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- New Module Proposal - Schedule Builder [jSchedule]
- Last reply by opsman,
285 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Is it possible with the "viewreport" page to display individual custom fields? I just need only a specific custom field, not all custom fields.
Last reply by Karamellwuerfel, -
- 16 replies
Hi, I've noticed that I now have 4 PIREPS waiting to be sent to VACentral. When I try to send it manually it will not work. I get the below errors. FAILED exporting PIREP #42 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #41 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #40 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #39 - No response from API server Completed Some people have stated that even though people are getting this error the PIREPS are showing up on VACentral. This is not the case with mine. It was working fine so I have no idea what went wrong. I'm on the latest beta and my airline is…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Sending all PIREPS Fatal error: Cannot access private property CentralData::$limits in /home/content/g/o/s/gosox116/html/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 82 Sending schedules... Fatal error: Cannot access private property CentralData::$limits in /home/content/g/o/s/gosox116/html/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 65 Any reason why I am getting these errors?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 13 replies
HI Nabeel, The past couple of days have been a massive headache, i wont bore you with the details but i have to reinstall apache among other things after an os upgrade to Ununtu 10.4. Now my pireps are not sending and if i send them manually i get, FAILED exporting PIREP #1512 - No response from API server with the list of pirep numbers. Currently were at 31 waiting to be exported. I also changed the name on VA central a couple of days ago as well so that may also have something to do with it.
Last reply by DanishFlipper, -
- 7 replies
My site is sending pireps to vacentral but they are not showing on the airline info page. It is showing the last flight as being submitted 6/08/2016 but there have been pireps submitted since then
Last reply by mattsmith, -
- 1 reply
For some odd reason, VA Central is only showing a pirep on Tuesday. Has anyone else ever had this issue? Clearly we have pireps every day of the week. Is this something on my end or VA Central? Thanks fellers!
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 3 replies
Hey having a bit of a problem. We have only completed 34 flights yet its saying 84 PIREPS. I think this is because one of my staff click "Send PIREPS" button in the phpVMS admin and it had already been done once. Is there anyway to get the PIREPS back down to 34? Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
We have over a hundred pireps outstanding, and we can't get the site to approve them. Response is always: Failed exporting pirep #15536 - no response from API server. Little help? David Reed Historic Airline Group
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, I along with many other pilots and staff at my VA have been wondering how the points system works. Do they change depending on how well you do the flight or the length/time etc? If anyone could tell me that would be great as many people know the more points you have the more people will see you to join. We have been doing many short hops to get points but wif it is better to do hours we would like to do them. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Oli
Last reply by OT1999, -
Hi all, is there a way/guide that explains how the VA earns points? We are new to VA Central and see that sometimes we fly 7 flights and get 13 pionts - and other times we get 1 point p/flight, help would be appreciated Thank you
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
I recently changed the hosting of my site, but I no longer send pirep va-central. appears this error: FAILED exporting PIREP #13810 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13809 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13808 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13807 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13806 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13805 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13804 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13803 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13802 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13801 - No…
Last reply by mattia, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have just registered my airline (which has been going for over a year) with vaCentral and am now trying to build the interface from our custom web site (build in Perl) to vaCentral using the XML interface. Unfortunately I have run into some problems with uploading schedules (routes), which are always rejected as INVALID XML. I managed to update the general VA information and the pilot information without a problem, which seem to indicate, that the way I am posting is correct. Thus, I am a bit confused. Please find below the readable XML code for an example schedule update (trying a single first): <?xml version="1.0"?> <vacentral> <siteurl>htt…
Last reply by SLF68, -
- 2 replies
I went to send my schedules to vacentral, but it spat back an error but said nothing of what the error was. What does that mean???
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
I am having some trouble sending some qued pireps to vacentral, when I click to send them it says failed, no response from the api server. But the site seems fine when I go on it.
Last reply by piuozorio, -
- 0 replies
I´m having the following error message when installing skins in Phpvms: - The template file "/storage/ssd2/305/4219305/public_html//lib/skins/iCrewLITE/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /storage/ssd2/305/4219305/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 -The template file "/storage/ssd2/305/4219305/public_html//lib/skins/iCrewLITE/footer.tpl" doesn't exist in /storage/ssd2/305/4219305/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Could someone help me with the solution ???
