Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
The templates in the area of administration may also be customized?
Last reply by skymx, -
- 0 replies
I thought I would try to create a reference guide that is more of a list of elements and pieces that you can put into a template (a little more in-depth than the documentation). I think its generic enough to not get too technical, but if I left something out, let me know so I can update it. EDIT: forgot to attach phpVMS Skinning Reference.pdf
Last reply by monkeypaw201, -
- 7 replies
Hello, now that fs paint shop is down for some reason, what other websites is there is there to get skins off? Regards
Last reply by david thompson, -
- 37 replies
I need some help. I don't know what is wrong with my Pilot Roster. I think that it might be a CSS problem, but I'm not good with it. Can someone please tell me how to fix it or I can give you the CSS and you can edit it for me. Thanks!
Last reply by Jacob Armstrong, -
- 5 replies
Hello I'm not sure if anyone can help me out here, but I'm definitely having some errors. This error occurs on every page in the CMS, and I'm not sure how I would go about putting the login area/registration and anything else that is occurring down below, in where the news is. If anyone can help me, please do so. My email is (Also my MSN address too!) Thanks
Last reply by m5industries, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have searched this forum but have found nothing. I would like to disable the airline selection on the registration form so that pilots can;t select which airline to apply for, and have it default to one. I know I will need to mod the registration_mainform.tpl and registration.php, but I am not sure hat to change. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks, Cory
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 6 replies
Hey i installed Clowdy Template from FS Paint Shop and when i open the Live Flight map i cannot see it ive tried re sizeing it and this has not helped here is what is looks like and then i realized i find the same problem in the Route map in scedules this is what it looks like if i switch back to Crystal skin i can see the Live flight map and Route maps fine and i was wondering it anyone knew how to fix Thanks (:
Last reply by Kyle, -
What do you guys think of the skin that i got for JAL Virtual?
Last reply by lorlandi, -
- 1 reply
Hi, im trying to reduce the height of the Schedule Search form, i have managed to Remove the lower <HR> tag but where on earth is the upper one, the one under the search options? Also where is the CSS code for div id "TabContainer"?
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 3 replies
how do I skin the sidebar of my website ? I'm goin for a grey backround, with each module in its own little box with a blue header image..
Last reply by md82, -
- 2 replies
Hello. Can someone either edit the templte for me or get on my Teamspeak server and help me write it. Thanks in advance. To get the Teamspeak information, my email is:
Last reply by Jacob Armstrong, -
- 2 replies
Ok, So I think I'm getting somewhere with 2 big books on sql and php, utill ive spent the entire night trying to place the IVAO and VATSIM callsigns into the private profile page of the website. THe code I'm using is the one laid out within the public profile tables, so i know there is a logical way to display it. The code I'm using is: <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO Callsign') However, It doesnt work in the profile_main.tpl files and maybe this is a reason it wasnt there to start with? Please could someone steer me in the correct direction? Not to worry I fixed it by changing $pilot to $userinfo... Must be tired lol!
Last reply by savagegrave, -
- 5 replies
I downloaded it direct from FSPaintShop and installed and I am missing parts of the template! Here is the one I am working on: Jets VA Obsess And here is the original I found: Obsess Original I am missing the menu dark backgrounds! I have compared the images folder and don't see any difference from the original! Thanks! Never mind it was the style sheet that came with the FSPaintShop version. Once I uploaded the original style sheet and changed the reference in header.tpl everything showed up properly. I just enjoy editing phpVMS templates every now and then!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 2 replies
Ok, so on my frontpage I have a column for each thing like new pilots, pirep and news, now the news is setup to only show the first few sentences of the story then I have a read more link...what I want to do is limit the number of characters that are shown, then I want the full story to be in another file. I'm guessing I'll need to edit the news_newsitem.tpl file to only show x amount of letters and what not then make a new .tpl file to have the full story in. So, here is my question, how do I limit the the php..I'm a php n00b.. How do I echo the link to the full story..I'm guessing each news story has an id in the database..? Php is so confusing...sor…
Last reply by flynryan692, -
- 5 replies
Heel, well i editing the defaul skinn, crystal, so i copy files and put in a one folder, and edit this, but my bottombg dont show in my skin and the default skin, crystal. Any can help me? Thanks
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 51 replies
Ok I'm having some problems that one of the skins i got from on the pilot list and the bottom of the skin shifts up and the hub titles gets shifted to the left. Why is that? Also I have a ferind been trying to get the pilots on the bottom that are shitfing to the left after the sidebars. Why is that?
