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29 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
phpVMS v2.x - https://github.com/phpvms/phpvms_v2 use with PHP 4 - 5.4 supports MySQL 5.6 this version is archived and is no longer support by the author support has ended for this version phpVMS v5.5.2 - https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x use with PHP 5.5 - 5.6 supports MySql 5.6 and Maria 10.1 this version is no longer supported by the author receives limited support through this forum only phpVMS v5.5.2.72 - https://github.com/ProAviaAZ/phpvms_5.5.2.72 use with PHP 7.0 - 7.2 supports MySQL 5.6 - 5.7.4 and MariaDB 10.1 users have reported issues with MySQL 5.7.5+ a…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
Here is an example/template of asking for help. Hi, I have a problem with my VA, site is not working the way it should can you help me My database version is: MYSQL 5.7/MariaDB 10.2 PHPVMS 5.5.2/ php version 5.6/7.x Paid Hosting/freehosting shared/VPS/Dedicated I have installed X module recently/ made changes to X files. Here is the link to my VA site http://myvasite.com/.net/.org error you receiving goes here Image of error is an alternative way of showing the error. Regards Insert name/username here
Last reply by Strider, -
- 4 replies
You can't start threads, but you can reply. That way if anyone needs clarification, it can stay "on record".If you want to suggest any topics to be included, post them in the General Discussion area, and I will create a topic here.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys I'm React developer and I want to design my own virtual airline based on phpvms v2 Is there any solution to integrate it with react? Thank you
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hello, is it possible to use an add-on created for phpvms 5.x in phpvms 7.x? Thank you.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
Does any has change the bublle icon on the maps that show on diferents skins
Last reply by eediaz, -
- 0 replies
What are nav updates? These updates are for the phpVMS route maps. They allow you to use the latest AIRAC cycle data for all of your routes. They are paid since I do have to pay for access to certain databases, from which I compile all the data. How to install? When you download the zip file, there is one SQL file included. You have to import this either in phpMyAdmin or on the command line. View this page for more instructions (scroll to "Restoring your MySQL Database). Below that are instructions for phpMyAdmin as well. I recommend doing it from the command line, if possible, since it is a rather large file - close to 100,000 entries, at about 6mb total. From the c…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 37 replies
We have a division that flies bizjet charters. The idea was to provide our piolates with some variety. It didn't make sense to create create separate routes so I concocted a unique flight number with an aircraft, departure and destination ICAO codes specified that were essential, irrelevant. The pilot inserts a valid aircraft code and ICAO codes for a charter flight into FSACARS or FSPAX that do not have to be as specified for that flight number. When I see that flight number I know what it is and can approve it if the codes are reasonable (no trans-ocean flights in a Cessna 172). Since phpVMS to not check to see that the ICAO codes are valid for this flight number, …
Last reply by st852, -
- 1 reply
Just in case there is someone else who overlooks the obvious and wonders why they can't export FSPAX flights to phpVMS, there are a couple of things to know. First, your pilot ID in FSPAX must be the same as that in phpVMS. Second, don't use the randomly generated flight number that FSPAX produces. Change it in the FSPAX so it is identical (including the airline code) to the phpVMS flight you are flying. It's the second one that had me tearing my hair out for a couple of weeks. : Also, don't forget to download the FSPassengers config file from your pilot center and place it in your FSPassengersConfig_va folder.