Last reply by mcfifilho, -
At the end of September our VA was hacked and we had to start over. We reregistered our VA and slowly started climbing the numbers again. 2 days ago we were at #195 with around "82" points but now today I see we are back at #225 with "0" points. What happened? Scott
Last reply by BaRBeR, -
- 2 replies
Nabeel, is it ok to use the vaCentral logo on VA sites and put link on it to vaCentral? (image link) Best Regards Thomas
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 12 replies
Hi With my VA being signed up at vaCentral the amount of hours and pilots and rank should be updating, however this is not happening. I am just wondering why its not. thanks Icebox.
Last reply by icebox3d, -
- 0 replies
hello to all my site I need to divide the civil division for the rank and the military I could say if there is a way to do this?
Last reply by Gaetano5004, -
I just noticed that our ranking was up to #25 3 days ago. It kept showing everyday a score of +99, even though that should have only happenned one day when I uploaded the pireps. Then after a couple days of that, it dropped from a score of 100+ to zero, with a daily change of -4. Now a couple days later, we show a rank of #24 again, and again, a score of 103 and a daily change of +99. Not sure how this is all working right now.
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 0 replies
ok I set up the manual ranks but my pilots are saying that they only have and hour until their next promotion. How can I change that? My ranks are military based so I have no need for hours, and I set up the ranks to where they are 0 for 2nd LT and 9 for General. Also for newhire, How can I make it automatic that they get 2nd LT? Thank you for your help
Last reply by Michael Anderson, -
- 2 replies
Today our airline went from ranked 77, right down to the bottom. For some reason I was deducted 556 point today. Could you please advise as to why I was deducted 556 points that took the total to 0 ?? Thanks
Last reply by kbohme, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Nabeel just was wondering if you could approve my vaCentral registration, don't know why but both the forum and vaCentral don't want to send me emails (I turned off spam and added to my white list)
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 3 replies
If you have 5+ pireps a day, post in here, I'm ready for a couple more people. You have to be regular and willing to update to betas, probably a new posting/upgrade once a week
Last reply by mint33d, -
- 0 replies
Hi guy's could some one tell me how I can remove this at the bottom after adding this code to the <DIV> <?php echo $page_content;?> content I seem to get this at the bottom now how can I remove it or link to a page not this page. I have this code in another DIV at the top of the page Reports and New Pilots . Thanks Tom Sherratt FIVE STAR 001 CEO Site: This is my first time I made this Template from Photoshop and Dreamweaver so any tips would be great Thanks.
Last reply by FiveStar001, -
- 4 replies
Hello! I wonder if anyone still has Jeff's module, which was the Random Itineray Builder. For those who do not know, unfortunately Jeff is no longer developing and the site that was the download link also closed, so there is no way I can download it. Module: Random Itinerary Builder Created by: Jeffrey Kobus Topic about the module: Any help I am grateful for. Thanks, Carlos. 😉
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Not sure if this has been brought up or not, but I joined tonight and exported my pireps successfully, then went to do my schedules and it said 1 schedule exported. That is kind of false right off the get go. I have many more than 1 schedule in my DB. Then I went back to VAC and it says I have no schedules.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 7 replies
Hello Nebeel, Yesterday when I opened the VACENTRAL estranhho noticed something ... I remember that just two days my Virtual Airline was first ranking, and was in bathing suits or less 17,000 points, now I'm with 12000 points and in second place ... and there is no point in reds (lost), now Brazil Air that had no points in 1000 is now with Current Score: 22007 (+12123) and in the first place! is very strange! I await answers! Thank you.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
I got a question about the scoring. I read the other posts on it but I'm still confused on this. My VA has been 9th for a while and then all of a sudden we go to 19th by losing -219 points. Then the next day we are back in 9th by gaining 219 points. Today we are back in 19th by losing another -219 points. It's like we are riding a points roller coaster. Here is our link. Thanks, Keith
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
My pilot are receiving this error when trying to submit a pirep: An error has occured in the script on this page. Line 127 Chat 2 Error Object expected Code: 0 This is in the coustom.js file. This is line 127 Any ideas on how to fix this? Happening with FSAcars
Last reply by TAV1702,