Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, Name's Shaigan and I'm the CEO of Vanity Airways. I'm wondering if anyone can explain or even perhaps offer assistance as to how to incorporate PHPVMS into our already designed template. I'm not a web guy, but perhaps if someone can offer advice as to the process or even offer to assist one of the guys that helped put our site together, maybe we too can be able to benefit from this great software. PHPVMS has features that VABase nor any other software i know around can offer. The community should be very greatful to the authors of this tool! Thanks for your cooperation in advance,
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 6 replies
Hello! i have edited every TPL files for translate the phpvms system to spanish language (my VA is Aerolineas Argentinas). But there are two things I haven´t found where I translate. The months and days. Every page is displayed in Spanish language, less the months and days are shown in English. Anyone know which file should I edit and where is it found the file? Best regards
Last reply by rafaelgob, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, i have a problem with translating the phpVMS. I have the bluelight skin and the .tpl it's correct, but the default tpl (default tpl in the phpvms), the special letters are missing... Sorry for my bad english I'm portuguese...
Last reply by Dragazo, -
- 5 replies
Hi, i want translate the auto comments of phpvms, but i dont know were are the file. e.g: In ...pireps/view Thanks & regards!
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 4 replies
I am working on converting a template to a phpVMS skin. What I thought was a slider for images turns out to be something I have not come across. Here is a screenshot of the area in question, and the code is below: Screenshot: And here is the code, that has me totally confused. As you can see the Piper Cub is a static image for slot 1, I am trying to figure out how to change the image when you press the different numbers 1-6. If I put a image path in it opens in a new tab instead of the image area. I am confused to say the least. <!-- Main --> <div id="main"> <!-- Top Image --> <ul class="navigate"> …
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 0 replies
Hello there, I have two questions regarding skinning which I struggle to find an answer to. I am a newbie skinner, I have ported my own CSS theme into phpVMS and well, it needs some editing. I have managed to do quite a bit now, however there are things which I need and I'm not sure how to solve them. 1. In pilot_list.tpl, can a CSS file be imported? If yes, an example would be helpful, not sure where to exactly insert such a tag since I'm clueless about PHP. 2. I have created a subpage called "Hubs", however it doesn't seem to be directly editable (e.g via Adobe Dreamweaver), the file is blank. What I wanted to do, if it's possible, is to remove the heading "Hubs" whe…
Last reply by HighFlyerPL185, -
- 1 reply
1) I have two divisions of my airline. I would like to be able to have a different look for each division. Is this possible using a single install of phpvms ( perhaps pointing to a specific skin folder for each division ?) 2) and after the loast question this will seem simpleton.... for the add static pages, am I able to call phpvms information into them ? for example a new page just for the news, finacials, etc.... if so can anyone give me an example of the coding for that ? Thanks in advance
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
This Is The Picture of my Site with two Side Bars. If you would like to have it, then reply back and i'll put it in the releases. It's easy to add things in your side bar!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 5 replies
Hey, Its the first: and this is the second: And i add one more: have good week.
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 0 replies
Is it safe to say that one needs or should just use winmerge to update their custom skin? I used it for a few files so far and it has worked out nice.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Ok, I am thinking of updating the software but i wonder if someone could help me out. When i replace all of the core etc what will i have to fix in the template? I am using Obsess Blue. I have edited some of the files in the core will i loose them? And what about the local.config file will that be the same so like Auto retire etc. Thank you Very Much Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
Hi There I have just uploaded the brilliance skin but its not looking right on my website. Can somebody look at and help me please Cheers
Last reply by VAEA, -
- 0 replies
Current USA Flight Club Pilot Center, feedback would be great... More features to come..... Regards,
Last reply by Allan, -
- 0 replies
Hi, here is a useful web site to find pretty icons
Last reply by I-MAXI, -
- 1 reply
When uploading a copy of phpVMS to a sub domain on my site for testing I noticed that the default crystal skin worked and my skins did not without changing the path to the skin, but the crystal skin has the layout.php instead of layout.tpl . Can someone explain exactly what this does? Thanks!
Last reply by MikeTGV, -
- 0 replies
In the old version of the site I had muiltiple airline icons showing on the live map. I've since updated to V2 and now its using different maps. Is there anyone who can help recode to have the multiple inair icons working again. Reference to this code how would it be implemented for Openstreet maps ? var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); flightMarkers[flightMarkers.length] = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].code+"/"+data[i].heading+".png", flightdetails: data[i], infowindow_content: detailed_bubble }); I've tried just replacing the following code but hasnt worked. iconUrl: url+"/lib/images…
Last reply by miniarma, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey guys i need help with making a skin for my website If anyone would be intrested please let me now.