Last reply by infidel, -
- 2 replies
Hello All, Some have reported that FSAcars is giving a message that FS has crashed. To avoid this, there two main requirements. First, make sure that FS is running and you are sitting at the gate ready to start your flight prior to starting FSAcars. Secondly, the thing that catches quite a few new users, you must have the FSUIPC module installed in your FS modules folder. It can be installed as a free module that will do everything that FSAcars requires or you can elect to purchase a key to unlock it if you require the more advanced programming functions that it has. It is available here... http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html Make sure you select the correct modu…
Last reply by Kingfisher Virtual, -
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Recently after a flight upon closing Flight Sim I realized I didn't send my ACARS log, ( my kids were ever and I was very distracted) I realized this when the acars crash message appeared. Next day I did the return flight and noticed that ACARS saved the log, when I tried to send the log for that flight I was reading over it and said, "this is yesterday's flight". The Moral is, if you experience an acars crash most likely you will be able to send that log upon completing your next flight, acars will have saved the log and will send it first when you click send log, then you will have to hit send log again to send your current flight. Hope this helps.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 8 replies
When developing on the PHPVMS system or just skinning for it, it becomes quite the workload to constantly throw and pull files from your live server using an FTP client just to test something. So instead of constantly using your live server, why not run a local server that only you can view and you don't have the hassle of uploading and downloading files. What do I need? Apache- Apache is an open source server technology project PHP- Is the language that most of PHPVMS is wrote with and must be plugged into Apache. MySQL- Is the database software that PHPVMS uses, like php it must be plugged into Apache I recommend that you use Xampp a freeware bundle that includes …
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Ive released some tutorial videos for using phpvms so before you go asking for help watch my videos! Released 2 #1 Schedules and PIREPS: http://www.phpvms.net/tutorials/filing-a-pirep/ <> #2 Setting up and using FSACARS: http://www.phpvms.net/tutorials/fsacars-setup-and-usage/ I will be releasing more soon and im available if you request a video just pm me.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 6 replies
The most horrible mistake one can make when skinning is editing the default templates found in your core/templates directory. When you have to edit a template for your VA's needs make sure you copy the default template and paste it in your VA's skin folder before continuing. By doing this the system will recognize the template in the skins folder as opposed to the one in the core/templates folder upon activating your custom skin. Thus preventing you from altering or deleting the base or start point for the system, which could prove to be scary when you decide to change skins.
Last reply by freshJet, -
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If you aren't planning on using the default phpvms navigation there are a few things to consider when making your custom navigation bar. How to check if the user is logged in: <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> INSERT NAVIGATION LINKS HERE ? <?php } ?> How to Check if a user is not logged in: <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> INSERT NAVIGATION LINKS HERE ? <?php } ?> How to check if a user is an administrator: <?php if(Auth::UserInGroup('Administrators')) { ?> INSERT NAVIGATION LINKS HERE ? <?php } ?> Also remember to keep in mind that when linking to different pages,modules etc. there are a few more things to consi…
Last reply by Leiserson, -
A very nice guide to PHP http://www.ipbwiki.com/Practical_PHP_Programming:Table_Of_Contents
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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You will need phpMyAdmin. Open it up, goto the phpvms_aircraft table. Click on structure, and scroll down until you see the "Indexes" section. There is an index on the "name" column, called "UNIQUE". Click the red X to remove it. This usually happens if you missed an update, or just did a fresh install without refreshing the database.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
by Nabeel- 22 replies
Signatures are generated automatically, for each pilot. They are regenerated and stored, to alleviate server load. They're regenerated when a PIREP is filed, or an admin selects the option in the admin panel. The general format of a signature link is: http://yourvasite.com/lib/signatures/YOUR_PILOT_CODE.png So if you are VMA0045 - http://yourvasite.com/lib/signatures/VMA0045.png And this can be used as the link to a forum, etc. The basic signature is create from the background.png file, in /lib/signatures. The signature image will take the size of the background image (so if it's 500x150, then the signature will be that same size). They are all generated as PNGs.…
Last reply by shaun105, -
- 8 replies
You cannot change pilot IDs. You cannot change an individual pilot's ID. Do not change pilot IDs. Or else you will loose data, and chaos will ensue. You can change what the start number is though: http://www.phpvms.net/docs/users#changing_the_pilots_id_starting_number Note, this is only a superficial change of the pilot number, otherwise they start from 1, due to database constrictions
Last reply by Sascha (DCS299), -
- 15 replies
You can import all your schedules from CSV. Goto "Operations" and then "Import Schedules". There is a link to download the CSV template, or you can download it from the post attachment. Notes: The airline MUST be added before you import For best results - add all your airports before you import. Otherwise, it will go and grab the airport, but this can potentially cause a problem by either PHP running past it's maximum execution time, or completely failing because your host blocks URL fopen commands. The route, leg, distance, and flight time columns can be blank. The aircraft REGISTRATION NUMBER must be used. Otherwise it will fail. I need the registration number. I…
Last reply by tgycgijoes, -
- 7 replies
With this latest version comes the ability to add a registration number to your aircraft fleet. This is used in multiple places now, to reference that aircraft. The ability will come soon to be able to "retire" an aircraft, as well as statistics on an individual aircraft. If your VA doesn't use registration numbers assign a dummy number to your aircraft. For example, if you have only one B777 you want to use on ALL flights, give it a registration number. I do not cross check registrations and schedules and availability for this reason. FSACARS also uses the registration number of an aircraft to properly log the flight and the aircraft used.
