Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Hi all!! I am currently working on a new project and come up with this skin for PHPvms and really wanted your views and maybe ideas if at all possible? Click here to take a look! Login details... User: 2 Password: password Thanks one and all! :-)
Last reply by Strider, -
- 2 replies
Hey all, I have been working on learning how to skin vms and I got one working so far. I am going to town on it every day. BUT I have an issue on my ACRS map. Look up at the links on the map on the upper right. I am thinking it is css related. I have tweaked and prodded and poked everything an no such luck. Any ideas? I can't really link to the site since it is on my local host server. I would need to leave it run on my pc all night.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hi, guys. I am working on my skin for Frontier Airlines Virtual and it is finally getting close. You can take a look here: This is not a template from scratch. I took the Obsess Blue template and modified some of the pages, the header, the footer (just a bit), the colors, and the menu. I would love to hear comments or suggestions! Thanks! Cory
Last reply by coryb12, -
- 1 reply
Hello people, after 4 months of success of India VA, we have decided to change the theme/skin for our VA. So is there anyone who can make an awesome skin for our VA. The person's name who is making skin will be displayed on our popular website, We welcome your tips for our website so that we can make it the best!
Last reply by smokey68, -
New Skin Release [Free]
by Guest N402KC- 12 replies
Hi Guys, I know times are rough, But now that I'm getting free time, Im starting to skin some sites up for yah. This is my first *Release* fully skinned. As you see in the footer, It was a free template just like all of em, But this one is pretty nice. Features Of this include; *If Pilot is not logged in, It shows Login form, If pilot is logged in, It shows custom menu that you can edit. *No HTML Editing Needed (Unless you rename the template) *Everything is setup so that when you add a page, Link is auto added + Content fits in page good * Free To Download PLEASE MAKE NOTE, Your Google Maps NEED TO BE 650X650 OR LESS, otherwise the map will expand over the right me…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 17 replies
Hello, I have been working on a skin conversion and was wondering if you guys could take a look for me and tell me what you think. It's still a work in progress, so go easy on me! kind regards Scot
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 9 replies
I have a new template in the works, I was bored the other night and threw this together....I was hesitant to post but I shall. here is the link The header is my partysaurus rex
Last reply by euroglide-lee, -
- 3 replies
I am new to the phpVMS realm. I am very much interested in designing my own generic skin for FedEx Virtual. I really don't have a lot of money as I am waiting to hear from Social Security Disability on my claim. If someone can put me in the right direction to help me I would be very thankful.
Last reply by Boomie, -
- 22 replies
I was recently working on a skin for my us airways virtual airline (Still In development). And i would like to know what you guys think of it. Please comment with suggestions, or comments Austin Carrillo CEO Virtual US Airways
Last reply by Atcarrillo, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, Am looking for someone who can design a VA website for me from scratch. Thanks
Last reply by ncd200, -
New VA Skin
by llju1- 13 replies
My skin is kinda busy but I have read all your post and gotten many great Ideas from every one. Let me know what ya'll think ;D Lloyd Mendenhall
Last reply by llju1, -
- 13 replies
Here is a peak at my first serious attempt at a VMS skin. I had help from Simpilot on some of the divs and css. So Kudos go to him from me. It is a plain Jane looking skin. Nothing fancy no extra bells or Whistles. So far the only thing I can find that is jacked up is the ACARS Map. I can not seem to scare up an answer to my problem with it. ****TEMPORARILY DOWN**** Will be back up shortly. This one would never be released to the public obviously. It is generic and plane. Now that I kind of know how to do it, I can start doing more.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
New VA Skin Modified Blue. Tell me what u think.
by Guest Stormchaser- 9 replies
- 2.5k views One question is there a way to shrink the whole website like hawaiian virtual?