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I have downloaded and installed a copy of ObsessBlue skin. I have started to edit it for my needs. I have been able to do most things however I have created a page which I have linked to from a small menu right at the top of the page. The page is also linked from the main nav bar. I was wondering if anyone knows how to have this page but not linked from the main nav bar. I have looked through the php code and cannot work it out. I can usually work things like this out but this one has stumped me. I have tried setting it not public and this works if you are not signed in however I don't want it to be on the nav bar even if you are logged in or not. Thanks for yo…
Last reply by TheBulk, -
- 2 replies
Hello together, because I am occupied at the moment with the homepage of my VA, we search a second person who helps me with the design of the Skin. Logos, Repaints and plans are already finished and most tests are carried out. I have looked on-line already to Templates, but they could not persuade me really. Hoping for help Martin
Last reply by Airport, -
Hi all im in the middle of starting up a mil va of thr RAF to be precise and was wondering are there any fantastic skinners outthere for the site and not skinning a chicken sort of thing i mean lol. if someone could do this is would be greatly appreciated as well as them being automatically promoted to a group captain in my air force once up and running if they are flyers atol on it makes and allows a change to learn new skills and meet new like minded people much appreciated shilly.
Last reply by shilly, -
- 3 replies
Dear Freinds i am having Problem in installing Skin i domt know exatcly where the problem is i tried many things but not succeeded if any of you can help me i will appreciate it. i have installed obessblue skin on my new virtual Airblue site URL is My link and problem is after installing it its not showing header menu transition effect like mouseover effect and drop down menu effects as it is showing every thing on authors site My site Authors Site with full navigation panel I hope you all will understand my problem. Irfan khan
Last reply by mynameiskhan, -
Hello guys I am trying to make some phpvms templates in order to share them with others 1 of the problems that i faced is the google map size i tried to read the google map api but no succes so i would apreciate any help my problem is that the google map is out of the center of the page to the right Example so if anybody can explain to me how can i resize the map it would be nice Thanks in advance
Last reply by Michael, -
- 6 replies
You suggestions are welcome
Last reply by TimoDD, -
- 2 replies
While I have some idea how to incorporate CSS with HTNL, I've never dealth with th CSS/PHP combination. What would really be helpful is to see an example of CSS that can be applied to tables and how it is incorporated into a PHP page. More simply stated, I want to make the tables in my site consistant with each other. TIA
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys, sorry about starting this but the tutorials are offline....... how do I install a skin?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
In the process of a start up mil va. Contact me for more info. Will pay.
Last reply by Tom, -
latest skin 1 2 3
by RogerB- 82 replies
I have another skin in the works, wanted to show everyone. Let me know what you think and what features you would like to see with this one.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, i been looking for that type somthing like a bar in the timetable just liittle info of the flight and if i click it and it expands it and provides more info. Is that possable. I would like to see that. Does anyone have good JS, or whatever. Thanks!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone. Im brand new here, and Ive been having a lot of problems trying to set up my new VA site. Before I ask for anything, yes I have searched through the forum, google and everything else to try to find an answer. I am wanting to make a nice custom site using phpVMS. I sort of understand the concept of using css, along with html, and then throwing in the use of template files. I found a website design I'd like to use for my site, and the website was built using a css style. My question is: how do I configure my website, so that it will be able to use the phpVMS? Do I use the template files code, and insert them on each page of html that I making? I am tota…
Last reply by airline-alliance, -
- 1 reply
We need help here in Croatia Cargo with some coding and pages layout, anyone interested in this Pls...I can make work on some livery instead if needed...favour for favour...Thank you very much... Best wishes Mr.Shiljo
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 reply
I've been playing around with the crystal skin. While it looks clean and crisp, I am not happy with wasting all that space on the screen. I understand that the whitespace on the left and right is a repeated background graphic. What I'd like to do is replace that with areas for pictures, anouncements, etc., on each side of the main page. If I were dealing with garden variety html, I wouldn't have to ask this question, but these pages contain PHP, so I have to ask how and where would I make these modifications. Thanks in advance. A shot of the site is below to illustrate what I'm talking about.
Last reply by Adamm,