsx 2012-04-05 20-23-48-76.jpg) [[url=""]function.move-uploaded-file[/url]]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php[/b] on line [b]72[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: move_uploaded_file() [[url=""]function.move-uploaded-file[/url]]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpfdaQXz' to 'pics/1342931448_fsx 2012-04-05 20-23-48-76.jpg' in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/modules/…
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I have a littel problem for Realschedulelite module. I have 293 aircraft in the fleet, and I gave each one a complete route, example: aircraft EI-XXX, assign route EGSS-LIME-EGSS-LEIB-EGSS-LEPA-EGSS Now, when I click on airport ICAO(EGSS) the routes available from it is only EGSS-LIME, why I don't see the other route? ex. EGSS-LEIB , EGSS-LEPA My setting in the local.config.php and app.config.php are: Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', false); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', true); Thanks in advance, Thomas Zaniboni (
Last reply by ThomasZaniboni, -
- 2 replies
Im getting this code in my admin center above every thing Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/deltaair/public_html/core/common/RewardsData.class.php on line 395
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hi Dave I have a very old copy of phpVMS running Version 2.1.v2.1.934-75-g25792f4 is it possible to update that version easily to your extended version? I took and converted Nabeels new version to your extended version and the database took some work to get it to work due to the no pay per flight thing being missing from his newest version. That was on that SRT site I spoke to you about a while back. It runs great now. The version I am running now on my other site, has the pay per flight so it all should match up I am guessing. Take care, Ray
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hi, first off please dont tell me to search the forums for a solution as I already did so. Essentially I am using the FrontSchedules module and am experiencing the issiue where it says no routes have been found. I have seen other people with the same problem but no workable solution. I am using a new installation of phpvms and know that the schedules exist. The build in search feature works fine. All the information in the dropdown menu shows up fine, except for the Select an aircraft type. Does anyone know what could be causing this issue?
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
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how i can do refresh in week ? I mean I want all of this week will delete all the pilots there and it will do so again every week. And Sorry about my english..
Last reply by Omerr01, -
Hi sir, i have install your version of phpvms, but i have a problem with Captcha. In a registration form, when click on register, i see this error: Fatal error: Class 'ReCaptcha' not found in /home/hfrjgrdn/sites/dfyvanet/phpvms/core/modules/Registration/Registration.php on line 178 Can you help me please?
Last reply by kenny, -
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Can anyone share their code that will link a random picture to the larger picture? Everything that I have tried has failed.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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I upgraded my website to simpilots phpvms and the following issues came up.
Last reply by StartVM, -
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How does the vStaff plugin work i have uploaded it and it wont let me create new staff positions
Last reply by simpilot, -
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Hey! So now that i have purchased the Pilot Rewards system and may i say i love it...i remember bring up the idea of making different reward levels (ex. Gold, Silver, Platinum) but didnt get any feed back on it. So now i ask is it something we can do. Or if it can be done to my system, i dont mind paying extra for it! This feature will really go in very well with our planned rewards program we would like to offer our pilots
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 2 replies
I have a couple errors with the Events Module: This is showing up on the Events page from the Main website and the from the Admin page Notice: The template file "/home/steve14958/public_html/phpvms//admin/templates/events/events_index.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/phpvms/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Any suggestions?
Last reply by Steve Bartlett, -
I was trying to submit a ticket about the tour module, but got a 404 error. What is the link I need to use, because gave me the error. Or can I just ask my question here?! It is for the payware version.
Last reply by CPC900,