Support Forum
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7149 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hello I have some errors in the salaries of the pilots. Example : A pilot flew 1 hour and 11 minutes. FSACARS records 1h11 and phpVMS use 1.11 for the hours of flight. The salary for this pilote per hour is 15 euros. So the normal salary is 15/60 = 0.25 euro per minute of flight. In this case, the salary must be 71X0.25 = 17.75 euros The problem is that phpVMS do this calcul : [hours of flight] X [salary per hour] = salary for this flight 1.11 X 15 = 16.65 euros whereas the salaty must be 17.75 euros. Can you do an patch to delete this error ? Thanks Stéphane
Last reply by stephanepa38, -
- 1 reply
Leaving it here so I don't forget
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Never Mind. False Alarm. Sorry it would not let me delete this post.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
So I don't forget
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
Hi, i just wanted to update all my routes and so i pushed maintenance -> recalculate route distance or something. the following happend:
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 15 replies
Running the latest beta, are flight operated using XACARS supposed to show up on the live map? I've had a pilot try, and there is no isn't appearing on the VAcentral map either, so I don't think it is site related. James
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 9 replies
Hello, There are two problems with captcha verification in the forum registration page: 1)Captcha image doesn't appear; 2)If you tray to update captcha image, you will be redirect to phpVMS Home Page; Marco
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
I have noticed that phpVMS isn't quite writing anything into the MySQL database. For example, if there is a new pilot registration, the Admin Center does nothing when i press "Accept Pilot" Same for "Profile Edit", it doesn't show any errors, but neither it updates anything. The only way i do it is via the phpMyAdmin through the cPanel. This is kind of frustrating everytime, does anyone know how to fix this??
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Good Evening All On installing PHPVMS on my WAMP desktop server for skin/module development, I recieved an error message. I have searched forums and tried the fixes mentioned, so I am aware. I now have the following issues. ( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in E:\wamp\www\ccvg\phpvms\core\common\PilotData.class.php on line 436 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0085 256096 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0 2 0.0135 301920 include( 'E:\wamp\www\ccvg\phpvms\core\codon.config.php' ) ..\index.php:40 3 0.2…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello , As all of us must be knowing , the default briefing doesn't retrieve charts out of USA ARTCCs. I have found a website called "" with an open free API that lists all charts according to ICAO worldwide. Unfortunately , I don't have much PHP knowledge. If someone could code this , it would be a great help to all virtual airlines all over the world. API AirCharts' new, open API is now available for public use. Use of the API is in accordance with the API Agreement. Usage: Airport Information and Charts: List of Airports and Charts:,(ICAO),(ICAO).(format) [up…
Last reply by thefiercepilot, -
- 10 replies
Hello on my phpvms website i need help upgrade my reCapture from this to this
Last reply by web541, -
- 1 follower
- 142 replies
The third party Open Flash Chart script that is used within phpVMS has an exploit that has been used recently and often to deface and/or alter sites using the phpVMS software. I have cleaned 11 of my client's sites in the last 36 hours. Although some sites have been obviously defaced with homepages replaced, some have had advertising scripts uploaded to redirect users to various companies. An example of a defacement today -> The exploit is explained here -> http://www.exploit-d...exploits/10532/ WHAT TO LOOK FOR; if you have a folder in /core/lib/ that is called "tmp-upload-images" your site has been compromised. Inside that fold…
Last reply by gio1961, -
- 0 replies
Nabeel a good feature would be inactivity, would it be possible to write in to the code if a pilot doesn't file a pirep for a specified amount of time he goes inactive? And following on from that displays a image, so for example if a pilot is active a green image is displayed next to his name, if he becomes inactive another image is displayed, hope you get where im coming from.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 21 replies
Hi Nabeel, If I read things correctly, the stats listed on the badge are supposed to be regenerated upon the filing of a pirep. It doesn't seem to be updating. Is there something that I may have missed in the configuration? Thanks, Chuck CYXU
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
Hello Nabeel here is a list of bugs i found using xacars and the latest beta. 1.acars map shows fsacars clowesd and updates the plane on the map but not the data that is shown. 2.i dit a flight from eblg to lppt today somebody else does the same flight it shows me again on the acars map including the other pilot.(i will be including a screenshot) 3.the flightbids dont go away you have to manualy delete them. this is what i found sofar hope it helps you . gr joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
Hi again, is it possible to change the currency symbol in the badge to something other than $. I've set it to UKPounds in the config so financial reports show UKP but not the badge. Gary
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 8 replies
I seem to get everything working okay, with the exception of the pilots page. All that shows is the hub rosters. How do I get it to show the full roster. I have the latest version of PHPvms Eddie
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 11 replies
hello Nabeel When i want to make a pilot inactive i change the button in the admin i save it and when i look to the pilot its bacj to active is this normal or not i use the beta. gr joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
- 11 replies
Has anyone else had pilot awards start showing up for all pilots (even when they are not assigned an award) again after the last beta (rev 713) ? It started working correctly for me a few builds ago but now with this latest it has started acting up again...... ???
