Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I was looking at this site and like the fact that certain areas have borders. But how do I go about it, I looked at 3school css pages but they were not really helpful as the code I wanted to use did not work when I put it on the site. This is the code I have been looking at but I am guessing that it goes in the style.css but where? <style type="text/css"> <head> { border-style:ridge; border-color:#82A3CE; } </style> </head> Do I have to add one for each area I want to have the border or what? I have attached an image for what I am looking to do, but the border/boxes would stand out with a colou…
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone know how I can make the width of the whole site bigger?
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 6 replies
Thinking of opening a va and wondered if anyone liked this skin i've made?
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Can anyone tell me how I add a map that shows the latest 10 or whatever flights that were done?
Last reply by Marmus, -
- 6 replies
Hello! i have edited every TPL files for translate the phpvms system to spanish language (my VA is Aerolineas Argentinas). But there are two things I haven´t found where I translate. The months and days. Every page is displayed in Spanish language, less the months and days are shown in English. Anyone know which file should I edit and where is it found the file? Best regards
Last reply by rafaelgob, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I would like to know how to change the default phpvms skin text color to like lightblue or blue. (Like the font color itself) Would someone please explain to me how to do this? Thank you very much in advance! Max I added a picture of what I mean. Thanks again.
Last reply by born2flyboeing, -
- 6 replies
Are you interested in a new skins for your site?? I'm happy to provide you with a basic skin to your preferences, changing the look and feel of your site - all for free. Want more customisation, custom modules or layouts, let me know and we can negotiate a price! If you are interested, PM me for more information and skin previews. Most of the skins i make will use twitter bootstrap, however that is optional. Modules available with your site could include (but not limited to) Jumpseat, Airline Stats, Unique flight briefing, auto awards and more... Enjoy, Zach Chief Web Designer | CEO - Cathay Pacific Virtual |
Last reply by Zach, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, I've read numerous post of No Route Passed and instead of hijacking one I come here to make my post. Now, the no route past is because of a skin I'm working on at the moment - the reason it is doing such I believe is because of a JS error. I'm not quite the JS wiz, but I believe it is the TypeError in my function.js I will post my function.js and screenshot of error and maybe someone can assist me in fixing and eliminating no route passed error thank you below is the screenshot and code and below is code for function.js where problem is occuring: scrolling = false; scaleSpacing = scale+spacing; $page.current = ""; $page.layout = "full"; $page.smal…
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
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- 2.3k views (makes no mention of phpVMS but it clearly is) These two seem to have nearly identical if not the same skin, that being said does anyone know which one this is and who would I contact to obtain it? Thanks in advance for your help! Max
Last reply by ziggy08, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, I am making a skin and the CEO of the airline wants me to make a log button look like this, . I have most of the skinning done shown here, . How do I customize the way the login button looks? And position i they way the CEO wants it?
Last reply by CollinShea, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
So in editing the style.css and the style2.css I have found out how to change the background. Unfortunately it sets it for every page. Is there a way to set a different background for say my Pilot Center page than there is on the front page?
Last reply by EvanM07, -
- 6 replies
Hi have worried me a template of crazy creatives. After uploading I get the following error phpvms: Notice: The template file "/home/stuttgar/public_html//lib/skins/crazyskin01/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/stuttgar/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Can someone help me there? Thank you
Last reply by Heritage1, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello All, I wanted to ask if someone wouldn't mind making this template: I have tried it myself and the CSS wouldn't connect so I wondered if anyone wouldn't mind making this into a skin called Spatial. Thank you all. Thanks, George Barlow
Last reply by georgebarlow02, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys Everything was fully working but since yesterday, my home page is gone, like layout does not appear anymore BUT all others pages are OK? what happened and how to fix? Thank you
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 6 replies
Hello Everyone, I have currently been working on a admin skin for the backend of PHPvms for my virtual Airline. I have attached an image to show that is it is still in early stages. I am just wondering if people would be interested in this skin once finished for their on Virtual Airlines free of charge. Regards Michael Note: Package cost includes a personal license to any base template required for your custom package. Client will be provided with the license terms prior to files being transferred. License will be included in final package.
