Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, I'm in the process of finalising my site and operations, ( but I have a question about ticket prices for schedules. I've flown two test flights and suddenly my VA has got £16M in the bank ;D as much as I wouldnt mind my personal bank account to reflect this sort of amount, It seems I may have set my ticket prices a tad high. Can anyone advise what an average ticket price would be? My airline is based around Specialist Charters to parts of the Globe that are considered generally highly dangerous flying areas/airports. Obviously its easier to work out ticket prices for General Airline flying into holiday destinations as they can refl…
Last reply by bunoire14, -
- 2 replies
Hello!Does anyone has white paint kits for aes?? Thank you very much, George
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 0 replies
Hey Guys: I am looking for someone who can do livery Repaints. Please contact me so we cant further discuss my project. Chris
Last reply by ChrisHD, -
- 4 replies
Is there anyone out there does aircraft paint jobs?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 18 replies
I was wondering if anyone out there could teach me how to paint aircraft. My graphics skills have never been good and I am not real good at images. I do have adobe photoshop 8 and adobe photoshop elements as well as paint shop pro 9. I have tried to do aircraft before but never could figure it out. If anyone wished to teach me that would be awesome. Oh I also have some converter that you have to have to do it as well. I even tried to follow along with the tutorials at Not sure what I could ever do to return the favor as I am a broke college man with 3 kids to take care of, but I am always good for something. Let me know. If not that's cool too.
Last reply by James142, -
- 3 replies
Hello. I am working on setting up and organizing my VA. The name is FlyAmerica Virtual with headquarters located in Philadelphia. I was wondering if there was anyone here who would be willing to pain our fleet. I am unable to pay for the work but the livery I have in mind should be fairly simple.The fleet consists of 6 aircraft: Posky: 737-600, 737-800W, 767-200ER, 767-400ER, 777-200LR, 777-300ER. If anyone is interested please let me know here or at my e-mail: Thank you. I forgot to mention the time frame for completion is very extended. I would like to have all the aircraft painted in a 3-4 month period. I don't want to put a big load of work on someo…
Last reply by jake, -
- 5 replies
When you add/edit an aircraft, it has spaces for links to images and downloads. Where would you see the image or find the download link on the site if you were a pilot?
Last reply by selwynorren, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, I didn't want to have to ask here, but our guy fell of the face of the earth and we need a few repaints. Anyone know who does them? I'm willing to pay via paypal. I have 2 maybe 3 planes that need done. 737, B1900, and I would like to redo our E145 send me your estimates if your interested. Thanks! Chad C.
Last reply by piper338, -
- 6 replies
Hey guysm I was wondering to make real airline virtual but to make it far away as possible for example: Monarch Airlines, Wanted to make a virtual, called it MCH Virtual and has used fs pictures of the aircrafts and no logos. Had no word of monarch in my va but had the same schedules and fleet.. If i were to do this, and had no permission, Would i be allowed to do something like this?? Please give me your thought..
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 2 replies
I know there have been other posts about this topic, but I'm wondering if it is possible, and how, to have my schedules updated automatically by a feed, since they change weekly. I run a Southwest Virtual. Does anyone know where/how I could find, access, and use it? Thanks!!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 11 replies
Would it be helpful to have a full table dump of every airport? Over 6000 airports, which you can just use phpMyAdmin to import them?
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 1 reply
Messing around with a test install v.934. The only extra thing added is VA Forum 2. Having issues adding airports today. Can add one then instead of clicking the link to add another, I have to literally click on add new airports then click add airport. If not, then when I go to look up info it sticks and fetches no airport info what so ever. Not a bug I am quite sure so am posting here just a general inquiry if anyone else is having issues today.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
What's everyones favourite airport to spot at? I am currently situated near Toronto Pearson which has many available spotting locations. Just curious to see where people like spot! My experience at CYYZ: @flightspotphoto
Last reply by OA01, -
- 0 replies
EDIT: Ok sorry, just me being completely silly. Had the wrong password put in! Please forget this topic sorry
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm the founder and CEO of a new virtual airline based in Portland, Oregon. I'm looking for someone that would like to join the team as web developer and manager. I have a host for the next 3 years already payed for, and I am great with photoshop. I'm a collegestudent and I just don't have time to learn code (although I want to). For anymore info please contact me via pm or see the va forum at Thanks everyone!