Last reply by fsx, -
- 17 replies
Hello everybody, i have a problem with the current location of my pilots. They all make flights but the current location they have, is MY current location always. All have my current location Does anyone know how to fix that ??? thankssss
Last reply by mobitu, -
- 2 replies
I am getting an error message when I click the Accept All link. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/flyakaco/public_html/admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php on line 80 0 of 0 were approved (0 has errors) Any ideas?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Hello When I create a page and the title that contains an accent example the word : réglement This one does not show and I have this error message : You broke it!Just kidding. The page you were looking for has run away. Contact the site admin if you think this is an error it works when there is no pitch accent is a site for French Thank you for your help
Last reply by learjet, -
- 10 replies
i am having rank issues i have the rank showing up and the images work but for some reason when people log the amount of hours for there next rank its not auto updating i have to go into the rank admin panel and edit the rank even tho i dont change anything in the edit panel then when i click edit there rank updates, is there a way to make it just auto update? image links are good and everything is being saved into the edit rank i dont know what else to do ? all permessions are 777
Last reply by Nabeel, -
[P] Xacars-pirep 1 2
by RogerB- 36 replies
I have the latest beta, Xacars didn't close or send my last flight report. And yes i downloaded the config. I checked it, all the links appear to be correct and the site said it sent with success.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 11 replies
Hello, I'm creating a fleet page. Is there a way I can call a list of every tail number in a vertical list, plus the total in service? Also, damn I forgot. Haha I'll post a reply if I remember. Thanks.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 30 replies
I need help with the GC Map. Can some1 give me the code on how to display the GC Map to show all my routes?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 5 replies
Hello i'm currently running phpvms 5.5.0 in ubuntu 14.04 php 5.2.3 with apache2 and mysql 5.0 everything runs fine and everything works exepct the scehduling i always get "no route passed" i dunno how to fix it i have no skin and i have not made any adjustments just a clean install with a brand new database on a brand new vps here is teh webpage soryr for my typing i'm currently on my phone and i need help asap! i ahvent seen anyone figuered this out in this forum and nothing works it's not beacuse of the skin it's the install itself i also cannot register but this is because of the capcha witch is …
Last reply by spkier, -
- 2 replies
How i can count the airports of my VA?
Last reply by ArthurHetem, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I came across an issue where in a blank space appears on the top of the webpage. While inspecting it, it seems that the webpage was returning a speacial charecter  It is a UTF-8 byte order mark, and I have seen few people on the Discord channel addressing this problem with no success, it was very frustrating, but I have found a solution for it. How to fix: Create a page called "fix.php" in your main folder, where there's action.php & index.php and add the following code to it. <?php // Tell me the root folder path. // You can also try this one // $HOME = $_SERV…
Last reply by LeonardIGO4036, -
- 11 replies
Hello there, If anyone of you is using latest php version with phpvms you are exposed to Strict Standards error(E_STRICT error level). Errors you will get are: Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$post as non static in server:\phpvms\core\classes\CodonModule.class.php on line 69 Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$get as non static in server:\phpvms\core\classes\CodonModule.class.php on line 70 Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$controller as non static in server:\phpvms\core\classes\CodonModule.class.php on line 72 Strict Standards: Accessing static property Contact::$activeModule as non static in server:\phpvms…
Last reply by Caporrella,