PHP-Mods Addons
Support forum for
34 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
Pilot Awards System v2 Create award categories (General Awards, Tour Awards etc) and add specific awards on each one. Issue a specific award more than once to each pilot. Set a specific comment for each award assignment. Just like the default version, you can include your pilot’s assigned awards to their pilot profiles or their public profiles. Show the latest award issues on any part of your website. Set auto awards settings. 25 auto award settings are available Auto Awards Issue Reports to the Admin Run the auto awards settings on your own via the admin center or create a cron-job in order to automatically assign the app…
Last reply by SmarticleCo, -
- 29 replies
After a lot of months of development, PHP-Mods Team is ready to provide you a preview of our next module. We had published some screenshots in the past but never something that extended. Many of you had requested the development of several forum bridges with phpVMS but we decided that it would be more useful to develop a forum module from the scratch. Of course, the forum does not provide you what a forum platform (such as SMF, phpBB etc) provides to you but this is why we are here. Anything can be implemented as soon as it is considered useful. The Forum Module includes the following functions and many others: Extended User Settings Panel (Date Format, Time Offset, Sig…
Last reply by Claudio, -
- 20 replies
Pilot Academy v1.2 A new payware module has been release. Material Database with Categories. Practical Exams Request and validation by an examiner. Training Classes with specific lessons. Sign Up button for your pilots when a class is open. Set up your classes with specific status – Upcoming, Open, Active and Completed. Specific Trainers List for your academy. All these functions can be administrated by the admin panel of your phpvms system. More information about the module can be found here. You can also request any customizations for your own virtual airline system or request new features. The demo system can be found here. You can anytime request support…
Last reply by LesJar, -
- 24 replies
Pilot Shop Module Give your pilot's the chance to spend the money they gain from the flights on your virtual airline via purchasing anything they want. Add as many product categories and as many products as your want on your system. A product can be an item or a download file (repaint, manual etc). The pilot is able to add a product on his wish list. Show the products which have been purchased by a pilot to his/her personal or public profile. Build in update check system. Create offers (add a discount price on a product). More information can be found on our website, here. The demo system can be found here. You can any time request support for this module by ope…
Last reply by Rene, -
- 20 replies
Scenery Database v2.1 Your pilots add the scenery they suggest into the system. The sceneries are added as pending, so a member of your staff has to validate them. Only when the scenery is accepted it will be shown on the public. There is a complete list of all the scenery which have been uploaded to your database. Each pilot can use a search function in order to search for sceneries. Search by ICAO or Search by Fs Version. A pilot can add comments into any scenery (just as a review) or rate it (+1 or -1). An admin has the right to edit and delete the scenery or delete a comment. This is a Copyrighted Module and is not transferable to others. If you want any cust…
Last reply by Kapitan, -
- 13 replies
Dear All, After a lot of months of development and a lot of testings, we are really happy to announce you that our new Live Flights Board, for IVAO and VATSIM Network, has been released. This Module will help you to show on your virtual airline's website the pilots online on these two networks and their current position (on a google map). More information can be found here. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to let us know. Some Screenshots And the table customized and in action: Best Regards, on behalf of PHP-Mods Team
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 7 replies
Real Booking System v1 After some months of development, PHP-Mods Team is ready to announce you our newest module. Many of you have requested it during the past so we decided to develop a new option which includes and will include more and more functions based on your own suggestions. Based on the module settings, you are able to select the default position of your fleet, if you are going to limit the aircraft locations too, if you are going to limit the aircrafts which are currently bidded by your pilots and the cost of a jumpseat ticket per nautical mile. As soon as a pilot registers on your virtual airline website he is being initially placed on his hub. The locati…
Last reply by ChairmanEKv, -
- 20 replies
Property System has been developed by PHP-Mods and it is compatible with phpVMS. This module allows the pilots of your virtual airline use their virtual airline money via purchasing several types of properties. The basic property types are airports and aircraft. The airports and the aircraft are based on the data you have added in your phpVMS database. You are able to add several other types of properties which are based on the airports. The pilots do not only spend their money, they can make profit of their properties based on your virtual airline's PIREPs. Demo System URL: Pilot ID: DEV0002 Password: testing Useful Links …
Last reply by Apollo, -
- 1 reply
Poll System v1.0 After a lot of months of ab sense, php-mods team is ready to release its next module for phpVMS. This is a Poll System which will give your pilots the chance to say their opinion about many things of your virtual airline by voting. The administration is quite easy. You are able to open and close a poll or set a closing date for each one. More information about the module can be found here. The demo system can be found here. If you have any suggestions or any question, do not hesitate to contact us. Last but not least, we would like to let you know that we are open to make any updates or customizations of this module in order to fit your own needs. Just…
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
Dear All, We would like to inform you that Advaced News System module has been published on our website. This module is going to help you share your va's news and let your pilot's express their opinions about the announcements. It's time for a change... More information about the module and screenshots can be found here. Best Regards, on behalf of the PHP-Mods Team
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
Our terms can be found on our main website. Forum Board Rules You have to stay on topic. You must use a title that describes the content of your post. Respect the community and the members of this forum. You must not publish any part (php code) of our payware modules. This board of phpvms also applies to phpvms’s forum rules.