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 1 reply
Hi First off I would like to introduce myself.... I'm Vincent and i am the COO/Webmaster for the newly launched VA, JavelinAir. I have never used phpVMS before nor am I good with css.. So far I have managed to setup a teamspeak and forum for our VA and install the phpVMS on our website (, do the necessary adjustments such as adjusting the callsigns, writing a welcome message, and etc.... Now my biggest problem is creating a skin for it, adding 2 modules (teamspeak and forums). I have watched the tutorial videos and still find it so hard to do this. I would appreciate it if someone out there would be able to give me a hand to get our site up and runni…
Last reply by Jordan Delaney, -
newbie css or tpl question
by Guest GSIMMONS- 0 replies
I want to set some automatic formatting to the pages added via the admin page. I can't see where to do that and don't see any listing in the css or tpl files that related to the content areas of these pages. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
- 3 replies
Hello guys, First let me tell you that i am completely new to phpvms, i have never typed a line of code in my life. I hired a developer to get my VA's website up and going, and basically his job is done. Now there are still some thing that needs attending, and the most time critical is if anyone can tell me how to delete certain airports that i don't want in my Admin Panel? Can't seem to find delete anywhere, only edit, which does not work. second, i got the route map by crazy creatives on the site, but it is not functioning properly, and my developer said he didn't know how to install/fix it. Anyone know what might be wrong? Third, how do i edit the Pilot Badge in …
Last reply by web541, -
- 12 replies
Hi guys. I have a slight situation going on here. On my front page, I got rid of the recent pilots as it was originally and created a table instead. Now instead of it showing only the 5 most recent pilots, it is showing all the pilots. I have accidentally created basically another pilots roster. How can I create this and keep it looking good in a table and only have it show the 5 most recent pilots like it originally does out of the box? <div class="mainblock"> <h2>Newest Pilots:</h2> <div class="block"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th width="50%" scope="col">Pilot ID#</th> <th w…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Newest Skin
by Wayne- 1 reply
Hey everyone here is my newest skin in the works let me know what you think Click here for linky! And of course ill be adding phpvms to the mix just have to get the rest of the template done and coded. And ill also be adding in some drop down menus and some jquery and other fun things.
Last reply by roboa, -
- 0 replies
I recently made a module that distributes MySQL storage with two machines in a datacenter, thus the pilot can choose a server to connect, all integrated it with vms I did also an integrated page with the machines and phpvms that monitors the server status and it kind of connection, connected status, off, slow connection, server maintenance I need the opinion of you that I can change ? Previous version:
Last reply by pedrobrandine, -
- 12 replies
Everytime i create a new news entry, there is a new line that divides the news from the old one. It is getting really ugly. Is there anyway possible that i could remove the Divider lines from Each new news entry i create? Would it be better for me to manually add it in the Layout.tpl or can i still use the Phpvms News Creator Looks Sth Like That. Event ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Posted by: jjjj Thank yoance and there will be more events coming very soon ! _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 2 replies
I'm attempting to get my news to display as: Date | Subject: Body but is coming out as Date | Subject: Body ----- After triple-checking my formatting I looked up the news table in the database - it appears that the body field has <p> tags attached to it when it posts... I dug all through the admin side and even into the SiteCMS files trying to see what I can tinker with to prevent/work around this but no luck. This is a clean install of phpVMS so no other files have been customized. Suggestions?
Last reply by Jetwave, -
- 2 replies
Ok here is my issue. If you look at the site click here! you will see there is a news update and at the beginning it says "test Posted by Tyler Johnson on 10/16/2010" I want to make it so it has a picture there instead. like i have a press release header i would like ot put on it at the top of all my news. instead of default posted by stuff. Thanks in advanced
Last reply by tylerj, -
- 3 replies
Hey, Anyone know a code to get news to cross the top of screen from one side to another ? like in the obsess blue?
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 2 replies
Does anyone know the code for creating a scrolling banner which has the news from phpvms on like on
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 3 replies
Hi <img src="images/homepage16.jpg" alt="" width="202" height="226" class="left" /> <h2><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h2> <p><?php echo html_entity_decode($body);?></p> <p>Posted by <?php echo $postedby;?> on <?php echo $postdate;?></p> This is what I have in the file "news_newsitem". I want to see this or another picture if you post a picture in the "news". This image should have the following specifications (width="202" height="226" class="left"). If it is not inserted any image into the news, nothing will happen, other than that the text is posted Is it possible and which file must I c…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Guys, Is there a way to create a skin for phpVMS without coding? Thanks, Nathan
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, I've read numerous post of No Route Passed and instead of hijacking one I come here to make my post. Now, the no route past is because of a skin I'm working on at the moment - the reason it is doing such I believe is because of a JS error. I'm not quite the JS wiz, but I believe it is the TypeError in my function.js I will post my function.js and screenshot of error and maybe someone can assist me in fixing and eliminating no route passed error thank you below is the screenshot and code and below is code for function.js where problem is occuring: scrolling = false; scaleSpacing = scale+spacing; $page.current = ""; $page.layout = "full"; $page.smal…
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
Last reply by Jonah0037, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys I'm building a virtual airline and I just finished up the barebone design of the site. What do you think?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 3 replies
I have a question to do with my site. I was wondering which way would be most efficient to have a "front page" like Dave's at Eastern Virtual? I don't mean his layout (which is nice) but rather having a page before the index.php. (Just like an enter page)
Last reply by Nabeel,