Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
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Hello all, I have a question. Does it matter who you use to host. And what all should I know before installing phpvms into the site. I am new to this and am trying to learn everything I can to have a successful virtual airline. I understand that you need Apache and MySQL. I am looking at Vertigo Serv. If somebody can give more info on what I should learn and know to create a good virtual airline. Thanks Jaecy
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 reply
Dear PHPvms users, I have to say, wow to this Virtual Airline system. Just these past days, my staff and I have been doing a bit of research, and has passed many other American Airlines Virtuals in the Virtual World! I have to say, this would not have been possible, without the help of Nabeel, SimPilot, Jeff and many, many more. Kudos to everyone! Regards Ada
Last reply by MAT, -
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When i got IP Board and i been looking around the Admin CP for a while to stop this thing doing it to me If you know how to disable this annoying thing in the image. Like i want to submit a post then it does that like the pic and goes back to the page. I don't want that annoying thing to show up. Just submit a post and go back to the board., please let me know. Thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Hi, Name is Peter and I hail from Cambridge, Ontario Canada. I've started FS in 98 then switched to CFS1, CFS2, Cfs3 and then switched back to FS and have not looked back.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
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Seeing that it is nearing Christmas and is December, here is a Christmas song for you guys.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Messing around with a test install v.934. The only extra thing added is VA Forum 2. Having issues adding airports today. Can add one then instead of clicking the link to add another, I have to literally click on add new airports then click add airport. If not, then when I go to look up info it sticks and fetches no airport info what so ever. Not a bug I am quite sure so am posting here just a general inquiry if anyone else is having issues today.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Wondering if anybody knows how to connect a MYSQL db to VisualBasic? I reseached that you need to download and import a file from and I did that but it isnt working... Does anybody know??
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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We have numerous flights in our database. The flight numbers are generated by us, but occasionally a pilot may want to fly a trip using an historical timetable. How can he submit a pirep using a flight number that may not be in my database? Is it possible? Thanks!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
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So after some help from the good people on here and google and a few other forums here is a repaint I am quite proud of. with weathering effects and logos. Check it out tell me what you think. Angel Air VA repaint Scott
Last reply by joeri, -
Hi, i just thought of a good idea maybe to bring in to phpvms at some time.. there are a few pilots out there who fly with fspassanger and they can end up with emergency and stuff like that.. i think that if this happens there should be somethink in the sytem that allows you to land at a closer airport as long as you declare a mayday . and still be able to file the flight as it will say in the pireps that you declared a mayday?? and thought on this i think it would be great and it saves pilots having to land and start the flight again ??
Last reply by MBrown, -
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I have a pilot docs section, but I can't open the documents. I get the following error: 'The file is missing or damaged and cannot be repaired' Any ideas?
Last reply by Strider, -
Does anyone know how to get new skins for free or know how to make them.. i also want to know how to change pilots rank and hours... and to ask more questions when they sing up please help
Last reply by Kyle Watkins, -
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I truly think that we should all do a flight on Christmas or around that date... Just the Ceo's... That would be fun and a nice get to know everybody.. You get on Skype or something Just an idea.
Last reply by twelka3, -
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Happy Easter to everyone from AALV! Hope everyone got to see some family and have a good meal.
Last reply by Kyle, -
Hello Everyone Just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi since I'm new to this site. Our wing is interested in adding this incredible program. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get going please. Thank you so much.
Last reply by Dyl963, -
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How to connect vb software with phpvms db and with fsuipc sdk? Im use VB 2010
Last reply by edmundk, -
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hello some time ago I tried to sign up with IVAO but the listbox where you're supposed to put your country didnt work.. somebody cocked up a javascript. Doesn't work on IE nor on chrome. I thought maybe they working on it, so I left it. Now I come back and see the same error is still there. Anyone else also experiences this?
Last reply by mischka, -
- 1 follower
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2 members of this forum are in the video gues who
Last reply by joeri, -
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Is there any way to create a phpvms ranking system, so when pilots have flown the correct amount of hours the website automatically shows their rank badge within accordance ?
Last reply by VirtualBMI, -
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Last reply by Tom, -
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Hey all, this is about as Off-Topic as it gets but I figured you may get a kick out of it. It is too profane to post on the forums so check out the footer on this site. It made my year in web design!
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
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Of all the post I have made on phpVMS forums the most popular are the ones about html,css, and bootstrap. Although I have been on the phpVMS forums and making skins since around 2010, I never really understood what I was doing until the last 6 months to a year. I mean I could change things and add phpVMS code (which I still do) to templates but I didn't know how to make one from scratch or understand most of what was going on. Let me say although I do help some phpVMS sites with tweaks and such, and sell a few templates once in awhile. I still consider myself fairly new to the process compared to a lot of others that create phpVMS sites here for virtual airlines. So I a…
Last reply by alblua, -
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Hi all, I'm having some problems. I'm trying to create a repaint for a virtual airline. I'm using Photoshop CS6 to create the repaint, I've been following youtube videos on how to repaint aircrafts. I seem to be doing really well, Creating textures, converting to DDS, creating the correct files on fsx. The problem starts when opening the repainted aircraft in fsx. Take a look at the attached images to see what the problem is. Any ideas on what is wrong, please contact me. Thanks.
Last reply by vcal, -
- 1 follower
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Hi everyone, I know there are many Virtual Airlines out there now, and I was thinking of something that I could do, which doesn't involve creating a Virtual Airline but still on the line of Flight Simulation. Any ideas are kindly appreciated Cheers!
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
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My site got hacked aswell My site is based on joomla and phpvms i would like to mention how important it is to update your software, i am writing this so that few members that are not so expirienced with code and website can see that also expirenced users can get hacked Thats my 2cents of advice
Last reply by miniarma, -
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Really people? If you going to ask for help or post about your Virtual Airline and not include a link what good does that do? Seriously... Please include links when you post. PS. Not sure if this is the place to post this. Thanks, Edmundk
Last reply by StartVM, -
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Hi All, I found FSlive and look at it with interest, but can't seem to put a link between FSLive and PHPVMS. Is there any integration and in what way can I reflect PHPVMS into FSLive? Or is everything that is in FSLive also in PHPVMS (except aircraft management database with pricing and such) Best regards, DaanAir
Last reply by Tom, -
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I have an html and css tutorial that I have added a drop down menu to and i am trying to position the navigation to the right side of the top of page. I can't figure out the correct css code to do so. Trying to align where the navigation lines up with the right side.
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Did anyone try out the new AMD driver with Mantle support and FSX? I myself just had to rebuild FSX completely due to a Microsoft update which crashed up my whole AMD driver and in the end rebuilding my computer, so I'm a bit reluctant to try myself..
Last reply by Ashj24uk, -
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Last reply by servetas,