Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
i'm thinking about getting a new server for myself and what i am looking into is so i can host my VA. What you guys use out there?
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 4 replies
Hello, After 2 years of running a virtual airline, the staff and I have decided to close it. However, we wish to start a new project which will offer services to virtual airlines. Something like websites such as, We are trying to think of a new unique service to offer to the virtual airline community. One idea was a Virtual Airline Magazine, would anyone here be interested? Or do you have any other ideas of what you would liked to be offered? I'm Looking forward to your suggestions and replies. Kindest Regards, Daniel
Last reply by Daniel Gallagher, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone I wanted to remove the news from the frontpage_main and add something else. But I dont know what to put in its place. Would anyone like to suggest any ideas that I could use for my main page ( Thanks guys! James
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 0 replies
Hi. Since my website somehow corrupted itself I have to completely recode it. Last time I was uploading files directly to the web server instead of doing it on my computer. I used to use wampserver until I upgraded it. Now it gives me an error whenever I try to use php on it, it gives me an error. When I use xammp, it freezes on me and wont do anything when I try to run it. Is there anything else like these programs that I could try? Kindest Regards, James
Last reply by James142, -
- 10 replies
I've seen a few people making and distributing IFE systems for VA's to offer to their pilots, but I don't buy into the concept. I understand that a long haul flight can be boring, but I don't see a need for an IFE. Those I've seen being advertised here are just glorified iframes with media being streamed from external sources inside them. There is no integration with the flight sim software, so it's just as easy to run the sim in a window, and watch media stored on the PC in another window. costs nothing, and almost certainly works better than some of these IFE's. Another thing to consider if the media being streamed is stored on the VA's server, is that streaming media i…
Last reply by mischka, -
Whats Karma?
by Kyle- 2 replies
??? Whats karma?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Looked about and checked my email, could find any real news about this. I liked the phpbb better than SMF, my opinion. Just like to say loving VMS sooooo much that as soon as i have it working good for my VA i will start donating once a month, your work is worth every penny Nabeel!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Which Version Of PHP Should I Learn
by Guest N402KC- 5 replies
Now that I've got all my .NET Programming Language covered and Mastered, Im ready to start learning PHP. Tomorrow Im going to Microcenter and picking up some books. Which type of programming should I learn? OOP, Standard? Let me know.
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 9 replies
Just wondering, how many va's has IP Board. The poll is up top.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Who Wants To Know How To Code An ACARS!
by Guest N402KC- 5 replies
I've got a couple Pm's and quite a few messages in forum reply's asking how to code acars. Just out of curiosity, Who wants to know how. I just want to know. If their are a few of you who do I will. Just reply saying yes and what you wanna know how to code and i will try to include it in the tutorial. FYI, I wont be able to type fast at all, I just got home from Leawood Surgical Center where I got my broken hand fixed with a couple screws. Let me know
Last reply by coryb12, -
Why do people copy things? Changing a few colors and the header doesn't hide what has been done here. - compare the css file to - All you have to do is ask for help around here and usually someone will be more than happy to lend a hand.....
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 0 replies
The Wilco E175 v.2 comes with the FeelThere Map! software, but is there any way to extract the FeelThere Map! from the Wilco E175 \Panel folder to be able to work on other aircraft?
Last reply by B77W, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I was just wondering, does anybody know or have a link of the paint kit for the wilco 175 emb, I couldnt find it on there website and i was wondering if anyone has it ...
Last reply by joeri, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Just pondering the thought today and was wondering if (in the future) you were planning on releasing a version that doesn't require FSPassengers/ACARS to file PIREPs? Just a general question.. I think that'd be a nice idea as I know lots of people don't like to use ACARs/Passengers and just like to file the flightplan using a form. Just wonderin'.. Happy New Years, Austin.
Last reply by AustinWilliams, -
Windows 7?
by Kyle- 5 replies
Hey, i got a question. I want to install windows 7 in my vista machine but i made a Partition for windows 7 so i can keep my vista. But the question is, will there be problems that is conflicting windows vista to windows 7. becasue that i made a partition. Also can i chose manually which windows i want to run? Anything else i need to know about it.
Last reply by Kyle, -
Windows 8? 1 2
by Kyle- 31 replies
Anyone thinking about using Windows 8? http://windowsteambl...ailable-on.aspx Still dodgy on my choices here. But what I see, I don't really think it's worth it, since it's different... and not even really almost the next Windows in sequence.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
Hey all does anny off you have anny experiance in design off wordpress i need a simple design but nevver worked with it . thanks joeri
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I just wanted to get some opinions on what would be the best work flow for website creating with php & mysql. It seems like my current way of doing things is very inefficient, I currently use dreamweaver and usually just copy and paste to my Cpanel for some reason I don't like the FTP stuff with dreamweaver. I also watch one of the tutorials looks like .net was being used in it? I think I am looking for the best way to edit locally and upload everything after I am done. I have used WAMP in the past, but it didn't last long. Any ideas? Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 10 replies
Boy I tell ya, I have a snow day from work today and I am sitting at home, drinking a home brew, fiddling with my VMS install, and dj'ing on the air. Fun times eh? No body told me there would be days like these. Happy flight simming all!
Last reply by piper338, -
- 5 replies
- 2.4k views What im working on.... More info soon...
Last reply by AUZ, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Last reply by servetas, -
- 9 replies
I am having issues with XAcars. Well I am not but a pilot helping me test site is. First, I notice it has a server password in the setup. Do we need to put pilot info from our website in here like pilot ID and email used to register on site? I am not real sure how to use this thing. I went to the website and viewed their documentation and all it shows is how to setup to use their test server. Lots of good that does me for my website ;D Other then that, I guess it is pretty cut and dry on how to use. Also, when this guy used XAcars it auto filed a pirep like it should have, but it did not add any pilot pay, nor did it have a place to add any pilot pay to the pirpe or a…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 4 replies
never used it, never knew it existed until I signed up here. Is it better or more stable than FSACARS and do flights show up on the map like they do with FSACARS? Recommendations for which ACARS is better?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Any XACARS users here know if there is a way to change fuel from pounds or gallons to kilograms? I searched but did not find any relevant info on the subject.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
by atlanticva- 23 replies
Hi, Will Xplane work with phpVMS? My VA is considering to add xplane to the operation due to Microsoft issues. Thanks
Last reply by maxwaldorf, -
- 1 follower
- 47 replies
What does your Pilot Center look like? I need some inspiration.... Thanks, Edmund K.
Last reply by Jayanth, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by edmundk,