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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. They're all in core/templates. Remember to move the ones you change to your skin's folder
  2. It'll show it on the map for a pirep/schedule/acars
  3. Does echo $route->id; Match up in that template? I don't remember. That might be the issue.
  4. 2 is NDB, 3 is VOR 4 is DME and 5 is a FIX. 1 is reserved, 0 isn't used..that entire table is changing soon though
  5. You have to copy the entire thing, the exact link with the class and all, and make sure it's substituting in the proper id variable
  6. Good to see you're getting somewhere.
  7. Seems like when you pull the XML, before you load it into simplexml, it needs a utf8_encode() call
  8. Thanks, can you add a bug for that with that json output (the 1 and 1). I'll hopefully get to it this week.
  9. Nabeel

    Live Acars Map

    In the local.config.php file there's a setting for how long to keep flights on the map
  10. That code shouldn't have - is it passing the pilot id (if you view source and goto the url). Try loading that URL in the browser too. If you paste what that URL loads, it could be that my scaling algorithm has a bug in it (I have to manually do scaling)
  11. I don't remember who wrote the bids addon, but if you point them to this thread, maybe they can incorporate it. Seems like some good ideas, though
  12. It should be doing that... which version do you have?
  13. Hey, A search would give you what you're looking for: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&section=search&do=quick_search&search_app=core&fromsearch=1
  14. That could be covered in an addon, I know there was an addon for bids, perhaps it could be included in that
  15. It will always create the account, it has to be stored somewhere, but they won't be active until you approve. Spam accounts - I think the next version I'll implement recaptcha, since there is a public key setting so that should make that feasible
  16. Yeah, I'm a bit weary of ORM, though I use it extensively, albeit with alot of caching with APC or memcache. In phpVMS I've done that a bit with the findPilots() and findSchedules() functions, I love the flexibility. But I've seen some frameworks do odd joins and whatnot with ORM (I remember with Doctrine a few times I saw some funky joins which were fixed) I like with cake it's: $user = array( 'User' => array( 'username' => 'something', 'password' => 'something', // other fields ), ); $this->User->save($user); I kinda brought the same concept over to phpVMS for updating alot of things all over (pireps, etc. So I think you'll like working with phpVMS - controller formats follow cake, models are a bit different but same concept with the 'find*' functions (I couldn't really implement ORM this late in the process but I've standardized things quite a bit)
  17. Yeah, I parse those right now for the heading/position information. Which is completely annoying - it's in the ACARS format, which FSACARS/Xacars both use, I think FSPax does too, but IMO it's totally stupid to have that format to be parsed by a script. I mean, I understand they want to "emulate" what's used in real-world, but those are sent straight to printers, and are looked at by people for the information. It's a complete pain to parse and if something changes the entire format needs to be changed. /End rant But, I'm not sure what you mean by defined, do you mean added into the log? Those are only sent with status messages, so there's no "log" that's kept (which is another weird thing, he goes through that effort to put it into the status message, there's no PIREP at that point), but then completely omits that log on PIREP time
  18. Yeah, I'm waiting for 2.0 (http://symfony-reloaded.org/). I haven't played with 1.0 much, but it has a sweet admin generator. I might use it for vaCentral when I do the rewrite I have to get started with soon. Benefits... well I like the MVC model - templates, logic and database all separated. Clean code means less bugs. Means more productive time.
  19. Welcome! Are you in NYC? I'm just a bit north of ya
  20. You have to be more specific than that
  21. Eddie may have found a fix for FSACARS: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2111-error-sending-log/ So, hopefully that will help. BTW, FSFK does give a discount for VA members, might be 25%-30% IIRC
  22. Let me know if that fixes it, I will change it for the next release. FSACARS docs showed to use "Log". Strange
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