Last reply by ahughes3, -
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If you're getting this error, make sure you have added the airports that were on the flights to your airports list. I have changed this code to check if it exists, and then add it if it doesn't. But if the airports are not added, then it could fail, it it needs to lookup information. For instance, you are flying to KIAD, but you're don't have KIAD added in your Airport's list, this may happen. If your host has remote fopen disabled, then I cannot retrieve this airport information, and it must be manually added through the control panel.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys I thought I would share something I found with you. You can make a fleet file for acars, this will show your fleet in the drop down menu with Registration numbers and all. you don't have to put in the flaps info unless you record that, my VA doesn't. Below is an example of my VA's fleet info, I fill all that out and save as KSKplanes.txt. change the KSK to your VA's call letters and drop it in the main FSAcars directory and you will see your fleet in the drop down menus. {the letters must match whats in your VA's config file!!} You won't have to fill that info in any longer!! Just make sure you separate different Reg numbers and Sel cal numbers with commas…
Last reply by RogerB, -
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As an admin, you do not have to do any additional setup to get FSACARS working. Simply download FSACARS (http://www.satavirtual.org/fsacars/), and install it (make sure you install the update as well).Then log into your VA, in the pilot center, there is a link to "Download FSACARS Config". It will prompt you to download a file; save the file in your FSACARS directory (typically Program FilesFSACARS). Then open FSACARS, select your VA, and get flyin! The FSACARS config file you downloaded contains all of the necessary information to fly.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
If you want to change up how the front page looks, or add intro text, etc, it's easy to do.Goto core/templates, and there are three files beginning with frontpage_: frontpage_main.tpl frontpage_recentpilots.tpl frontpage_reports.tplYou can copy each one of these to your skin folder, and modify them as you'd like. frontpage_main.tpl:This file contains code which looks like this: <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> It's calling a function in the PIREPs module, to show the recent front page PIREPS, and to show 5 of them. This in turn calls the frontpage_reports templateThere is also: News::ShowNewsFront(5); Which in turn calls news_news…
Last reply by bwilber, -
- 16 replies
You can create ranks, and add images to represent these ranks.They can be added by logging into the Admin panel, then going to Settings -> Pilot RanksTo add the image, click "Edit" on a rank, and then enter the full url to the image (including the http://). It will then show on the pilot hub page, or anywhere the rank is shown.
Last reply by Ghiby, -
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You can add custom fields to pilot reports, to be filled out when someone files them.To add them, login to the admin panel, then goto Settings -> PIREP Fields. From here you can add fields to be filled out.You can also set the type. The default is 'text', and it will be a text field.'Textarea' will be a text field.The last option is "dropdown". To add values to the dropdown, enter them in order, seperated by commas, for instance:Field Name: Flown OnlineField Type: DropdownField Values: Yes, NoWill produce a dropdown box with a Yes and No option.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
The settings are stored in app.config.php and local.config.php.Settings are first loaded from app.config.php. And then in local.config.php. Any settings that are in local.config.php are used over the ones in app.config.php.Local.config.php isn't over-ridden in any updates, so your custom settings are saved for the future.More options are/will be added in future updates. Their default values are stored in app.config.php.The release notes will take note of these, so you can add them into your local.config.php, if you want to change them from the default.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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You may want to customize how some elements are showing on your site.Each part of the site is stored in a template, to separate the code from what someone sees, making it easy to change.These templates are located in core/templates. They're named close to what they do.Now you can modify these directly, but in a future update, they could be over-written. The best way is to do it, is to copy it to the folder of the skin that you are usingFor example, if you're using the crystal skin, copy the template you want to the /lib/skins/crystal folder.That way, you can customize the templates based on your skin, and they won't get modified in a future release or update. If a templat…
Last reply by Nabeel,