Last reply by tdinges, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello all I was thinking of developing a android program for phpvms but to be honest i do not find any usage so my question to all of you is IF there was a android program for PHPvms what features would you want it to have ? and what would be the max money that you would want to spend for your airline ? Thanks
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 10 replies
I am working on a virtual airline directory...well...actually I am just working on it as a hobby but I do need some input. You can see it by going to . You can also see what the submission form would look like by just selecting the Submit New Listing and choose category Virtual Airlines link without registering to get an idea of the information you can input at this time. I have purposely made it that you are only required to enter the basics for new airlines, like title, and summary. As your airline grows you can add information to it by editing your va. I need to know what to change, add, or delete that's not needed. The unique thing is the Cl…
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 5 replies
As the title suggests, phpVMS is what I am looking for, but I was wondering whether there was any chance of VATSIM being included in phpVMS in the near future. I've noticed that vaBase does have it already integrated but after looking around they seem like a very dodgy company and the code is supposedly bad. Cheers, Max.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
I'd like the ability to directly control what users see when they first come to the site. Have some introduction text, images, and the like.Currently it just seems to show some statistics and its not a fantastic first impression especially for new users.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Is any one offering free hosting? With setup etc? If you are please let me know thanks
Last reply by cpgop, -
- 4 replies
Hi, i wondered if anyone knows of any good dash 8 q400 add ons for fs9. Can be payware or freeware but preferably has a virtual cockpit. Thanks
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I'm looking for a program for video cards. What I am specifcly looking for is some kind manageable program so I can manage my video card, like for exmaple, if my video card is too hot, I want the program to turn up my fan. I just don't want to get out my Flight Sim and turn up the fan while flying. Does anyone know of those programs, Free is best. Thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, my ARTCC on vatsim will be hosting the first ever Vatventure.. It will take place all over the ZAU airspace, over 250 pilots expected each hour, so it will be really fun. Just from a insiders look at things, we will even be parking planes on the grass hehe. Please let me know if you or your VA will be attending. It would be great to see some VA's from here join in on the fun. The event information link is here - Thanks Ada
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 4 replies
Let's get a group together! I'm on Death Wind Corridor... spicymcwookie!
Last reply by Edwin, -
- 28 replies
I've been thinking for some time now about making a search engine for virtual airlines, but before starting development I'd like to have some feedback what I have in mind is a phpvms based site where VA's can register and upload their schedules file. From this the site then knows where the VA flies and with which aircraft. Apart of this there would be a small questionnaire to fill out about the features they provide eg is there a jumpseat system, type of simulator, cargo or pax, how many minimum hours, free to fly any aircraft or restricted by rank... you know, the kind of stuff that really matters to a pilot who chooses an airline I haven't found anything like this …
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I'm having problems with my ATI Radeon 2600HD, it's been messing up my FS. Every time i play FS, my video card dies and recovers it good. It's bothering me for a while and I'm feel like i will break my video card in half . So can anyone recommend me a good one for FS2004? and will never die again. I'll will have to upgrade my power supply though but i'm looking for a 1000 WATT one.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 5 replies
I have 2 questions about the phpVMS API and about using it with VB applications. First of all is it possible to use the API to view things like previous pireps, schedules, etc but also submit PIREPs via it (plus adding comments) and view/alter the pilot profile. Also is there ways to also use admin functions and control everything which you can via the admin panel. The reason is I am considering making an application client for my virtual airline so the pilot changes everything in the app, instead of online. Its mainly going to be made for experience as I am planning on making another application, but this will be a little practise and I am mainly doing this because ther…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
As i am thinking of continueing the further development of APVacars i would like to know if there are airlines that use it and also what kind of features you would like in further version. Also i would like to let you know that until version APVacars will remain opensource and that after this version it will be a closed exe with free usage.
Last reply by PikoSim, -
- 72 replies
According to site referrals, it seems as though there about 60+ VAs now using phpVMS in one form or another. I would like to build a list, but make it voluntary to add your VA to the mix. This list will be automatically aggregated on another page. Put your entry as: No other comments please, just the name and address
Last reply by jantorre, -
- 1 follower
- 33 replies
Is anyone using ArrowChat, and able to get it to use the phpvms database? -
Last reply by Vangelis,