Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I'm looking for somebody that has experience and talent with video production. I'm interested in creating a YouTube video promo for Fly Star Alliance and would like to get some quotes. Thanks Will
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
I'd like to announce our new ACARS System. Background picture gets resized to: 836x1112px Logo gets resized to: 163x44px Login Screen: Main Screen: Features: Charter Flight Pirep logging Live ACARS Chat Webradio(playing radio of your choice) many more in future Price for a version with your logo and Background: only 5$ Contact us for more information:
Last reply by Collin147, -
Hello, I am looking for someone who can do all of the Hawaiian Airlines routes for the upcoming Hawaiian Virtual Airlines. We really need them done ASAP so please PM if you are interested. Thanks -- Chase Morgan | CEO Hawaiian Virtual Airlines
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 6 replies
Trying to see if there is someone who can help me fix up my website to look more professional. . If you can help me out please email me at or pm me... Thank you Brian
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 4 replies
I would like to know i want is able to create a new repaint for my virtual airline. This repaint must be like this unfortunately it is for Boeing 737. Firstly i would like to have one repaint for an Airbus 320 Wilco Edition. After that and if i find a good repainter i will request another one for Airbus 343 Wilco. Standing by for your answers.
Last reply by airmermaid, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi guys, Is there someone provide services for creating a custom pilot dashboards for my VA Thanks. Regards,
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello: After months of development I´m delighted to show you(a bit) of the project I´m working on right now, it is called VACars, and it is a revolutionary ACARS software. What is special about it, is that it is developed with the latest technologies and under the latest UI Standars, not only that, but it will be the very first ACARS Software on the world that will be Windows, OS X, Android, iOS, Windows Phone capable since V1.0. I have been working on this for a long time(started on late December 2015). And I decided it is now the moment to show a bit of it. Since I´m developing for 5 platforms at the same time, it takes long time to develop... Today I´m just going…
Last reply by DilutedSalt, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I can make install packages for your VA like aircrafts, whatever you need for FREE! Since phpVMS is a open source software which that's why i want to help out here! If you need anything to be installed package, just PM me here and i will get back to you soon!
Last reply by Kyle, -
You know what guys you are right in some respects, I thought that paid service was a forum just for that, not to jump on the band wagon to the defence of Nabeel. I have now taken it down due to the apparent "lack of respect" shown. Apologies to Nabeel and to anyone else this may of offended, however I am sure I have seen other companies offering something nearer the same within this forum. Anyway their you go, it was a meer alternative that's all. Point to note I didn't get asked to take it down off admin.
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 5 replies
Customized flight boards are available from now. Live Demo HERE
Last reply by simpilot, -
VA Images
by Guest- 4 replies
Hey! If anybody needs any Images created for there virtual airline, ranging from Banners, to Awards, to Events....let me know. As a holiday goft, i will give anybody up to 2 banners, FREE! Delivery in as soon as 24 hours. Please email me at if your interested. Please look below to see some of my recent vDAL holiday banners. I will post some more images here in the future. Thanks. I can also make VA Logo's. And cheap web designs. Web Designs starting @ $30. Web Mockups can be made in as little as 2 days. I can also do Fleet Repaints starting @ 6 dollars per paint. **Please note, if you need a logo created and it is based off a real world enti…
- 4 replies
Hello everyone hope all is well wanted to mention my hosting website for all people deciding on services for phpVMS. Click here We have a few different sized accounts to choose from and many unlimited specifications to the account including emails, subdomains etc... I will have a few sales going on this month so keep posted we will also install phpVMS if you would like for us to. Hope to see you soon !
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 6 replies
This used to be a post about needing someone for an aircraft repainting, but it was made 2~3 years ago. Somehow it found it's way back to the top of the Paid Services Section. Disregard Content
Last reply by officerharris, -
- 6 replies
Hello Everyone, If anyone wants 35% discount on their purchase on GODaddy use this coupon at checkout: WOWZISHAN9 Have a great day!
Last reply by Zishan, -
- 4 replies
Hi Everyone, I'm currently making my Virtual Airline (Kestrel Virtual), so I'm currently looking for Promo Video. If anyone knows who makes Promo Videos, please post below or contact me at: Thanks in Advance.
