Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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Hey guys, just having a couple of problems with my skin.. The default font is too bold... Any ideas? maybe something in the Css?
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 4 replies
Can someone please tell were do I go to add pictures and videos to my website for example in the home page
Last reply by Dominican Airways, -
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Hello everyone I am having a problem with the vAirline skin and it pretty simple. The footer at the bottom of the page is completely out of place on user created pages but on pages with modules it isn't. Works Doesn't Work and the fact of the matter is if I fix it for the one that doesn't work the one that did work would break doing the opposite of the other page. Have a look for yourself and use the inspect source option on your browser. If you know what to do please post a reply I am willing to try anything to get it fixed. Regards Cori Haws JCA002
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
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I need help I downloaded the drop down menu from and I don't know where to place lines which are below. Do I place this in the layout text file please help. <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/menu/menu_style.css'> href='/menu/menu_style.css'
Last reply by miniarma, -
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Hi, i've an HTML Skin, downloaded from the web, Now i will to converte it for phpVMS, But.... How to do that? Is there any person that have experience with this process?, If you want to help me send a PM Thanks a lot!
Last reply by miniarma, -
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Hey all, I'm attempting to have a logged in pilot's groupid redirect to a specific skin. I've been fiddling with it for a while without success. Here's what I've come up with: if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::$groupid==2<a href="<?php echo url('/lib/skins/yaddayadda'); ?>) Obviously it's not working quite the way I had anticipated. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by C1971W, -
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I am either have a very long senior moment or what.... I had to reload my webpage due to it crashing for some moment. I use the crystal skin modifying it. I want to change those horrible orange titles which I did before and can't find how been replacing hex color after hex color no change. Somebody please tell me what line to change in the style.css in my skin. Thanks very much.
Last reply by tutmeister, -
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Hello, I am constructing a new skin and I'd like a bit of help, I have made a new registration form (baring in mind the old one didn't work either) and I am getting a registration error - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`virginat_vex`.`phpvms_pilots`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_pilots_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE) I just wondered if anyone could help? Thanks.
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
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We have re-designed the British Atlantic Boarding Pass: Still needs some finishing touches, but am really proud of this one .
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
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How can I change the users skin if he triggers a javascript function? i.e. a user enters the website and javascript directs the user to a different skin. Thanks
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
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At least I think it is a css question. I've been working on a skin which started off as crystal and is being built upon little by little so if I need to change things, I have some understanding of what I am doing. The following topbanner needs to have all the pilot info (and login, if not logged in) to the upper left corner. I'm trying to determine what I must change to accomplish this, but haven't come up with it. If anyone can provide a clue, I'd appreciate it.
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
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Hello every! I have a Virtual Airlines and I am editing the crystal skin. Of course I renamed the file and I know basic php, html, css etc. But one thing I could not figure out was where in the world could I edit the words. So if anyone knows how to replace the text please comment below. I know how to change the layout but I cannot figure out the text. Take Care and Fly Safe! SadisticQuotes
Last reply by Ariel, -
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There is a lot to be done, all but one of the main links are not functioning, but how does it look so far? Is there any problems that are going to sink this design? Nabeel, thank you for this wornderful platform, I hated it at first because I couldn't figure it out but now I cannot live without it.
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Hello, i am new whit programing and phpVMS. Tryed to resolve my problem whit google help, but dindt find eneything. I need help whit putting on my new VA site a shockwave flash file(.swf). Thats a banner. The image code for that possition is: <img alt="" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_73.jpg" /> I know how to change pictures whit it, but no a .swf file. Can somebody help me whit this code?
Last reply by edmundk, -
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I downloaded the VAirline Skin to get myself into this whole skinning procedure Thing is, how do i make those left boxes only appear on one page - the home site ? For now they show up everywhere, and i don't need the "Newest Pilots" Box on the ACARS Map Page or the Profile page
Last reply by Laura, -
Skin help!
by Jarred- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Would someone please explain to me how to skin. 1. I have looked at the skin guides on here but don't get them 2. No one is helping on this site (which is bad customer service)
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
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I have a small problem, on the live map, sometimes i can see not a line, see the picture: How can i fix that?