Last reply by strawbs, -
- 4 replies
Would something similar to that be of help for people? Not that I have the time to do it anytime soon.. lol... just throwing it out there?
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
So, new problem. I am part way through skinning a new admin dashboard and I am now trying to move some of the original dashboard content into separate divs for better displaying of data. So far it's not been too bad (with help from Vangelis and Web541!), but my new problem relates to the VACentral link regarding pireps to submit. In the original dashboard, the code seems to be as follows: <?php if(Config::Get('VACENTRAL_ENABLED') == true && $unexported_count > 0) { ?> <h3>vaCentral Status: </h3> <p>You have <strong><?php echo $unexported_count?></strong> PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. <a href="<?php …
Last reply by web541, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, Today I decided to download the vAirline skin, just to get some inspiration, and to have an example. what I see when I apply the skin and then click on ' view your site' is well.. like it misses all of its ' make-up' sort to speak. Everything is in black and white, no styling whatsoever. I host my website at 000webhost (yes I know it's not the best thing to do, but I want to experiment and fiddle around a bit before spending any money) PHPVMS installs perfectly, but I can't get any skins to work. I change the topbanner image, but it keeps using the default one. I'm starting to think that there are a couple of links aren't correct. Any ideas? Stefan
Last reply by TheFlyingDutchman, -
- 1 reply
Hello all community members, New to the forum and am encountering an issue with my site regarding the vAirline template. Upon installation, everything was working fine and I am simply in love with skin. The only problem is a small bug with the navigation bar. Instead of displaying the finely styled navigation bar it shows this: Help is greatly appreciated, our stylesheet regarding the navigation bar can be found here: Thanks, Chase Reid
Last reply by reachva, -
- 1 reply
Hi My name is Amir hossein, I'm CEO of Iran Airtour virtual airline based on phpvms I'm ready to skin for your vAirline you can order your custom skin by email me : All skins price is only 20$ You can visit my virtual airline with my custom skin which designed by me from here : Regards,
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 32 replies
Hello! I've created a template that I plan on releasing for use, and would like some feedback. Also to see if I missed any bugs Here is the template: The background is flexible for changing colors, you can turn the shadow off with one click of a button, the menu is editable.. So I've tried to make this as easy to use as possible. Would you download the template? Thanks!
Last reply by simonecatalano, -
- 0 replies
Years ago there were video's of how to skin. Does anyone know if they still exist or can someone post a video to YouTube. I did this so many years ago I can't remember exactly how I did it This skin at that I am trying to figure out how I made the skin. Just got back into the virtual airline skinning and stuff again, just to have something to do. I can't believe there is not a youtube video about this or I can't find it. Have a lot to learn again! Will be asking for all kinds of help...again. Thanks for your help!
Last reply by in2tech, -
- 4 replies
I was wondering if there was a way to view the skin without other pilot's seeing it. I don't want to turn Maintenance Mode on because you can't submit PIREP's. I plan on taking all day. LOL
Last reply by Jacob Armstrong, -
- 16 replies
The virtual airline that I was previously closed down and I was thinking about starting it up again using phpVMS instead of vafs. However, i don't know much about it and was wondering if someone would be able to offer me suggestions of websites that design skins for cheap. I do know that there are some free skins on the forums but they aren't customised to the virtual airline and are a bit of a hassle to edit. If anyone would like to give me a link i would appreciate it. Thanks, Daniel
Last reply by Remington Box, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I'm new in this kinda of things and i need help to start up a New Airline and i Don't understand nothing about Website Contruction or Textures and i need a Few Help for start up my Virtual Airline so i'm looking for a Simple Webdesigner for free to setup my VA and do somelink to my VA Forum that i will do soon and someone to do textures for 737-800, 747-400, and A321 for Now. Heres my Email: Skype Username: Tadsantana94 or PM on PHPVMS. The max i can pay is giveaway a PaySafeCard of 10€...
Last reply by TiagoSantana, -
- 5 replies
My new VA Virtual Thomas Cook. No pilots as of yet but i have hi hopes. Wondered what you thought of the simple yet effective layout.
Last reply by simpilot, -
Hi all, i present you Volovirtuale Virtual Airline . It's still under construction.. Do you like it ?
Last reply by vvair, -
- 0 replies
Evening All, I am proud to announce within the next few weeks the release of the Blizzard system from Start System 's will be released, the first airline to get the new CMS is vWest Atlantic. there CEO has been helping us through the transition to get the new system up and running in a matter of weeks. the final touches are being done
Last reply by Michael2015,