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
PIVA is looking for someone to assist with start up operation. This person will set up our server and install phpvms and assist on getting PIVA off the ground. If you are interested, please contact us at Thanks
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 2 replies
As many people here knows phpvms7 is coming and we don't want to stay in past, so... Who is Pro Sky Design? Pro Sky Design is a company that will sell phpvms modules and templates for virtual airline, bringing interactives and innovators services to make the experience better of the virtual airlines. Let us the hard work! When will Pro Sky Design start operations? We will open our system as soon as phpvms 7 is released What services will Pro Sky Design offer? -Cloud Solutions -Phpvms modules -Phpvms templates -Custom Sites How Pro Sky Design will work? We will set a website application with a Dashboard for our clients…
Last reply by Vabird, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, would anyone be willing to make me a live flights board and customized acars map to go on the frontpage of my website. PM if interested
Last reply by Zach, -
- 8 replies
Hello my name is James. I am based on the island of Lanzarote. I'm looking to recreate my favourite airline in the world. Binter - Canary Based. I'm looking for someone to help me set up my airline. I have purchased my domain and hosting and installed phpvms, as well as aircraft and scheduling. I'm looking for someone to help me develop a skin that is top of the line. Thank you for your time.
Last reply by VectoringDesigns, -
- 7 replies
Hello my virtual airline needs someone to make us a custom Kacars for our virtual airline. We are willing to pay for it i needed please contact me at
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 4 replies
Hello. I am looking for any of you guys that have good/excellent experience in developing using the Laravel PHP framework. I have a project I am working on myself (a lot of stuff already done) and I'm in need of a helping hand. Would love to talk to you if you think you can help and maybe we can work something out People who don't have experience in Laravel, please ignore this.
Last reply by ctabuyo, -
- 3 replies
Hello phpVMS, Well for quite some time, I've been larking the phpVMS community along with several others. I've been doing personal/private development for several virtual airline(s), But I have decided to expand my services to the public. Essentially I understand that Virtual Airlines are 'non for profit', Therefore it's understandable to not charge much for a virtual airline service. So what I am offering is my service(s) towards to the phpVMS community and expanding areas. I have a list below of what I can do; Custom Module Development (PHP/MySQL) Custom Acars Applications Custom Website Design Premade Website Development Search Engine Optimization Integration S…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone, The American Airlines Virtual staff and I have envisioned a program called Amerivision, an idea that I believe is new to the virtual aviation community, and we will need some help making this become a reality. Below is what we conceive Amerivision to be: The idea is making an animated 3-D program built into ACARS where a pilot could "walk" through virtual terminals, maybe even interacting with other animated users and/or AI characters. The pilot walks through the terminal of the city that he is currently virtually in. For example, if a pilot lands in KDFW, he can walk through the virtual KDFW terminal, out through security, and to his virtual hotel room…
Last reply by B77W, -
- 1 reply
I would like to have this feature for my VA: Every pilot to be able to fly only from where aircrafts are located, but without any other limitation. For example, the VA could have 3 aircrafts in 3 different airports. Pilot can choose where to fly from, among these airports only. He can decide where to fly (charter) as he likes. Then, the aircraft is located at the last destination, and any pilot can use it only from there. Pilots not to be able to bid a flight or send pirep unless there is an aircraft located at their departure airport. This way the fleet is more organized and there is a way for the airline to have a realistic fleet movement (like fsairlines work) Is it…
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hey Dave, First of all a Merry Christmas. I guess I should be directing my request to you because you are the developer of the addons I would like. The following is what we are looking for. How much would you charge us if you were to provide us with your code? We are also interested in your Tour System and The Pilot Dashboard! could you quote the Prices for those as well?
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 5 replies
Giving away free Channels in this Public Teamspeak Server. Everyone may / can use this teamspeak server for free. If you want your own channel, please send an email to I need the following information for making your channel: Username: Channel Name: Channel Password: Teamspeak Server Informaiton:
Last reply by MichaelD, -
- 4 replies
Hi All :)! I am offering services for Skinning phpVMS 7. I am already well versed with laravel and blade files, and it won't take just a long time. Crew Centers / Dashboards Frontends State of the art UX/UI in the box & some modules such as route finder (with latest airac) & Flight Briefing. Email Me or DM me if interested. Sincerely Aaryan Kapoor
Last reply by blue3294, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello, How much would people charge too build me a separate live dispatch system? Regards
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 7 replies
Hello repainters, I am looking for someone to bring a design I have for a repaint to life. I know what I want the aircraft to look like. I just need someone to paint the fleet. If you would be interested in the project, contact me at and we can discuss the design and pricing if necesssary. Thank you Anthony Edwards
Last reply by MooneyPilot99,