Last reply by servetas, -
- 37 replies
Rules and Regulations v1.1 You can add rules categories and add new rules to these categories. After that you may remove the Registration for from the public and just redirect your users to this page. The user has to accept the rules in order to proceed with his registration on your virtual airline. This module was developed by php-mods and it is registered under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. How to Install? Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. Run R&RInstallSql - this is going to install the database tables. Delete R&RInstallSql folder. (IMPORTANT) If you want to link your w…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 31 replies
Frequently Asked Questions v1 Add or edit your faq categories. Show them in public and help your pilots solve their questions about your virtual airline etc. How to Install? Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. If you want to link your website's visitors/users to this module, use this: -or- <?php echo url('/career'); ?> More information about the module can be found here. Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.
Last reply by shakamonkey88, -
- 19 replies
Pilot Career Page v1.1 This module is going to show your pilot ranks and awards on phpVMS. It was developed by php-mods and it is registered under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. How to Install? Copy and upload the files same as the structure as your phpvms files. If you want to link your website's visitors/users to this module, use this: -or- <?php echo url('/career'); ?> Screenshots Download The module has been uploaded on github and you can download it here. Support will be offered by this forum. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. PS: For those you …
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 3 replies
SOLVED Does anyone know how I can add another application for example for Hub Manager? Or would I be able just to add an option when they apply for pilot asking if they want to apply for one of the staff positions?
Last reply by ATAvCEO, -
- 9 replies
Non-Flown Flights v1.1 This module is going to create a simple list (based on the default schedules list) which will include the flights which have not been flown yet but a pilot. This is based on the schedule's departure and arrival airport ICAO codes. How to Install? Download the module from the link you will find below. Copy and upload the files, same as the structure of your phpVMS website. If you want to link your VA's pilots to this module, use this part of code: -or- <?php echo url('/NonFlownFlt'); ?> Please note that this module is only accessible to the users who have logged in on your phpVMS website. Screen…
Last reply by servetas, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone, I looked on the site And saw that they have "Upcoming Flights " Anyone know what the name of the Module? And bring it to me please looking for lots and lots Module does not find such a thing. Thank multi helpers
Last reply by Omerr01, -
- 6 replies
Dear All, On behalf of the PHP-Mods Team, i am glad to announce you the preview of our next payware module for phpVMS. Some of you have already requested something like this and we decided to develop that in order to fit your needs. That is a Real Booking System. Here you can find some preview screenshots of the system in action. How it works? Each pilot has a specific location which is based either on his last pirep or on the last jumpseat ticket he purchased or on his hub if he has not purchased any jumpseat ticket or flown any flights. He is able to fly only from his location or alternatively purchase a jumpseat ticket. If there are not any available schedules on hi…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 8 replies
Hello Guys, What would you like to have on a new voting system? Tell us your opinion about it. Would you like to see any special features?
Last reply by servetas, -
- 11 replies
We are here to listen your suggestions! Tell us your ideas and we will try to do our best...
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
- 3 replies
hello I need help with the installation of the modules free of php . I try to explain , we install the modules and the section is created , but the various statistics are not seen on the site . maybe something wrong but we can not figure out what . thanks to all.
Last reply by servetas, -
Can someone walk me through the setup process for the IPS plugin please
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
Didn't know where else to put this. Is there a free module out there somewhere that would let pilots request a flight line? With options such as aircraft time of day, length of flight etc...? Or can somebody make one?
Last reply by cam3r0ngt, -
- 3 replies
Dear All, In Greece we say "the boss went crazy", it's too hot outside so we decided to offer a 50% discount for 24 hours! From now and until 9/6/2014 22:00 (UTC) you can purchase any module with a -50% discount. Our modules can be found here. Use ONEDAY50OFF coupon code in order to purchase any module you like! It can be used as many times as you want during the discount period. If you have any problem, do not hesitate to let us know. Have a great Summer! PHP-Mods Team
Last reply by servetas, -
Hello, We are using Tour 1.3 module from simpilot. recently after taking over a VA we have been trying to add tours to the module, we add the start point - legs and end then fill out the details etc. When it comes to saving/adding the tour it shows the message 'tour added' however it doesn't show up in the tours home I just get a message saying 'no tours created' any help really useful. -Thanks in advance
Last reply by servetas, -
- 1 reply
hey guys i installed plugin manager but i am getting an error Notice: The template file "/home/joinbbva/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/header.tpl" doesn't exist in/home/joinbbva/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/joinbbva/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/uploaded.tpl" doesn't exist in/home/joinbbva/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Notice: The template file "/home/joinbbva/public_html//admin/templates/plugins/footer.tpl" doesn't exist in/home/joinbbva/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 is this fixable?
Last reply by servetas, -
- 6 replies
Dear George, i have been trying to contact your support team from past many days now, can you please respond back to those open tickets on top priority please. Regards Irfaan Khan
Last reply by servetas, -
- 0 replies
I decided to release a new freeware module which allows you to set a custom pilot id for your phpVMS pilots. Since 2010, I have seen a lot of members requesting to be able to set custom IDs to their pilots. This module allows you to do that but it is not that easy. Before being able to change a pilot's ID and in order to ensure that your pilots will not loose any of their data, you will have to set up the module correctly. The module has a settings page from which you will have to set your database tables which store a pilot's id. The module already includes the default phpVMS database tables which cannot be edited or delete from the settings page. What you have to do is…
Last reply by servetas, -
- 6 replies
This thread will be used in order to let you know about our next freeware and payware module releases! We are open to your suggestions and ideas through...
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 0 replies
In PHP-Mods we have decided to release a more advanced virtual airline partnership program. A program which will give you more abilities for virtual airlines which are entitled to receive a recognition for their offer in the flight simulation community. It is very easy to become part of our Virtual Airline Partnership program. More information can be found here. We will be glad to hear and cooperate with you. PHP-Mods Team
Last reply by servetas,