Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hello everybody soon bring many skins with drop slide down leaving their websites pretty cool: D I am with the pilot project for the center will be very good wait I'll post screenshots soon!
Last reply by Kairon, -
- 2 replies
Has anyone coded the pilot roster page to have it sorted when you click on either Pilot ID, Name, Rank, Flights or Hours? If so, could you share the code please.
Last reply by CPC900, -
Can someone tell me why I do NOT have a white band of space below my banner pic here: But every other page link does(such as )?! I assume it is in the header.tpl or frontpage_main.tpl, but everything is tied to the same .css file?!?
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I've decided to give my startup VA a unique look (after looking at some opinion polls) by starting from scratch. I am of a decent standard in HTML4 and CSS; so I am trying to make my VA website from scratch in Dreamweaver. I have some questions: Will I have to edit the .tpl files in the /template folder to make the site or is there a way to implement the individual phpVMS modules into my .php site? How would I get the admin center show on the navbar (custom made) only when I log in? and How would I get the new site communicating with the control panel? Thanks for your help, John Richardson Owner - Yorkshire Air
Last reply by Strider, -
- 4 replies
Dear Forum members now its been few days i have been watching phpvms forums to see how things work here so finally i decided to make my own skin from scratch i have bit knowledge of codes but not full expert i need help in making this skin so first of all you guys should know what is my plan what kind of template i am making so you can assist me here is the rough sketch or idea of my template. now please help in in coding this the main problem which i have is to adjust sidebars and also i want to keep in mind that i only want to show my sidebars on front page not on all of the pages so please suggest me what should i do from where i can start. Thanks James
Last reply by jamyboy, -
- 4 replies
In the docs section and the Skinning and Customization Guides and then in Skin Elements do i add: <html> <head> <title><?php echo $page_title ?></title> <?php echo $page_htmlhead; ?> </head> <body> <?php $page_htmlreq; ?> <div id="container"> <div id="content"> <?php echo $page_content; ?> </div> </div> </body> </html> too the top of the coading? then desing my site like the navigation bar slide bar and all of the rest of it. I have got the hang of css i just carnt understand on how this skinning thing works. It is realld driving me absolutly mad!!! can someo…
Last reply by chris2, -
- 4 replies
I have a strange problem, and that I have in the header area in the left side of this (ï »¿). my page how do I remove it, I searched through all the php files, but found nothing. who can help
Last reply by Rickisani, -
- 2 replies
Hi to All, how is possible change thestyle of my number of page ? I try every way but i have only that visualization.... in vertical ...
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone...I am very new to this and I have been reviewing the forums for answers. Like everyone else, I'm trying to customize my website. I am having a problem viewing the style.css file in the default crystal skin. When I open the file it is a notepad document that has all the code crammed together and it is illegible. How do I view the sytle.css file for editing? do i convert html files from free website templates to .tpl? Any help would be great. I posted this because I did not find the answer in the forums, if this has been addressed in the past please point me in the right direction...thank you! I attached a screen shot of the style.css file when …
Last reply by VictoryAirPilot, -
- 22 replies
Hello to you, phpVMS member, who is reading this. My name is Carlos, I'm a programmer and creator of the ElaAdmin skin. For me, ElaSkin had a large number of downloads, which makes me VERY happy, every time I look at the numbers I open a big smile, even though I don't know if people are enjoying it or not. I've been absent for the last months / year, but I came back and due to the large number of downloads from ElaSkin, I will be making a new skin. This time, I want to do something special, something bigger and for that I need some suggestions and ideas. Observations: The Skin will be made for phpVMS 5.5 (Being more specific: by @Pro…
Last reply by DDm, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Hi Guys, i have a problem <?php if(!$allawardtpes) { echo 'Non sono disponibili Spille!'; return; } foreach($allawardtpes as $type) { ?> <h3><?php echo $type->typ_name;?></h3> <p> <?php $allissuedawards = vAwardsData::GetAllIssuedAward($pilotid, $type->typ_id); if(!$allissuedawards) { echo 'Nessuna Spilla Assegnata'; $allissuedawards = array(); } foreach($allissuedawards as $award) { ?> <?php if(!empty($award->awd_image)) { ?> <br /> <table> <th><img src="<?php echo $award->awd_image;?>" /><th> <th><?php echo $award->awd_name;?></th> </table> <?php }…
Last reply by web541, -
Does anyone have the Surreal Template v1 With Dropdown Menus, I really need it. Thanks DongDong
Last reply by ddlidd, -
- 5 replies
Hello I'm not sure if anyone can help me out here, but I'm definitely having some errors. This error occurs on every page in the CMS, and I'm not sure how I would go about putting the login area/registration and anything else that is occurring down below, in where the news is. If anyone can help me, please do so. My email is (Also my MSN address too!) Thanks
Last reply by m5industries, -
- 0 replies
Could someone delete this please because i did it and it was pretty simple
Last reply by joshua.john, -
- 2 replies
I am creating a template, and am needing someone to test it out on another system. If you are interested please reply... All you need to do is install the template, and see if everything is working properly Thanks!
