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mark1million last won the day on May 7 2019

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    Flight Sim of course!!!!! :-)

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  1. My base system is fairly much unrecognisable from its release. There have been years of customisations, from graphs and charts to animated schedule maps, exam systems, training systems, animated flight paths etc, etc. It's not likely that I will move to v7 as there are thousands of pireps in the system and converting is not really an option. Since I run this on a dedicated server, I have full control over the environment, so in theory, I can keep this going for as long as I need. If any devs are willing to work on a new Acars system, please let me know. As previously said above, I am looking for a lightweight solution using Simconnect and backward compatibility with fsuipc. We would need to work together to ensure all my current reported data is available in the new system, I can create a function to control the parameters depending on the acars client when the data is received in the system as we have some custom scoring criteria in place based upon the flight log received. If any developers are willing to progress this, please let me know. Thanks, Mark.
  2. Yes it's for v5. It needs a refresh, I have tried reverse engineering the code but it's encrypted. It's easier for me to stat a fresh. Don't get me wrong it's fully working with everything you could want to log but it's not customisable. Im Just looking at future proofing also.
  3. Hi, I am looking for an Acars developer. If this is something you can do, please get in contact. I have a heavily modified vms system running on php7.4, happy to create new framework to support integration. Acars must be backwards compatible ie, fsuipc offsets and able to process data using simconnect. If this is something you can achieve let me know and we can discuss payment. Thanks, Mark.
  4. Hi, does anyone have Xacars for Mac? Since their site closed the exe is no longer available, if anyone can help me out that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark.
  5. Hey guys, Its been a while Has anyone managed to get a schedules scraper working, there was one a few years ago using flight aware, what are people using now to pull data? Thanks, Mark.
  6. If i remember right what i did was put the flightboard code on a separate php page so in the root of your install, then all i did was include that page where i wanted the flight board to show up. I put the include in a div and used javascript to auto refresh it. So in my case it was this at the top of the page frontpage_main.php <script type="text/javascript"> setInterval(function() { $("#fboard").load(location.href+" #fboard>*",""); }, 60000); </script> And where i wanted the flight board to show up, <div id="fboard"><?php include 'flightboard.php';?></div> There are probably better ways to get this accomplished but this works in every browser without problems, you can also look at using jquery Hope that helps.
  7. Hey Cor are you looking for just the flights in your acars system or something else? If its just on your site i can supply you with some code no problem, I have the two boards on my sites. jetva.co.uk and tuivirtual.com
  8. Hi, you need to comment out the event listener <?php class TopPilot extends CodonModule { public static $tour_center = 1; // 0:if no tour system -or- 1:for SimpilotGroup Tour Center -or- 2:for CrazyCreatives Tour Module public $title = 'Top Pilots'; // public function __construct() { // CodonEvent::addListener('TopPilot', array('pirep_filed')); //} public function EventListener($eventinfo) { if($eventinfo[0] == 'pirep_filed') { self::refresh_month_stats(); } } Every time a pirep is filed it recalculates the data which caused a massive delay. You will then need to run a cron every hour or 5 hours to update the stats manually. Give that a try if it works i can tell you how to manually run the update of stats.
  9. Ok so that's a no go. One other thing to try is do you have the top pilot module installed. This is known to really slow down things when a pirep is sent. If you do the I can tell you a work round.
  10. Install a free monitor first this really gives you an insight in to what queries are slowing your site down, https://www.solarwinds.com/database-performance-analyzer
  11. You need to edit your my.cnf configuration file for your mysql server, find the fine tuning section, MAKE A BACKUP FIRST, These are my settings for guidance they may not work for you so change one thing at a time and test out. # # * Fine Tuning # key_buffer = 348M max_allowed_packet = 16M thread_stack = 192K thread_cache_size = 8 key_buffer = 512M table_cache = 1064 sort_buffer_size = 4M read_buffer_size = 1M read_rnd_buffer_size = 8M myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M thread_cache_size = 8 query_cache_size = 128M query_cache_type=1 query_cache_limit=4194304 long_query_time = 3 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 3G # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency thread_concurrency = 16 table_open_cache =200 [isamchk] key_buffer = 128M sort_buffer_size = 128M read_buffer = 2M write_buffer = 2M
  12. SMTP should be the following, # Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ; Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'smtp.gmail.com'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '465'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', true); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE', 'ssl'); # must be "ssl" for Google Apps Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', youremailaddress'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', 'yourpassword'); Google API key for what?
  13. If your pirep database is in the 10's of thousands it can take a while to process, increase your database memory and fine tune the other parameters. This what we had to do and after that no problem at all.
  14. Xacars does not support https, you can run both protocol 443 and 80 for users of xacars.
  15. And we are STILL active 8 years later
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