Last reply by YusufBudi, -
I don't know if this is like CoolKid's question or not, but is integrating phpVMS into templates hard? I know Link VA did it, and it makes their site appealing. I know it's not the basic skin, so I want to know the difficulty.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 5 replies
Hi all Please help if you can, I have watched the skinning tutorials and would like to have a go at creating my own. I copied and renamed the crystal skin as instructed, refered to this site for guidance, but the admin control panel won't let me change over to my skin! its 02:30 in the morning I've been trying to work this out for hours please help. many thanks kind regards karl
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hello eveyone, My name is Carl and i just opened up (Southwest Virtual). I used a new template and worked with the html and css to get it where I wanted it. Although it's not finished, it has come very far. The live map will not display!!! Could somebody please check out the code and tell me why? I'm not amazing with code, so any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks again, Carl Klinker CEO of SouthwestVirtual Airlines & ATC
Last reply by G-NEWC, -
- 5 replies
I am having trouble with a template skin I am using for phpvms. Everything appears to work alright (still have alot of work to do) except when I click on View Details in the Schedule Info it shifts the entire template to the left side of the screen. Still have to get the permanent domain name and get the airports and schedules finished along with awards etc... but I like the way the template I choose is taking on the text color etc... for all the items in phpvms. Also, having issues with uploading the schedules via the Excel template. It states the Plane is not correct and I know I am adding the correct Name fiel…
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 5 replies
Howdy, I'm just messing around with phpVMS now and I love it, could someone help me figure out with all the content is aligned at the bottom of my page? Does it have something to do with the mainbox? I'm going to keep playing with it myself but I am new to this stuff. Thanks, Chad C.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
I decided not to reskin, but rather integrate into a larger website. I did this by placing phpVMS inside an IFRAME and editing the images to match the rest of the site. Since I have a widescreen monitor, squeezing everything into the center third of the screen made no sense to me. for the moment I'm still left with too much space on either side, but will figure out how to place useful data or verbiage there, instead of uncused space. Since the main site is framed and the menu is in the top banner, but targets the main frame on the bottom I wind up with a lot of flexibility. I still have to some artistic enhancement, as well as complete the menu options, but since I …
Last reply by CrashGordon, -
- 5 replies
Hello Guys We are are Virtual Airline&Logistic. Now we test the phpvms. Ok and now i have some Questions. 1. Is its possible to make a German Tutorial? 2. Is anyone here to help us to make a own skin? 3. And the Last We need a little bit assistance to build the Site specially Links including and other stuff. Hope we become help from the Community. Testsite: Website: Best Regards and happy Christmas Andre
Last reply by DafXF95, -
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My new VA Virtual Thomas Cook. No pilots as of yet but i have hi hopes. Wondered what you thought of the simple yet effective layout.
Last reply by simpilot, -
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I know there is code somewhere and forgive me if it has been released but I cant find it. Could someone share the code to place Recent Arrivals in a table? Thank you
Last reply by JohnMck93, -
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I downloaded it direct from FSPaintShop and installed and I am missing parts of the template! Here is the one I am working on: Jets VA Obsess And here is the original I found: Obsess Original I am missing the menu dark backgrounds! I have compared the images folder and don't see any difference from the original! Thanks! Never mind it was the style sheet that came with the FSPaintShop version. Once I uploaded the original style sheet and changed the reference in header.tpl everything showed up properly. I just enjoy editing phpVMS templates every now and then!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 5 replies
Heel, well i editing the defaul skinn, crystal, so i copy files and put in a one folder, and edit this, but my bottombg dont show in my skin and the default skin, crystal. Any can help me? Thanks
Last reply by Jeff, -
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Hello I'm not sure if anyone can help me out here, but I'm definitely having some errors. This error occurs on every page in the CMS, and I'm not sure how I would go about putting the login area/registration and anything else that is occurring down below, in where the news is. If anyone can help me, please do so. My email is (Also my MSN address too!) Thanks
Last reply by m5industries, -
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Hey, guys. Thought I'd show you my latest skin for my VA. This is actually the ObsessBlue template, but majorly modified. I would love to hear your feedback and comments! Here it is: And real quick, I am aware the website icon is messed up. I am working on that Thanks, Cory
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I recently got simpilots airmail but i am having trouble with it, its basically a skinning error, its right the bottom not in the right place. If somone can help, that would be thankful
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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- 1.5k views u see the gap between the slide show and the main menu. could some one tell me what file to edit to make that gap smaller thanks daniel
Last reply by Daniel,