Last reply by M-Queiroz, -
I don't know if this is like CoolKid's question or not, but is integrating phpVMS into templates hard? I know Link VA did it, and it makes their site appealing. I know it's not the basic skin, so I want to know the difficulty.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 2 replies
Hi every one I just inistal PHPVMS for my VA but i dont like its templet some one can help me how to design my own templet or is there any templet for me to download?
Last reply by mehdi289, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I have fixed pretty much all the problems with my VA website, so I skinned it too. I was just getting a feel for how the skinning system works, and I made a test skin, and it works pretty well. I might keep it. Anyway, please tell me what you think: Thanks.
Last reply by flynryan692, -
- 2 replies
Greetings to all forumers! Like any VA webmaster we are constantly trying to get everything to the max. and i saw these and really liked them how do make my tables or boxes ... like this stripes? And whats the name of this element? or technique? Thanks in Advance! Wish you all the very best!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
The basics
by Laura- 3 replies
He there This maybe a pretty silly question, but where can i add a Menu Button ? I just installed PHPVMS and trying to figure things out - sure, this'll take a while and i'm more than willing to learn, but for now i'd just like to add a new Button in the Main Menu So, within the default style i got Home/Pilots/Pilot Center/Live Map/Admin Center/log out I'd like to link the new Button to let's say the Schedule ? And, is there any "Tutorial" out there on how to create your on style ? Appreciate any help . Thanks in advance
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 19 replies
Well ive been bored latley and i though, Heck i might as well make a new skin with FlyZens new colors so here it is after about an 20 minutes of work. Alot moreneeds to be done but i got the dropdown and the bsic layout complete and by this weekend it should be completed!
Last reply by Strider, -
What do you guys think of the skin that i got for JAL Virtual?
Last reply by lorlandi, -
I am so amazed that as a complete newbie, I was able to finally pick this up so fast (with a little help from Jeff). Makes me hopeful for when I start going back to school this fall for web development and database management. Anyways, I'm looking for a little feedback and what I have come up with so far. I know the header image looks funky on the left, I'm still tweaking that part, but so far I like it, at least. So everyone knows, this is a highly edited/tweaked version of Aer.I still have some more eye candy to get set up on the front page, but I think I'm getting somewhere finally...
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 reply
Hello there, I have three, I hope tiny questions, to do mainly with the ACARS Map. I hope you can answer at least some of them, I'd appreciate any answers 1 - As far as I'm aware, acars_map_bubble has a span tag applied to the text inside it, and the style there has text-align: left; included. However, the text inside the bubble seems to be centered, and I've tried to style it to align to the left but got no result. 2 - The live flights table is a tiny bit confusing, but maybe it's the fact that I'm just getting used to phpVMS structure. The trouble is, I want to run a bottom border on thead section of the table without any spaces, but in order for it to work, I have …
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
Hey. I am using CityPortal skin and in every page that I have in the site, I am getting a grey title with the filename of the page, like this: I wnat to remove th europeweather title. I didnt find which command changes it. And also, how do I change the "Pages - Airlines of Israel" title?
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 reply
hello here is the new TNT Virtual Airways skin special thanks goes to simpilot for the creation of the skin.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 85 replies
This is a different version of the pagination that someone else posted a while back. I will explain how to install the code. Here goes. To start off you will need the files for Datatables which can be obtained here. unzip the files from the download, and have a look at the examples provided, which will also help you out. The main files from it needed are: jquery_dataTables.js, jquery_dataTables.min.js, jquery.js, the images from the images folder, one, both or none of the CSS files if you want to use those. Secondly you will need core_htmlhead.tpl and the schedules_results.tpl file. Yes I know we shouldn't really edit the core_htmlhead.tpl, but it is the only way it wi…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
Top pilots
by giorgi- 12 replies
hi guys here's my top pilots list page can you tell me how to make it like this only to be red color in orange's place
Last reply by giorgi, -
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Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
- 2 replies
I am developing a new VMS site. I don't want the "echo $page_content;" in my layout.tpl file. But want to pont to an other tpl file. As it is stated in the 'Editing Template' page in the PHPVMS homepage documentation (, it states that I can put a template dir under my lib/skins/[template), and call it by the fuction Template::Show('whichever.tpl'). I have made a 'test.tpl' file under my skins templates directory directory, and added (Template::Show('test.tpl'); to the layout.tpl file in skin root directory. This generated this error: "Notice: The template file "/phpvms//core/templates/test.tpl" doesn't exist in /phpvm…
Last reply by Wingthor,