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 1 follower
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I have created a module called FlightBoards.php and a template called flight_boards.php. I have managed to set it so that a link appears on my page and when clicked, it takes you to the FlightBoards page that displays flight_boards.php content. What I want to do is to get rid of the link and just have the flight_boards.php content show directly in the page without needing to click on a link. So far, the code I've used to create the link is: http://<a href="<?php echo url('/FlightBoards'); ?>">Flightboards</a> My question - what would be the code needed to call the content directly into the page without needing a link? Thanks
Last reply by ahughes3, -
- 1 follower
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Hey guys i need help with making a skin for my website If anyone would be intrested please let me now.
Last reply by strawbs, -
- 1 follower
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Good evening everyone. After the feedback we received from my previous post, about easyJet Virtual, we have decided to close it down. We have now decided to open a fictional VA, called 'JAJ Virtual'. We are looking for anyone, with experience on PHPVMS, to create a skin for our website. As we are not putting, or earning any money into this, we will not be paying for this skin. If you would like to do the skin, email me at or contact me on PHPVMS. Thanks, JAJ Virtual.
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
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Hello! I'm not sure if this question has been asked before, but how do I make my template be interchangeable between 2 languages (I want to do mine English and Spanish)? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks! Yianni
Last reply by YianniM, -
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Dear community, I want to edit the welcome text on my welcoming page. But I can't find the good file in my phpvms file... I think that there is a html file with the actual text. I want to find this file to modify this text... Bests regards, Jules
Last reply by freshJet, -
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I am working on converting a template to a phpVMS skin. What I thought was a slider for images turns out to be something I have not come across. Here is a screenshot of the area in question, and the code is below: Screenshot: And here is the code, that has me totally confused. As you can see the Piper Cub is a static image for slot 1, I am trying to figure out how to change the image when you press the different numbers 1-6. If I put a image path in it opens in a new tab instead of the image area. I am confused to say the least. <!-- Main --> <div id="main"> <!-- Top Image --> <ul class="navigate"> …
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 1 follower
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I've seen this discussed elsewhere but wondered what our phpVMS developers' preferences are. Personally I use dashes, but I use underscores in image filenames. For those confused, by element name I mean: #main {} So, for example, do you use: #main-div {} or #main_div {} ?
Last reply by Tom, -
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I'm having some problens with some files in php and when i change to .tpl the same file the file is correct, someone can explain to me please ?? Thanks !!
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 1 follower
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This same thing probably has been posted a million times before, but all the links to the documents on skinning are dead links, and theirs nothing on youtube on how to skin. Can someone post a link here for me to go to that actually works? PS: Also, someone should look into why on mobile you get redirected to scams when coming to the phpvms forums. I cant use the forums on mobile because of that.
Last reply by Turnit, -
- 1 follower
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Hi everyone, The so called tutorials on this forum for skinning are not very specific and are kind of confusing. Every template I have tried working with will only show text. No template of any kind. I am looking for someone who can take the time to write up a tutorial to skin any html template step by step. I am willing to pay. I can afford up to $50 for someone to make a step by step tutorial with images to download. Can anyone help? I will pay upon completion and you give me the link once you receive the payment. Paypal only. PM me if you can do this. Thanks, Ryan
Last reply by dohavik, -
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I'm in need of a little help from the skin designer community. I have a image thumbnail on my live map page that when clicked I want the image to open up larger on the same page. Right now when it's click it opens up a new window in the browser. I googled for a few hours last night and I saw something like a JQuery Lightbox might help me. However, that is a little above my currently skill set. Could anyone assist? Thanks!
Last reply by Heritage1, -
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Hello, i am currently trying to convert a html website into a php format so it works however i am having a lot of issues trying to do so... So, i was wondering if there is anyone who is good in php, and is really kind to be able to do this for free? Here is a small preview of the website that i need help with : Thank you for reading...
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 4 replies
O'Que you think need reviews, Anticipating that this template is in phase 1.0
Last reply by 2Jesper2,